My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 437 Give me a mine!

Chapter 437 Give me a mine!
Li Zhi didn't care about Li Hong's rhetoric, and when he was caught, he was beaten violently.

Do you still need a reason to hit you?

No need.

If Lao Tzu beats his son, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he can't find fault.

Li Hong was trembling all over after being beaten by Li Zhi, and tears overflowed from his eyes in an instant.

After playing for a while, Li Zhi was also a little tired, so he stopped.

"If you let me know you do those crazy things again, I will break your legs."

"Er Erchen knows, woo woo woo."

Li Hong was very depressed, he was framed by his elder sister for no reason, and he was really wronged by such a beating.

Let's just say that Chang'an can't go back.

It's all my fault, Sister, who insisted on taking me to have a meal with meat on the motherboard.

I am provoking someone.

"Get out, go outside and wait."


Li Hong saluted Li Zhi and limped out.

"Let's talk, is there any way to make money this time?"

After dismissing Li Hong, Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran again.

The father of his own daughter knows best.

If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, there must be a business coming.

"Father is wise and wise. He is the number one holy emperor in the ages. My daughter can't hide her thoughts from you."

Li Yanran gave a long sigh while complimenting her.

"Don't talk about these compliments, I can't bear the high hat you give me."

Hearing Li Yanran's compliment, Li Zhi couldn't help but feel chills down his back, wondering what hole this daughter was going to dig for him.

"Looking at what my father said, there is indeed a way to make money, and only my father can do it in the whole world."

Li Yanran tilted her head and smiled, looking at her father.

"Then I have some ideas, let's talk about it."

Li Zhi said while grabbing the tea bowl beside him, drinking the fried tea bought at a high price.

"Father, I want the carboniferous mine near Chang'an."


Li Zhi directly sprayed out the tea that had just entered his throat.

Staring at the daughter in front of her, she slowly asked, "What did you say you want? I didn't hear clearly."

"I want the carboniferous mine near Chang'an."

Li Yanran wiped off the tea on her body, feeling very depressed.

Before I said anything, you sprayed me with tea.

What about the emperor's self-cultivation?

"Do you know that all the minerals in this world belong to the state, isn't it a bit too much for you to ask me for mines, and what's the use of coal mines?"

Li Zhi wiped the tea stains from his beard and looked at his daughter.

"Father, I have a plan to protect the people of the Tang Dynasty against the cold winter, so that they will not be frozen in the winter, and at the same time earn a lot of money. The key thing is that charcoal."

Li Yanran ordered someone to bring the briquette fire in as she spoke.

"What is this?"

Looking at the briquette stove in front of him, Li Zhi was also a little dazed.

There are also braziers and stoves for burning charcoal in the palace, but he has never seen such things.

"Father, this is the thing that can make the people of the world survive the winter, honeycomb coal and honeycomb stove."

Li Yanran brought Li Zhi to the fire, looking at the boiling fire, Li Zhi was amazed.

This thing is interesting, even if it is one meter away, you can feel the heat in it.

"This briquette is made of coal, yellow mud and lime mixed in a certain proportion, and finally formed. A piece of briquette can be burned for at least one and a half hours.

If there is this in winter, the people of the world will not need to spend huge sums of money to buy wood firewood, and they can still survive the winter. "

Seeing that Li Zhi was interested, Li Yanran also talked about the benefits of the briquette.

"Can it burn for an hour and a half?"

Li Zhi walked around the briquette stove a few times and was a little surprised. A piece of briquette can be burned for an hour and a half. If this is the case, the people of Tang Dynasty will be blessed.

"So you want coal coal to make this briquette?"

"That's right, that's it."

Li Yanran nodded, that was the original intention of her visit, and there was nothing to hide.

"This is a feat that benefits all people. Do you know that if you dedicate this method to the imperial court, all the people in the world will praise your merits and virtues. Can't you entrust it to the imperial court?"

Li Zhi looked at his daughter, this matter was related to the livelihood of countless people in Datang.

This is a major national event, and it should not be taken lightly.

"Father, let's forget about the praise.

My daughter doesn't want to be a saint who has been passed down through the ages, I just want to make money.

Besides, even if I really hand over the formula to the imperial court, what will my father think of the briquettes?

Layers of overweight and difficulties will inevitably lead to this briquette becoming a rare commodity.

Can people really use it? "

Li Yanran shook her head, she also knew that this matter was related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, but it was impossible for the imperial court to really benefit the people.

"What you said makes sense."

Li Zhi immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

If Li Yanran were to make this briquette, there would be no middlemen to make the difference. It would really have to be done by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry, and the people would be worried.

"Father, the charcoal on the left and right is useless, why don't you give it to me, at worst, I'll pay your nenu rent, isn't that all right?

Turning waste into treasure, isn't he fragrant? "

Li Yanran glanced at her father, she knew that her father was not a mortal, so she must have figured out what was inside.

