My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 467 Brother Hong, You Have a Bloody Disaster Today

Chapter 467 Brother Hong, You Have a Bloody Disaster Today

Ye Huosheng nodded, it was the only way to do it now.

Just when Lin Jiuge and the others were about to act, Shangguanyi also heard about Xu Wang's actions from the aristocratic family.

After several confirmations, the news was sent to the fief immediately.

"Boss, there is news from Chang'an."

Mahou rushed directly to Li Hong with a letter.

"So fast?"

Li Hong hurriedly tore open the letter in his hand, and frowned after seeing the contents clearly.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Looking at Li Hong, Ma Hou couldn't help but also frowned.

"What's the matter? It's not my second brother, go and find my sister."

Li Hong shook his head, and went to find his sister with the letter he just received.

"Sister, sister."

When Li Hong came running, Li Yanran was lying on the sofa reading a book.

"what happened?"

Picking up a leaf and putting it in the book, he also looked at his little brother after closing the book.

"News, I found out who is behind those people."

Li Hong threw himself directly into Li Yanran's arms, holding up the letter in his hand, his eyes were full of complacency.

I just said I can do it!
Shouldn't I just bring this news now?

"Oh? Little Li Hong is so powerful? Let my sister guess, it can't be the second emperor brother!"


Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong was stunned.

He also just got this news, so why would his elder sister know.

Either Sister A is really good at pinching and counting, or Ma Hou leaked the news, otherwise how would she know.

This damned Mahou must be him.

"What? Did I guess wrong?"

Seeing Li Hong's surprised expression, Li Yanran had already confirmed her suspicion.

It must be that Xu Wang Li Xiao was right.

"Mahou, get the hell out of here, Boss."

Li Hong ignored Li Yanran, but shouted outside.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Ma Hou rushed into the room, looked at Li Hong's big black face, wondering what was wrong.

Li Hong walked over and slapped Ma Hou on the forehead.



Faced with this scene, Li Yanran was stunned, and Ma Hou was even more stunned, not knowing what was wrong with his boss.

"Boss, what does this mean?"

Ma Hou covered his head, he was really wronged.

"Did you disclose the news to my elder sister, otherwise how would my elder sister know that the person behind those log merchants is my second brother, it must be you."

Li Hong's little eyes were so wide that they were about to burst out. He finally managed to show off in front of sister, but you ruined everything.

"I don't! I really don't!"

Mahou almost didn't cry now, I've been following you all the time, how could I have time to inform Her Highness the Princess.

Besides, even if I have time, I have no reason to report here.

I am your younger brother, and you are my elder brother. My relationship with His Highness is not as close as that of yours.

You really wronged me, your little brother.

"Who else could it be if you weren't? Could it be that my sister is really good at pinching? If that's the case, wouldn't it be wrong for her to just go outside and set up a stall to tell people's fortunes?"

As Li Hong said, he slapped Mahou on the head again, his small eyes were full of disbelief.

"Boss, me, me, woo woo, it's really not me!"

Ma Hou couldn't hold back anymore, and started to cry while explaining.

It wasn't that Li Hong hurt so much from the beating, but that he was really stabbed.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby still can't explain it.

I can only vent my dissatisfaction by crying.

"Cry, cry, cry, cry all day long, is it a man?"

Seeing Mahou crying, Li Hong also looked disgusted.

I haven't hit you yet, you're crying like this, those who don't know think what's wrong with me.


As soon as Li Hong finished speaking, Li Yanran slapped her across the face.

"Sister, why are you beating me?"

Li Hongzheng was teaching Mahou a lesson, and he was stunned by such a sudden blow.

I don't know why my sister is crazy?
"Hit you? Because sister can pinch and count!"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, as you said just now, I can pinch and count, so I can set up a fortune-telling stall outside.


Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong glanced at Sister A, and slowly asked: "Could it be that Sister A, are you really the reincarnation of a half-immortal? After all, the person behind it is the Second Emperor?"

"That's right! Sister not only calculated that the person behind it is the second emperor brother, but also calculated that you may have a bloody disaster today."

Li Yanran said and slapped her again, her eyes full of coldness.

Young, self-righteous.

Do you really think that others can't think of things that you can't think of?

As you said before, the backers they are looking for are the imperial brothers.

As a deposed prince, the eldest prince is now hiding his strength and biding his time, and will never come out to join in the fun.

The third prince, Li Shangjin, had been dealt with badly by himself last time, so he didn't have much time. He believed that the scar hadn't healed yet, so he wouldn't and wouldn't dare to jump out to find trouble.

So the only people left are the second prince Li Xiao and the fourth prince Li Sujie.

