My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 439 Conquered!

Zuo Yu was almost stunned by the punch. Now he finally knew that he might have kicked the iron plate.

If he is not stable, he beats him indiscriminately. He must be a person with good hands and eyes.

"You still dare to call someone."

Yu Chihuan also hit you with a cannon punch, and hit you in the face, what can you do.

"Oh, grandpa, don't slap your face, don't slap your face."

"Save Shaodian."


When the soldiers of the [-]th regiment saw Zuo Yu being beaten, they didn't dare to neglect and killed him directly.

"Princess Lishan is here, who dares to be presumptuous."

Seeing the soldiers from the [-]th Regiment approaching, Di Renjie immediately felt his scalp tingle, and he yelled loudly, reporting Li Yanran's identity.

"His Royal Highness Princess Lishan."

Hearing Di Renjie's shout, everyone was stunned, even the beaten Zuo Yu was dumbfounded.

What the hell is this, the majestic Lishan Princess is not staying in your own fief, why come to this shitty mine?

And when I come up, I will fight, and I will provoke whoever I recruit.

"Oh, grandpa, don't hit me."

"One more fight and it's over."

"It's going to kill someone, kill someone."

The soldiers of the Nineteenth Regiment did not dare to move. In this case, even if they had ten guts, they would not dare to go up.

It doesn't matter if it's fake, but what if it's really Her Royal Highness?
So he could only watch helplessly as Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan beat Shaodian Zuoyu violently.

"Okay, let him go."

Seeing that the fight between the two was almost done, Li Yanran also waved her hand to signal the two to stop.

"Do you know why I hit you?"

Li Yanran looked at Zuo Yu in front of her with a cold look in her eyes.

"Zuo Yu is stupid, I hope His Highness will show you."

Zuo Yu looked up at Li Yanran, he really didn't know what was wrong with him?

Is it because I didn't recognize your identity?You didn't tell me either.

Those who don't know are not surprised, even if they sue the emperor, they will be fine.

"Brother Hong, tell me why he was beaten."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong beside her, and asked for his opinion.

"Because he deserves to be beaten, it is a crime to see him and not worship him.

A sister often said that attitude is everything.

If he had had this attitude from the beginning, how could he have suffered this beating? "

Li Hong smiled slightly, looked at the bewildered Zuo Yu, and expressed his thoughts.

"It's really improved."

Hearing Li Hong's explanation, Li Yanran was also a little stunned.

It seems that being beaten really makes people grow, and attitude is everything. This sentence is just right now.

"That is, don't look at whose brother I am."

"Zuo Yu, do you understand now? Do you know why you were beaten?"

Hearing this, Zuo Yu nodded quickly.

Attitude, you were born in the royal family, and you look down on everyone. Do you talk about attitude?

I'm afraid it's not about how others treat you.

It's really a dog.

"Okay, take me in and have a look."

Li Yanran nodded and walked directly inside.

The soldiers of the [-]th regiment didn't know what to do when they saw this. After all, the front was considered an important place, and no one else was allowed to enter unless it was ordered.

"Get out of the way, why are you standing there?"

Zuo Yu yelled loudly from behind, this is Princess Datang and the crown prince, and the mines belong to the royal family after all.

Is there any problem for them to enter their own property?
no problem.

Besides, if you stop them from passing, won't you still have to beat me then?
"Shaodian, but"

"But whatever, get out of the way."


Seeing this, the soldiers also saluted one after another and let the passage open.

After entering the mine and looking at the building in front of her, Li Yanran also nodded.

The outside door is very grand, but the inside is a bit dilapidated.

But this is what a mine should look like. If they are all as luxurious as Chang'an, then she really doesn't know how many people in this mine can work hard.

"Your Highness, don't go in here, it's too dangerous."

Seeing Li Yanran staring at the mine, Zuo Yu hurriedly stopped her.

"I know, I just want to see."

Li Yanran nodded, she had seen the general situation, so there was no need to read on.

"Your Highness, this way."

After speaking, Zuo Yu led them to his Shaodian office.

"Your Highness, please drink some tea. This is good tea from the Shuren Tea Room in Chang'an City."

Zuo Yu hurriedly ordered someone to make tea, and then stood obediently beside him.

"Zuo Yu, how much does this coal mine produce in a year?"

Li Yanran nodded, now she just wanted to know how much the coal mine's current production capacity is.

"Your Highness, our mine is counted around Chang'an, and it can produce nearly [-] stones of coal every year."

Hearing Zuo Yu's words, Li Yanran silently calculated in her heart.

One ton is equal to about seventeen stones, and one hundred thousand stones is nearly six thousand tons.

Six thousand tons a year?Chang'an has a population of several 10, and you only have an output of [-] tons a year. Who can use it?
Honeycomb briquettes are not yet on the market. Once they are spread in Chang'an, the output of [-] tons will not be enough at all.

"Too little, too little."

