My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 443 It's a bit numb!

Chapter 443 It's a bit numb!

Li Siwen was stunned, Changsun Yan was also stunned, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were even more stunned.

Isn't this all the routine you taught Di Renjie?

Why are you now saying where did you get the gossip?

What exactly does this mean.

"Brother Li, no matter what, we have to collect the charcoal. Even if the car is worth [-] yuan, it is still profitable."

Li Siwen reacted the fastest, looked outside and replied loudly.

"Well, tell the people in the city that no matter what the price is, I will settle for this charcoal."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Li Siwen rushed out of the room as he spoke.

"Xiao Langjun, what do you want me to do?"

"Go and tell Di Renjie right away, no matter how much the charcoal costs, you have to buy it, understand?"

Li Siwen shouted at Na Tiqi loudly.


The Tiqi looked at Li Siwen, and then at the guards next to him, who was dumbfounded.

Shouldn't such a thing be kept private or a letter written?
Don't you want everyone to hear you shouting so loudly.

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and delay the princess' plan. I'll twist your head."

"Oh oh oh."

After Tiqi finished speaking, he straddled the horse and ran towards Chang'an.

"Brother Li?"


Li Yanran gave Cheng Chubi a wink and led them away.

Di Renjie got the news and immediately started his own actions.

In an instant, a news came out that gold could not be extracted from coal at all, and then Princess Lishan would not buy coal, and might even sell it.

After the news came out, the market was also bleak, and everyone felt that they had been fooled for a while.

I am also hesitating whether to sell the coal in my hand.

It just so happened that at this time Di Renjie's people also came to you, and wanted to buy the charcoal in their hands for [-] yuan.

"Master, Ma Si is back."

When Cui Yuqing was anxious, a simple-faced man came to the two of them under the leadership of his servants.

"Masi, have you ever found out the use of those coals?"

Seeing Ma Si who had gone to investigate came back, Cui Yuqing hurriedly asked the other party.

"No, but there is an unexpected news."

"what news?"

"Today the princess was furious, smashed many desks, and immediately sent people to Chang'an.

That means that regardless of the price of coal, it must be purchased, as much as there is. "

Ma Si smiled slightly, and told everything he had found out.

"Is there such a thing?"

Cui Yuqing glanced at Saturday Ping on one side, wanting to hear what the other party meant.

"Proprietor, it's not good. This move is fraudulent. Sell the charcoal in your hand immediately. If it's too late, it may be too late."

Hearing this, Saturday Ping immediately became nervous.

"How to say?"

"This is clearly a strategy of suppressing before promoting, releasing news first to raise the price of coal, in order to wait for me to be fooled."

Saturday Ping immediately saluted Cui Yuqing, and revealed his calculations.

"So that's it, hurry up, send someone to sell coal immediately."

"My lord, there is news in the market that no gold can be extracted from the coal, and Her Royal Highness the Princess will not buy the coal. This will make everyone panic."

Just when they were about to sell the charcoal, a servant rushed into the mansion with the news he had just received.

"What? Sell it quickly, sell it quickly."

"and many more."

Cui Yuanjue spoke suddenly and called out to his brother.

"Brother, what does this mean?"

Cui Yuqing looked at his elder brother, and was also taken aback, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Saturday Ping, what do you think?"

Cui Yuanzhen frowned, and looked to the side of Saturday Ping.

"Proprietor, I also think it's not suitable to sell now."


Cui Yuqing frowned, wondering what the two of them were playing.

"Proprietor, if only the news from Lishan may be up first and then down, but now the news from Fangshi is the opposite, what does this prove?"

"Prove what?"

Cui Yuqing was a little dazed, he knew about the affairs of the court, but the behavior of these merchants was indeed a bit useless.

"Prove what? Prove that Her Royal Highness is at the end of her rope."

"She is definitely going to get coal, but she doesn't want the price of coal to skyrocket again, so she releases such news.

The purpose is to suppress the price of coal. After the public panics, the price of coal will inevitably collapse.

They are sweeping goods, so they really can't sell now. "

A trace of coldness flashed in Cui Yuanjun's eyes, watching his brother slowly express his opinion.

"Can't sell it? Is that to release the news, absolutely can't let the princess trick come true."

Cui Yuqing also heard it, and now they can't sell it, but they have to publicize it to destroy Li Yanran's trick.

"Well, let's do that."

Thanks to the help of the Cui family, everyone understood the value of the charcoal, and those who originally planned to sell the charcoal for [-] yuan also quit on the spot.

At the same time, the price of charcoal ushered in a soaring rise, and soon rose to [-] yuan, and three days later it became [-] yuan.

"Commander Di, twenty or twenty thousand dollars."

