Looking at the blueprint handed over by Master Yu, Li Yanran was also dizzy for a while.

What the hell?

"Your Highness, these are the blueprints given to me by the four young lords. They want me to build a special stove according to this."

"It's those four idiots, so it's no surprise."

Li Yanran is no exception when hearing that it is the masterpiece of Changsun Yan and four people.

After all, if the four of them join hands, even they themselves will have a headache for a while.

Let alone Master Yu.

"Your Highness, this stove really wants to do this. It's very embarrassing for the old man."

Master Yu's face was full of depression, the stove was built in such a way that it would really kill someone.

"I see, I will give you a drawing at that time, and you can just follow my drawing."

Li Yanran also has black lines all over her head, and these few naive critics have tossed the honest people over to complain.

They are also enough.

"Your Highness, that... the blueprints of the four young gentlemen."

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to give the drawings, Yu Dajiang was also relieved.

But thinking of the blueprint, Yu Dajiang shivered again.

If you don't follow their drawings, you will be in trouble.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them."

"If you are so old, you will leave."

Master Yu was completely relieved when he heard this, and hurriedly saluted and left.

"Tea, miss?"

Li Feng was also taken aback looking at Master Yu's back.

As soon as my tea was served, people left?

what's the situation?
"Keep it, this tea is useful."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, this tea is for reducing fire, now that Master Yu is out of fire, it's the turn of those crouching dragons and phoenix chicks to get angry.


Li Feng didn't know what Li Yanran meant.

The tea drinkers have all left, so what's the use of it.

"Immediately go and call Cheng Chubi and the others over, and bring me a pen and paper. I'm going to draw a picture."

Li Yanran patted her head.

I have to draw a picture again, it is really torture.


After Li Feng handed over the pen and paper, he ran out directly.

Soon Cheng Chubi and the others were called over, and they were all stunned when they saw Li Yanran who was struggling to write.

Didn't the blueprint just now be sent to the blacksmith?Why are you drawing again?

"It's painted."

Li Yanran put the pen on the table, looking at the picture she just drew, her eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Brother Li, what did you draw?"

Changsun Yan leaned over and looked at the blueprint in Li Yanran's hand, feeling a little puzzled.

This is completely different from the drawing that Li Feng sent over just now.

"What I drew is the honeycomb coal stove that you want to customize!"

Li Yanran blew on the ink, and then explained to Sun Yan, the chief.

"Brother Li, there's no need. We've already done all the specially customized blueprints. They are definitely the most genius blueprints, bar none."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of pride, and that blueprint was definitely one of the best masterpieces in their opinion.

Even Brother Li, your drawings are good, but there is still a gap compared with theirs.

The other three also nodded, and they also thought that their blueprints were the best.

"I said this is a specially customized drawing."

Li Yanran showed a signature smile at Changsun Yan, with ten teeth shining brightly.

"This is really unnecessary."

Changsun Yan shuddered and took two steps back.

"You don't even look at what kind of mess your blueprints are, do you really think that the master is a god?

And as I said just now, this is the drawing of the special custom briquette. Do you have any objections? "

Li Yanran slapped the desk case, and then threw their drawings on the ground.

"Brother Li Li, it's all our hard work, so you just throw it away?"

Li Siwen felt distressed looking at their blueprints still on the ground.

What a good drawing, this is not needed?
That was their brainchild, how could it be like this.

"I'm going to make money from this briquette stove, you guys are so complicated, even if Master Yu has eighteen arms, he can't make many.

make money?Where to make money?You tell me. "

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a contemptuous look, do you really think I'm doing charity?

"Then what about our drawings?"

Although Li Yanran was right, they didn't want their brainchild to be wasted like this.

"It's not impossible for you to do it, but you can only do a little bit for your own fun."

Looking at the expectant eyes of several people, Li Yanran also felt a little unbearable.

These crouching dragon and phoenix chicks haven't shown such eyes for a long time, so it's not impossible to play with them.


"I knew Brother Li would not let me down."

"That's right, our hard work can't be wasted!"

"I am very happy."

Hearing that Li Yanran agreed, the four of them also became excited.

Even if they can only do a little, they are very satisfied.

"Then you discuss it and decide how many you want to make."

Li Yanran nodded and let them decide how much to make.

"No need to discuss, my father's mansion needs to use at least twenty, plus those old brothers of his, let's make forty!"

"My father's is about the same, 45!"

"My father has a big appetite, so I want fifty!"

"I have a lot of family members, so I always give some to my brothers and sisters. One hundred stoves are enough."

