A few people really don't know how to do it now, you want to find out who the log merchant cooperates with?

This does not seem to be our job scope!
I am a subordinate official of the East Palace, not a subordinate official of Princess Lishan.

Isn't she someone else, can't it be enough to let her check it out?

"Your Highness, this matter does not seem to be our responsibility!"

Several people looked at each other, and Shangguanyi also asked Li Hong slowly.

"What? You didn't listen to my orders?

Okay, it’s okay if you don’t want to help, I’ll write to Emperor Fu tomorrow and replace you all. "

Li Hong's little hand slapped directly on the table, his little eyes full of grievances.

Too much force, it hurts so much.


A group of people were speechless, this His Highness the Crown Prince really has a childish temper, and he is the official of the East Palace appointed by His Majesty, how can you change it with just a word.

But the other party said so, if he doesn't help, it will always make Li Hong lose face.

Shangguanyi sighed, forget it!
Just like coaxing children to play.

"Your Highness's order, don't dare to disobey, I will send someone to inquire about the news."

Several people saluted together.

"Okay, let's do it right away, remember, don't startle the snake, understand?"

A look of satisfaction flashed in Li Hong's eyes, it was still me after all.

In one sentence, these old fritters are all right.

Sister, did you see it?

The king is very powerful.


Several people got up together and were about to leave.

"and many more."

Hearing this sentence, the feet of the few people who stepped out were also hanging in the air, and they didn't know what the little prince would say.

"I'll get an answer in a few days, sister is still waiting for a letter!"

"I will definitely give His Highness a reply within three days."

Shangguanyi thought for a while, and gave Li Hong a moment.

"Three days is too long, I will answer tomorrow!"

Li Hong waved his hand and took Mahou away.

"Answer tomorrow?"

"Shangguanyi, what should we do?"

Several people looked at Shangguanyi and felt depressed for a while.

The little prince really said that the wind is the rain, the task that was assigned today, will be answered tomorrow?
Are they really gods?

"Let's go, counting today, two days are almost enough, just a few businessmen."

Shangguanyi glanced at the people around him, took the lead and walked out.

When they returned to Chang'an, they immediately arranged for people to inquire about the news.

When Shangguanyi and the others were inquiring about the news, King Xu's people also brought their own message to the aristocratic family.

"King Xu told us not to follow Huo Yanyan to continue selling briquettes?"

Hearing Xu Wang Li Xiao's message, Cui Yuqing frowned involuntarily.

Although Xu Wang and Li Xiao basically had no hope of competing for the throne, he was still Li Zhi's own son, a nobleman.

It is really difficult for him to come forward to support those firewood merchants and fight Li Yanran's Huo Yanyan.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Cui Yuqing looked at Cui Yuanjun who was drinking tea beside him, and asked him slowly.

"What do I think? It's just an unsuccessful prince. It seems that we don't need to give up the benefits we got just because of his warning!"

Cui Yuanjue took a sip and tasted it again.

"But he is the prince after all!"

Cui Yuqing was also a little hesitant. Although he was unsuccessful, he was still the son of the emperor after all.

"Even the prince, if you dare to send someone to kill him, would you care about King Xu? Also, don't forget who he is going to face.

Princess Lishan can be said to be His Majesty's favorite jewel now. Do you think she has a chance of winning?

Don't pay attention to him, you will make the most money. "

Cui Yuanjun is not interested in this King Xu at all, so what about the prince?
As long as you can't go on stage to transform into a dragon, in the end it's just the place where you are dispatched, and it's the end of your life.

You are not even afraid of the prince, because a little Li Xiao has a lot of scruples, and the more he lives, the more he goes back.

"Well, you're right, let's do it like this, come here, tell King Xu's people right away, we will do it."

Cui Yuqing nodded, and immediately arranged for someone to reply.

The reactions of all the big families are the same, and they will respond to them on the surface, but they don't have any scruples in private.

What to do or how to do it.

"Zhang Jia, what's the situation in Chang'an now? Have those shops stopped selling briquettes?"

Li Xiao grabbed the golden apricot in front of him, took a bite and narrowed his eyes.

"Your Highness, their shops show no signs of stopping sales."

Zhang Jia shivered for a moment, and told the situation in Chang'an.

Hearing this, Li Xiao directly threw the golden apricot in his hand.

Zhang Jia knelt down on the ground directly, his eyes full of horror.

Li Xiao is like this, his emotions and anger are too obvious.

It was still sunny just now, but in a blink of an eye it was hail and heavy rain.

"How dare they treat this king like this? Playing with me is ambiguous?"

Li Xiao stood up slowly, the anger in his eyes was already overflowing.

"Zhang Jia, send my government soldiers out immediately and wait in front of their shop. Anyone who dares to go by will call me."

"Your Highness, calm down."

Hearing this, Zhang Jia hurriedly kowtowed to Li Xiao.

