My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 459 Price War

Ye Huosheng looked at Lin Jiuge, thinking that it might be convenient to borrow Xu Wang's hand, but there is no such thing as a free lunch.

This Xu Wang is not obliged to help him work for nothing, the other party must be charged for doing things.

Don't give it yourself when the time comes, it won't work at all.

Their already poor economy will be even worse.

"Then let's try it first! But how much is the price reduction appropriate?"

Lin Jiuge frowned, and he understood Ye Huosheng's worry.

"Isn't the consumption of honeycomb briquettes about 75 yuan a day? We lowered the price to [-] yuan, [-] yuan per car."

Ye Huosheng nodded, isn't it just a price war?

Don't the people all want to benefit?
We give the profits to the people, but he still doesn't believe that the people will give up the cheap things they got.

"75 yuan for a car? Then what money do we make?"

The round Liu Yiye frowned, 75 yuan was close to their purchase price.

If this is sold, it will be in vain for me to toss for so long.

"If the briquettes are allowed to continue, all of our firewood will fall into our hands.

On the contrary, if we can sell all the firewood, there will be no market for briquettes.

One goes up and down the other, do you think we are making money or losing money? "

Ye Huosheng shook his head, the current situation is to open up the market.

They can only survive if firewood regains control of the market.

Otherwise, such firewood would last for ten lifetimes.

"Well, what Ye Huosheng said is right. Now the priority is to ensure the circulation of firewood in Chang'an. Let alone not making money, even if you lose money, you have to fight with them. That's how it is."

Lin Jiuge glanced at the bosses, and what Ye Huosheng said made sense.

He can accept not making money, and he can even accept a little loss.

What he couldn't accept was that the deal disappeared, and all the efforts before that would be in vain.


"Just do it."

Hearing Lin Jiuge's decision, everyone nodded.

After everyone left, their respective shops also issued notices of price reduction and promotion at the same time.

A car of firewood only sold for 75 yuan, which instantly attracted the attention of countless Chang'an people.

It is impossible to say that it is not attractive to reduce the price by [-]% at once.

Burning 25 catties of firewood every day, a car of firewood can be burned for [-] days, equivalent to only about [-] yuan a day, which can save a lot of money compared to honeycomb briquettes.

"Shopkeeper, this situation is wrong, I heard that all the log companies in Chang'an have reduced their prices uniformly.

It used to cost 75 yuan per car, but now it only costs [-] yuan per car, which is a bit cheap.

Shall we follow up? "

The boy leaned over, his eyes full of depression.

The other party actually lowered the price, and even lowered the price so much. This is the trend of a price war.

"Is this price set by me? If I say follow up, follow up?"

Feng Jiuchang was also depressed for a while, now the other party wanted to use the price to suppress him.

But the most important thing is that you only have the right to sell, not the right to set prices.

"What are you in a daze for? Immediately send someone to report the situation here to His Highness."


Soon the people in the store left Chang'an and rushed to the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness, something happened."

When Di Renjie received the news, he rushed to meet Li Yanran immediately.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie, just resolved those silly things, what happened?
"The log merchants in Chang'an City have unified the price cuts. The firewood that used to cost 75 yuan a car is now only [-] yuan. They want to fight a price war."

Di Renjie directly told the news he had just received.

"Hehe, want to fight a price war? Tell Feng Jiuchang to lower the price for me. When the firewood drops to [-] yuan a carload, raise the money back to me, and then send people to buy the firewood."


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Di Renjie really didn't understand.

what's the situation?
What is Her Royal Highness planning to do?
"Just do as I say, and collect a thousand cars first!"

Li Yanran didn't explain anything, she had her own thoughts.

"His Royal Highness, can you tell me exactly what is going on?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran, he really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

"Regardless of business, aren't they fighting a price war?
I will have fun with them.

As for what you want to do, I can only say that I will return the same way to him. "

Li Yanran shook her head, the secret must not be leaked, so she could only go to the end.

As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your good fortune.

"Return to him in his way?"

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Di Renjie's mind. He seemed to have grasped something, but he didn't seem to grasp it.

His Highness's thoughts are always so thought-provoking, he needs to think about it carefully.

You can't let His Highness look down on yourself.

"That's right, let's execute it now!"


Di Renjie nodded, turned and left directly.

"Sister, why am I a little confused about repaying the other's way with the other's way?"

Li Hong tilted his head and looked at his elder sister. Even Di Renjie couldn't figure it out, so he still didn't waste his brain.

After all, with such a profound problem with my small head, I am afraid that I will not be able to figure out the key if the CPU is burned.

"I don't want to tell you now, but you should understand when you see it."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, her empty words were far less profound than what she could comprehend after seeing it with her own eyes.

