My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 440 Join if you can't beat it

He is just a low-level official, and the Zuo family is not a wealthy and famous person, so they can't give him much help at all.

He just wants to seize this opportunity now, fight hard, fight once.

If things happen, I will ride the wind, but if things don't work out, I will lose my head.

"Okay, I will give you [-] guan, but I will send an accountant to take charge of the mine's finances.

If you are corrupt, my steel knife is not forgiving.

Of course, if you can really make it, I will not only recommend it to my father, but also reward you with another fifty pennies as a reward. "

Li Yanran stood up straight away, she likes this kind of person the most.

I'm not afraid that you have desires, but I'm afraid that you don't have the ability.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, although I, Zuo Yu, am only of the seventh rank, I know how to eat the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor."

"Let's go, leave this place to Zuo Shaodian, I hope he won't let us down."

Having said all this, Li Yanran had nothing to say, so she got up and left with the people around her.

"Brother Li, do you trust that Zuo Yu so much?

I think he is just a smooth official, embarrassing and useless,
Why don't you leave this place to me, and I promise that before winter, the production of coal will reach the requirement of [-] stone per month. "

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran, in his opinion, how capable a junior official can be against a junior official.

Guaranteed to have a fart here, if it really delays the matter, who will be responsible at that time.

"Leave it to you, hand it to you."

Li Yanran jumped up and hit him on the head.

As long as you have the nerve to come here to ask for trouble, don't you know how much your own brain weighs?
Whether people are good or bad is also the household department Shaodian, and they know more or less about these.

do you know?

You know shit.

"Oh, don't hit me."

"Brother Li, I was wrong."

"Stop hitting, it hurts."

Changsun Yan was beaten by Li Yanran and fled, depressed for a while.

I just want to relieve your worries, who would have thought that you would be so merciless, what a hit.

"Sister, don't stop, hit him hard, the purpose of hitting him is to make him remember."

"Don't you know how many catties you have?"

"As far as you are capable, you still produce one hundred thousand stones a month. I think you look like one hundred thousand stones."

Changsun Yan wailed, while Li Hong clapped beside him.

Well, you grandson Yan, the king didn't even ask my sister for this errand, and you jumped out.

If you don't hit you, you really don't know how capable you are.

"Brother Li, why do you believe that Zuo Yu can do it?"

Li Siwen frowned as he looked at the miserable grandson Yan, as an excuse for him.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Li Yanran temporarily let Changsun Yan go, and took a look at Di Renjie.

"Your Highness, you have a good sense of people, although this Zuo Yu seems to be smooth, but judging from his answer.

He should have had the idea of ​​expanding production before, otherwise it would be impossible to come up with the answer of [-] Guan so quickly.

It is much better to have such an experienced and thoughtful person take charge than those of us who are novices. "

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran directly and expressed his thoughts.

"Did you hear that? There is a specialization in surgery, and these things are temporarily handed over to Zuo Yu.

Your task now is to hurry up and let the artisans of the fief rush to make the briquette stove and transport the briquettes to Lishan.

When the cold winter comes, it is time for us to let go of our hands and feet and work hard.

If the output of Zuoyu's coal mine increases, but you don't do well here, I will directly break your legs. "

"Do not worry."

Several people also shuddered and saluted Li Yanran together.

After the group returned to Lishan, the entire fief was in operation. Not only the craftsmen in the fief were working, but also the blacksmiths in Xinfeng County received orders and made finished products according to the drawings.

With Li Yanran's full support, Zuo Yu immediately stood up, and began to recruit miners, strengthen the mine, and dig deep into the mine according to his previous plan.

All of a sudden, countless people rushed over. Although the job of a miner is not good, the wages paid are high.

For the sake of making a living, let alone going to the mines, they are willing to do it no matter how hard or tiring they are.

Who made these people the pillars of the family.

"Brother, I heard that His Majesty recently awarded the coal mines around Chang'an to Princess Lishan.

That Shaodian Zuoyu also did not comply with the quota of the Ministry of Household Affairs, recruiting manpower wantonly, claiming to produce [-] shi of charcoal every month. "

Cui Yuqing came directly to his elder brother's small house, and excitedly said to him after entering the door.

"You still want to attack Princess Lishan?"

Glancing at his brother, Cui Yuanjun was also depressed for a while.

How many times have I suffered losses, why can't I improve my memory?

If you go to provoke others, then you may lose your wife and lose your army.

"This is really a rare event, after all, although charcoal is obviously the private property of the royal family, it is allocated by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

His Majesty's behavior is already a bit rude, and not to mention not complying with the quota of the Ministry of Household Affairs, this is a problem and can be impeached. "

Cui Yuqing was going to hate Li Yanran to death now, he had lost face, lost a person, and most importantly lost his money when facing her.

I wonder when the Cui family has suffered so many setbacks in this Tang Dynasty.

He couldn't swallow this breath if he didn't take revenge.

Bad breath.

