Chapter 454

Changsun Yan staggered from the smash and fell to the ground.

Yu Chihuan seemed to have predicted that Changsun Yan would fall, and kicked his legs hard, as if an arrow from the string rushed past.

"I rely on!"

Seeing Yuchi Huan rushing towards him, Zhang Sunyan was completely dumbfounded, and hurriedly got up from the ground, running wildly for his life!

That's right, run for your life.

He knew very well what would happen if he was caught up by Yu Chihuan.

"Where to run!"

Yu Chihuan was like a vicious bear, he threw Chang Sun Yan to the ground with one swoop, and then rode on him and began to stuff snow into Chang Sun Yan's collar non-stop.


"I'm freezing to death!"

"Yuchihuan, stop now, do you want to kill someone?"

Changsun Yan only felt as if he was rolling naked on the snow.

No, this snow has now turned into water.

Bathing in the snow in winter, I am not a fighting nation.

This is for my own life.

Li Yanran ignored the wailing grandson Yan, but walked slowly to Li Hong's side.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Li Hong also shivered, and spoke slowly.

"Why don't you want to!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly at Li Hong, showing ten teeth.

"Sister, you lost money!"


Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, and immediately grabbed a ball of snow and threw it over.

"Flying sand, go, bah, bah, bah."

Before the snow in Li Hong's hand was blown out, the snow in Li Yanran's hand was thrown all over his face.

"Ice Palm!"

"Spiral pills!"

"Buried in heavy snow!"

Still familiar with the lines of the second grade, still familiar with the combo, Li Hong's end is still the same as before, he was almost buried alive by Li Yanran.

"Sister, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Li Hong was trapped in the snow nest, begging for mercy to Li Yanran.

"Now I know I was wrong? Aren't you the Little Ice Prince? Sister, this is fulfilling the title you gave yourself!"

As Li Yanran spoke, she took another handful of snow and spread it on the younger brother's face.

"Bah bah bah."

Li Hong only felt that his eyes and mouth were full of snow, and he didn't want to be associated with snow in his life.

"How dare you pooh me!"

"Spiral pills!"

Li Yanran rubbed another snowball as she spoke, and pressed it directly on Li Hong's face.

Dealing with Li Hong here, Changsun Yan and Ma Hou were also sneaked over by Yuchihuan and Li Fengti.

The two of them were depressed for a while looking at the miserable Li Hong, and the current Li Hong might be himself waiting for the meeting.

It's terrifying just thinking about it.

"Brother Li, I'm on your side. I went there just to be a spy. Now I request to return to the embrace of the organization!"

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran, and hurriedly asked to return.

"Changsun Yan, what are you talking about? Spy? This king will never end with you!"

Hearing Changsun Yan's words, Li Hong immediately became angry.

Staring at Changsun Yan with staring eyes, no wonder I lost, it was you, the sixth child, who made trouble.

If I can bypass you, I am not the prince of Datang.


Looking at Li Hong who was like a little rooster, Changsun Yan was also dumbfounded.

This is the end of the game, this time I have offended Li Hong, the little devil.

It's over, it's over.

"Whatever nonsense you say, get up for me."

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, now it's too late to surrender.


The three of them didn't dare to speak, and stood directly in front of Li Yanran, like a child who made a mistake, not daring to say a word.

"Since we lost the snowball fight, there should be a punishment!"

Li Yanran smiled at the three of them, and spoke slowly.

"Sister, if you don't play tricks on whoever loses and who wins, it's not certain!"

When Li Hong heard what Li Yanran said, he directly refuted it.

It's okay to be beaten, but he will never admit that he has lost.

After all, the three chapters of the agreement are in front, if it wasn't for cheating, how could he be in such a miserable state.

"Spiral pills!"

As Li Yanran spoke, another snowball hit Li Hong's face.

The world was clean in an instant, Li Hong was hit by this snowball and realized the reality clearly.

Now people are for knives and I am for fish and meat. Sister can do whatever she says!

"Did you lose?"


"Then admit it or not!"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, so why should I suffer so much?

Look at the parents, Sun Yan and Mahou, how good they are!
"Admit the punishment!"

Changsun Yan nodded directly to accept the punishment, he is the number one hero in the Tang Dynasty.

To be a hero, you must have the posture of a hero, surrender early, and get rid of it early.

"I accept the punishment, sister, how do you want to punish me, please don't hit me, I have a headache!"

Li Hong also quickly surrendered while covering his head with fear in his eyes.

"How could I hit my dear brother! You say yes, Brother Hong."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, two hits are too cheap for you.

This is a snowball fight, so she naturally has a better way of punishment.

"Sister, don't laugh like that, I'm timid and scared!"

Looking at Li Yanran's small tiger teeth, Li Hong shivered immediately.

He always felt as if he had said the wrong thing again.

Sister agreed so easily, he always felt a little unreal.


"Brother Li, why don't you hit me twice, even if you let Cheng Chubi do it."

Grandson Yan glanced at Li Hong, and you are the only one who talks a lot.

Damn, don't you know that sometimes being beaten is the lightest punishment.

Now his back is feeling cold, and he doesn't know if it's the effect of the snow water or the effect of his heart.

