My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 470 Things are getting bigger!

"You are all too boring, I am also ready for the second hand,
If a family has a problem, it may be covered up by the other party, but now you see, His Royal Highness Xu Wang knows it all.

That proves me right. "

Liu Yiye also directly admitted that he really sent someone to do this matter.

so what?

The current situation just shows that what I have done is correct.

"you you."

Ye Huosheng looked at Liu Yiye and trembled, this guy was too cruel.

To actually burn people to death at home, it is really tragic and inhumane.

Such a person, how did I get along with him.

"Take your paw away, and if you dare to point at me again, I will chop it up for you."

Liu Yiye glared at Ye Huosheng, and you are the only one worthy of pointing at me?

If I hadn't reformed myself now, I would have thrown you into the river to feed the crap.

"Liu Yiye, you have gone too far, why didn't you discuss it with us.

Once this matter is found out, not only you, but everyone will be finished. "

Lin Jiuge frowned, he really didn't expect Liu Yiye to be so bold, to do such a thing without telling himself.

This is simply pushing them into the fire pit.

"I've always done things with no tail, don't worry.

Even if I was found out, I will bear it all, and I will not implicate you.

Now our task is to quickly fulfill His Highness Xu Wang's entrustment, and strive to press the briquettes to death in one fell swoop. "

Liu Yiye's eyes were full of disdain, it was nothing more than a bunch of rats, they just burned two people to death, that's how frightened they were.

Really not the person to do things.

"Hey, this is the only way to do it now, let's do it now!"

Lin Jiuge sighed, as Liu Yiye said, the work has been done, and now their key is to press the briquettes to death.

Now that's it, let's start the fight.

For a while, the people they arranged also left one after another, and began to become the ultimate intelligence agents, spreading the news of poisoning people to death with briquettes and burning down houses.

The so-called good things do not go out, bad things travel thousands of miles, and soon these news swept across Chang'an like a tornado.

The people in Chang'an are also in danger. Looking at the briquettes in front of them, they dare not use any of them for a while.

After all, it may be cold in winter, but it can still pass if it is poisoned to death.

"Fu Yin, Qiu Bufan, magistrate of Chang'an County, is asking to see me."

As soon as Wei Rumin arrived at the government office, he saw that Chang Shi was already waiting.

"what happened?"

Wei Rumin was taken aback, this Qiu Bufan was a character, although the Chang'an county government was supposed to be controlled by him, but the other party never came to visit him when he was fine.

What kind of wind is blowing today to bring this product here.

"may be"

Chang Shi Li Hui also spoke out the rumors he had heard.

"Is there such a thing? Let Qiu Bufan come here immediately."


Soon Qiu Bufan was brought to the main hall by Li Hui.

"Qiu Bufan, magistrate of Chang'an county, pays a visit to the prefect."

"Brother Bufan, you came to me just because of the Jinwu Guard matter?"

Wei Rumin didn't hesitate, and directly asked if the other party came for this purpose.

"Since Fu Yin already knows about it, Qiu Bufan also asks you to send people to Zuojin Wuwei's Yamen immediately, and order them to transfer the matter to Chang'an County Yamen for handling."

Qiu Bufan nodded, he came here for this matter.

"Brother Fanfan, this matter is very involved, and it may involve Princess Lishan.

From what I see, it is not as good as this matter, let the Jinwu Guard investigate it, so as to save you from falling into it again at that time. "

As Jing Zhaoyin, Wei Rumin naturally thinks more than Qiu Bufan.

This matter has a situation in it at first glance, and it may involve the upper echelon. This will be a hot potato for everyone.

Since Zuo Jinwuwei wants to take the responsibility, let him give it to the other party. If you meddle, it will be troublesome again.

Don't really offend that Princess Lishan at that time, maybe she will be hated by the other party.

Qiu Bufan is a capable person, and he can be regarded as a person who is dedicated to serving the people. He doesn't want to see the other party get caught up in it.

"Fu Yin, how can you say that? No matter who is involved in this, three lives,

As the magistrate of Chang'an County, I must give him justice no matter what, and I hope Mr. Fu Yin will understand. "

Qiu Bufan's eyes were full of depression. As the parent official of the people, he had to be responsible for the people under his rule.

How could he just let it go because he was afraid of the powerful, so how could he get up and put on this official robe, and deserve the trust of the court.


Wei Rumin glanced at the other party and shook his head for a while, no wonder you are only a fifth-rank official up to now, with your temperament, it would be strange if you could be promoted.

"I also hope that Lord Fu Yin will be successful."

Qiu Bufan saluted again, and now he has nothing to do.

