My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 469 Too late to explain, get in the car first!

Chapter 469 Too late to explain, get in the car first!

Seeing Su Mingxing approaching, a group of Chang'an county government servants rushed over.

"Don't let in, say there are thieves who endanger Chang'an."

Su Ming shook his head, it stands to reason that Zuo Jinwuwei's rank is higher than them, even if he is a county lieutenant, he has no right to let the other party open the way.

Besides, even if he has the power, the Jinwu Guard has generals above him, so he won't take care of himself.

"Then what should we do? I heard that people were burned to death here. If there is no explanation, the common people will not go to the yamen to make trouble!"

A head catcher looked at the county lieutenant in front of him and frowned.

"You send people to garrison here first, and they have to register everything they take out.
Then immediately send someone to report the situation here to the county magistrate, and ask him to report to Jing Zhaoyin to lodge a protest.

Finally, go to the side to find a higher place, let's see what's going on here. "

After all, Su Ming is a little clever ghost, you won't let me in, can't I think of a way by myself?
Do you really think I was bought as a county lieutenant?
"County Wei Gao!"

Hearing Su Ming's words, all the servants around were overjoyed, and immediately acted according to the other party's orders.

The county magistrate of Chang'an was also taken aback when he heard the news reported later, and immediately sent someone to Jing Zhaoyin to report the news.

After Jing Zhaoyin heard about it, he immediately sent someone out to negotiate with the Jinwu Guards soldiers, but the Jinwu Guards people showed no face at all.

Jing Zhaoyin was also very depressed, so he could only go to the Jinwuwei Yamen to negotiate.

"Your Highness, a letter from General Zheng Xuanfeng."

Di Renjie walked quickly to Li Yanran, his eyes full of seriousness.

"A letter from Zheng Xuanfeng?"

After receiving Di Renjie's letter, Li Yanran frowned after reading it.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Seeing Li Yanran frowning, Di Renjie hurriedly asked questions.

You must know that since he got to know Li Yanran, the other party has behaved very calmly in everything, and it is rare to see his expression like this.

Of course, those crouching dragons and phoenix chicks in the fief are excluded.

"See for yourself!"

Li Yanran handed the letter to Di Renjie, and the other party's eyes were full of horror after reading it.

The briquette poisoned people and caused a fire, and there were two places at once, and three people were killed.

This... this really surprised him.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, I think there must be something strange in it."

Di Renjie looked at Li Yanran, if there was no ghost here, he would eat all the briquettes in the fief.

"Well, there must be something wrong with it, I'm afraid that my second brother will take advantage of it, and this is an absolute test for honeycomb.

If this hurdle cannot be overcome and the impression that briquettes are poisonous is left in the hearts of the people, briquettes will be completely over. "

Li Yanran nodded, she naturally knew that something was wrong, the key was how to solve it.

"Your Highness, I think this matter must be thoroughly investigated, and we must not let people who are interested take control of public opinion.

If His Highness trusts me, please send me to Chang'an, and Di Renjie will definitely investigate the matter thoroughly. "

Di Renjie knelt on the ground directly, now he had to find out the truth of this matter and return the briquette to justice, otherwise the briquette would really be over.

"You went there? In what capacity did you go there?
You are not the Fa Cao of Chang'an now, so what if you find out the truth even if your teacher is unknown?

Still not credible. "

Li Yanran shook her head, not saying that you can do whatever you want, you are only my commander in chief, and you have no right to thoroughly investigate the murder case in Chang'an.


Di Renjie also frowned, but he had forgotten his identity.

But if the situation in Chang'an is too urgent now, we must find a way to solve it.

"Well, pack up and follow me to Chang'an immediately. I'm going to ask my father for orders to investigate the whole story of this matter."

Li Yanran stood up straight away, now she could only go to her father for help, after all, this briquette also has her father's shares.

If this matter is really unstoppable now, he will also suffer a lot of losses, after all, the money from the mine has already been spent.

This is going to cost money.

"Your Highness, I suggest that you should not be in charge of the investigation. After all, you have a great connection with this briquette. If you do so, it will not only give people a reason to talk about it, but it will also be difficult to convince them."

Di Renjie shook his head, it's not appropriate for Li Yanran to go now.

In this case, there will be problems.

Even if the truth comes out in the end, everyone will think it is a secret operation, and even if they jump into the Yellow River, they will not be able to clean up.

"Then what do you say?"

Li Yanran sat down again, Di Renjie was right.

But she doesn't know what to do now.

I can't make a move, and I want to investigate the matter to the bottom, how can it be so easy.

"Your Highness, you can suggest to your Majesty that the three departments will conduct a joint trial. Even if anyone wants to interfere with this, it will be very difficult.
And His Highness can also apply to His Majesty to attend, so that I can have the opportunity to get in touch with the scene, and then I can take advantage of the opportunity to participate in solving the case. "

As soon as Di Renjie rolled his eyes, he immediately had an idea.

