My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 453 collapsed

Chapter 453 collapsed

Seeing the situation in front of him, Changsun Yan was also depressed for a while.

You bastard, why are you still the prince?
Eating shit can't keep up with the hot ones.

He was brought down by Brother Li in one fell swoop.


"You are an adult, why don't you go?"

The little fat man was stunned for a moment, looking at the grandson Yan in front of him, wouldn't he go to the door and get beaten by himself now?
Although I am fat, I am not stupid.

Changsun Yan slapped him with a slap, the little fat man was stunned, he didn't know why the other party bullied him.

"I'll let you go, if you don't obey, I will beat you."

Seeing Changsun Yan's ferocious look, the little fat man also shuddered and nodded hastily.

"Why are you standing there, do what I tell you."


Glancing at grandson Yan, Li Hong's younger brothers had nothing to say, so they hurriedly followed orders.

The little fat man had been slapped just now, and they didn't want to provoke each other.

A group of friends stepped up and threw snowballs forward one by one, and the little fat man who was taught by Changsun Yan also ran forward with all his strength.

"The wind is screaming."

"Li Feng, run quickly."

Seeing the snowball flying towards him, Li Yanran ran away like a fool.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Now that Li Hong has been brought down by himself, it is better to accept it as soon as he sees it.

As Li Feng spoke, he threw the snowball in his hand on Ma Hou again, and ran back after Li Yanran.

"Boss, are you alright!"

Ma Hou and the little fat man rushed in front of Li Hong, their eyes full of worry.

"Ma monkey, little fat, save me."

Li Hong looked at Ma Hou and the little fat man, almost crying.

Sister is too ruthless, too ruthless.

"Boss, he bullies people."

Li Hong was rescued and came back, and the little fat man began to complain about Sun Yan's behavior with tears in his nose.

"Do you still dare to sue?"

Hearing this, Changsun Yan slapped the little fat man on the head again.

Dare to sue Laozi for his tricks?It's against you.

"Changsun Yan, you dare to touch my people?"

Seeing the grandson Yan bullying his younger brother, Li Hong also quit.

Their boss is here!
You hit them and you hit me in the face.

I really don't want to live anymore.


Changsun Yan is depressed, what's wrong with me beating up a little fat man?
Besides, I beat him not because he was disobedient.

If it weren't for my slap, you would still be buried in the snow nest now!
It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, who doesn't know a good heart.

"This time, I will let you go. If you dare to touch me next time, I will have your legs broken."

"Smash them to death!"

Seeing that Changsun Yan didn't speak, Li Hong didn't want to entangle him again.

Now I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. The most urgent thing is to give full play to the advantage in numbers and replace quality with quantity.

They can't take care of themselves if they smash their lives.


Li Yanran put the ball of snowball artifact on the snow, started to pile snow on it, and then combined with force, ten snowballs appeared in front of her.


Looking at the pressed snowball, Cheng Chubi and the others were all stunned.

And such a good thing?

How come I never thought that snowball fights can be played like this before?

Brother Li is really smart.

"Why are you standing still, hit me."

Li Yanran grabbed a snowball and threw it directly.

Cheng Chubi and the others also grabbed the snowball and started to fight back.

Both sides were having a great time smashing back and forth, and there were flying snowballs and wailing shouts everywhere.

Although there are few people on Li Yanran's side, but there is a small bug of Li Yanran, the speed of the snowball is faster than that of Li Hong on the opposite side.

The people on Li Hong's side, who had been smashed after a while, didn't dare to show their heads.

The child was okay, but Changsun Yan was depressed.

Facing a traitor, even though he was forcibly expelled by Li Yanran, he was still hated by the three of them, most of the snowballs followed him.

After a while, Sun Yan's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he doubted his life.

"Sister, you are stupid, you still use tools for snowball fights, rascal."

Li Hong hid behind a big tree and shouted at Li Yanran.

"This means that if you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. Sister never fights a battle that you are not sure of."

"Push forward, press forward!"

With a big wave of Li Yanran's hand, she led several people forward.

They have an absolute advantage now, so naturally they have to go all out to completely convince Li Hong and the others.

"Boss, they're coming over."

Seeing Li Yanran and the others moving forward, Ma Hou also shivered.

He didn't miss snowballs just now, especially the two hits by his master. His face still hurts now.

If he was overwhelmed by the opponent, he might be beaten to death.

"Sister, don't play tricks, don't cross the center line."

Li Hong jumped out and shouted at Li Yanran.

We had an agreement before, if you cross the line, don't blame me for cursing!
Seeing Li Hong, Li Yanran also sneered, and threw the snowball in her hand.


Not to mention, Li Yanran's snowball was very accurate, and it directly hit Li Hong's face with flowers.


Seeing Li Hong jumping out and being beaten, they were merciless and threw snowballs in their hands.

Li Hong was thrown into suspicion by the snowball in an instant. He just jumped out to say something fair. As for targeting me like this?
"Save the boss!"

"Mahou is here, who dares to fight me."

