Seeing Zhang Jia take away his gold, Lin Jiuge was about to cry.

It is impossible to say that I don't feel sorry for the money I have worked so hard to be taken away by someone.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, so get up and talk!"

Li Xiao looked at Zhang Jia's back and smiled slightly.

When you have money in your account, you feel comfortable.

The [-] guan is enough for him to be chic for a long time.

These businessmen are really rich, and they just throw away the [-] yuan.

Anyway, he can't be so generous.


Lin Jiuge was stunned, you dare to set so many conditions with yourself before you even think about it?

The money has been accepted and the promise has been given. What should I do now?

"Don't worry, since you came here to find this king, you must have your own ideas, so let's talk about it first!"

Li Xiao also blushed, I'm not a fortune teller, I can have corresponding countermeasures as soon as I hear the news.

You have been planning for so long, don't you have your own ideas?

If not, he will not refund the money.

"Your Highness, our idea is to use your capacity to inform the merchants who sell briquettes in Chang'an.

Then find an official who is close to you to bring up the harm of coal in the court.

If you go to speak to His Majesty personally, there is a high probability that this matter will be successful. "

Lin Jiuge is also a dog, so he can only speak out his thoughts slowly.

"You have flaws."

Li Xiao frowned, although what the other party said was progressive, there were still some things that the other party did not consider.

"Please also express your Highness."

"It is very difficult to promote this briquette from top to bottom, and you have to completely ruin the reputation of this briquette among the common people.

For example, who poisoned someone to death with briquettes, whose house caught fire because of briquettes, and who made a mistake because of briquettes.

This will not only make the people fear honeycomb coal from their hearts, but dare not use it.

It can also learn from famous people, such as making people sue Chang'an, Wannian, and even Jing Zhaoyin.

In this case, wouldn't it be easy to strangle a newly born briquette? "

A trace of coldness flashed in Li Xiao's eyes, these businessmen were still not cruel enough.

They only wanted to deal with the briquettes in the obvious way, no wonder they were in such embarrassment.

Being pushed ahead every step of the way, he was pressed to the ground and beaten violently.

"Isn't this bad?"

After listening to Li Xiao's words, Lin Jiuge shuddered suddenly.

Is this the prince of Datang?

Treat the common people like nothing!

Really much more ruthless than himself.

"There's nothing wrong with it, as you said just now, now firewood and briquettes are enemies of life and death.

Since they are enemies, they will naturally do everything they can, understand? "

Li Xiao looked at Lin Jiuge, he couldn't even do this, it was really a failure.

You are ignorant, but I will not allow such a situation to occur.

For the [-] guan that is about to be obtained and the [-] guan contribution every year, he also wants to completely crush the briquettes to death.

"But once this matter is found out, there may be big problems."

"What could go wrong?
The yamen servants in Chang'an all eat dry food, as long as your hands and feet are clean, no one will notice.

At that time, I will urge them to close the case as soon as possible, don't worry!
Besides, this is also for your industry, so you have to take some risks. "

Li Xiao knew that Lin Jiuge was timid, so he gave him reassurance.

I will intervene, as long as it is not too obvious, there will be absolutely no problems.

Otherwise, he was really afraid of scaring the small businessman in front of him to death.

"If that's the case, I'll arrange for someone to do it."

Lin Jiuge glanced at Li Xiao again, and nodded heavily.

"Well, you go and make arrangements. I'll wait for your signal, and when the time comes, I will keep the briquettes as a place to die without a burial."


Lin Jiuge knelt on the ground and kowtowed again, and hurriedly left.

"Your Highness, do you really want to do this? After all, it is the property of Princess Lishan, will you?"

Looking at the back of Lin Jiuge leaving, Zhang Jia came over again.

"What will happen? Being scolded by the emperor?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Jia.

Zhang Jia didn't speak, but just nodded.

"Isn't it just scolding? For the money, let alone being scolded, so what if you get beaten?"

Li Xiao sneered for a while, he was ready to be beaten.

It's not that he's not afraid of his own father, it's not that he wants to run into Li Yanran.

These merchants really offered too much, too much for him to refuse.


Hearing this, Zhang Jia had nothing to say. Anyway, his master was already prepared to be beaten.

"How about it?"

When Jiuge returned, those businessmen immediately surrounded him.

Everyone's eyes are full of anticipation, after all, King Xu is now their last straw.

If this side disagrees, they can only slowly melt like snowflakes in winter and disappear in Chang'an.

"I agree, but the price paid is a bit high."

Lin Jiuge glanced at the few people, gritted his teeth and said all his bargaining chips.

"What? After it's done, you need [-] guan?"

"In addition, you have to pay [-] guan every year?"

"Lin Jiuge, who are you with?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Lin Jiuge's words.

When you go, you not only take in everyone's annual output value, but also take in a contribution of [-] yuan every year.

Are you here to help?
This meow is going to die!

I really don't know what to say.

"Then what can you do?"

"If the briquette is strangled, we will still have a way to survive in the future. If we can't be strangled, we will die in the future."