Since the other party wants to cause trouble, they should simply make the matter known to the whole city. This way, the name of Briquettes can be rectified to the greatest extent.

"Well, then do this and follow me to Chang'an immediately."

Hearing this, Li Yanran stood up again.

Left and right are going to Chang'an now, the specific situation will be discussed on the way.


Di Renjie nodded and followed Li Yanran directly.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong walked over eating candied haws, looked at the flustered Li Yanran, and asked.

"To do something big, do you want to go?"

Seeing Li Hong, Li Yanran's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly spoke to him.

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal?"

Hearing sister's words, Li Hong's eyes also flashed a bright light.

"It's too late to explain, let's get in the car first!"

Li Yanran also pulled Li Hong and took him into the car.

"Sister, I'm not going, I don't want to go!"

Looking at the driver in front of him, Li Hong suddenly had a bad feeling.

This elder sister rarely uses a car, except to go to Chang'an, is it possible that my elder sister is going back to Chang'an again?

"Get in my car, and want to jump out of the car? The doors are all welded."

"set off!"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head and threw him on the head.

"Set off."

Li Feng also waved his riding whip, and the carriage started running directly towards Chang'an.

"Your Highness, something happened, something happened!"

When Zhang Jia came in front of King Xu, his eyes were full of excitement.

"What's going on? What happened?"

When Li Xiao heard that something happened, he was also stunned.

"There was a fire in two places in the west city, and three people died. Now Chang'an has spread the word that the fire was caused by the poisoning of briquettes."

Zhang Jia hurriedly told Li Xiao the information he got.

"Okay! Send people to Chang'an County immediately, let them solve the case as soon as possible, and make sure this matter is confirmed to me."

Li Xiao stood up suddenly. These businessmen moved very quickly.

I just ordered the scolding yesterday, and now I have done it.

How could he not be excited.

"Your Highness, the people from Chang'an County have gone, but the two fire scenes are all controlled by the Jinwuwei people, and the people from the county government are not allowed to go."

"How dare they? Who gave them the power? This is a civil case and should be handled by the Chang'an County Government?"

Hearing that the Jinwu Guards were obstructing the Chang'an County Government's work, Li Xiao's eyes instantly burst into anger.

"The soldiers of the Jinwu Guard said that there may be thieves lurking here that endanger the safety of Chang'an, so this matter is under their jurisdiction. The people from the Chang'an County Government have already reported it to Jing Zhaoyin."

Zhang Jia nodded, he naturally knew that this matter belonged to the Chang'an County Government.

But after all, the Jinwu Guards were one of the Sixteen Guards in Chang'an, and their rank was higher than that of the Chang'an County Government.

Even if the Chang'an County Government wanted to deal with it, they couldn't afford to offend it.

"Is it Zheng Xuanfeng's work?"

Li Xiao also understood what Zhang Jia meant, and he immediately guessed who was looking for trouble behind this.

"That's right, it's Zheng Xuanfeng, the general of Zuo Jinwu Guard."

"You take my warrant to go to Jing Zhaoyin immediately, and ask Wei Rumin to send someone there immediately, this matter cannot be suppressed by the other party like this.

At the same time, let those businessmen start to fan the flames. I want to let the whole city know about this incident. What should he do with the briquettes? "

A trace of coldness flashed in Li Xiao's eyes.

Zheng Xuanfeng is just a dog of his imperial sister, so he wants to suppress this matter?

What are you thinking?

How could I give him a chance.

"Your Highness, Zheng Xuanfeng belongs to Princess Lishan after all. I'm afraid that even if Wei Rumin goes to Zheng Xuanfeng, he won't give him face. What should we do then?"

Zhang Jia looked at Li Xiao, the other party's reaction was too timely.

If it can be fully realized, then as long as the court is fanning the flames, the briquettes will be completely over.

"Let Jing Zhaoyin go first, if Zheng Xuanfeng really dares to do this, I will enter the palace right away.

Go to Father Huang and read him a book, and he will be the top general. "

Li Xiao frowned. It seemed to him that everything was under his control.

If Zheng Xuanfeng compromised, then let those idiots in Chang'an County handle this matter, I believe they will not disappoint themselves.

It would be even better if Zheng Xuanfeng didn't compromise. Although I don't like myself, I definitely don't want to see an unscrupulous general gain a foothold in Chang'an.

At that time, even if Zheng Xuanfeng belongs to the imperial sister, he will be angered by his father, and he will be regarded as abolished as the right-hand man of the imperial sister.


Zhang Jia turned around and left to arrange Li Xiao's order just now.

Lin Jiuge and the others also frowned when they received Li Xiao's order.

Although they had prepared for a long time, they only arranged for one fire situation. What's the situation in the other one?
"Liu Yiye, did you do something in private?"

Lin Jiuge glanced at Liu Yiye on the side. If this incident was not accidental, then the most likely thing was Liu Yiye, the ticking time bomb.

"What do you look at, this thing is what I did?"

(End of this chapter)

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