Chapter 444
Cui Xiuye ​​was also scratching his head when he got Li Zhi's will. He really didn't know whether the charcoal was bewitched or something.

Which shameless person said that coal is the mother of gold, and gold can be bred in it, isn't this nonsense?
At the moment, we can only send people to the surrounding mines to increase the production capacity of those mines, and don't implicate other industries because of coal.

At that time, I really can only apologize with death.

"Your Highness, Di Renjie is back."

Di Renjie entered the room and knelt down in front of Li Yanran.

"Get up, what's going on in Chang'an?"

Li Yanran hurriedly helped Di Renjie up, it was troublesome for him during this time.

"Your Highness, Chang'an is still crazy about Charcoal, I'm worried about those small and medium merchants, so I didn't wait any longer.

All [-] carts of charcoal have been sold off, and the money is [-] guan. "

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran and told about the situation in Chang'an.

"It's okay, this money is enough for their distress, you immediately issue an order to let Zuo Yu sell charcoal publicly.

The price is [-] yuan per car, even if there is no stock, you can book in advance, and you will never break your promise. "

Li Yanran nodded, she didn't do this to cut the leeks of those ordinary merchants, she just wanted to let those aristocratic families know how powerful she was.

"Your Highness, if you are like this, those aristocratic families will cry."

Hearing this, Di Renjie also laughed.

He was born in a poor family, and he has no feelings for those aristocratic families. These are the moths of Datang that can make them deflate, and he is very happy.

"Cry, it'll be fine if you cry a lot, brother Hong."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, looking at the younger brother beside her.

It's right to cry.

How can you have a long memory without crying.

You will be obedient after you have a long memory.

If you dare to come here to make you feel uncomfortable, my aunt will whip you with big-eared melon seeds.

Li Hong didn't dare to answer, but just nodded.

Who knows what sister is thinking, it's better to be a little dumb.

More to say more wrong, less to say less wrong, not to say good.

He knows.

"I'll arrange for someone to do it right away."

Di Renjie nodded, got up and left directly.

"Brother Hong, do you know why those aristocratic families are so popular with me? Four hundred yuan a cart of coal and charcoal can be sold for forty-five thousand yuan?"

After Di Renjie left, Li Yanran stared at Li Hong in a daze.

"Because they are not as smart as sister, they are a group of idiots who don't even know who they are facing."

Li Hong smiled at Li Yanran, but received a Tathagata palm from the other party, causing stars to shine in his eyes.

"You are wrong, it's not that they are not as smart as sister, there are many smart people in these aristocratic families.

But she was swayed by sister, there are only two reasons.

One is that they are too greedy. Once people are swayed by desire, they cannot make correct judgments.

The second is because they are not the owner, so they can't figure out my cards at all.

So I can only act according to my sister's ideas. "

Li Yanran held Li Hong in front of her, stared into his eyes, and expressed her opinion word by word.

"Brother Hong understands, no matter what time you can't be swayed by desires, and you have to be the banker, you can't be the next player, otherwise you can only be led by the nose by the other party."

Li Hong was taken aback by Li Yanran's appearance.

Sister, just say what you say, I can understand.

I'm scared of you like this, really scared.

"Well, for your own good, sister can only impress you."

As Li Yanran spoke, she slapped her again, but was blocked by Li Hong with a dodge.

He just knew it, he just knew it.

There will definitely be such a time.

Auntie never let herself down.


Li Yanran was also taken aback when she saw Li Hong dodging in the past.

It seems that this little Li Hong has really improved, and even predicted his actions in advance.

"The wind is screaming."

"Mom monkey, run."

Dodging Li Yanran's slap, Li Hong ran like a fool and ran towards the door.


A person came head-on, and just bumped into Li Hong.

"Who is so short-sighted and dares to run into this palace."

Li Hong clutched his buttocks and his eyes were full of depression. Whoever is so short-eyed insisted on coming over to trip him up when he was running away.

"His Royal Highness, calm down, this servant has no intentions."

The person who came was the servant Li Zhi sent to deliver the decree, and when he saw that he bumped into Li Hong, he was frightened to death.

Hastily knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Hong to admit his mistake.

"Get out, I don't have time to talk to you."

Li Hong didn't even look at that person, Sa Yazi ran out.

"Your Highness?"

The servant looked at Li Hong's back and was a little dazed for a moment. Since when did His Highness the Crown Prince be so talkative?

"Get up, Father asked you to come."

Li Yanran also frowned when she looked at the bewildered servant, it might not be a good thing that someone came from Chang'an at this time.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty has an order to return you to the palace without delay."

The servant looked at Li Yanran and read Li Zhi's order directly.

"Why did the emperor call me? Do you know?"

Sure enough, Li Yanran also frowned, not knowing why her father was looking for her.

"Your Highness, the charcoal in Chang'an City has skyrocketed dozens of times. This may be why His Majesty called you over."

The servant didn't dare to offend Li Yanran, and directly shared the gossip he had learned.