"Didn't our father and daughter hurt their feelings in advance? Besides, this coal mine is not completely useless. It is difficult for you to do this for me."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, and immediately put on a troubled look on his face.


Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a blank look. Others don't know you, but your daughter doesn't know?

We don't need to watch the show here, it's boring.

"Seven three."

Li Zhi stroked his beard with a smile in his eyes.

"Daughter retire."

After hearing this, Li Yanran immediately changed face, bowed and left.

"Come back to me."

Seeing that Li Yanran was about to leave, Li Zhi's beard was about to fly off.

"How about June Fourth?"

"Father, this is for the benefit of all people, don't ruin the country and society just because of small profits."

Li Zhi slapped Li Yanran on the head with one slap.

For the benefit of all people, don't make small profits, so what are you doing?

Bargain with me for what.

Really shameless.

Shameless than me as an old man.

"Father, if you hit me again, my daughter will be beaten stupid by you."

Li Yanran covered her head and looked at her father with aggrieved eyes.

"As long as you have the nerve to tell me this, I know what your plan is, but the mine is handed over to you to send money to Nenu. Have you ever thought about the ratio in the middle?"

Li Zhi really convinced Li Yanran, the little boy.

It would be foolish to fight any more, so if you beat your brother every day, you will be punished.

Moreover, Li Hong has not been beaten as much as you have since he was a child, and he is not getting smarter now.

"Royal father, now the charcoal is handed over to Datang every year as much profit, then we will pay as much as we want.

You share the rest of the money, and my partners and I share, isn't that okay? "

Li Yanran looked at her father, our brains are at least half a catty heavier than yours, you don't think that a girl doesn't even think of this, right?

"Okay, let's do this. When the time comes, I will issue a document, and you can send someone to receive it."

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's little head, although he didn't earn that much profit, he was very satisfied with what he gave for nothing.

"Father, I may not be able to use the officials of your carboniferous mine. You don't mind if they are fired at that time."

Hearing that her father agreed, Li Yanran also nodded, but there are still some ugly words to be said first.

We can't see through those bureaucracies, don't blame me for driving all your subordinates away.

"Those are all officials who are good at mining business, and they have been officials for many years without any problems.

You have to abolish them when you take over, isn't it a bit too much, don't you even give real face? "

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter and frowned.

How much do you dislike the imperial court? Those officials have been working in the mine for so long, and you will be fired without even looking at them?
This is somewhat disrespectful to your father.

"Father, since you want to hand over this mine to me, I will be responsible for the mine.

In business talk business, I only want people who do things, not idlers.

If they are really useful people, then stay. If they are useless, I will not support them. "

Li Yanran frowned, face is not worth mentioning to her, she wants someone who can handle things.

Di Renjie is the best example, as long as you can help me with things.

No matter what their status is, she will never support anyone who eats dry food.

"It's up to you, do whatever you like."

Seeing Li Yanran's stubborn little eyes, Li Zhi was also depressed.

He also knew that the court was bloated and inefficient, since he wanted to make money, let Li Yanran do it.

"Father, if it's okay, I'll go find my aunt. I haven't seen you for a while, but I miss you a little."

After talking about everything, Li Yanran was about to run away as soon as she glanced at her.


Li Zhi snorted coldly, and glared at Li Yanran.

"what happened?"

"I remember your mother all day long, and you only see me to talk about things, right?"

Li Zhi slapped Li Yanran on the head again.

Xiao Mian, I know that I miss your mother all day long, and I don't even talk about talking with your father.

"Father, isn't this an emergency?

Now I am responsible for making money for you, and I dare not stop for a moment.

If you insist on talking to me, then let's talk? "

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi's big black face and felt a little depressed.

Am I doing this for your own good?

If I don't give you money, you won't eat me by then?
Li Zhi raised his foot to kick, but he froze in place in the middle of the air.

If the son is okay, but this daughter, he really can't get down.

"Fuck off."

"Alright, you are busy first."

Li Yanran would also smile when she saw this, and run away like a girl.

"Brother Hong, the wind is blowing hard."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong who was standing on the side, her calves kept running, and she ran at a faster speed.

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong shuddered, and ran after Li Yanran.

"Aniang, Yanran is back to see you."

Li Yanran rushed into the bedroom and plunged into Wu Zetian's arms.

Seeing Li Yanran taking a step faster, Li Hong couldn't help curling his lips.

Sister is really a ghost, she will be like that when she sees her father, and she will be like that when she sees her mother.

Aren't you following your brother's path, leaving your brother with nowhere to go?

"Xiao Yanran, are you so good?"

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran in his arms, and his eyes were filled with joy.

Is my daughter good after all, otherwise why am I so rare.

"That's necessary, Queen Mother, you don't know.

A sister saw the strength of the father, and she was about to hang on to the father.

It has to be Hong'er, who only likes the queen mother. "

Li Hong frowned, and squeezed directly into Wu Zetian's arms.


(End of this chapter)

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