Seeing that Li Hong was under fire, Ma Hou also jumped out, throwing snow balls, trying to attract firepower.


A snowball flew head-on, hitting Mahou's face with flowers.

"Smash him."

As Li Feng said, he threw another snowball over, calling for the others to set fire to Mahou.

"Leave him alone, focus on Li Hong."

Li Yanran's target is her own younger brother, Ma Hou is just an idiot, don't worry about him.

"Then you continue."

Li Feng shook his head and taught his disciples, but he never forgot.

The snowball in his hand was like a cannonball, and Mahou had no way to fight back when it hit him.

"Everyone fight back, little fat man, you go and save your boss."

Seeing that Li Hong was about to be buried by the snowball, Changsun Yan slapped the little fat man on the head again, ordering him to rescue Li Hong.


The little fat man just wants to scold his mother now, but the grandson Yan is tall and strong, and he is not the opponent's opponent at all.

Secretly spat, the little fat man also secretly made up his mind.

If you have the ability to wait for the fat man for 20 years, then I will let you kneel down and call grandpa.

I'm not your fat man.

After thinking about it and doing it, the little fat man ran all the way, rushing to Li Hong.

"You want to save someone, little fat man, you are still a little tender."

Cheng Chubi glanced at the little fat man who looked like a mountain of meat, and threw a snowball at him.

The little fat man was also a mechanism, relying on his thick flesh, he covered his round face regardless, and rushed forward recklessly.

"This kid?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed, this guy really is.
The little fat man rushed to Li Hong's side despite the injury, turned around and turned his back to Cheng Chubi who was behind him, protecting Li Hong from retreating.

"I can't take care of it anymore, meow, I can't bear this little fat man."

As Cheng Chubi spoke, he ignored the previous agreement to fight with one hand, and began to snowball with both hands.

To deal with such a small bug as the little fat man, the only way to teach him to be a man is to use a big snowball.

Soon a huge snowball appeared in Cheng Chubi's hands, and he threw it hard, and it hit it directly.

A big snowball fell from the sky, and the little fat man who hit it directly staggered and fell down.

"no, do not want."

Seeing the little fat man getting closer, a trace of despair flashed in Li Hong's eyes.

If this mountain of meat is overwhelmed, he will be crippled.


The little fat man fell from the sky and landed directly on Li Hong's body.

Li Hong's eyeballs almost popped out, the weight of the little fat man was not only unbearable for him, it was almost fatal.



"He's going to die!"

Now Li Hong just wants to get out of the sea of ​​suffering quickly, the little fat man is really blessed to suffer.

But after Li Hong yelled for a while, his little friends didn't dare to go over at all.

"Changsun Yan, if you still don't come to save me, I'll discount your dog legs!"

Seeing Changsun Yan showing his head furtively, Li Hong hurriedly yelled at him.


Hearing this, Changsun Yan was depressed.

You have so many little brothers, why did you want to find me?

Didn't you still look down on me just now?

It's not time to ask me for help.

After thinking about it, Changsun Yan still didn't dare to provoke Li Hong, this kid was famous for his revenge.

If he offended him, he would be finished if he couldn't say no.

Changsun Yan rushed out directly, but before reaching Li Hong's side, Yuchihuan's big snowball hit his face.

In an instant, he felt that his nose had lost its function, and a stream of tears flowed straight down.

"Changsun Yan, beat him up."

Changsun Yan is more hated than the little fat man Mahou and the little fat man. For a while, everyone turned their targets, even Li Yanran was no exception.

Changsun Yan was smashed in an instant so that he doubted his life.

Didn't they agree to deal with Li Hong?
Do we just call you to hate?
The grandson Yan was set on fire, and the little fat man hurriedly got up.

Li Hong breathed a sigh of relief, which can be regarded as a special relief.

If he was suppressed for a while, he might have to go see his grandfather.

Fortunately, my own mechanism used such a trump card as Changsun Yan, otherwise I might not know what it would be like.

"No, I can't take it anymore, go!"

Seeing this, Cheng Chubi rushed across the center line and rushed towards Changsun Yan.

Yu Chihuan followed closely behind, and Li Siwen did not dare to lag behind.

"No, they rushed over!"


"I want to go home, I want to find my mother!"

Seeing Cheng Chubi and the others come out, Li Hong's little friends all quit.

It's a good deal, but the middle line, you adults are here to bully us children.

Really shameless.

If they can't fight, can't they still run?
Everyone ran away, even the little fat man who had been protecting Li Hong left his boss and ran out directly.

"Don't run, don't run!"

Li Hong watched his younger brothers flee one after another, and Li Hong was also depressed.

What should I do if everyone runs away?
It can't be said that he is really going to be buried in the snow nest.

Equally depressed was Changsun Yan, who seemed to have foreseen his own ending.

Thinking of this, he also moved his legs and started running with the children.

"Want to run?"

Cheng Chubi had been staring at Changsun Yan, seeing that he wanted to escape, he directly hit the opponent's back of the head with a big snowball.


(End of this chapter)

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