Lin Jiuge also has a complicated face, do you know what I have experienced?

Facing Li Xiao's princely aura, he had no room to resist at all.

If he doesn't agree, he is afraid that the other party will directly kill and steal the gold.

"But you can't agree to such an unreasonable request, anyway, I don't agree."

Liu Yiye stood up straight away, and was about to leave with a flick of his head.

"I don't agree either."

"Yes, this is too harsh, I can't accept it."

Two more people also left with Liu Yiye.

"It's too late to leave now. I represent all of you. If anyone dares to withdraw, he will be against His Royal Highness Xu Wang, and the consequences will be at their own risk."

A gleam of coldness flashed in Lin Jiuge's eyes, it was too late to leave now.

They are like grasshoppers on a rope at this time, and if anyone wants to leave at this time, it will be against everyone.

Facing himself, especially the noble Xu Wang, he can only say that he will be at his own risk.


Hearing this, Liu Yiye and those two people would also stop in their tracks, their eyes full of horror.

This is no longer a threat, but a death notice.

If he really offended King Xu, it would be the same as crushing a grasshopper if the other party wanted to crush him to death.

Really beep the dog.

"Since we decided to go this way at the very beginning, we have to go no matter what.

Only when everyone works together can we overcome obstacles and fight for a way out for us.

Otherwise, everyone can only be tied together and wait to perish. "

Lin Jiuge also sighed, since this road has been chosen, then don't hesitate, just go to the dark all the way.

As for success or failure, it can only depend on God's will.

"Then, did His Royal Highness Xu have any thoughts? After all, we are already one step behind Huo Yanyan.

If there is no good way, it will be difficult to turn the tables. "

Liu Yiye gave Lin Jiuge a hard look, and now he has been forced to board the boat.

Without a good approach, the ship may capsize.

"I expressed our original thoughts, and His Royal Highness Xu Wang agreed with them all, and he also gave his own opinions, but"

Lin Jiuge was also helpless for a while, but he still refused Xu Wang Li Xiao's suggestion.

"Just what?"

Ye Huosheng raised his eyebrows, wondering what kind of whimsy King Xu had, which made Lin Jiuge, who had seen the world, so embarrassed.

"Hey, His Royal Highness Xu's opinion is..."

Although it was difficult, Lin Jiuge still repeated Li Xiao's words.

"Do you really want this?"

Ye Huosheng also had a headache. He has been doing his best all his life to have such an industry. Now you ask me to do these dark things.

It was really hard for him to accept.

"What's the matter, I don't think it's a problem."

The chubby Liu Yiye had no scruples and chose to agree directly.

"If you really want to do this, if you are found out, you will go to death row."

Ye Huosheng looked at Liu Yiye, he knew that this guy had a dark history of making a fortune, and there were some desperadoes under his command.

But once this matter is found out, there will be big problems at that time.

"If you do it more carefully, it should be fine."

Liu Yiye was full of disdain. You are all serious businessmen, but I am different.

When Laozi conquered the world, what he experienced was beyond your imagination.

Isn't it black?
You won't, I made my fortune on this.

"I don't think there is any need to take such a risk, isn't it easy to want a dead person?

Look at whose family has just been encoffined, and then dug out in the middle of the night and thrown into the sea of ​​flames, wouldn't they be invisible? "

Lin Jiuge also thought for a long time before coming up with such an idea.

He would not dare to kill someone, but he would still dare to bring out a dead person.

Moreover, even if there is a problem if someone is killed, the crime will not be too great, and it will not be slapped on the head.

"Is it that troublesome? There are so many beggars in Chang'an. You can just grab someone and throw them into the sea of ​​fire without anyone noticing."

Liu Yiye frowned, this matter was nothing more than that in his opinion.

Chang'an has a population of several 10. Beggars starve to death or freeze to death every day. If you find someone to throw them in, there will be no problems at all.

"It's better to be troublesome. If you are too rough, it will cause big problems. I would rather do this than cause big trouble."

Ye Huosheng glared at Liu Yiye, you are such a scoundrel, you are willing to use other people's lives as bargaining chips.

He really doesn't want to be with such a person.

"On the contrary, you are wrong. The more complicated things are, the easier they are to show their flaws. On the contrary, the simpler things are, the less likely they are to go wrong."

Liu Yiye rolled his eyes at Ye Huosheng, how could you, an ordinary person, know the truth behind this.

The more complicated you make something, the more likely it is to make mistakes.

On the contrary, such as one's own thoughts, is the real ghost.

"What do you say?"

Lin Jiuge frowned, and glanced at the colleagues present.

"I don't agree with Liu Yiye's idea, the risk is too great."

Ye Huosheng refused, he didn't want to take any risks, if he was implicated because of this matter, he would really cry to death.

"I also agree with Ye Huosheng's statement."

"Don't take too much risk anyway."

Everyone stood by Ye Huosheng's side.

"You will regret it, I am really going to be mad at you."

Liu Yiye glanced at the crowd, then shook his sleeves and left.

"Don't worry about him, let's discuss it."

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