Seeing the four of them snapping their fingers, Li Yanran's face darkened in an instant.

I ask you to do a little bit, not a billion points.

You only have dozens or hundreds of openings, and your stove is enough for a blacksmith to make hundreds of them.

Damn, do you really think you are made of mud?
Is it free labor for you?
"Shut up, Ben Gong!"

Li Yanran slapped the table again, and she stood up abruptly.

"Brother Li, didn't you say so? Do something."

Several people looked at the angry Li Yanran, and they were also a little confused.

Why did he get angry, and he didn't want much, and the four of them added up to only more than 200.

As for that?
"Five per person, this is the bottom line, we can't delay making money, understand?"

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan's thigh, and you talked the most nonsense.

Don't you know how much the fief's production capacity is?

Once you've built your stove, winter's all over.

Also sells a hammer stove.

Changsun Yan was kicked so much that he doubted his life, and Brother Li became more and more energetic.

Is this the kind of power a nine-year-old can have?
What's more, you are still a girl. Has no one taught you to be virtuous and virtuous?

Really drunk.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiesce. Let's do it like this. If anyone dares to pester the master again, don't blame me for discounting your dog legs."



Several people felt sad for a while, but they could only accept their fate in the current situation.

Just five, it's better than nothing.

"Why don't you get out if you're okay? With such heavy snow, if there is a problem with the fiefdom, I'll ask you guys."

Hearing this, the four of them also ran away like girls.

After getting Li Yanran's new blueprint, Yu Dajiang hurriedly arranged the production, and he himself focused on building the Kowloon Stove for the emperor.

The heavy snow that had been falling for several days finally stopped, and Li Yanran's briquettes were also selling well.

With honeycomb coal, the people's desire to buy firewood has also been reduced to the bottom, and those businessmen who are ready to look at firewood naturally hate honeycomb coal.

"What should we do? If the briquettes continue, all the firewood we have piled up will be thrown into our own hands."

Lin Jiuge, the owner of Jiumu Trading Company, looked at the people in front of him. These people were the largest firewood merchants in Chang'an.

For this winter, they have prepared countless firewood, plus the heavy snow that has just stopped.

Originally, they should have been able to take the opportunity to raise the price and make a fortune, but unexpectedly, they were robbed of the business by honeycomb coal.

"What do you want to do? Now who are selling briquettes, you must have seen it, we seem to be a bit offended!"

Ye Huosheng, the owner of Jiamu Trading Company, looked at Lin Jiuge and felt a little depressed.

Except for Princess Lishan's Huoyanyan Firm, the agents of honeycomb coal are all from aristocratic families.

They are not capable of confronting each other.

Money can be earned again, but if you offend these people, the consequences will be unpredictable.

"That's why I asked you to come here. In the past two days, I have been connected to King Xu. If he comes forward.

Presumably those aristocratic families will definitely weigh who they should cooperate with. "

Lin Jiuge smiled slightly, and revealed the identity of the person behind him.

"King Xu?"

"You actually hooked up with King Xu?"


Hearing Lin Jiuge's words, the owners of several commercial firms were stunned for an instant.

"I'm afraid King Xu can't do it either. Honeycomb coal is indeed cheaper and more convenient than us now, even if you ask King Xu to do it, the common people may not buy it.

And behind the briquettes, there is the figure of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan. Although Xu Wang is the prince, he can't let him be favored by His Majesty.

If there was a real fight, who would His Majesty help? "

Ye Huosheng frowned. Even though you have hooked up with King Xu, he is Li Yanran, the Princess of Lishan.

At that time, I may not know who to beat!
"You think too much, a daughter is a daughter after all, it's just a family member,

A son is always a son, one of his own.

Here, when women fight, can they really ignore their sons and only take care of their daughters?

Besides, the use of fuelwood for the winter has been handed down since ancient times. There are endless trees, and there is only so much coal.

If they were all replaced with honeycomb coal, how many people would freeze to death if the supply would not be available?

How many people lost their jobs because of this. "

Lin Jiuge shook his head. In his opinion, everything he did was for the great Tang Dynasty.

If the imperial court really insisted on promoting honeycomb coal, it would be a disaster rather than a blessing for Datang.

No one uses firewood, which will inevitably lead to a backlog of firewood.

How many people will lose their jobs if this continues, and how many families may be starved to death.

"Anyway, from my point of view, don't touch Xu Wang's line for the time being.

Let's sell at a lower price first. After all, under the guise of others, it is ultimately controlled by others.

Look at the effect, if it doesn't work, let's talk! "

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