Chapter 448
Yu Chihuan was taken aback, you were ready to take down Cheng Chubi, but now you can't say it.

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

"That's right, it's definitely not kind, after all, we are brothers and sisters!"

Seeing Li Siwen hesitate, Cheng Chubi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you hear that? County Lord Changsun, we are brothers and sisters with Cheng Chubi, dear relatives and friends."

Li Siwen didn't even look at Cheng Chubi, but just glanced at Changsun Yan who was lying on the ground.

"So, what do you want?"

Changsun Yan frowned, wondering what Li Huhu wanted to do?
"I have to pay extra, two bottles of Yuye wine per person."


Seeing Li Siwen's righteous words, Cheng Chubi, Changsun Yan, and even Li Yanran who was watching the show were all stunned.

Isn't this meowing the lines of Jiaqian Layman Ding Xiu?

Did this Li Siwen also travel through time?
"Two people and three bottles of Yuye wine, if there are more, I won't do it."

Changsun Yan's back molars were about to be crushed, but the pain in his body told him that this revenge must be avenged.

Otherwise, you may really have to wait for the other party to be in his seventies and eighties.

"Okay, Cheng Chubi will be arrested before he puts up his hands. Give our Changsun county magistrate two slaps, and then I will give you a bottle of fine wine."

Hearing that Changsun Yan agreed to increase the money, Li Siwen also smiled at Cheng Chubi, telling him to obediently let him go.




Everyone was stupefied now, and Yuchi Huan's jaw was about to drop to the ground.

Li Siwen's trick is wonderful.

In this way, Cheng Chubi would not be offended, but Changsun Yan could take revenge.

The most important thing is that you don't have to do it yourself, and you can earn a bottle of fine wine with your wisdom. It's really a pleasure.

"Li Siwen, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Changsun Yan stared at Li Siwen with staring eyes. Did this guy take himself for a fool?
Since you are like this, why should I ask you, a middleman, to make the difference?

I'll just give Cheng Chubi a bottle of good wine and ask him to come over, isn't he delicious?

Cooperating with this in and out, I have two extra bottles of good wine, and I haven't had anything to drink by myself.

Where are you going to make sense?
"What's the matter? If you don't agree, we'll show you what Brother's Iron Fist is.

County Lord Changsun, you don't want to be beaten up by three people, do you? "

A chill flashed in Li Siwen's eyes, don't care what method we use, you can take out these three bottles of wine, and you can take them out.

Otherwise, you will have to cross the river with the whip.

"You, I don't want to play anymore, can't you?"

Changsun Yan was depressed, not because he couldn't afford wine, but because he felt too aggrieved.

It's like negotiating business by yourself, small companies offer low prices, and large companies offer high prices.

Out of trust in the big company, the business was handed over to the big company.

It turned out that it was discovered later that the people who came to work for this special meow were still the same group of people from the small company.

If you don't hit someone, then that person has a good temper.

Seeing that Changsun Yan was about to run, Yu Chihuan swooped directly and pinned Changsun Yan under him.

A pair of big copper bell-like eyeballs stared fiercely at Changsun Yan below him.

"Your Highness, this."

Looking at the four people playing around, Di Renjie felt that his three views were about to explode.

This is in front of the princess, you are so rude, aren't you afraid that the princess will blame you?
Besides, you are all dukes, sons of county kings, how could you do such rude things.


Li Yanran smiled slightly, isn't this situation normal?

No matter what manners you want, what kind of majesty you want.

Life is only a few dozen years, joy is enough, why bother so much?

"Brother Li, help, help."

Changsun Yan was held down by Yuchi Huan, his eyes were full of despair, looking around, only Li Yanran could save him.

"You want me to save your life? You are all my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters."

Hearing Changsun Yan's call for help, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

Li Siwen's appearance fee would cost three bottles of Yuye wine, let alone us.

If you want me to take action, you have to be prepared to bleed heavily.

"If you dare to ask for help, I'll give you face."

As Yu Chihuan said that, he slapped Changsun Yan on the head.

"I know, I need more money, right? I'll give it, I'll give it."

This slap almost didn't send Changsun Yan away, and he couldn't care about anything else at this moment.

It's so frustrating.

"Six bottles of Yuye wine."


Hearing the price, not only Zhang Sunyan was dumbfounded, but Yuchihuan and the others were also dumbfounded.

After all, it is Brother Li, who is more ruthless than himself.

The mouth is six bottles of Yuye wine, according to the market value, this is six hundred guan.

"Brother Li, as long as you can let me vent my anger, I will fight it out today."

Changsun Yan was so depressed that he glanced at Yuchihuan who was like a hill, and he was willing to go all out.

"Oh, it's less."

Hearing that Changsun Yan agreed, Li Yanran's brains also twitched.

I seem to have miscalculated Changsun Yan's determination, I knew it would take ten bottles.


Glancing at Li Yanran, the eldest grandson Yan also had his back molars shattered, six bottles less?
How much wealth do you have, you can sell me directly.