"Sister, just tell me! What are you going to do?"

Li Hong quit.

Sister, why do you even hide your own brother?

This is a little too unkind.

"Actually, in the end, it's still a word of willingness. Now I'm giving up some money to buy firewood, so that I can get more things in the future."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, that was all she could say.

How much you can comprehend depends on your own ability.


"Sister, you are the worst!"

"Ignore you."

Hearing that Li Yanran was playing charades again, Li Hong rolled his eyes and ran out directly.

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

He also had some ideas, but he didn't know if they were right, so he didn't say anything.

"Shopkeeper, His Royal Highness ordered us to follow suit and reduce the price until the other party reduces the price by [-]%, and then raise the price back."

Xiao Er immediately told Feng Jiuchang about Li Yanran's will.

"Okay, let's get started. Make a notice that we will also reduce the price by [-]%. I want to see what the log merchants will do."


Soon Huo Yanyan's notice was posted.

"Huo Yanyan also lowered the price?"

"Just like those firewood, the price will be reduced by [-]%."

"This is wasted!"

The common people became excited when they watched the duel between briquettes and firewood.

After all, the harder the two are torn apart, the cheaper supplies they can get.

This is called the snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's gain, and these ordinary people finally have the opportunity to taste the fruits of this victory.

"Shopkeeper, the price of Huo Yanyan's briquette has been reduced."

A junior came to Liu Hang and told the news he had just received.

"What? How could they lower the price? Can't you see that it's the work of those firewood merchants?"

Liu Hang stared at the person in front of him, but the other person shook his head innocently.

How do I know why they cut the price.

But if the price is lowered, what can we do?
It's no use yelling at me.

"Trash, prepare the carriage, I'm going to Huo Yanyan."

After boarding the prepared carriage, Liu Hang rushed out of Huo Yanyan immediately.

"Feng Jiuchang, where is Feng Jiuchang?"

When Liu Hang entered the shop, he started shouting loudly. Now he just wants the other party to give him an explanation.

If you lower the price, how can we live?
The price reduction of [-]% has already exceeded the purchase price from Huo Yanyan, and it will cost money if it is sold again.

"Shopkeeper Liu, I was just about to send someone to summon you."

Feng Jiuchang smiled at Liu Hang and motioned him to sit down and talk.

"Feng Jiuchang, why do you want to lower the price? Do you know that your current price is already cheaper than ours. Do you want us to hang ourselves?"

Liu Hang didn't have time to talk to him at all, so he directly stated his intention of coming.

"Shopkeeper Liu, don't be impatient, you have also seen that the log companies in Chang'an have started to cut prices.

If we don't lower the price, the market will be completely handed over to firewood.

If there is no market, who will we sell our honeycomb coal to?
The price reduction is also a helpless thing! "

Feng Jiuchang gave the servant a wink, the servant nodded, and brought a pot of good tea directly.

Chrysanthemum tea, specially for removing fire.

"Try it, the chrysanthemum tea from Shuren Tea Shop, it's delicious!"

"Whoever wants to drink that stuff, even if that's the case, you have to discuss it with us.

In this way, how do you let us sell it? "

Liu Hang is depressed, even if what you said makes sense, but what should I do now, you can give me a solution.

Originally, he didn't earn much. If he lost money, the Cui family would never give him good fruit.

"You? It's simple, act with us, otherwise your Highness will blame you, and your agency rights may be lost.

After all, we are regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope, and it is necessary to live and die together.

And there is another point, when fighting a price war with firewood merchants, whoever dares to stand in the way.

For example, sending people here to buy honeycomb coal at a low price will be at your own risk. "

Feng Jiuchang smiled slightly, he had already thought about these things.

Now the price war is completely a business of losing money and making money, but this is not something you can pay for yourself.

After all, if you have won the franchise of Fangshi, you are obliged to stand with Honeycomb Coal.

Otherwise, if you lose money yourself, and you make money, how can there be such a good thing?
"Don't deceive people too much."

Liu Hang is completely dumbfounded. I'm here to give you a solution, not to express your determination.

You are now forcing yourself to follow your price cuts, which is really pushing yourself into the pit of fire.

You don't need to make money, but you must not lose money, otherwise, it will be a lesson for yourself that you will always hold on to Saturday's balance.

He doesn't want to die yet.

"It's not deceiving too much. The contract is here. If you don't agree, you can terminate the contract immediately. We can also recycle those briquettes and briquettes at the original price."

As soon as Feng Jiuchang finished speaking, the servant took out Liu Hang's contract.

I didn't force you to do anything. If you don't want to stand on the united front with yourself, then there is no need for such a partner to exist.

"You and I have to think about it."

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