My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 460 It's Fire

Seeing Feng Jiuchang being so determined, Liu Hang was a little puzzled.

The other party is completely determined to win. If he terminates the contract now, it will be impossible to sign it again.

Forget it, anyway, I am obeying orders, so I'd better ask the master about it.

Liu Hang left, but Feng Jiuchang shook his head, and called the boy to tell him to send someone to several other houses immediately to pass on his thoughts.

"Master, Liu Hang asks to see you!"

The butler came to Cui Yuqing and bowed slightly.

"Why is Liu Hang here? Tell him to wait in the side hall."


Cui Yuqing got up, tightened the sable fur on his body, and walked towards the side hall.


Seeing Cui Yuqing, Liu Hang hurriedly saluted him.

"What's the matter? Didn't I say that you can't come to my mansion because you have nothing important to do?"

Cui Yuqing looked at Liu Hang in disgust, if he didn't need these people to help him make money, he wouldn't have a relationship with these merchants.

Not at all.

"My lord, there is indeed something important."

Liu Hang didn't even dare to look at Cui Yuqing, he lowered his head and told what happened just now.

"I see, so, what do you mean by coming?"

Cui Yuqing glanced at Liu Hang expressionlessly.

"I mean to ask the proprietor, continue to cooperate with Huo Yanyan, and fight a price war with the log merchant.

Or give up the previous contract now, sit on the sidelines, and let the proprietor decide. "

Liu Hang really didn't know what to do, so he had to come to Cui Yuqing for help.

After all, these are all properties of your family, so we can do whatever you say.

As for the consequences, you will have to bear them yourself.

"What do you feel you should do?"

Cui Yuqing frowned slightly, and he couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

After all, this is not what he is good at, otherwise it would be necessary to ask those shopkeepers to handle it.

"We have already made a lot of money before, and now we can guarantee that we will make a steady profit without losing money. If we continue to fight the price war with Huo Yanyan, the consequences will be unpredictable."

Liu Hang was depressed, I asked you, but you asked me again.

If I want to know, will I still ask you?
A group of nerds who only know how to read, they never thought that they would be good at reciting poems and fighting against each other.

"So you mean to continue following Huo Yanyan?"


Liu Hang felt bad all of a sudden, what's the matter?
do i mean that

What I mean is clearly to let you accept as soon as you see it, and don't get involved in the price war between firewood merchants and briquettes.

How can you hear that you are following Huo Yanyan?

If you have an ear disease, you need to get it treated. I heard that Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, is now entrusting land in Lishan. Can't I find you an acquaintance?

Guaranteed you don't need to be numbered?

Really drunk.


"Just do as you say, and tell Huo Yanyan's shopkeeper that we are willing to cooperate with them in this so-called price war."

Cui Yuqing didn't give Liu Hang a chance to react at all, and left directly after speaking.


Looking at the back of Cui Yuqing leaving, Liu Hang's face immediately became paralyzed.

What and what, obviously you want to cooperate with Huo Yanyan, but now it should be said to be my idea.

Could it be that all of this is for someone to take the blame after something goes wrong?
These aristocratic families are really too insidious.

Having said all this, Liu Hang had nothing to say, left Cui Mansion dejectedly, and headed for Huo Yanyan.

"Master, why do you insist on continuing to unite with Huo Yanyan? Now it seems that it is safer to retreat bravely."

The butler looked at Liu Hang's back, wondering what his master meant.

"You don't understand how powerful this Princess Lishan is. I haven't seen her miss until now. There must be something strange about it, but I haven't figured it out yet."

Cui Yuqing glanced at the sky above his head, he didn't think Li Yanran would only fight price wars.

Anyone who provoked her, who was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

He just couldn't figure out how the other party planned to deal with those log merchants.

Otherwise, it is impossible to say that I can take the opportunity to make a fortune again.

"You send someone right away to keep an eye on those log companies."

"What do you mean?"

The butler was a little puzzled, not understanding what Cui Yuqing wanted to do.

"I always feel that there must be something here, just go and do it."


Although the butler was puzzled, he immediately arranged for someone to follow Cui Yuqing's instructions.

All the families acted in the same way, although their agents were not optimistic about Huo Yanyan, but helplessly, those aristocratic families firmly believed that Li Yanran would not lose.

Therefore, several commercial firms followed Huo Yanyan and began to cut prices, and decided to fight a price war with firewood.

After all, they are now on the same front, and whoever loses will lose money.

"Lin Jiuge, Ye Huosheng, have you seen that? The price of briquettes has also been reduced, what shall we do?"

Liu Yiye looked at the two of them with anger on his face. You want to fight a price war, and now they will accompany us.

What should I do?
"Their price reduction proves that our price reduction strategy is also effective. This will be who can be ruthless, cut meat to occupy the market, lower prices, and continue to lower prices."

Ye Huosheng smiled slightly, the current situation was as early as he expected.

He just forced the briquette sellers to enter their own rhythm, since they came in now.

Then Princess Lishan is out of control.