Usually you smash it, and no one dares to say anything about you, but now you are smashing the place of a big family.

Who are those people? If you send people to find trouble now, they will dare to throw your soldiers into the prison of the Ministry of Justice.

Isn't this a hole in the brain?

"Calm down? How do I calm down? Come and talk to me."

Li Xiao glared at Zhang Jia, he didn't hit you in the face, did he?
You can be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but I can't be the King.

If this is known to others, how can I still hang out in Chang'an in the future?

Do you have to keep your head down or cover your face when you go out?
"Your Highness, it's not appropriate for us to fight head-on with them now, we have to take a roundabout way, didn't you agree with those businessmen?

After they act, without us taking action, those aristocratic families will be cast aside by all people,

At that time, if you send someone over to ridicule you, the revenge will be avenged. "

Zhang Jia is depressed, you have to bear it if you can't stand it, if people dare to slap you in the face now, it means they don't take you seriously.

Besides, don’t you know your own identity?
Although he bears the title of Prince and King Xu, he has no rights at all.

If you really want to vent your anger, then fight for it and take the throne, this is the truth.

"Well, your method is good, you should think about it with this king now, how should I ridicule them then.

And send someone to tell Lin Jiuge that for these two days, the king will only wait for them for two days.

If I can't see their actions within two days, I won't play, and they will die wherever they like. "

Hearing Zhang Jia's words, Li Xiao also nodded.

Since this is the case, then I will just wait and make those people lose face when the time comes.

"Alright, alright, I'll go and inform Lin Jiuge right now."

Zhang Jia nodded and left in a hurry, fearing that Li Xiao would come up with something else and it would be difficult.

"What brought you here?"

Seeing Ye Huosheng approaching, Lin Jiuge hurried out to greet him.

"Lin Jiuge, some unidentified people came to my shop recently, and they are asking about the people behind us. Is there any such situation in your place?"

Ye Huosheng sat down on the chair, his eyes full of tension.

After all, the things to be done now are somewhat unscrupulous, and it is impossible to say that I am not afraid.

"I have it here too."

Lin Jiuge nodded, he also had the same situation.

"Would you like to stop what you're doing right away, don't be taken for granted, and it will be over by then."

Hearing that Lin Jiuge had the same situation, Ye Huosheng's heart sank immediately.

"Don't be afraid. In my opinion, it's normal for someone to come over. Any fool knows that we will definitely find a backer."

Looking at the flustered Ye Huosheng, Lin Jiuge showed a slight smile.

This guy is a good hand in business, but he is a little timid.

If he was like Liu Yiye, fearless, the whole Chang'an might be monopolized by the other party.

"Then what should we do now? If they detect King Xu behind us, will the other party make any moves?"

Ye Huosheng rubbed his big hands, a fool could see his nervousness.

"So what if we let them know? Even if we don't say it, King Xu is full of people, and sooner or later it will be exposed.

So what we need to do most now is to act as soon as possible and catch them by surprise. "

Lin Jiuge comforted Ye Huosheng, what they have to do now is not to think about the past and the future, but to focus on the present.

Take the time to finish what you have to do, and don't give the other party a chance to prepare.

"Master, His Royal Highness Xu Wang's people are here."

While the two were discussing, Xu Wang's people also walked in directly.

"His Royal Highness Xu Wang said."

After the man came in, he glanced directly at the two of them.

Hearing that it was King Xu's oral order, the two quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Lin Jiuge, I only give you two days. If you don't act within two days, I won't care about it. You can play on your own!"

After the servant who delivered the oral order finished reading, he also looked at the two of them.

"Lin Jiuge understands."

Lin Jiuge hurriedly saluted, and then gave the butler a look, who also nodded and left.

Soon the butler brought a sling of money and handed it to Lin Jiuge.

"Does His Highness King Xu have anything else to say? Or is there something wrong?"

Lin Jiuge approached the servant and stuffed the money into the servant's hand.

Without the slightest hesitation, the servant put the money into his sleeve.

"His Highness sent people to talk to those aristocratic families before, and they all promised not to continue selling briquettes.

Although this is the case on the bright side, it is in the dark that it is obedient and contradictory.

Your Highness is very angry, that's why he sent us here to pass on this decree to you. "

Taking money to do business, the servant also came to Lin Jiuge's ear and told everything that happened to King Xu.

"That's it, thank you."

Hearing that this was the case, Lin Jiuge and Ye Huosheng also looked at each other.

It turned out that King Xu had lost face, so he couldn't wait to act on his own.

"So our family will leave."

After the money was collected and the words were spoken, the waiter walked away without staying for a moment.

"Even if we don't want to hurry up now, King Xu has a bad temper and a weird temper.

If he didn't do anything in two days, he might really give up completely. "

Lin Jiuge looked at Ye Huosheng, and now it was not that they were going to act ahead of time, but that King Xu was pushing them forward.

"Then do it, tonight!"

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