A piece of briquette is almost a catty after drying, and a ton is two thousand catties, which is 2000 yuan. According to one piece of coal, it takes an hour and a half to burn, which is eight pieces of coal a day.

There are about [-] to [-] households in Chang'an, and this is not counting the nobles of the palace, high-ranking officials, dignitaries, and officials. She doesn't know how much they will consume in a day.

But the annual output of [-] tons is definitely not enough.

"What is too little? Do you want more tea?"

Zuo Yu was taken aback, and picked up the teapot to help Li Yanran add water.

"Add watermelon tea, the [-] shi is far from enough, increase my production, and give me a monthly production capacity of [-] shi."


Zuo Yu was in a daze. Is it because I didn't make it clear, Your Highness, or you didn't hear clearly.

I said that the annual output is [-] shi, but you said [-] shi a month?

There was a gap of eleven months.

Do you really think I am the reincarnation of Buddha?Changed this carbonite with a wave of his hand?

"What? Can't it be done?"

Li Yanran gave Zuo Yu a blank look, why, when she was gossiping, she talked with eloquence, but when it was time to get down to business, it became like this?
"Your Highness, this a little too much, and it seems that this is not under the jurisdiction of Your Highness.

The quota for charcoal is set by the Ministry of Households. What you say doesn't matter, and what I say doesn't matter. The Ministry of Households has the final say. "

Zuo Yu is also depressed, what is this.

The production of charcoal is not something you can say, but I can guarantee it by patting my chest.

Let alone whether I can do it, even if I can do it, so what?
The quotas of the household department are all fixed, and the output is just right.

It is a sin to produce more or less. He dare not expand production capacity just because of what you, the princess, say.

Besides, what if this mineral can produce [-] stones a month?
Who wants this thing.

Sell ​​it to you?


"Now this mine is under my control, let him have a look."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, he knew what happened to these officials.

Do not do more, do less, this is the way of being an official.

This is why I have the right to abolish officials, because I am afraid of the inaction of these guys.

She would never raise a corpse who was a vegetarian.

Di Renjie directly took out Li Zhi's imperial edict and read it to Zuo Yu.

"Zuo Yu accepts the order, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Zuo Yu knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times to the imperial decree.

"Can it be done now?"

When Li Yanran asked again, Zuo Yu scratched his head.

This old emperor really likes his girl, so he will give it to such a big mine.

It really made him depressed.

But now you ask him to expand the production capacity to [-] shi per month, he really can't do it.

"Your Highness, if you want to expand production capacity, you must first increase the manpower, and these mines also need to be strengthened and dig deep.

These all require a lot of money, and the annual allocation of the Ministry of Households is just that, which is not enough at all.

It is indeed difficult to expand production to [-] shi per month in a short while. "

Hearing Zuo Yu's words, Li Yanran also nodded, being able to say this proves that the other party is indeed capable.

If he is a talent, let's talk about whether he is axed or not.

As long as someone who can help her with things is the one she needs.

"Then if I give you money to recruit manpower to strengthen and dig deep mines, will you be able to achieve your monthly production target of [-] stones before winter this year?"

Li Yanran glanced at Zuo Yu, the problems you mentioned are not considered problems.

As long as you have money, manpower, and equipment are not a problem, the question is whether you can do it.

"Before winter? This."

Zuo Yu was depressed, this princess really dared to think and do it.

What do you want so much charcoal for?
These things are difficult to burn, and the smoke is poisonous. I really don't know what I want to do.

"Zuo Shaodian, you have listened to the imperial father's will. I have the right to abolish and replace the officials of the mine."

"Your Highness, this... this."

"Don't do this and that, stay if you can do it, and issue a military order to me.

I will give you as much as you want, and I will give you as many people as you want. My requirement is to reach a monthly production capacity of [-] stones before winter.

If you achieve the goal, I will report the reward to the emperor, and you will be promoted and rich.

If it fails, I will take your head off and kick it as a ball. "

Li Yanran frowned, if she can do it, if she can't do it, she'll pull it down, so much nonsense.

"Your Highness, the mine needs about [-] guan to recruit manpower, strengthen and dig the mine, can you give me the money?"

Zuo Yu was a little excited when he heard Li Yanran's conditions.

Everyone knows how much Li Yanran, the princess of Lishan, is loved by the emperor. If she can really be recommended by the other party, then there is really great hope for her to rise to the top.

Moreover, as Shaodian, he had already thought about the plan to increase the mine's production, but he just thought about it before, and now he has got his wish.

"Twenty thousand? Does this mean that you are ready to accept this job?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran was taken aback, this guy actually agreed so quickly?
There must be something strange here.

Could it be that this product has thought about expanding production before?

"You give me [-] guan. Before winter, the monthly coal production should be at least [-] shi. If it can't be reached, I'll come and see you."

Zuo Yu knelt directly on the ground, his eyes full of tenacity.

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