My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 463 The Lion's Big Opening

Fortunately, Feng Jiuchang's people took the first step, and the briquette dealers in various cities also raised their prices at the same time, so Ye Huosheng's people didn't take the opportunity.

"What did you say? All the briquettes in Chang'an City have returned to their original prices? Then have you bought cheap briquettes?"

Hearing the news from the boys, Ye Huosheng and the others all stood up, their eyes full of horror.

If they didn't buy anything, they would have lost money in this wave.

"No, I didn't buy a single briquette."


Lin Jiuge directly flew the table in front of him.

"Now is not the time to be angry, what should we do next?"

Liu Yiye frowned, he was already numb now.

In this wave of confrontation, they completely lost.

Slow step by step, slow step by step, I thought the rhythm was my own, but now I saw that I was completely led by the nose by the other party.

"What to do? How do I know? Now we have nothing but that meager income."

Ye Huosheng sat down on the chair slumped, his eyes full of depression.

Only this time did he truly experience Li Yanran's terror, even though they didn't have much loss now.

But he missed the first move, and the situation after that was completely predictable.

Honeycomb coal occupies the entire Chang'an, and firewood is completely out.

The foothold that my family has struggled for decades to gain a firm foothold is about to be destroyed.

"Now I can only ask His Royal Highness Xu Wang for help."

Lin Jiuge glanced at everyone, now he can only take the last step.

Ask King Xu for help, only he has the hope of saving himself.

"How much does it cost to contact Xu Wang, have you calculated it?"

Ye Huosheng glanced at Lin Jiuge, he just wanted to know how much he would have to pay to ask for help.

"It should be at least [-] to [-] yuan. After all, he is the prince. If it is too little, the other party may not even look at it."

Lin Jiuge frowned, and expressed his thoughts.

"Then chip in!"

Ye Huosheng also sighed. After all, he still hadn't beaten anyone.

To save money and avoid disasters, now I can only hope that King Xu can do what he wants.


"Let's chip in!"

"no solution anymore."

Several merchants also nodded each other, and left one after another to collect the money.

Looking at the boxes of gold, Lin Jiuge also sighed, and led people to Xu Wangfu.

"Your Highness, the businessman is coming to Jiuge to see you."

Zhang Jia, the steward of Prince Xu's Mansion, approached Li Xiao.

"Lin Jiuge? Just the wood merchant?"

Hearing Lin Jiuge's name, Li Xiao was also taken aback.

This person had come to pay a visit to him before, and he also gave him a priceless meeting gift.

Come again now, there must be something wrong.

"Your Highness has a good memory. It is the merchant who sells wood. Have you seen it or not?"

Zhang Jia nodded and asked the other party if he had seen him or not.

"Did he bring presents?"

Li Xiao glanced at Zhang Jia, also showing an expectant look.

"I only saw him bring a box over."

"Bringing a box? Tell him to wait in the small side hall."

Hearing that a box was brought over, Li Xiao's eyes lit up too.

This Linjiuge is quite interesting, and every time he comes, he will bring some good things.


Zhang Jia touched the good thing in his sleeve, nodded and walked out.

"Lin Jiuge pays homage to His Royal Highness Xu Wang."

Seeing King Xu's money coming, Lin Jiuge hurriedly knelt on the ground and saluted him.

"Get up."

Li Xiao glanced at the other party, and sat directly on the chair.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Lin Jiuge got up slowly, still keeping his head down, not daring to look at him.

After all, Li Xiao is a nobleman in Tianhuang, the prince of the dynasty.

Although it is said that the possibility of becoming a great treasure is not high, it is not something that ordinary people like me can reach.

"Why did you come to see this king?"

"Your Highness, I hope you can take action to save the firewood merchants in Chang'an and the countless people who serve firewood!"

Lin Jiuge knelt down again and knocked his head on the ground.

"What do you mean? Tell me carefully."

Hearing Lin Jiuge's words, Li Xiao also frowned.

This is so serious from the beginning, this king is a big Yali mountain.

"Your Highness, this is how it is"

Lin Jiuge hurriedly told all about the situation in Chang'an City.

"You want me to help you deal with my imperial sister? What are you thinking?"

After hearing Lin Jiuge's words, Li Xiao was stunned.

You asked me to beat Li Yanran for you, are you out of your mind?

Others don't know how much Li Yanran is favored in front of his father, doesn't he know it?
It was a prickly pear held in the hands of the emperor. Anyone who dared to touch it would not only be pierced with blood, but also be rewarded by his own father.

"Your Highness, I don't mean to ask you to deal with Princess Lishan, but I just want His Highness to help us seek justice, and seek justice for countless firewood people."

Lin Jiuge shivered and knocked his head on the ground again.

"Ask for justice? What does your life and death have to do with this king? Do you want me to offend my imperial sister for a so-called name?"

Li Xiao slapped the table.

There's no such thing as righteousness, you're just doing it to make money.

Now I have to collide with my imperial sister because of your interests.

You make money, my king gets beaten?
Do you really think that this king is stupid and not enlightened?

