My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 438 I understand!beat him up

Li Yanran looked at her younger brother, this kid really suffered a lot.

Why is it like Changsun Yan, who only suffers but doesn't grow brains.

Really drunk.

"Yan Ran, is that so? Why hasn't Auntie seen you hanging on me before?"

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Wu Zetian gave Li Yanran a stare.

You are a piece of flesh that fell from A Niang's body. Although it is right for you to be close to your father, you can't treat one more favorably than another.

"Aniang, do you believe Brother Hong's words?
He also told Father just now that I was only looking for Father to talk about something, only he really misses Father.

A Niang, don't you want to know whether Brother Hong likes A Niang more or Father Huang more? "

Li Yanran curled her lips, "Little Li Hong, just wait for me."

If I don't let you know what it means to be sinister today, I won't be your sister.

"There is such a thing? Then our little Li Hong likes the father more or the mother more?"

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong, she wanted to know, who did her son really like?

Hearing this proposition, Li Hong collapsed.

Empress, oh, empress, don't be fooled by this traitor, sister.

Who would ask themselves whether the child likes the mother more or the father more?

Besides, there is a sister beside me, so how can I answer.

If he likes the father, it will be a decisive decision immediately.

If she likes the queen mother, elder sister must go to father to sue, and it will inevitably be a death sentence.

Sister, you are really vicious.

He finally understood what Confucius said, only villains and women are hard to raise.

"Aniang, brother Hong is hesitating, don't think about it anymore, he must like the father, but I'm afraid that speaking out will make you angry."

Seeing the embarrassed Li Hong, Li Yanran also sneered.

Come tea with me, then sister will let you know what is the best Tieguanyin.

"Aniang, there is one more thing, Brother Hong is actually in a fiefdom"

Li Yanran told Wu Zetian what happened to Li Zhi again.

The reason why I didn't say it at the beginning was because it was too light. Now that the introduction is done, I'm just waiting to eat melons.

"Li Hong, how dare you do this?"

Wu Zetian directly grabbed his son, raised his eyebrows, and slapped him with a slap.

"My mother, elder sister framed me, elder sister framed me."

Li Hong was really depressed now, he was beaten twice for one incident, which really made him feel a bit unlucky.

This taste of mixed doubles, apart from him, few people have this honor.

"Framed you? What good does Sister framed you do to her.

You little bastard, the wings are stiff, is it true that Emperor Gao is far away from anyone?
Fortunately, there is your sister, otherwise you would really be lawless. "

Hearing Li Hong's words, instead of stopping, Wu Zetian beat him harder.

If her daughter hadn't come here to complain, she really wouldn't have known.

Hit, when hit.

If she doesn't call him to change, maybe she will be really depressed when she returns to the palace and brings a princess over.

"Queen, don't fight."

"Do you know it wrong?"

"Hong'er knew he was wrong."

"If you know you are wrong, then you will be beaten steadily."

"Mother, please forgive me."

Li Yanran took out an apricot from her pocket, her eyes were full of smiles.

Little Li Hong, let you have a longer memory.

Who can offend and who cannot.

This is mixed doubles, not enough.

When you return to the fief, sister will make up for you and let you know what compound three strikes are.

"Okay, Hong'er, please remember that the reason for letting you stay in the fiefdom is for medical treatment.

If you give me any more messy thoughts, I will break your legs. "

Wu Zetian looked at the small-eyed Li Hong, and was also very angry.

But even if he beat him, could he really break his leg?

"Aniang, don't worry, I'm absolutely optimistic about Brother Hong, and I won't let him have any more messy things."

Li Yanran bowed directly to Wu Zetian, and just leave it to me, my son.

I will definitely help you to teach your good son well.

"Well, then Hong'er will be handed over to you, let me take care of him.

If he's doing something wrong, just beat him up for me.

If he dares to resist, he will send someone to report to me on a flying horse, and I will definitely make him unable to bear it. "

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Hong angrily, and then at Li Yanran who was on the side.

Now that Li Hong is in the fiefdom, it is most appropriate to entrust her to do these things.

"The daughter takes the order."

Li Yanran bowed to Wu Zetian, and just handed Li Hong over to me.

"Go away, it will be dark if you don't go."


Li Yanran smiled slightly, grabbed Li Hong and left directly.

"Sister, why did you frame me?"

Sitting on the carriage returning to the fief, Li Hong looked at his elder sister with a miserable face.

"Framed you? I have nothing to do? If you are not like that, what about it?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, her eyes were full of depression.

Do you still not know what you did wrong?

"Sister, I know I was wrong. I have been beaten twice. You won't beat me again, will you?"

Li Hong looked at Sister Ah with fear in his eyes.

He was really afraid of being beaten by sister again when he went back.

Composite three dozen, he didn't want to taste that taste.

"No, Sister must let you know what social danger is. This beating is for your own good."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, how could he let you know what Thunder Fury is without hitting you.

"Sister, can you be a little lighter when hitting?"

Li Hong knew that this plan was settled, and now he only longed for a serious criticism.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king. I beat you for your own good, for the good of the Tang Dynasty, the country, and the country. If you are gentle, you will not grow your memory."

