My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 446 Su Dingfang, triumphant return

Saturday Ping slapped the boy on the head with one slap, ten thousand is not enough?

It's not bad if you can sell it at this price, if you delay, you won't be able to sell it for [-] yuan.

At that time, I have to jump off the building.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The boy who was beaten felt aggrieved, and ran out clutching his head.

"Ten thousand yuan? His Cui family really dare to sell it, aren't they afraid of paying death?"

Hearing the news of the Cui family, the entire market was in an uproar.

"Sell it, sell it to me for [-] yuan, sell the charcoal first, otherwise it will all be thrown into your hands."

"Someone sold it for nine thousand? Seven thousand, throw it away."

"Six thousand, dump the goods for me."

The price of charcoal is like a roller coaster. The price rose a few days ago and fell to the bottom in an instant.

In the end, it even dropped to the original [-] yuan, but no one took the offer even at this price.

"It's over."

It was a miserable day on Saturday, and all [-] truckloads of goods were lost.

Now he's done.

Looking into the distance, Saturday Ping's eyes are full of nostalgia.

He pulled a hemp rope, hung it on the beam of the house, and kicked his legs.

"Master, shopkeeper Zhou Zhou."

"What happened to Saturday Ping?"

Cui Yuqing raised his brows as he looked at the miserable boy.

"The shopkeeper Zhou Zhou hanged himself from the beam."


Hearing this news, Cui Yuqing sat down on the chair with a look of slump.

"Why did he hang himself?"

"This is his fate, and now we have lost too much, and someone must stand up to bear this fault.

He is the mastermind this time, only in this way will his wife and children not be implicated. "

Cui Yuanjun shook his head. The current situation is that Zhou Ping must die. Who should bear the responsibility for his not dying?

It must be Cui Yuqing.

So now that he commits suicide, he can be regarded as being loyal to them.

"Hey, let me tell you that Liu Ping's son is in charge of Luoyang Commercial Bank, and his grandson is allowed to study in Cui's school.

In addition, the dead body of Saturday Ping was carefully restrained and buried in a dignified way. "

Cui Yuqing also let out a sigh, it was the only way to do it now.

Saturday Ping died a well-deserved death, all he can do is treat the other party's descendants kindly.


The boy nodded and left.

"Your Highness, the price of this charcoal has been reduced to [-] yuan per car, and there is a downward trend, what should we do?"

When Di Renjie came in front of Li Yanran, he really didn't expect that the price would collapse so quickly.

Forty-five thousand yuan per car, it was reduced to four hundred yuan in less than a day, and there was still room for price reduction, which really made him a little embarrassed.

Li Yanran's move is really ruthless. This time, I don't know how many people will hang themselves.

"Acquisition, take all of them, but at a price of [-] yuan."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and played Mantis Catch the Cicada with me, you don't know who is the oriole behind this.

"Three hundred dollars? Will they sell it?"

The price of three hundred yuan is really beyond Di Renjie's imagination.

You should know that when the other party bought it, it might cost more than 4 yuan. Now you want [-] yuan to collect it. This is going to the grandma's house.

"It's only three hundred dollars, whether they like to sell it or not, if they don't sell it, they can keep it for themselves.

Those that can be exchanged for real money in our hands are a pile of useless things in their hands.

When Zuo Yu's production capacity expanded, they couldn't even sell it for three hundred dollars.

Besides, they have lost so much, so they still care about the hundred dollars?

I'm afraid that they would like someone to come out to take over the offer. "

Li Yanran didn't take it seriously, except for herself, no one in Chang'an would accept this handicap.

She is always the banker and has the final pricing power, and these people can only be at their mercy.


Di Renjie nodded and left, and immediately spread the news to Chang'an.

Those people who were dumping charcoal in the past were filled with resentment when they heard that it would be worth [-] yuan per cart.

The real meow is not human, you didn’t pay the [-] yuan before, but now you don’t even pay the market price, only [-] yuan.

"Little brother, it's up to you whether to sell it or not. If you still want to continue, we'll buy it for five hundred and five yuan.

After all, we can't let Princess Lishan take our money and collect all the charcoal. "

Cui Yuanjun looked at his brother, he knew that the other party was not feeling well.

Originally, I thought I could make a plan in advance and make a copy, but I didn't expect to be cut off by the other party.

He was not as wronged as he was wronged.

"Forget it, now when I see these charcoals, I think of Liu Ping, and fighting with that Lishan princess, I. Hey."

Cui Yuqing shook his head, this time the coal trade war really made him disheartened.

Especially Saturday Ping, the most proud chief executive, committed suicide, which was a big blow to him.

"Little brother, look away, don't be depressed."

Glancing at Cui Yuqing, Cui Yuanjun also patted him on the shoulder, and walked out slowly.

"Order to sell all our five hundred carts of charcoal."


In this way, Li Yanran bought back all the charcoal in Chang'an without any effort.

Every time he went there, Li Yanran made a lot of money.

Time flies, and Zuo Yu's actions are also very fast, recruiting manpower, expanding the coal mine, everything is in order.

With financial support, the production capacity of Zuoyu Coal Mine finally approached Li Yanran's requirement before the winter, reaching a scale of [-] shi per month.

After a period of debugging, with a monthly income of [-] shi, there should be no problem.

A gust of wind blew, Li Yanran couldn't help shivering.



