A group of people all held together and began to discuss how to plant the blame.

The people in Chang'an were all stunned when they flocked to the log business.

They never expected that all the low-priced firewood would be gone.

"Do you think that deceiving people will be over?"

"That's right, today I'm going to buy firewood for [-] yuan a cart, and I need five carts."

"Tell you, if you don't sell me today, I will burn your shop down."

The common people quit. You said it well before, but now that the price of honeycomb coal has risen, you will not sell it.

So it was a deception?
Do you really think you are easy to provoke?
"Go find your boss quickly."

"Boss, something is wrong, Bai. The people are crazy. They say we are cheating and they are going to smash our shop."

A servant rushed into Lin Jiuge's house and shouted to him in horror.

"Smash the shop? Why are you looking for me? Hurry up and report to Chang'an County and let them send someone over."

Lin Jiuge shivered, and now the evil consequences of not having firewood in their hands have already appeared.

Once one's reputation is lost, it will be difficult to regain it.

But I really have nothing to do now, I have no goods in hand, even if God comes, there is nothing I can do.

"Oh oh oh."

The yamen servants in Chang'an County are also angry now. If they were not forced by their duties, they would also want to beat up those profiteers.

It was agreed to be [-] yuan a car, but now I regret not selling it.

I had already thought about where the extra money would be spent, but now it seems that it is going to be wasted.

"Let's go, we still have to take care of it.

Order all the yamen servants to be dispatched, and Wuhou from all over the place must also cooperate.

In case something goes wrong, everyone will have to go around without eating, "

The Chang'an county lieutenant glanced at the yamen servants under his command, and heaved a sigh.

He knew that everyone didn't want to deal with these profiteers, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Otherwise, if incidents of beating, smashing and looting really happened, I would be the first to bear the brunt and be the first to be punished.


Hearing the county lieutenant's order, all the yamen servants nodded and rushed out of the county yamen.

With the cooperation of the yamen servants and Wuhou from all over the country, there were no major problems at all.

Even so, the shops were in a mess, and all the waiters in the shops had bruises and swollen faces, holding the yamen's legs and crying loudly.

"Get out, burn your incense if you haven't been killed, don't do serious business, only know to do some fraudulent things, scum."

The yamen servant kicked the boy away, his eyes full of contempt.


The other yamen servant also spat and left with the others.

The people failed to buy low-priced firewood and flocked to the briquette sales point to start purchasing.

Although the low-priced briquettes and firewood are not available, this winter is still going to pass.

For a while, briquettes returned to their original hotness,

"Your Highness, all the firewood in Chang'an is sold out."

Di Renjie came to Li Yanran with the information he had just obtained, his eyes full of excitement.

"Chang'an firewood is sold out? How is the market circulation?"

Hearing that the firewood merchants in Chang'an were out of stock, Li Yanran also frowned.

They sold it before they sold it?
Could it be that Di Renjie couldn't see the problem?

"Your Highness, some people followed suit to sweep up the goods, and the firewood never entered the market at all, and the sales of briquettes are booming.

I suspect that someone misjudged our intentions and wanted to follow us to make a fortune. "

"Is there still this?"

Now Li Yanran really won't do it anymore. The reason why she bought firewood is to completely destroy the firewood market with a loss-making attitude. How can there be such a good person?
Are these people out of their minds?
"Hehe, I didn't believe it at first, but it's the truth.

It will take at least seven to ten days for new firewood to be shipped to Chang'an. By the time their firewood arrives, the daylily will be cold. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, the firewood merchants are now taking a slow step, and now they want to recover, they can only hope for a miracle.

But will there be a miracle?
No, because with Li Yanran, there will be no accidents.

"We still can't be too optimistic, keep an eye on the Chang'an market, I'm afraid something will go wrong."

Li Yanran shook her head, she couldn't think too well about everything, otherwise there might be unexpected problems.

"Your Highness, are you worried that those firewood merchants will jump over the wall in a hurry and make trouble?"

Di Renjie glanced at Li Yanran, and his heart sank.

"Well, after all, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone those businessmen."

"Di Renjie understands."

Di Renjie saluted again, then backed out.

"Sister, what do you think those businessmen will do?"

Li Hong stared at Li Yanran with his small eyes and asked his sister.

"Do you really think I'm a fairy? I don't know what they will do."

Li Yanran looked at the little brother depressedly, if I can even guess this, I will go directly to Tianqiao to set up a stall.

Are you still using it here to lead you to get rich?

"Sister, do you want to hear my thoughts?"

Hearing that Li Yanran had no idea, Li Hong smiled slightly.

"Oh? Then I'd like to hear what our Highness the Crown Prince thinks."

Li Yanran was taken aback, wondering what Li Hong could think of.

"Sister, please beg me, please beg me, I will tell you."

Li Hong jumped out directly, with his hands in his pockets, as if he had no opponent.

"I beg you? I'll kill you."