Anyway, it's too bad.

"Really? Cheng Chubi, I remember Changsun Yan gave you five lashes last time, why don't you give him fifty lashes?"



Both Cheng Chubi and Changsun Yan were taken aback, but one was frustrated and the other was excited.

"Brother Li, we have wanted to take revenge a long time ago, Mr. Changsun County, is your ass ready?"

Cheng Chubi clenched his fists, his face was full of ferocity.

"Brother Li, I thought about it for a while. Blessed people share difficult times, so I'd better accept the punishment together with them!"

Changsun Yan looked at Cheng Chubi's general grid, and then at his own arms and legs.

If Cheng Chubi beats her up, she won't even think about getting out of bed for a month or three months.

"I don't want to be with him, he doesn't deserve it."

Li Hong hugged his hands, looking down on him.

Contradictory, you also considered a man?
It's just a few dozen whips. Could it be that Cheng Chubi can really beat you to death?

Changsun Yan felt that he had received too many critical blows today.

First encountered Li Yanran's betrayal, and then encountered Li Hong's betrayal.

If it weren't for his good temper, he might have drawn his sword already.

"I don't want to be with you yet!"

Changsun Yan also put his hands in his pockets, acting like you don't love me, and I don't love you.

"Well, don't regret it."

Li Yanran walked towards a big tree as she spoke.

Changsun Yan and the others also followed behind Li Yanran.

"Stand by the tree!"

Ma Hou leaned against the big tree without any hesitation.

Li Hong glanced at the big tree, and asked full of doubts: "Sister, what are you going to do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry over."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, and kicked his ass.

"Understood, if you don't agree with me, hit someone!"

Li Hong was depressed, and leaned against Ma Hou while clutching his buttocks.

Looking at the two leaning against the tree, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

"Sister, don't laugh like that, I... I'm scared."

Seeing Li Yanran's signature smile again, Li Hong shivered again.

"Boss, boss, don't say that, it makes me a little scared!"

Hearing Li Hong's words, Ma Hou was not afraid at first, but now he is also afraid.

"So much nonsense! Li Feng."

While speaking, Li Yanran whispered in Li Feng's ear for a while.

After Li Feng finished listening, he glanced at the big tree above Li Hong's head, and heaved a sigh.

Instantly activated, Li Feng rushed directly under the tree, and then kicked onto the tree trunk.

After kicking, Li Feng also ran away without any hesitation.



Seeing Li Feng's appearance, Li Hong and Ma Hou were all dumbfounded.

I don't know what the hell the other party is doing.


Just when the two were wondering, they heard a roar coming from above their heads.

Countless white snow fell from the sky and buried the two of them directly.

"Brother Hong, this is the real snow burial technique."

Looking at the two people who were covered by the snow, Li Yanran smiled slowly.


Cheng Chubi and the others also gasped, especially Changsun Yan, who had already seen his fate.

The technique of heavy snow burial is truly terrifying!

"Brother Li Li, is it too late for me to regret it now?"

Seeing so much snow, Changsun Yan also felt a little regretful.

As I thought, sometimes being beaten is indeed the simplest punishment.

Now that I think about it, it's really nothing to be hit twice by Cheng Chubi.

His butt can still hold up, not to mention that they are all loved relatives and friends, brothers and sisters, can he really beat himself to death?
"Good idea! Let me go there."

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan again, since you talk too much nonsense, why don't you just accept the punishment?

Changsun Yan glanced at the big tree in front of him, chose the thinnest tree, and leaned over it.

"Brother Li, it's me this time."

Looking at the helpless grandson Yan, Cheng Chubi was also excited.

"Cheng Chubi, I'm warning you, take it easy!"

Seeing Cheng Chubi walking towards him, Changsun Yan swallowed involuntarily.

Just now Li Feng stepped lightly, and there was still a lot of snow on the trees, so Li Hong and Mahou were also buried alive.

If it was Cheng Chubi, the little tree behind him might not be able to withstand the opponent's kick.

"Little brother eldest grandson, brother promises to handle it with care."

Cheng Chubi squeezed his fist, lightly?

How can it be?

If you don't let you have a good experience of this snow burial technique today, you don't know how powerful it is.


Like a wild bull, Cheng Chubi kicked onto the tree trunk behind Changsun Yan.

Feeling the vibration of the tree trunk, Changsun Yan felt bad all over.

Handle this special meow lightly?
I light you a big watermelon.

The tree is almost broken by you.

After kicking, Cheng Chubi also ran away like a girl, and Changsun Yan also put his heart on the sidelines, and directly hugged Cheng Chubi's thigh.


"Why are you grabbing me so meow?"

Being caught by Changsun Yan, Cheng Chubi was not feeling well either, countless snow fell from the sky as soon as he finished speaking, and buried both of them inside.

"Bah bah bah."

Suddenly a figure rushed out of the snowdrift, whoever it was if it wasn't Cheng Chubi.

"Eldest grandson, Yan."

Cheng Chubi's eyes were bloodshot, this grandson dragged him to be buried with him at the most critical moment, he was almost mad at him.

"Ha ha ha ha."


"It's miserable!"

(End of this chapter)

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