My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 461 Broke Your Roots

A group of businessmen were extremely excited, and they had already begun to imagine that they could make a good fortune through this price war.

"Boss, they have reduced the price to fifty yuan per car."

The boy excitedly ran to Feng Jiuchang's side, and told him the latest situation.

"Well, act according to His Highness's will immediately, and buy firewood for me."


The boy nodded and immediately arranged for someone to operate Li Yanran's order. At the same time, Huo Yanyan did not follow up and kept the current price.

"No price reduction?"

Seeing the unresponsive Huo Yanyan, the people were also a little puzzled.

What about the price war that was agreed, or the endless death that was agreed?

While everyone was waiting for the news, the people arranged by Li Yanran made a contract and bought a thousand cars of firewood from many log merchants.

"How are they over there?"

Ye Huosheng looked at the people in front of him and asked if there was any news about Huo Yanyan's store.

"Not yet, they seem to have died down."

A group of people all shook their heads, the current situation is something they did not expect.

Didn't they agree that they would fight to the death with themselves?
Now my own money has dropped, but the other party has not kept up.

"Don't be afraid, you should be watching, after all, Huo Yanyan is also the property of Her Highness the Princess.

Now that the price has been cut in half, they always have to ask, don't worry. "

Lin Jiuge smiled slightly, and the current situation was already in his expectation.

After all, the current price makes me feel distressed, let alone the princess' shopkeeper in Chang'an.

He must send someone to inquire, anyway, he can afford to wait.

In the blink of an eye, the market was closed, but today's price war came to an end.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow, because they believe that the storm will be more violent tomorrow.

"Your Highness, a thousand carts of firewood have been bought."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran and told about the situation in Chang'an.

"Okay, did they notice?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, the other party was really easy to be fooled, unexpectedly it actually dropped to [-]% of the original amount.

This is tantamount to picking up money for nothing. There are still a lot of good people these days, and they give money to themselves for nothing.

Even his unreliable father is not so generous.

"Then what should we do now? Should we continue to make secret acquisitions?"

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

After a day of thinking, he already understood what Li Yanran meant.

It is really wonderful to return the way of the other to the other.

As long as you get a sufficient amount of firewood, the opponent's firewood may be about to collapse.

Although this may lead to the collapse of the firewood market, he has seen the superiority of coal, and sacrifices now are for better development in the future.

worth it.

"You already understand?"

Glancing at Di Renjie, Li Yanran also smiled.

"Well, I already understand what Your Highness means."

Di Renjie nodded.

"Then you can handle it yourself."


Di Renjie smiled, turned around and left.

"Brother Li, what charades are you two playing?"

Changsun Yan looked at Di Renjie's back with question marks all over his face.

"You idiot don't know this?
What does it mean to be willing, what does it mean to give back the way of the other, do you understand? "

Li Hong looked at Changsun Yan contemptuously, asking nonsense here without knowing anything.


Changsun Yan was completely suspicious of his life by Li Hong's words.

I am willing to understand myself.

I also know how to give back to the other body in the same way.

But what does it have to do with this?

I don't read much, so don't fool me.

"Dare to ask His Royal Highness, can you answer the questions?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Hong, I don't know, but you already know?
"I, I, don't know anything about this, what a fool, I don't have the idea of ​​answering the fool's questions, get out."

When Li Hong was asked by Changsun Yan, he was also depressed for a while.

If I wanted to know, I would have beaten you to death a long time ago.

Still waiting for you to ask me.

"I don't think His Highness knows!"

A trace of contempt flashed in Changsun Yan's eyes, you don't know who you are coauthoring, and you don't know where you heard it from, so you dare to speak nonsense here.

Do you really think I am your uncle, a six-year-old child like you?

"Who says I don't know, you don't deserve to hear it."

Li Hong shook his head, too lazy to respond to the silly criticism of Chang Sun Yan.


Changsun Yan snorted.

"Changsun Yan, you dare to be disrespectful to this king, come and break his legs?"


Changsun Yan was stunned. I knew you were a dog, but you are too stupid.

What did I say?

I'm just a tone of voice.

You want someone to break my legs?
If His Majesty finds out about this, you will have to break your legs.

"Come on!"

Li Hong slapped the table and shouted angrily outside.

"How to do?"

"Just pretend not to hear."

The forbidden army at the door also had a headache, and after looking at each other, they still chose to stay still.

After all, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has no rights at all in the fiefdom.

If this meeting rushes in, maybe it will suffer some kind of ordeal.

"Okay, shut up, you!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head with one slap, this is what she dislikes the most.