"Beat me first."

Li Siwen was horrified, Li Yanran was about to make a move, he had to beat Changsun Yan quickly, otherwise he would be in bad luck.

The three of them looked at each other, and together they started beating Changsun Yan violently.

"Brother Li, save me quickly, or I won't pay you."

"Hurry up, kill someone."

"Brother Li, someone died."

Changsun Yan wailed after being beaten, and desperately asked Li Yanran for help.

You have agreed, if this continues, I will be beaten to death.

"Give me a hand to stop."

Li Yanran shouted suddenly, Li Siwen and the three of them also took the time to continue outputting to Changsun Yan after hearing it.

Seeing that the three of them didn't listen to her orders, Li Yanran also sneered.

"Whoever stops now, I will give him a bottle of fine wine."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Siwen's eyes lit up and they stopped immediately.


Changsun Yan is really going to collapse now.

Another middleman came to the co-author, and I knew that I had followed Li Siwen just now.

Now it's better, not only lost three bottles of Yuye wine, but also received a beating for nothing.

Where is the reasoning for this meow?
Is it so profitable to be a middleman these days?
Anyway, he feels very bad now.

He was very angry.

"Brother Li, are you really okay with this?"

Changsun Yan stood up, stared at Li Yanran and said.

"I feel pretty good. It's not hurtful, and it can make money. Isn't it delicious?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, what's wrong with that.

Besides, it wasn't that he was the middleman first, it was Li Siwen who jumped out, and he just promoted it.

"you you."

Changsun Yan felt that he was going to have a brain hemorrhage, and he was critically hit twice in a row.

Co-authoring himself was beaten and cost money.

Who to talk to?
What about fairness in this world?
What about justice?
"What are you, the three of you stick your butts out."

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, don't be nagging.

Hurry up and hit someone, and after the money is paid, there are a lot of things waiting to be done.

"Master Changsun, come on."

"Changsun Yan, use your strength."

"I am the same."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, the three of them also sat in a row, pouted their buttocks and waited for the grandson Yan to come over.

The opportunity is right in front of you, if you don't hit me, I'm sorry for myself, and I'm also sorry for those six bottles of Yuye fine wine.

Speaking of Changsun Yan, she also bared her teeth, and slapped Cheng Chubi's ass when talking about it.


After this slap, Cheng Chubi didn't feel it at all, but he still yelled cooperatively.


Hearing this shout, Changsun Yan felt that his brain was going to explode.

If you're so meowy, don't scream if it doesn't hurt. If you do this, I won't save face.

"Go on, Mr. Changsun County, I'm so scared."

Cheng Chubi turned his head and begged for him.

"I'm so meow, I'm going to fight with you."

Changsun Yan stared and ran out directly. Several people were puzzled when they saw Changsun Yan running back with a stick.

"Damn, Changsun Yan, are you serious?"

Seeing this situation, the three of them were dumbfounded. Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't make fun of life.

Playing with you by yourself, but you want to dance with a gun and stick, this bottle of Yuye wine may kill someone.

"Playing for real? I'm playing for real. If I don't hit you today and can't take care of myself, I'll be sorry for my six bottles of fine wine."

Changsun Yan shook the wooden stick in his hand, and knocked Cheng Chubi with one stick.

Cheng Chubi was beaten, and his whole body was not well.

"Lao Tzu, today I have to let you know what a round sky is."

As Cheng Chubi said that, he rushed towards Changsun Yan. He had to teach Changsun Yan a lesson.

"Brother Li, help me."

Looking at the crazy Cheng Chubi, Changsun Yan trembled in fright, and ran away with a stick.

"Stop it for me."

Li Yanran roared, even Cheng Chubi trembled three times.

"Brother Li, he's gone too far."

"That's right, the sticks are all out. Next time, let's take the knife."

"I, I."

A few people also had bitter faces. It would be really not worthwhile if Zhang Sun Yan beat them up with a stick.

"Changsun Yan, you are going too far."

Li Yanran also frowned, this eldest Sun Yan is really too much.

After playing, there is no one who can move a stick.

It's not the enemy of life and death, as for it.

"Their physiques look like tickling to me, the key is to look at Cheng Chubi's cheap looks.

Still scared, disgusting.

I don't need a stick, these six bottles of Yuye fine wine are too unfair. "

They were wronged, and Changsun Yan felt that he was the king of the wronged.

After being beaten, the money was spent, and in the end, people will be yin and yang.

Let alone a seven-foot man like myself, even a woman can't bear it.

Without using the knife, he had already thought of brotherhood.

"How about this, Li Feng, go get the rattan whip that I used to beat Li Hong."

Li Feng nodded, and walked back with the rattan whip after a while.

"Five hits each. If you agree, hit him. If you don't agree, I don't care. Just give me the three of you to beat him to death."

Li Yanran flicked the rattan whip in her hand, it still had the same weight and the same feeling.


(End of this chapter)

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