My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 445 Flying down 3 feet, someone is going to jump off the building

Hearing this number, Li Zhi was stunned.

He thought that Li Yanran made a lot of money, but the [-] Guan really caught him off guard.

Eighty thousand?
Robbing the treasury is not as fast as this money.

Are those people all idiots?
Does the money come from the wind?

"Didn't the royal father know?"

Li Yanran just wanted to slap her thighs, it's over, it's high.

It turned out that my father was blowing up himself.

shameful, shameful.

"I know, but I didn't expect you to be so ruthless and make so much money?"

Li Zhi also scratched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

But to be able to see his daughter, face or something is not so important.


"Don't hum, I want [-] guan, it's not too much."

Li Zhi patted Li Yanran's little head, no matter what you say, I will settle the money.

Even the king of heaven and my father can't stop me.



Li Zhi was taken aback, you earned [-] guan, so it would be too much to share [-] guan with me.

Did I give you face?

"Father, I have invested [-] yuan in Zuo Yuna before, and that is all your property, should I take your money.

Even if you get [-] guan this time, you still owe me [-] guan.

I haven't asked you for money yet, but you opened your mouth first, you said it's not too much! "

Li Yanran rolled her small eyes and smiled slightly at Li Zhi.

Can't cure you?

So what about the emperor, it's not my father.

"Your investment in coal mines is my shit? You don't want to change my concept here."

Li Zhi is depressed. The money you invested before was to increase production capacity. Are you here to settle the score with me now?

Do you really think your father is Li Hong's six-year-old child?

Am I that easy to deceive?
"Father, what is stealing concepts.

Those mines are the property of the royal family. I just control them and don't assign them directly to me. I have to pay the Ministry of Households!
The investment is to expand production capacity. When you take the mine back, then I will lose money.

So no matter how I calculate it, it is impossible for me to pay.

Father, do you want to renege on your debt?

Your little coffers are all in my hands. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly.

You are indeed not Hongdi's six-year-old kid, but it's okay to fool you.

Besides, the investment is your royal property, so you can't let your daughter pay for it.


Li Zhi became ill in an instant. He originally wanted to deduct some money from Li Yanran, but unexpectedly, he was defeated by the other party.

But what my daughter said is right, this mine belongs to me after all, it belongs to Datang.

It is really unreasonable to ask someone in charge to pay for it.

But if he asked him for money, he didn't want to pay it either.

Fifty thousand?They can buy the mine.

"Father, don't you really want to renege on your debt?"

"It's Ryan, Ryan."

Looking at Li Yanran's aggressive eyes, Li Zhi also felt his scalp tingle.

"The servant is here."

Ryan came in, looking at the father and daughter in front of him, also a little dazed.

From this point of view, there is also a disagreement. You call me here now, do you want us to share the pain?
Thinking of this, Ryan also shuddered.

"Didn't you just say that the Minister of the Household Department is coming to discuss matters? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Li Zhi said slowly while winking at Ryan.

"This servant has a look, it must be here soon."

Ryan received the signal and hurriedly escaped with an excuse.

"Father, do you want to find a reason to dismiss me?"

Li Yanran stared at Li Zhi, do you think your daughter is blind?
If you blink again, your eyeballs will fly out.

"Really, father really invited Minister of the Household Department to discuss matters, and I know about the reconstruction of the mine.

I will discuss with the Minister of the Ministry of Households and ask him to allocate funds, and I will definitely not let you pay for it, no. "

Hee hee smiled, Li Zhi also had no choice.

My daughter is good at everything, but when it comes to money, her relatives don't recognize her.

You are better than yourself, if anyone marries you in the future, you might make him look like you.

"Then father can use his own small treasury to take out the money first. When the time comes, you will report to the Ministry of Households [-] guan, or a million guan. It is not my business."

Li Yanran embraced her hands, and looked at Li Zhi coldly.

If you want to allocate funds from the Ministry of Household Affairs, it is more difficult than reaching the sky.

Even if the funds are approved, the money may not arrive until the year of the monkey.

It is impossible to exchange real money for a bad check by yourself.

"Well, I don't want the [-] guan. Remember the money you invested in the mine first. After the Ministry of Accounts allocates funds, it will all be given to you. This is the head office."

Li Zhi knew that his daughter was not so easy to get rid of, but the benefits of the mine are not yet visible. It is impossible for him to spend [-] yuan.

If you don't want a ten thousand consistent dividend, you don't want it, anyway, I didn't contribute.

If you want to spend [-] guan, it will hurt your heart.

"That's about the same. Is there anything else to do?"

"It's okay, you hurry up, my brain hurts seeing you."

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Zhi hurriedly waved his hands.

This girl is too difficult to deal with. She originally wanted to get some wool out of her, but she was squeezed out by the other party instead.

He never wanted to see Li Yanran again.

It's too cruel.

"Hmph! My daughter is leaving."