Although you are a noble person, when it comes to business warfare, you are still a little tender.

Let's see if I won't play you to death next time.

"Reduce the price? If you lower the price again, you will lose money."

Liu Yiye frowned, and if he continued to lower the price, he would really be cut off.

"If you lose money, you have to lower the price. I still say that only those who occupy the market can take the initiative. We must win this battle."

Lin Jiuge also clenched his fists tightly, and now he had no choice but to shoot.

He wanted to see if the Princess Lishan had the courage to fight this price war with him.

If she cut her own flesh, Princess Lishan would also cut her flesh.

Now let's see who can be more ruthless.

"Is this really the case?"

Liu Yiye frowned when he looked at the two big men.

"That's right, once this battle starts, there is no room for retreat. Either we die, or the other party dies, and one must die."

Ye Huosheng nodded, although this battle is doomed to be a lose-lose situation, but for the sake of the future, the temporary sacrifice is worth it.

"Okay then! But how much is the price cut this time? Seventy dollars?"

Liu Yiye also gritted his teeth. Over the years, he has grown from a bitter haha ​​with nothing to his current family business, all thanks to these firewood.

If you lose money this time, just lose money, and treat it as repaying the interest to those people.

"Just drop ten cents, and five cents won't be appreciated by others."


Several people left together, and then the major firewood trading houses in Chang'an also unified their caliber and lowered the price by ten yuan again.

A carload of more than a thousand catties of firewood would have risen to about 120 yuan after the heavy snowfall, but it has dropped to 65 yuan now.

I have to say that the people are blessed.

"Shopkeeper, they have reduced it to 65 yuan!"

"Follow their prices and continue to drop."

Feng Jiuchang smiled slightly, isn't it just a price cut?

Said as if no one would be the same.

Behind me is Li Yanran, a little rich lady of the Tang Dynasty. I don't believe you can really play with this Princess Lishan.

"Down, down."

"I want to buy, I want to buy."

"Don't worry, just wait! You can drop again."

A group of people looked at the notice that had just been replaced, and they were all excited.

But there are very few people who actually pay for it. Now everyone can see that firewood and briquette are still fighting.

This price is only my own limit, not someone else's limit.

It is not certain that you can buy a car for a penny in the end.

"Huo Yanyan and the others also lowered the price!"

Several log merchants got together again, and they were also keeping an eye on the market.

Now that the price of honeycomb coal has been lowered along with the price of firewood, they really want to thank them.

"Adjust the price to sixty dollars."

Ye Huosheng frowned, and directly stated the new price.

"Let's adjust the price!"

Several shopkeepers looked at each other, sighed, and asked the servant to deliver the order.

"Follow the price reduction."

Feng Jiuchang took a sip of chrysanthemum tea, his eyes were full of coldness.


The notices were rotated again, and the people outside clapped their hands excitedly, after all, when gods fight, mortals get rich.

They are all waiting for one party to be overwhelmed, and then buy supplies for the winter at the lowest price.

"Continue to reduce the price, 55 yuan."

"Are you going to drop?"

"Price reduction."

Ye Huosheng smiled slightly, everything was under his control.

Princess Lishan, let's see how this old man teaches you to be a man.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Lin Jiuge frowned when he saw Ye Huosheng's smile.

He always felt that Ye Huosheng's goal was definitely not just this, he must have his own ideas.

"Hey, I wasn't sure about it before, but now I can say it."

Ye Huosheng glanced at Jiuge and said slowly, "I'm just waiting for them to start a price war with us.
When they lower the price to the bottom line, we will buy honeycomb in a big way.

Then sell it elsewhere, even if all the firewood is lost, we can still make a lot of money from the low-priced honeycomb coal. "


Hearing Ye Huosheng's words, Lin Jiuge was stunned for a moment, but immediately became excited again.

If it can be implemented smoothly, then not only can I not lose anything, but I can also take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come and lower the price immediately."


A new round of price cuts has begun again, 55 yuan.

"Then lower the price."


"It has dropped again, and the price has dropped again."

"Don't worry, wait, wait, wait."

The two sides fought, the people reveled, and everyone was looking forward to what happened next.

If the price can be reduced like this, they will have a good time this winter.

If the cost of heating can be saved, you can have a good year.

"They dropped the price again."

"Let's drop it again, down to fifty dollars."


The boys rushed out and continued with the price reduction.

"How much do you think they can lower the price is the limit?"

Lin Jiuge only felt that his palms were sweaty. If he had just lowered the price to grab the market, he would have nothing to say.

Because it is ready to lose money.

Now there is hope for a comeback, and he doesn't want to lose this rare opportunity.

"What is our limit, what is their limit?
There is no limit to grabbing the market, either you die or I live.

So, we win. "

Ye Huosheng is full of confidence. For the sake of the Chang'an market, he has decided to die together. He believes that the other party must have the same idea.

"Hey, let's play with our little princess this time!"

"Hahaha, let's have fun, and always let her know, the mall is afraid."


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