Li Feng handed over the cloak given by Wu Zetian, and put it on Li Yanran's shoulders.

"Li Feng, it won't be too cold this winter!"

Looking up at the sky, she suddenly felt like a charcoal seller.

She tinkered with honeycomb coal for heating in winter. If it is not cold in winter, the sales of honeycomb coal will not be very good.

If the winter is too cold, maybe how many people will not be able to survive this winter.

"Miss, go back."

Li Feng shook his head, no matter how cold the winter is, as long as the lady is safe, he is satisfied.


Li Yanran nodded, turned around and returned to the house.

The production of honeycomb briquettes has been piled up in the warehouse, layer by layer like a hill, with no edge in sight.

The same goes for the briquette stoves, all stacked to the brim, just waiting for winter to approach.

Time has entered winter, and Chang'an is also decorated with lights and festoons, which are extraordinarily gorgeous.

Without him, it was Su Dingfang who conquered the Western Regions and returned triumphantly. Not only did he break Ashina Helu's 10,000+ Yuan soldiers, but he also personally escorted the leader of the bandit, Ashina Helu, back to Chang'an.

Li Zhi was also overjoyed to see Sabolo Khan of the Western Turks who had been fighting against the Tang Dynasty for decades.

After all, the Western Turks have occupied the Western Regions for many years and captured Ashina Helu. Basically, it can be said that the entire Western Regions have been included in the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

This is a feat that broke the sky, even if it was a feat that his father failed to achieve, now his son has achieved it, how could he be unhappy.

"This is Su Dingfang?"

Looking at the veteran Su Dingfang with white beard and beard, Li Yanran was also surprised.

Su Dingfang in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties was not a good bird. It was not until she traveled to the Tang Dynasty that she realized how powerful this vilified general was.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the God of War in the Tang Dynasty. She fought thousands of miles and captured the Khan of the Western Turks. This achievement simply made her unbelievable.

It's hard to be admired that an old man who is more than seventy years old can make such a great achievement.

"Sister, that's Sabolo Khan from Western Turkic. He really looks ugly."

Standing beside Li Yanran, Li Hong looked at Ashina Helu in the prison car with disdain.

These people are really ugly, with beards all over their faces, and they are scary to look at.

"Your Majesty, Su Dingfang fulfilled his mission and quelled Ashina Helu's rebellion. Now, Ashina Helu is entrusted to you."

Su Dingfang knelt on the ground and saluted Li Zhi.

"Okay, Su Dingfang is unparalleled in the world, I specially named Su Dingfang General Zuo Xiaowei and promoted him to Xing Guogong.

His son Su Qingjie was the Duke of Wuyi County, and the rest of the generals who accompanied the army were all rewarded for military merit. "

"Su Dingfang thanked Lord Long En."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

For a time, all civil and military officials, and countless forbidden soldiers also shouted long live.

At this moment Li Zhi stood above tens of thousands of people, his eyes were full of pride.

Father, have you seen it?
What you wanted to do but couldn't do before, your son helped you do it.

From now on, the Western Regions have returned to the embrace of my Tang Dynasty.

After the rewards were completed, Li Zhi ordered all civil and military officials and envoys from various countries to be called together, and an unusually grand ceremony of presenting prisoners was held in front of Zhaoling.

For a while, all the envoys of various countries were shocked, especially the envoys of the neighboring countries in the Western Regions.

How tyrannical the Turks are, no one knows better than them.

The Tang Dynasty first destroyed the Eastern Turks and captured the Jieli Khan of the Eastern Turks.

Now he has captured Ashina Helu, the Western Turkic Khan who traveled across the Western Regions.

Everyone understood how tyrannical Datang was.

After doing all this, Li Zhi was not satisfied, and held a grander prisoner offering ceremony in front of the Taimiao.

Ashina Helu had lost two people in succession, and now he wanted to die, and wanted to bury Zhaoling with him, but Li Zhi didn't allow it at all.

At the beginning, you Turks made my father lose face. If I, as a son, could let you die so comfortably, then I would be a son of man in vain.

Immediately, he ordered Ashina Helu to be placed under house arrest and offered food and drink.

This is the military medal of the Tang Dynasty. There is nothing that can flaunt one's own strength than the Khan who raised the Turks. Naturally, he will not give up.

After the Western Turkic tribe was wiped out, Li Zhi immediately set up two Duhufu in the area ruled by the Western Turkic, namely the Mengchi Duhufu and the Kunling Duhufu.

Separate officials from the various tribes on the west and east sides of the Chu River, and then set up prefectures and counties according to the size of these tribes, and appoint the chiefs of these tribes as officials below the governor.

So far, all the ministries of the Western Turks have submitted to the Tang Dynasty, and the Central Asian countries that were originally attached to the Western Turks have also sent envoys to prepare to submit to the Datang.

After the prisoner offering was over, the whole of Chang'an was also immersed in joy. Under this anger, the first snow of winter also came quietly.

There is a huge stove in the house, and a chimney made of iron sheet extends directly outside the house.

A group of people are sitting around the fire, talking there.

"Sister, it's snowing, let's go out for a snow walk."

Li Hong pushed open the door, and the bitter cold wind blew into the room with snowflakes all over the sky.

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, Taxue, you big watermelon, didn't you see that you were talking about business?

"what happened?"

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