My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 447 Sales Strategy

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Hong also shivered.

Could it be that he committed some taboo again?

"What's the matter? If you have that skill, you might as well go to the coal yard behind to help out and make more briquettes."

"Forget it, if you don't go, I will go by myself."

"Mom monkey, run."

Hearing this, Li Hong turned around and ran away with Mahou.

"I really don't know."

Li Yanran shook her head, she was a child, she was really carefree, she didn't even know the shit.

"Let's continue, Changsun Yan, you immediately send people to transport these stoves and briquettes to Chang'an for sale.

Some agents can be developed, and we will give them preferential treatment.

Of course, I picked up the goods from Chang'an, and sold them at a discount. "

Li Yanran glanced at the four people in front of her, and slowly expressed her thoughts.

"Brother Li, why don't we sell it ourselves? Wouldn't it be a lot less money to let someone else buy it as an agent?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Changsun Yan also frowned.

Brother Li was not like this before, he ate alone, why did he become like this this time?

Could it be that when Brother Li became a princess, the situation suddenly opened up?
"Idiot, there are tens of thousands of people in Chang'an, if we only rely on our shop to sell, how much can we sell?

Besides, can this briquette be the same as those of perfume?

Perfume is a high-end product that focuses on quality, while this briquette is a product of people's livelihood and focuses on quantity.

These briquettes can only be sold for a few dollars, and the more we sell, the more we can earn.

I'm willing to give up, I've told you countless times, why can't I even figure this out. "

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan, her eyes were full of coldness.

It is true that she is good at making money, but she never makes money that is ignorant of her conscience.

The sooner this briquette is sold, the sooner those common people can use it.

Only by being accepted by the public can they earn the Mane they want.

"I understand, it's right to borrow the power of others to make money for us."

The word willingness seems to be the switch of Changsun Yan's wisdom. Hearing these two words, his commander immediately occupied the high ground again.

"Well, that's what it means."

Li Yanran nodded, looking at Changsun Yan, she always had a sense of accomplishment.

Yao thought that the other party was a naive person when he first came into contact with him, but now he has some bright spots for him to see.

Given time, this kid might really be able to stand on his own.

"Your Highness, act quickly. When the snow stops, those poor people will be in trouble."

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran with worry in his eyes.

The snow came so suddenly, he thought it would not come until the twelfth lunar month, but he didn't expect it to be November.

It seems that this winter is not going well.

"Well, let's act now, this matter is the top priority of the Lishan fief.

This is not only related to whether our honeycomb coal can be a hit, but also related to the livelihood of the people in Chang'an, understand? "

Li Yanran glanced at the few people, and spoke out her order.

"Your Highness, there is still a key question, how much is the price? A carload of firewood is only a hundred dollars. If the briquette is too expensive, it will not be sold."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran again. The biggest problem bothering them now is the price. Only when the price is right can the people of Chang'an rush to buy briquettes.

If it is only because briquettes are simple to use but more expensive than burning firewood, then people will still not choose briquettes.

No other, just because of poverty.

The people are not from aristocratic families, as long as they can make a living, it doesn't matter if they are dirty or tired.

"How do you feel about the pricing? How long does a load of firewood last for ordinary people?"

Li Yanran frowned, she really had no idea how much the price would be, after all, she didn't understand the lives of ordinary people.

For ordinary people, they burn about forty catties of firewood a day.

That is to say, a car of firewood for [-] renminbi can only be used in less than one month, which translates to about [-] renminbi per day for heating.

So sometimes those poor people can't even afford to burn firewood in winter, so they can only endure hard.

Hearing Di Renjie's words, Li Yanran also fell into deep thought.

A car of coal costs 500 yuan, and with yellow mud, a piece of honeycomb briquette made weighs about a catty, which means that it can make briquettes of less than [-] yuan.

Not counting labor costs, four briquettes are only about one yuan.

According to the parameters of briquettes, a piece of briquettes takes at least one and a half hours, six pieces of briquettes are burned a day, and only eight pieces of briquettes are burned quickly.

In other words, the cost per day is about two dollars.

There are 10 people in Chang'an, nearly [-] households, and at least tens of millions of briquettes are consumed a day.

Even if it sells for half a dollar, it's only four dollars a day.

Compared with the previous wood-burning, although there is not much advantage in price, it is more convenient and simple, and the most important thing is safety.

Moreover, she now holds a coal mine. As long as the production capacity keeps up, the cost of mining the remaining coal will be further reduced.

As long as the quota task of the household department is completed, the rest is equal to free.

You can earn as much as you sell, and you can do this no-cost business.

"Di Renjie, half a piece of briquette, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, half a penny is still a bit too much, can you have a little less?"

After thinking about it in his heart, Di Renjie frowned involuntarily.

He also knew the cost of the coal, half a cent was already quite conscientious, but for those poor families, three or four cents a day was still a bit much.