As Li Yanran said, she slapped her across the face, just like you, how dare you let me beg you.

It really is that the wings are stiff, and I want to take off, right?

Your sister and I are not dead yet.

"Sister, if you are like this, I will leave. It's a pity that my sister can't hear such a good idea."

After being slapped, Li Hong lost his temper, glared at Li Yanran, and was about to leave.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, as long as you have any good ideas, I don't believe it anyway."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, you are the only one still playing hard to get with me?
I want to see who of us can hold back.

"Sister, do you look down on me? Do you look down on me?"

Li Hong glared at Sister A, his eyes were full of anger.

What does it mean that I can have any good ideas?

Although I am young, I am capable.

You actually look down on me.

"What's wrong with looking down on you? It's like how capable you are?"

As soon as Li Yanran rolled her eyes, she looked down on you.

"If you are like this, then I have to tell you about it. If nothing else, just seek justice for my IQ."

Li Hong quit, and directly said to Li Yanran: "If I were those businessmen, I should find someone now. If I can't beat myself, I should find backup. They are not stupid."

After listening to Li Hong's words, Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

Your pig brain has thought of it, can't I think of it?
I also know that they will definitely make some moves in the court, but so what?
The honeycomb was made by myself and my father, even if they made some moves in the court, it would not change anything.

It's really a mallet.

"Sister, you are stunned, didn't you expect it?"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Hong felt complacent for a while.

Let me just say that I am smart, look, are you dumbfounded now?

"Our Highness the Crown Prince is really smart, so who do you think they will turn to for backup?"

Li Yanran didn't say anything. We can't always attack the child's self-esteem.

Otherwise, the child will be useless.

"Those people must know our identities, and they will definitely not just find an official to deal with us. I think they will definitely find my royal brothers.

The eldest brother is definitely impossible, but the second, third, and fourth brothers are all possible. Do you want me to send someone to find out the news? "

Li Hong raised his head and stared at Li Yanran.

As long as his elder sister said a word, he would immediately activate his relationship to help find out who would become his enemy.

"Okay, then you can do it, remember, don't startle the snake, understand?"

Li Yanran nodded, it always made him go crazy with the children in the fief, so it's better to give him something to do.

It can be regarded as training the prince of the Tang Dynasty in advance.

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. It is always good to do more things.

"Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter, and you can still stop me, look at it, you can."

Li Hong stood up straight, and then Sa Yazi ran out.

"Ma monkey, leave."


Two figures, one big and one small, slowly disappeared from Li Yanran's eyes.

"Miss, you haven't thought of this, have you?"

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, he didn't believe that the other party couldn't see what Li Hong said.

If this is the case, with such a large property, my lady would have been eaten alive long ago.

"Always give the child a chance to play. He is also an older child, so it's time for him to do something."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, it's not a problem to let him thump.

"I'm afraid he messed up, and when the other party wakes up, we will be even more passive."

Li Feng frowned, it's okay for you to ask the child to do something.

For example, to do some small things, let him take the little friends in the fief to pick up garbage and clean up together.

Don't you think too much of him when you entrust him with such a big task when you come up?

"It's okay, they will use whatever tricks they have. I actually asked Li Hong to go over to let them see our attitude.

If they keep holding back and I don't know what to do, it's better to stimulate them and let them jump out first.

In this way, we can see each other's tricks and fight against each other with real swords and guns. "

Li Yanran looked indifferent, it would be good for Li Hong to succeed, but it would not matter if he failed.

Anyway, she is no longer afraid, instead of waiting like this, it is better to force them to do it themselves.

"I see."

Li Feng nodded when he heard this.

No wonder the young lady is so relieved, it turns out that she is fully prepared.

If so, he has nothing to say.

Li Hong took Mahou away, and then asked someone to return to Chang'an with his handwriting.

The officials of the Eastern Palace rushed out of Chang'an in a hurry after receiving Li Hong's handwriting, and rushed to the fief.

"Boss, some old men outside are looking for you."

Mahou ran in and told the situation outside.

"Let them in!"

Li Hong smiled slightly, he naturally knew these old men.


All the officials of the Eastern Palace entered the room, and when they saw Li Hong, they also bowed their heads to worship.

"Okay, don't do this, get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Several people looked at each other and all stood up.

They really didn't know why Li Hong called them over in such a hurry.

"Now the dispute between briquette and firewood in Chang'an must be known to all of you!"

Li Hong asked several people directly.

"Slightly heard."

Shangguanyi was stunned for a moment, they naturally knew about the firewood and briquette dispute in Chang'an, and they also knew that the briquette was the property of Princess Lishan.

But what does this have to do with us, why did you let us come here?

Is it to make us buy briquettes?
"It's enough to hear about it a little bit. Now you mobilize your own people and check my brothers to see who will cooperate with those log merchants."

Li Hong nodded, now that he knows everything, let's do it.


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