Do you really think I'm Li Hong's six-year-old doll?
"Your Highness, if you plead for the people, the people will naturally not treat you badly."

Hearing this, Lin Jiuge directly ordered someone to bring in the gold he had prepared.

"This is [-] guan of gold, and I hope His Highness will accept it with a smile."

Open the box, the golden light is shining, and it is full of gold cakes.

"This this."

"That's my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters. If you ask me to deal with my sister, I have to pay more."

Looking at the box that Lin Jiuge pushed, Li Xiao also narrowed his eyes.

Although he said he had a salary, it was only enough to maintain the daily expenses of the palace.

He lives extravagantly, and that alone is not enough.

So he still needs the money.

But these businessmen are fat sheep, and [-] guan is definitely not their bottom line.

If he really wanted to help them, he had to earn enough appearance fees first.

Otherwise, if you don't talk about it and don't have much money, you will lose your money.

"Of course, as long as His Highness can find a way for us to survive, there will be enough gold to offer in the future."

Looking up at Li Xiao, Lin Jiuge gritted his teeth and agreed to give another [-] guan.

That's [-] guan!
The merchants in Chang'an can only earn as much as tens of thousands of dollars a year.

His Royal Highness is really cruel.

"I don't want to make promises, I want cash, and if I get another [-] yuan, I will help you."

Li Xiao twitched his lips, did he really think that this king doesn't know the truth of this at such a young age?

If I make a move and the result is not satisfactory, will you still give me your money?


I am the master who does not see rabbits and does not scatter eagles.

Want to fool me?It's not that easy.

"Your Highness, we have already gritted our teeth to take out the [-] guan. Now we really don't have that much cash. I hope you will understand me.
But please believe us, as long as we still have a chance to survive, this money will definitely not be owed to you. "

Li Xiao doesn't scatter eagles when he doesn't see a rabbit, and Lin Jiuge is not a good person.

Take money to do things, he knows.

But he has also seen a lot of people who take money and do nothing.

It's not that they can't get it out, but that the prince won't do anything if he takes the money.

Then they will lose to grandma's house.

"You're afraid that I won't do anything with the money, are you?"

Li Xiao glared at Lin Jiuge.

Are you guarding against the king?

Afraid that the king will take money and not do things?

Is this king your kind of profiteer?

But think about it, if this can win the [-] guan, it is not impossible to be a profiteer.

After all, this is to touch Li Yanran's prickly pear with your own head, and everyone has to weigh it.

It is also a good choice to take money and do nothing.

"Your Highness, don't worry too much, since we have asked the lord to trust the lord's character, we really can't come up with so much cash.

If His Highness agrees, we will offer five thousand guan every year from then on as a respect. "

Lin Jiuge frowned, does this prince look as stupid as the rumors say?
Watch out for you, you're right.

You are the prince, we are just a class of merchants, if you really want to do this, there is nothing we can do.

"Five thousand guan, a little less, ten thousand guan.

If you can agree, I will go all out this time, and it is not impossible to plead for the people. "

Li Xiao thought for a while, if it was true what the other party said, he could earn [-] yuan a year, it would be worth meeting that omnipotent imperial girl.

"One hundred and ten thousand."

Hearing Li Xiao's lion speak loudly, Lin Jiuge couldn't do it anymore.

Their annual profit is only tens of thousands of coins, which is equivalent to taking [-]% ​​of their profits.

This really exceeded his psychological expectations.

"Yes, this is the king's bottom line."

Li Xiao nodded, no one thought he had too much money, and he was not afraid that the other party would renege on his debt.

Dare to rely on the prince of the Tang Dynasty, he has ten thousand ways to make Lin Jiuge and other businessmen die without a place to bury them.

"I'm going to discuss this with my colleagues. After all, [-] per year is not a small amount."

Lin Jiuge put his head on the ground again, ten thousand guan is indeed too much.

"You don't have to discuss it, and now in Chang'an, only this king has the ability and courage to help you.

If you don't agree now and come back again, what I want may be [-] guan. "

A sneer flashed in Li Xiao's eyes, some things might turn sour after discussion.

If Lin Jiuge is allowed to go back, once he changes his mind, let alone the [-] guan a year of filial piety, the [-] guan in front of him may be gone.

So he won't give the other party a chance to think about it, and let's finalize the matter first.

"Your Highness, it's hard for me to do this!"

Lin Jiuge was going crazy. What he knew was that he wanted something from you, but what he didn't know thought that you were going to blackmail him.

"If it's difficult, you have to do it. If you can't decide now, just go. Come and see off the guests."

"All right! I hope His Highness can plead for the people and give us a way to survive."

Facing the aggressive Li Xiao, Lin Jiuge was about to grit his teeth, so he could only agree to the other party's request.

"Okay, then from now on we will be a united front, Zhang Jia."

Li Xiao gave the housekeeper a wink, the other side also nodded, and went straight forward to pick up the box containing the gold cake.

"Your Highness, I don't know what you plan to do next?"

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