"Okay, this is your reward."

As Li Yanran said, she took out a peach from her pocket and stuffed it into the waiter's hand.

"This this.."

Looking at the peach in his hand, the servant was stunned.

Your Highness, we all know that you are stingy, but you can't do that.

It would be better not to give us a peach.

It makes me eat or not.

"Don't like it? Bring it."

Li Yanran gave the waiter a blank look, the girl's peaches were specially bought from Old Zhang in the east of the city.

You still don't like it?
Fuck you.

As he spoke, he wiped it off with his sleeve, and then started to eat on his own.

"Such a servant will leave."

The waiter was depressed for a while, this is a demon king who is more powerful than the prince, so he hurriedly bowed and left.

"Li Feng, get ready to drive and go back to the palace."


When the car arrived at the imperial palace, Li Yanran rushed directly into the imperial study.


Looking at Li Zhi who was sleeping on the sofa, Li Yanran also let out a devilish smile.

"Ryan, come here."

Hearing Li Yanran's shout, Ryan hurried over.

"Your Highness."


"Grandfather, what are you doing!"

Ryan went crazy, looking at the lock of hair on Li Yanran's hand, he felt bad.

You called me just to pull my hair out?


Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi who was still sleeping, and made a silent gesture for Ryan.

Ryan is depressed. Her Royal Highness is not at peace when she sees it. Your Majesty, you are asking for more blessings.

This can't depend on slaves, it's you who want to call the princess back.

Seeing Li Yanran groping towards Li Zhi quietly, Ruian also covered his eyes and backed away.

Touching Li Zhi's side, Li Yanran folded Ryan's hair in half, and slowly stretched it towards her father's dragon nose.

"What do you want to do."

Li Zhi woke up suddenly, grabbed Li Yanran, stretched out his hand and began to tickle her.

"Heck, dad... the emperor."

"I dare not."

"I really don't...don't dare, giggling."

Being attacked by Li Zhi, Li Yanran also giggled.

She didn't expect that she wanted to sneak attack, but was turned back.

Don't talk about Wude, don't talk about Wude.

"You still dare to sneak attack me? You should hit me."

After creaking for a while, Li Zhi lightly tapped on Li Yanran's head again.

"I dare not, I really dare not."

Li Yanran also had lingering fears, she didn't expect her father to react so quickly.

No, it must have woken up Dad when he pulled Ryan's hair out just now.

Before pulling out next time, cover his mouth first.

Just do it.

"Hmph! Do you know why I called you back this time?"

Li Zhi temporarily let Li Yanran go, and then turned over the previous memorabilia, deliberately showing it to Li Yanran.

"My daughter is not a fortune teller by Tianqiao, she can't predict the future, why did you ask me to come back, father?"

Li Yanran glanced at the contents of the memorial and was also depressed for a while. What is the skyrocketing of coal, if it goes on like this, it may affect the national economy and the people's livelihood.

Really drunk.

"You still dare to quibble, are you playing tricks on this skyrocketing charcoal?"

Li Zhi slapped it with a slap, he believed that the other party didn't know about it.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that someone found out about my arrangement to make honeycomb coal, and then took the opportunity to hoard it, trying to follow suit and make money.

I just follow the trend and teach those who have ulterior motives a small lesson. "

Li Yanran curled her lips and told the story.

"I have nothing against you making money, nor against you taking the opportunity to teach others, but you can't use people's livelihood as a chessboard.

Charcoal may seem inconspicuous, but it will affect the whole body.

Once other things rise in price along with coal, it will affect the entire Chang'an people.

Put an end to your tricks and get prices back to normal. "

Li Zhi frowned when he heard this, it really was Li Yanran who did the trick.

But he was a little surprised that some family had found out about his daughter's plan in advance.

"Father, don't worry, I have already sent someone to inform Zuo Yu, he will supply charcoal with the previous four hundred yuan from the family, and the price will drop soon."

Li Yanran touched her head, her eyes were full of grievances.

Hit, beat, hit my head all day long.

It really made this girl stupid, so you can cry.

"Well, that's good, I made a lot of money this time."

Hearing that Li Yanran had started to stabilize prices, Li Zhi also frowned, looking at his daughter with great interest.

"It's all small troubles, and they can't get into the eyes of the father."

Li Yanran's eyes were full of vigilance.

When you came up, you smashed the principles of the national economy and the people's livelihood, and then you beat me over the head.

Now thinking about splitting the money with me, this is too unreasonable.

Where is justice?

Where is the emperor's face?
"What's the matter? Small fights aren't considered father's share?"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of threats.

"No no."

Li Yanran was about to cry, this old man was really cheap and good-looking.


"Then how much money did you earn? Father's people are always paying attention. Don't let me send someone to stay in your fief."

Li Zhi knew that Li Yanran was a clever ghost, so he was the first to put eye drops on him.

"I earned [-] guan."

Li Yanran curled her lips and reported the money she earned this time.

"How many?"

(End of this chapter)

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