Li Yanran sneered, play softly?How is that possible.

Haven't you heard a saying that as long as you can't be beaten to death, you can be beaten to death.

If I don't beat you to death today, I won't be your elder sister.



"I was wrong, really wrong."

Li Yanran took Li Hong back to Mount Li, and immediately summoned all the people.

"Father gave me the documents. There are three coal mines around Chang'an, and they are all under my control from now on.
I have issued a military order. If we don't do well by then, we will have to pay for it ourselves, understand? "

Li Yanran directly took out the will from Li Zhi, and several of them quickly knelt down, Di Renjie was the most pious, and kowtowed three times on the ground.

"Okay, get up, let's go and have a look tomorrow."

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, I didn't want to proclaim an edict to you, kneel down like an eggplant.


At dawn the next day, Li Yanran and his group left Lishan Mountain under the guard of the forbidden army, and headed towards the first coal mine.

The Datang Coal Mine is not a small mine, but it is the largest coal mine around Chang'an.

Looking at the imposing courtyard, Li Yanran couldn't help frowning.

Didn't the extravagance of the Tang Dynasty start with the Kaiyuan prosperity?Where is this going? Just finished Zhenguan, so that's it?
Is it necessary for a coal mine to be built so grandly?
"Brother Li, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, don't you think this coal mine is too grand?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, several people looked over together, it was indeed a bit too grand.

"Let's go and meet the chief officer of the Datang Coal Mine."


A few people walked in after talking, and the soldiers at the door were also surprised when they saw it.

These few people are not ordinary people just by looking at their clothes, how did they come to this place where the birds don't shit.

"Little gentlemen, there is an important mine in front of you, ordinary people are not allowed to enter, and you still look at Haihan."

A boss came over, his face was full of flattery.

"Is this the Datang Coal Mine?"

"Back to Mr. Xiaolang, this is the right place."

Shi Chang nodded.

"That's right, let's go."

Li Yanran said that she was about to rush inside, but was stopped by soldiers.

"Xiao Langjun, don't make it difficult for me to wait."

Although Shi Zhang is taboo about the identity of the other party, but the responsibility lies.

"Let your chief officer come and see me, I have something to do."

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Li Yanran did not rush, and directly asked the soldiers to call the chief officer over.

"Xiao Langjun, wait a moment."

Seeing the black imperial guards behind Li Yanran, Shi Zhang also swallowed, and hurried in to report after saluting.

"What? Someone wants to see me?"

Shaodian Zuoyu, who was in charge of the mine, was also taken aback when he heard it. Although he was only a small official from the seventh rank, he was not someone who could see it just by saying it.

"Shao Dian, the other party's imposing manner is extraordinary. I'm afraid some noble son is visiting. You'd better meet him."

Very depressed, the other party is not an ordinary person at first glance, if you don't see him, you may encounter some troubles.

"Extraordinary momentum? Gather the whole group, and I want to see who dares to challenge my majesty in the Tang Dynasty."

Zuo Yu frowned. Although he hadn't seen much in the world, he was also an official in the household department before, and he had seen many dignitaries.

Soon the No.19 Regiment stationed in the Carboniferous Mine, two groups of [-] soldiers gathered one after another, and headed out of the mine.

"Brother Li, here we come."


Looking at the soldiers in front of her, Li Yanran nodded.

The main reason why Datang was able to overwhelm the world and make Bahuang surrender was because of these soldiers who were good at fighting.

Although the soldiers in front of them were only stationed in the coal mines, they could be seen as well-trained soldiers.

"Who is looking for me?"

Zuo Yu walked out slowly, looking at the young people in front of him, especially the two children.

For some reason, he always had a familiar feeling.

"Who are you?"

Li Siwen stood up directly, staring at Zuo Yu in front of him with wide eyes.

A low-level official dares to make a fuss here, with whom.

give you face?

"I am Shaodian Zuoyu, the chief officer of the mine. Don't you want to see me? Here I am."

Zuo Yu glanced at Li Siwen instead, you are nothing but the meritorious deeds of the ancestors, and you have the glory you have now.

With whom?

"Oh, it turns out that it is the Shaodian of the Administration Department. I don't know what rank official you are?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and asked about the other party's grade.

"Hehehe, I don't even know my official rank. This Shaodian is in charge of the household department, from the seventh rank."

Hearing this, Zuo Yu also sneered, he didn't even know Ben Shaodian's official position, he was really a child, he didn't even know the fart.

"Cong Qipin, Di Renjie, if you say I'm going to beat him up, will you be blamed?"

Li Yanran heard that the other party was just a junior official from the seventh rank, with such a great official authority, those who didn't know would think he was a first-rank official.


Di Renjie was stunned, looking at Li Yanran, he didn't know what to say anymore.

"I see, beat him up."

With Li Yanran's order, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan rushed out.

Seeing the two people rushing forward, Zuo Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately ran away, but was still caught by the two.

"You dare to touch me, I am an imperial court official, a member of the seventh rank."

"I'll hit you as a seventh-rank official."

Cheng Chubi didn't say a word, just hit him with a cannonball.

"Hey, you don't slap people in the face when you hit someone, why don't you hurry up and save me."

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