Li Sujie has recorded good literature in history and mastered the rhythm of poetry. It can be seen from the last Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet, and the other party is now as old as himself.

You said he could write two doggerel poems, she believed her, said he would hook up with those wood merchants, and she wouldn't believe it even if he killed her.

According to the method of elimination, only the second brother Li Xiao could become the role behind those people.

As for you wronging Mahou, it's something you shouldn't do.

This kid is good, although he is a little silly, but he also knows that his heart is the main priority.

"Sister, the bloody disaster you mentioned, you didn't do it yourself!"

Hearing the term bloody disaster, Li Hong felt a sense of déjà vu.

The last time I had a bloody disaster seemed to be the last time.

Could it be that sister is going to do something to herself again.

"Hey, guess what."

Li Yanran put her head in front of Li Hong, her eyes were full of teasing.

"Sister, don't do anything, I... I'm here to send you news!"

Li Hong backed away slowly, avoiding Ajie's gaze.

"So what about sending news? You said that my sister can pinch and count, so I have to prove it to you anyway!"

Li Yanran pulled Li Hong over.

If you say I can pinch and count, then I will show you.

"Forget it, sister, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"I don't accept your mistake."

Li Yanran didn't give Li Hong a chance, but gave her brother Ou another headshot.

"Sister, I have done a great job for you, but you cannot kill those who have done so without permission."

"It seems like I guessed it myself!"

Another headshot, Li Hong almost didn't cry.

So what if you guessed it?

I also tried my best to do it, and you can't just say that you guessed it, and just erase my credit.

"Sister, you are a shameless person."

"I'm being lazy."

It was another headshot, which made Li Hong start to doubt his life.


"Sister is here!"

"I know I was wrong!"

"I told you, I don't accept it."

In this way, Li Hong was beaten one sentence at a time. In the end, he directly hugged Ajie's thigh and began to cry violently, which was much worse than Mahou's.

"Okay, now my sister asks you, since we know that the person behind us is the second emperor brother, how should we deal with it?"

Li Yanran was finally tired, and asked Li Hong who was crying.

"I don't know!"

Li Hong's small face was wrinkled, and he covered his forehead with his hands and replied to Li Yanran.

I'm going to be beaten stupid by you, how can I have time to think about these things.

So what about the second brother, what about the eldest brother?
He just wants to run away now. If he stays for a while, he might really be beaten as a fool.

"I don't know? How can you not know? Think for me!"

"Oh oh oh, I think!"

While talking and thinking, Li Hong stepped back without a trace.

I think of a hammer, the brains of people are almost beaten into the brains of dogs.

Whatever you think, running is the most important thing.

"Forget it if you think about it, why back off!"

Li Yanran put her hands on her hips and asked Li Hong
"I didn't refund it! Ah, sister, who lost the money!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Hong ran away directly, who knew that Li Yanran had already expected Li Hong to cheat.

He reached out and grabbed his collar.

"Xiao Li Hong, what are you going to do!"

"Sister, please forgive me!"

"I can't spare you today, the disaster of blood and light must be fulfilled."

"Sister, I was wrong!"

"Wake up!"

As night fell slowly, a group of people sneaked into an uninhabited house.

The briquette stove and briquettes were all installed, and then a corpse was thrown directly on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, a torch was thrown beside the bed, and then the sky was filled with flames, directly illuminating the night sky in Chang'an.

"The water is gone, put out the fire."

Seeing the nearby houses being set on fire, the surrounding people also rushed out.

While shouting, they began to fight the fire.

Fortunately, the Jinwu Guard soldiers who were patrolling the street arrived in time, and cooperated with the surrounding people to control the fire.

"What's the situation, why is there a sudden fire here, has anyone lived in this house."

After the fire was extinguished, the Jinwu Guard soldiers patrolling the streets wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Although Chang'an is vast and fires may occur every day, they are still very afraid when this kind of thing happens in front of them.

It's not scary to have a fire, but the scary thing is that people will be burned to death, and that's a big deal.

"It seems that no one lives here, but why did it suddenly catch fire?"

Li Zheng also rushed over, frowning as he looked at the situation in front of him.

"No one lives here, how could this be? Send someone to investigate immediately!"

The team was depressed for a while, and the words of no one suddenly caught fire. This is totally illogical. Could it be that there are some homeless people living in it?
It sure is.

Following the order of the captain, the Jinwu Guard soldiers rushed into the fire that had just been extinguished.

"The team is positive, there is a discovery!"

A fire chief ran out quickly, and the team followed closely after seeing it.

Looking at the scorched corpse, the team could not help but frowned.

As expected, something happened here.

"Lizheng, didn't you say that no one lives here? Why did someone burn to death inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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