"You also said just now that the charcoal belongs to the royal family, so what's wrong with His Majesty awarding it to Princess Lishan?

Besides, the Ministry of Accounting, the quota is certain, but don't forget who is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Accounting now?
He is our good nephew, as long as he gives an order, the quota is not a problem.

Except for your own bad luck, your impeachment can't hurt Princess Lishan at all. "

Cui Yuanjun sat on a small stone bench and poured a cup of tea for his brother.

"What does that brother mean?"

Cui Yuqing sat in front of Cui Yuanjun, looking at his elder brother, wondering what he was thinking.

"Since this Princess Lishan is our nemesis, why do we have to bump into it?"

"Brother? You?"

Cui Yuqing frowned, his elder brother was talented, but he was too clumsy.

Otherwise, it is impossible to still be in such a position.

"I have carefully referred to the family history of this Princess Lishan, from her establishment of Lan Kwai Fong, to Haagen-Dazs, and then to Shuren Tea House.

There are also sofas, chairs, lottery tickets and now flying money.

It can be said that every step she takes makes the impossible possible, as if she can see through the secrets of heaven.

This son can't be an enemy, instead of thinking about how to impeach her, it's better to think about what she is doing now. "

Cui Yuanjie took a sip of tea, then glanced at his brother again.

"You mean to think about what she's going to do next, and then act first before she does it. Doing it first is king. You want to use her brain to make money for us?"

Cui Yuqing turned his head and was instantly stunned.

How dare my brother think about it?

It seems that he has been thinking about this Princess Lishan for so many days.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say such a thing.

"That's right, although coal can be burned, it doesn't really do much.

I suspect that Princess Lishan must have some way to turn this coal into something that can be used on a large scale.

If this is the case, the profits that Chang'an alone can create are beyond your imagination. "

Cui Yuanzhen nodded. Although he didn't know why Li Yanran was tinkering with the coal mine now, he was sure of one thing.

Li Yanran has never been in a loss-making business, and now she is tinkering with this charcoal that everyone looks down on, there must be profits beyond her imagination.

"I see, what we have to do now is to quietly hoard coal on the market without making a fuss.

Then send people to sneak into Lishan to find out their magic tricks.

That way you can make a lot of money. "

Cui Yuqing stood up directly, his eyes full of excitement.

"Well, remember, you must not be known by others, otherwise I am afraid that Princess Lishan will find out, and then she will trick me again."

Cui Yuanzhen glanced at the sky above his head, for some reason he was very afraid of this princess.

Usually, it would be no good if they get involved with her, let alone this time they will compete with each other for business.

If one is not good, it may be reversed by others.

"rest assured."

Cui Yuqing drank the tea in one gulp and left in a hurry.

Soon the Cui family began to buy briquettes on a small scale in Chang'an Shifang. Although it was just inadvertently, the market is the market.

Immediately there was a fluctuation. Although the fluctuation was not large, it was also noticed by those who cared.

When they found out that it was the Cui family who were buying, they immediately set off a frenzy of buying coal mines.

Although everyone doesn't know why, but this thing is buying up and not buying down, and everyone feels that there is something wrong with this coal.

"Your Highness, the coal mines in Chang'an have fluctuated. The price of coal has increased by at least [-]% compared to before. According to this posture, it is possible to double it before winter."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran.

Since he decided to sell honeycomb coal in winter, he has been paying attention to the coal price in Fangshi. Now that there is a fluctuation, he will come here soon.

"Isn't this thing nobody wants? Why is there fluctuation?"

Hearing Di Renjie's words, a bright light flashed in Li Yanran's eyes.

Could it be that someone has leaked his situation and attracted the attention of interested people?

Otherwise, who would engage in this useless coal mine.

"According to the feedback from the market, there are many and mixed buyers of coal.

The first ones should be the Cui family in the city, and then the three families of Wang Zhenglu, but it is not clear after that. "

Di Renjie frowned, he was a little confused by the current situation.

For no reason, did these aristocratic families take medicine?

"Brother Li, there must be something strange about this. Could it be that there are spies in this fief?"

Li Siwen frowned when he saw this, which made it clear that the aristocratic family was looking for trouble.

It seems that they still remember eating but not beating, the beating they received last time was too light.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

It would be too bad if there were indeed spies.

When the two armies are at war, intelligence comes first.

If there is a problem with the information on his side, then everything will be hindered.

"Your Highness, I think the reason why the family did this is probably because the mine was exposed.

If Zuo Yu wanted to do something, he would definitely make a big splash and not hide it.

The aristocratic family has suffered from our losses so many times, this time it should be aware of the importance of coal in advance.

So I want to make a fortune from us and recover the loss. "

Di Renjie looked at the letter in his hand, and said slowly to Li Yanran.

"The aristocratic family doesn't know the importance of that charcoal, it's only because of our actions that they have doubts, so, hehe."

After listening to Di Renjie's analysis, Li Yanran's mouth revealed a trace of coldness.

"Your Highness, what do you want to do?"

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