Li Yanran put her hands in her pockets as she said, and walked out with steps that her relatives did not recognize.

"Ruian, when will Shangshu Hubu come?"


Hearing Li Yanran's question, Rui'an was in a bad mood.

Her Royal Highness is really
You ask me this, how should I answer?

"Ha ha!"

Glancing at Ryan, Li Yanran also smiled, and walked towards Wu Zetian's bedroom.

After all, if you don't go to A Niang to greet you when you come back to the palace, you might be beaten to death.


"The servant is here."

Ryan entered the room and knelt directly in front of Li Zhi.

"When will Cui Xiuye ​​come over?"


Now Ryan really broke the defense, so what?

Your Majesty, when did you summon the Minister of the Household Department?
I have not heard such a will.

"Did what I just said fall on deaf ears?"

Seeing Ryan stunned, Li Zhi couldn't help but let out a low shout.


What does it mean to ignore your words? Wasn't it an excuse just now?
You say that, and I answer that.

It's all for Princess Lishan, why do you take it seriously?
"You old bastard, don't hesitate to pass the decree, and Cui Xiuye, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, come to see him quickly."

"Yes, yes, this servant is going to deliver the decree."

Ryan shivered, and hurried away to deliver the order.

The power of capital far exceeds everyone's imagination, and the madness of carbon coal continues.

When news spread that Zuo Yu's mine would supply coal in unlimited quantities, [-] yuan per cart.

This charcoal myth created by Li Yanran alone seems like a huge bubble bursting in an instant.

"Master, it's not good, the big thing is not good."

A servant returned to the Cui Mansion with the news he had just received, his eyes were full of horror.

"What's wrong? In a panic?"

Seeing the young servant's expression like that of a dead mother, Cui Yuqing frowned involuntarily.

"Crash, crash."

"Speak clearly, what crashed?"

Cui Yuqing was in a daze, and immediately grabbed the servant's collar.

"The coal mine next to Chang'an, news came from there, saying"

"What? You said it!"

Cui Yuanjun also came over, and he admitted that he was scared, really scared.

If this coal mine collapses, I will lose to my grandma's family.

"Say [-] yuan for a cart of charcoal, unlimited supply, anyone can buy it."

"It's over."

On one side, Saturday Ping sat slumped on the ground.

There is no way to guard against the trick of mines.

Now everything is obvious, I have fallen into the trap of Princess Lishan.

Poor me, I thought I had grasped the opponent's veins, but I didn't expect that the opponent didn't care at all. After all, there are mines, so how could she be short of coal?
"No, no, the output of this mine is not much a year, how can there be unlimited supply, it must be the trick of the princess, unlimited supply? Scaring people."

Cui Yuqing glanced at the two of them, then slowly shook his head.

This charcoal is absolutely crucial to Li Yanran, otherwise she would not be able to go to the mine.

But he still can't figure out what the other party wants to do?

"No matter what the situation is, this coal mine is bound to plummet. We now have [-] vehicles in our hands. Hurry up and get rid of them, otherwise we will really lose money."

There are at least 3000 cars in circulation in Chang'an, and they account for one-sixth. If the money is spent in their own hands.

The entire Cui family may be going to eat wild vegetables.

After all, they have lost too much during this period, almost seventy to eighty thousand.

These are all cash. If he loses another [-] to [-] guan, he will really run out of ammunition and food.

"Well, my boss, I can't hesitate any longer. Hurry up and sell the meat, otherwise it's really over."

Saturday Ping also stood up, this time he was the leader.

He doesn't know if he will be rewarded if he makes money, but if he loses money, he doesn't dare to think about his end.

Forcibly cutting the flesh now, you can't pay much. If you hesitate again, it will really fall into your own hands.

"Brother, are you really going to stop insisting?"

Cui Yuqing looked at Cui Yuanjun, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"There is no chance. Now sell all the charcoal. If you want to continue to store it, the big deal is to wait until we get rid of the coal in our hands, and then recycle it at a low price."

Cui Yuanzhen let out a long sigh, his eyes full of loneliness.

"Then cut the meat!"

Cui Yuqing also sighed, and signaled for a sale on Saturday.

"Immediately go to find out the current price of coal, fast."

Saturday Ping hurriedly let the boy out to check the current market.

"Shopkeeper, Lu's shop in Xishi will ship for [-] yuan."

"Shopkeeper, Zheng's shop will ship for [-] yuan."

"Shopkeeper, the price has dropped to [-] yuan."

As the messages came one after another, Saturday Ping felt his brain explode.

"[-] yuan, all [-] yuan, fast, ship."

"Ten thousand dollars? Is it too little?"

The boy was really surprised to hear the price given by Saturday Ping, ten thousand?

How much money they paid when they bought it at the beginning, and now they will sell it for [-] yuan, which means they will lose a lot of money.

"Quick, if you don't sell it, maybe you won't be able to sell it for [-] yuan."

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