Chapter 468
Dui Zheng glared at Li Zheng, you said just now that there was no one inside, and now people are burned to death.

How do you ask me to explain.

"This this."

Li Zheng was also dumbfounded, and he was also depressed, how could there be an extra person out of thin air.

Obviously, there are no people here in the morning.

"In the evening, I saw an old man quietly moved here, and specially installed a briquette stove. I also said that he is quite rich, but I didn't expect it!"

A neighbor looked at Li Zheng and Dui Zheng, and told what he saw in the evening.

"Could it be that this old man was poisoned to death by briquettes? I have heard that charcoal is poisonous and it is true?"

"I also heard people say that this briquette may poison people to death, and now it seems that it should be right."

"No, no, mine, stop the briquettes in my house quickly, it's too dangerous."

The neighbors are also in danger. If it is really because of the briquettes, then the person who sells the briquettes is too conscientious.

"Captain, come and see!"

A left Jinwuwei soldier came over and led the team to a place.

"This is this!"

Looking at the remains of the briquette stove in front of him, Team Zheng was also depressed.

The hearts of the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard were also full of panic, they had heard what the neighbors said just now.

Everyone here doesn't know about briquettes. Not only do they know, but they basically buy them at home. If this is the reason, then let the family members be more careful.

Unlike what the soldiers thought, the captain frowned.

He knew that Huo Yanyan was the property of Princess Lishan, and his general belonged to Princess Lishan. If this matter really happened because of briquettes, then things would be troublesome.

"Come here, expel all these people, and seal off the scene, not allowing anyone to approach."

Thinking of this, the team hurriedly ordered that the current situation could only seal off the scene first, and then he didn't know what to do.


After hearing what the team was saying, the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard immediately set up guard work, and although the common people were expelled, the voice of discussion still did not stop.

After all, no one knows what's going on here now. If it's really because of briquettes, it's too dangerous.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

The fire chief came over, looked at the fire scene and the corpse behind him, and couldn't help but shudder.

"What should I do? Let me guard it, and no one is allowed to enter. I will go to General Zheng immediately. It is better to report this matter to him."


Team Zheng glanced at these brothers, sighed again, and said, "Separate a few people out, and go to get a message to your family. For the time being, don't use the briquette stove for the time being!"


Hearing what the team said, the fire chief was also excited. He is the boss after all, and he remembers them in everything.

The team shook his head and ran directly to Zheng Xuanfeng's mansion.

"what for?"

Seeing that the team was approaching, the guards at the door were immediately on guard.

"The team is Zhang Jing, I need to see General Zheng!"

Zhang Jing hurriedly saluted the two of them, and explained his intention of coming.

"It's already at this point, the general must have fallen asleep! Come back tomorrow!"

The guard frowned, what can you ask to see this late at night.

At that time, it will be a trivial matter, but I will let myself be scolded instead.

"I really need to see the general. It is related to Her Royal Highness, and I hope to report it as soon as possible."

Zhang Jing was very depressed, he really had something important to do, if he delayed, not only would he be in trouble, Zheng Xuanfeng might also become the target of criticism from others.

"All right!"

Hearing that it was about Her Royal Highness, the guards did not dare to neglect, and rushed into the mansion.

"What? Let Zhang Jing in immediately."

When Zheng Xuanfeng heard that it was about Her Royal Highness, she hurriedly put on some clothes and rushed out.


Zhang Jing entered the door and directly saluted Zheng Xuanfeng.

"What's the matter? I heard from the guard that you have something important to see me, or is it related to Her Royal Highness?"

Zheng Xuanfeng glanced at Zhang Jing, it was his soldiers who were right.

"General, I patrolled the public affairs and found a fire."

"It's all about the fire, let's get to the point."

Zheng Xuanfeng frowned, what I want to hear is the main point, not your diary.

"The fire killed an old man, and it was probably poisoned by the use of briquettes, which then caused the fire."

Zhang Jing was depressed, I didn't miss the point, there must be a prelude!
"Is what you said true?"

Hearing this, Zheng Xuanfeng stood up.

It is indeed a big deal. If it is true as Zhang Jing said, this matter may be related to the property of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Nature is true!"

Zhang Jing nodded, could what I saw with my own eyes be fake?

"Where is the scene? Is there a blockade? Take me to see it quickly!"

Zheng Xuanfeng put on formal clothes as he spoke, and now he is eager to see the scene.

To be sure, you have to see it for yourself.


Zhang Jing nodded.

After Zheng Xuanfeng changed his clothes, someone immediately brought the horse.

"Zhang Jing, can you ride a horse?"

Stepping onto the horse, Zheng Xuanfeng also glanced at Zhang Jing beside him.

"I learned it secretly in the frontier before!"

Looking at Zheng Xuanfeng on the horse, Zhang Jing's eyes were full of nostalgia.