Wei Shanqi's eyeballs are about to pop out. A carload of charcoal is worth [-] yuan, which is simply crazy.

He had never seen such crazy prices.

From 35 yuan per car to [-] yuan per car, this is a [-]-fold increase.

"Continue to harvest, the rules remain the same."

"Still charged?"

Wei Shanqi was dumbfounded, it was so expensive, and he still wanted to keep collecting it, what on earth was Commander Di going to do?
"This is an order from His Highness."


The madness continued, and the price of coal had skyrocketed, from [-] to [-], and then to [-] to [-].

Everyone lamented this gluttonous feast of capital.

With the soaring price of coal, even these aristocratic families are somewhat stretched, but they also gritted their teeth and continued to buy.

They have no money, but Princess Lishan has money, and the other party will definitely want this charcoal, even if it is a sky-high price, they are not afraid.

As long as you have the goods in hand, you, Princess Lishan, have to grit your teeth and come to buy the goods.

These days, Wei Shanqi spent the whole day in fear.

Without him, the price is simply too high, reaching a frightening bottom.

He really doesn't know now, how much those people who speculate on coal at a high price are going to sell it for.

Due to the skyrocketing price of charcoal, the whole of Chang'an is still looking sideways, and even those small merchants are willing to chip in, eager to try and get a share of the pie.

After all, after all, there is no such easy money in this world. Buy a few carts of coal, put it in the warehouse, and earn money while lying down.

Wei Shanqi, who is in the eye of the storm, not only has no greed, but feels that a great terror may come at any time.

This is a man-made game. If he hadn't said it at the beginning, he would have ruined his family, so he gambled on it.

Looking at it now, everyone is a pawn, including those aristocratic families, and wealthy businessmen are just pawns at the mercy of others.

The terror of people's hearts and the terror of Princess Lishan made him feel cold all over, and he couldn't control himself.

"Di Commander, the price of this charcoal has...already risen to [-] yuan."


Di Renjie nodded.

"Then what do we do next?"

Wei Shanqi shivered. Although they hadn't had much food since the first thousand dollars, they now had more than 800 carts including the ones that Princess Lishan secretly brought in.

He was really scared.

"It's almost time, and those small and medium-sized merchants have almost raised funds.

Wait any longer, and when they buy in large quantities, those aristocratic families will also take this opportunity to ship.

Quietly sell our charcoal.

Remember, you must be quiet so that no one will know your identity. "

Hearing that the price had risen to [-] yuan per car, Di Renjie frowned, and directly ordered people to start working.

"Why don't we wait for two days, and I see that the price may rise to [-] yuan per car?"

Originally, Wei Shanqi was still trembling, but now he heard that Di Renjie was going to ship, but he was a little bit unwilling.

People's desires are endless, and even Wei Shanqi, who knows the inside story, is not exempt.

The key point is that the profit here is too great, and it can be sold for an extra five thousand yuan in two or three days, and no one can control it.

This kind of business game actually compares who is richer and richer, who has more information channels, and the most important thing is who can restrain one's desire.

"Your Highness said that she doesn't want those small and medium-sized merchants to ruin their families and only make money from the rich. Forty-five thousand is enough. Do as I say."


Soon a carload of coal flowed into the market through the middleman.

Facing the turbulent situation, the coal released by Di Renjie was instantly digested.

In two or three days, all [-] truckloads of coal were sold.

"Commander Di, they are all sold out."

Wei Shanqi looked at Di Renjie, his eyes were about to pop out.

Forty-five thousand yuan per cart, a total of [-] guan was sold, and Li Yanran's investment was only a fraction.

In other words, in the past few days, she made a net profit of [-] guan.

Robbery is not as fast as this.

"okay, I get it."

Hearing that all his goods were sold out, Di Renjie nodded, left the restaurant where he was, and ran towards Lishan.

"Your Majesty, there is a report."

Li Zhi received the report from Ruian, and he was also shocked.

A small coal, in a short period of time, has increased dozens of times.

The interest rate difference of dozens of times, Rao, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, seems to be extremely terrifying.


"The servant is here."

Li Zhi took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Immediately issue an order to summon Princess Lishan to the palace to discuss matters, and at the same time send an order to the Ministry of Household Affairs, that the coal soaring is very unusual.

Let. Let the household department keep an eye on me. If something goes wrong, I'll ask Cui Xiuye ​​about it. "


Li Zhi looked at the memorial in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Everyone sees things from different angles, and now Li Zhi has vaguely smelled Li Yanran.

He is the emperor, although he loves money, but once it comes to shaking the foundation of the country, no matter how much money he makes, it is a red line that cannot be touched.

One hair will affect the whole body, and the soaring coal will inevitably affect other prices. At that time, it will not be enough to make some money.

(End of this chapter)

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