"Di Renjie, Brother Li didn't invent honeycomb coal for charity, is it more than half a dollar?

Don't you fail to recognize the situation, you are His Highness's Commander-in-Chief. "

Li Siwen looked at Di Renjie, half a penny more?
I am here to make money, not to save the world.

Those who are willing to spend money will use it, and those who are not willing to use it will not use it. No one is forcing them.

"I know, but this briquette is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, if it is too expensive, the people will definitely not buy it.

His Highness also said that the briquette can only be considered profitable if it is sold. If there is a slow sale, it will still lose money in the end. "

Di Renjie saluted Li Yanran, his eyes full of longing.

His first thought of becoming an official was to make a living for the people. Seeing such a good thing, he really didn't want to bury it.

"Well, what Di Renjie said makes sense, what is sold is money, and what is not sold is a pile of trash.

In this way, it is still one yuan and two yuan, and I will get one free after buying ten yuan. This is the bottom line. "

Li Yanran nodded, but the cost was there, if she lowered the price, she would really be doing charity.

And she still has to consider the agent's situation. Will she lose money and sell it to them?
She tried her best to benefit the people of the world in the end, and she didn't have such a noble character.

It doesn't matter whether the Holy Mother is inappropriate, she doesn't want to be burdened by those false names.

"Your Highness, what should I do with the coal stove? After all, it is not a small expense."

Di Renjie sighed, he also knew that his opinion was a little too much, so he just thought about it.

"The manufacturing cost of a coal stove is about [-] yuan, and I will sell it for [-] yuan. If I buy another coal stove, I will give them five honeycomb briquettes. This should be all right!"

Li Yanran thought for a while, and said what was in her heart.

"Brother Li, isn't this just a loss? I can't figure it out if I sell it at cost and add five briquettes."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi quit. Isn't this just shouting at a loss?

The cost of a stove is fifteen dollars, so you can sell it as it is, and you have to add briquettes. Isn’t this a pure fool?
"Idiot, willing, willing to understand."

Changsun Yan's IQ is still high and low, looking at Cheng Chubi, his eyes are full of contempt.

"Who are you calling an idiot?"

Cheng Chubi slapped Changsun Yan on the head with one slap.

Give you face, right? Tell me five or six.

It's really not enough to be beaten.

"Brother Li, look at Cheng Chubi."

Changsun Yan clutched his head for a moment of grievance, what did I say?

You are so stupid, you can't say it anymore.

He knows how to bully Lao Tzu because of his stature.

This time we are sitting down.

Wait a hundred years from now, and see if I won't let my son break your walking stick.

"Okay, I also want to hear how our Changsun County Lord understands it."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, these silly critics are really silly and happy.

"You only sell the briquette stove now, and people will use our briquette.

So this honeycomb coal stove is a house, and everyone can use our coal to get it.

This is willingness, you know what a fart. "

Changsun Yan cleared his throat, and slowly expressed his opinion.

"You understand, right?"

Cheng Chubi slapped him again, and you just explained what you said, why you still have to take Lao Tzu with you.

It's really not enough to be beaten.

"Cheng Chubi, I have tolerated you for a long time, don't go too far."

After being slapped again, Changsun Yan also stared at Cheng Chubi.

"I just bullied you, what the hell."

As Cheng Chubi said, he slapped him again, causing Changsun Yan's eyes to stare and his mind to go blank.

"Yeah, I'm fighting with you."

Changsun Yan couldn't care less about the absolute difference in strength, and rushed towards Cheng Chubi with a loud cry.

Seeing this, Cheng Chubi grabbed Changsun Yan's arm and threw him over his shoulder, smashing him to the ground.

With a bang, Changsun Yan almost didn't cry.

This moment really made him realize the reality, he seemed like he couldn't afford to offend this idiot.

"Yuchihuan, Li Siwen, help me take down Cheng Chubi, and I'll give each of you a bottle of Yuye wine tonight."

Although I can't fight the process, it doesn't mean I can't do anything.

If the force value is not as good as it is, let's fight for money, anyway, he can't swallow this breath.


Hearing this, Yuchihuan and Li Siwen's eyes lit up.

Although they are all rich now, they dare not drink a bottle of Baiguan Yuye wine often.

"Really, hold him down quickly, I'm going to kick his ass hard today."

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi bitterly.

The so-called rushing to the crown to become a beauty, he doesn't, he just wants to beat this idiot.

"Li Siwen, Yuchihuan, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the two men with malicious intentions, Cheng Chubi also gave Changsun Yan a look, and slowly backed away.

Among the four, Sun Yan, the chief martial artist, was the worst, followed by Li Siwen. He and Yu Chihuan were on par.

If he was flanked by Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan, he would be doomed.

"Yuchihuan, do you think it's unkind for us to do this?"

Watching Cheng Chubi retreat, Li Siwen glanced at Yuchihuan.


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