He used to gallop on horseback when he was in northern Xinjiang, but now that he was transferred back to Chang'an, he really didn't have the opportunity and qualification to touch the horse.

"Come here, bring my one-zhang green horse here."

Soon a horse with a tuft of cyan hair on its head was led by the guards to Zheng Xuanfeng.

"Let's go! Ride fast!"

Zheng Xuanfeng rode his horse and galloped towards the place Zhang Jing said.


Zhang Jing stepped on the horse and followed closely behind Zheng Xuanfeng.

The two ran all the way, and when they arrived at the scene of the fire, Zheng Xuanfeng also glanced at each other.

"Okay, I rode well, I'm afraid I didn't miss the horse in the frontier!

Why did you come to Chang'an, or be a small captain? "

"Those are just things from before."

Zhang Jing shook his head, he didn't want to talk about the past, and he didn't want to think about it.

"Well, everyone has a past, so I won't ask."

Zheng Xuanfeng didn't ask any questions and walked directly towards the fire scene.




When Zheng Xuanfeng came over, a group of Jinwu Guard soldiers immediately saluted him.

"How many people still know about the situation here?"

After looking around, Zheng Xuanfeng also frowned, and pulled Zhang Jing aside.

"All the blind dates in the surrounding streets knew about it, but they were the first to discover the fire."

Zhang Jing also knew that things were difficult to handle, but the news is what it is, he can't arrest all the common people!

It is inevitable that this matter will be spread.

"I will send two teams of Jinwu Guard soldiers to come under your command later on. We must protect the scene well. No matter who they are, they are not allowed to enter."

Zheng Xuanfeng also knew the seriousness of the problem now. Even if he could take away the wreckage of the honeycomb coal, but so many people saw it with their own eyes, there is simply no silver 300 taels here.

The only thing he could do was to protect this place before Li Yanran thought of countermeasures, and not give others the opportunity to use this place to cause trouble.


Zhang Jing nodded, Zheng Xuanfeng thought the same as him.

We are all pawns, and there is only so much we can do.


Zheng Xuanfeng left and did not return to the mansion, but knew that he had returned to the Jinwuwei Yamen.

"General, a fire has been found in Yiningfang, Xicheng."

"There is also a fire in Yiningfang?"

Hearing this, Zheng Xuanfeng was puzzled. Things with Zhang Jing were already annoying enough, so why did another one come here?

"That's right, the old couple were all burned to death at home, probably because of briquettes."

Team Zheng nodded and told the situation over there.


Zheng Xuanfeng gasped, but after the air-conditioning, he frowned tightly.

These two fires happened almost at the same time, both in Chang'an County, and the cause of the fire was briquette.

If there is nothing tricky in the middle, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"Immediately send two teams of people to go with you, remember to ensure the scene, and no one is allowed to enter."

Now Zheng Xuanfeng only thinks about hurrying to dawn, he wants to hurry up and send the news to Li Yanran.

Otherwise, if someone with a heart makes a fuss, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

"General, what if people from Chang'an County come? What should we do? After all, we are only responsible for the safety of the imperial city, and they are the main body of the investigation."

The team was depressed for a while. If people from Chang'an County came over and insisted on controlling the scene, they might be impeached.

"Let's say that there may be thieves who threaten Chang'an, so the Jinwu Guard has full power to take over. If they have any ideas, let Chang'an county magistrate report me to Jing Zhaoyin!"

Zheng Xuanfeng shook his head, now he only needs to get through the night, and we will talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow.


Team Zheng nodded and turned around to deal with it.

"Come on."

After the team was leaving, Zheng Xuanfeng immediately wrote a letter and asked someone to take it to the city gate to wait.

When the sky is bright and the city gate is opened, they will go directly to the Lishan fiefdom.

Nothing new happened until dawn, and Zheng Xuanfeng's people rushed out as soon as the city gate opened.

As soon as the day dawned, the news of Xicheng spread out in an instant, and Chang'an County also got the news immediately, and hurriedly sent people to the place where the fire was burning to take over, but they were rejected by the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard.

"I'm Chang'an County Wei Suming. There was a fire here and people were killed. We should be responsible."

Chang'an County Wei Su Ming looked at Zhang Jing in front of him, and directly saluted him.

"Lieutenant Su, what's happening here is not just a fire, there may be thieves who will endanger Chang'an, so please go back."

Zhang Jing sneered at Su Ming, as the general said, the people from Chang'an County really came.

"I'm afraid this is not good. You can't just say what you want! Anyway, let us go and see!"

Su Ming frowned. Something happened in here, but he was not able to go in as a county captain of Chang'an County. This is really a bit of a bully.

"Lieutenant Su, it's not that I don't let you in, but our general has a strict order that no one is allowed to enter until the matter is investigated clearly. Please forgive me."

Zhang Jing shook his head, he really didn't dare to let Su Ming in, otherwise Zheng Xuanfeng would have to pull out his skin.

"County lieutenant, how are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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