If you don't know anything, you just bluff here, and when someone exposes you, you become angry.

Do you really think that being a prince can be unscrupulous and do whatever you want?
"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran depressedly, he didn't see that I was teaching Sun Yan a lesson, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to beat me like this.

"Don't embarrass me here."

"Oh oh oh,"

Seeing Li Yanran's white eyes, Li Hong also shivered, and hurriedly chose to shut up.

"Hehe, Your Highness, you are nothing more than that!"

Li Hong was suppressed by Li Yanran, Changsun Yan also laughed.

With your ability, how dare you do this?

Do you really think you are the emperor now?
"Cheng Chubi, beat him up for me."

Changsun Yan even became embarrassed, and Li Yanran quit immediately.

I beat my little brother because he is not sensible, he is a six-year-old child.

You are an adult, and you are still like him, so you have to fight.


Cheng Chubi was so excited that he threw Changsun Yan out with a throw over his shoulder.

Changsun Yan was thrown with gold stars in his eyes, and he was dumbfounded.

why did you hit me?
I didn't say anything?
I'm your grandma's natal family. If you bully me like this, you won't be afraid of being beaten up by my aunt in the world.

"That's what happens with cheap mouth, understand?"


Li Hong nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Brother Li, so what exactly did you tell Di Renjie? What does it mean to repay him with the same way."

Li Siwen glanced at Changsun Yan, then at Li Yanran.

He was also curious as to what was going on between the two of them.

"Now you all know about the briquette and firewood dispute in Chang'an!"

"I know, those merchants who sell firewood are really hateful. If you want me to say, you should find the warehouse where they store firewood, burn it down, and it will be over."

A trace of malice flashed in Cheng Chubi's eyes, these businessmen dared to pick trouble with him despite their good manners.

If this had happened in the past, he would have gone to the door a long time ago, and burned all the firewood of those merchants.

"That's right, some merchants, even if their warehouses are burned down, nothing will happen."

Yu Chihuan gave Cheng Chubi a look that I understand you.

He thought the same way, was he really bullying himself for his good temper?
"Do you want to be like Changsun Yan?"

Li Yanran frowned.

What kind of people are under my own hands? Temiao will take and burn other people's warehouses at every turn.

Really drunk.

"So what do you mean, brother Li?"

Li Siwen ignored the two of them, after all, they hadn't been like this for a day or two.

"I agreed with Feng Jiuchang to lower the price with them, in fact, to make those firewood become the price of cabbage, so that I can eat in large quantities."

"What use are we eating these firewood? After all, we don't need those firewood now."

Changsun Yan got up from the ground.

After eating those firewood, he really couldn't think of what Li Yanran wanted to do.

"Whatever you want to interrupt, just listen to Brother Li's explanation."

Cheng Chubi slapped Changsun Yan mercilessly, just as he was talking, you suddenly jumped out.

what's going on?

Looks like you can do it?
Why don't you come to popular science?
"Brother Li, you continue."

Changsun Yan trembled from the beating, covered his head and made a gesture of invitation to Li Yanran.

"After I eat enough firewood, guess what the firewood market in Chang'an will look like?"

Li Yanran didn't say that much, but just looked at Li Siwen.

"Brother Li, what do you mean, you want to use the firewood in your hand to influence the whole of Chang'an, so that those firewood will never recover?"

Li Siwen was shocked after thinking for a while.

Could it be that Li Yanran is planning to take the opportunity to destroy the firewood market in Chang'an?
"Yes, firewood is destined to be replaced by coal, I just let this step come earlier."

Li Yanran nodded, just as Li Siwen thought, she was having this idea.

Firewood will be replaced by coal, which is a historical trend and a historical necessity.

I just fiddled with my little hand lightly.

"Brother Li, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? Firewood is the main way of heating the entire Tang Dynasty in winter, and countless people are engaged in jobs related to firewood.

If the market really withers because of you, then you, the instigator, will face a lot of pressure at that time. "

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran with vigilance in his eyes.

If this is really done, Li Yanran, who is the instigator, cannot escape the responsibility if there is a small problem in the coal mine.

Once everyone points the finger at her, even if she is the princess of the Tang Dynasty, she may not be able to protect herself.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

Li Yanran nodded, she was ready.

No matter who it is, as long as you dare to stop yourself, it will be a dead end.

"Hey, Brother Li, you just need to be prepared."

Li Siwen sighed, since Li Yanran had made up his mind to go out, he could only follow the other party.

"Then go soon."


Several people saluted together and agreed to leave.

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