Although as the county magistrate of Jing County, he is a fifth-rank, but the Jinwu Guards don't care about him at all, only Jing Zhaoyin can do it.

"Fu Yin, King Xu's people are here."

Just when Wei Rumin was hesitating, Li Hui came over again.

"His Royal Highness King Xu? Let him in quickly."

"Let me go and greet you myself!"

Although everyone knew that Xu Wang and Li Xiao were no longer able to ascend to the position of Ninth Five Supreme, but he was the emperor's son after all.

Such a character, let alone himself, even a first and second rank official would not dare to offend him.

"Wei Rumin, don't be too polite, we are here to pass on the oral instructions of His Highness Xu Wang."

King Xu's servant waved his hand and stood directly under the plaque in the main hall.

"Jingzhao Yinwei Rumin, this king heard that there was a vicious fire in the west city of Chang'an and several people were burned to death. It is really sad.
I ordered you to send someone to solve it immediately, and you must find out the truth and return the people to justice.
If you act rashly and act rashly, I will definitely go to His Majesty to accuse you of dereliction of duty. "

After the waiter finished speaking, Wei Rumin was stunned, and Qiu Bufan was also stunned.

This matter of Chang'an seems to have nothing to do with you, King Xu, but it would be the same with the current King Lu Li Xian.

After all, he is also considered to be the governor of Yongzhou now, if you jump out, there must be something wrong here.

"Wei Fu Yin, what's the matter? You don't want to accept orders?"

The servant glared at Wei Rumin, we are representing King Xu, you have to show it no matter what.

"Wei Rumin understands that he will definitely investigate this matter and return justice to the people of Chang'an."

Wei Rumin felt depressed looking at the servant in front of him, and hurriedly saluted and accepted the order.

"Okay, Wei Fu Yin, His Royal Highness Xu Wang is very optimistic about you.

If this matter is done well, His Highness will definitely ask for credit for you from His Majesty.

So don't be fooled. "

The servant nodded and left without looking back after leaving another sentence.

"Did you see it? Do you still want to take this muddy water now?"

Wei Rumin glanced at Qiu Bufan beside him, his eyes full of confusion.


Although Qiu Bufan was a little silly, he was not stupid at all.

Now it is clear that King Xu is going to fight Princess Lishan. If he is involved, no matter what is found out in the end, his official position may end.

"If you back down now, I can still find a way to escape and keep you safe."

Wei Rumin knew that the other party had seen through it too, even though Xu Wang said so, he still had a way to evade it.

After all, Zuo Jinwuwei is in control now, so just throw the pot away.

"Fu Yin, I want to investigate, no matter what, this is related to three lives, Qiu Bufan has no regrets."

Qiu Bufan gritted his teeth after thinking for a while, if he shrinks back now, it would be against his original intention.

If being an official can't plead for the people, then he really has no idea.

"Hey, you Li Hui, I wrote a handwriting, you go to the Zuojin Wuwei Yamen with Qiu County Magistrate, I believe they will give me this face!"

Seeing Qiu Bufan's persistence, Wei Rumin could only let him go.

Immediately wrote a handwritten letter and handed it over to Chief Shi Li Hui and Qiu Bufan to Zuojin Wuwei Yamen together.

"General Zheng, Jing Zhaoyin's people are here, and they are asking to see you outside."

"Just say I'm not here."

Hearing that Jing Zhaoyin's people were coming, Zheng Xuanfeng scratched his head for a while.

Now I don't know what's going on with His Highness, what he will do now is to delay the time as much as possible.

He must keep the scene. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be too serious.

"This is not good!"

Chang Shi frowned, Jing Zhaoyin is also in charge of Chang'an's yamen, and he is not inferior to Jin Wuwei in terms of hierarchy.

If you procrastinate, the other party will be impeached.

"So what? Do as I say!"

Zheng Xuanfeng naturally knows that this is not good, but now this is the only thing he can do.


Xun Chi saluted and left directly.

"Your Highness, you must hurry up and act, otherwise I will really be unable to bear it."

Zheng Xuanfeng glanced at the sky, his eyes were full of haze.

"What? I hold the handwritten letter of Jingzhao Yin Fu Yin, and you don't even see him. This General Zheng is really a great official!"

Glancing at Xun Chi in front of them, Li Hui and Qiu Bufan were dumbfounded.

Both of them belong to the third rank, although your Zuo Jinwu Guard is the Sixteenth Guard of Chang'an, but your Fuyin is the chief official in charge of Chang'an.

You dare to avoid it now, it is really amazing.

"Do you dare to mock my general?"

Xun Chi also raised his eyebrows. Although Zheng Xuanfeng did something wrong, but you are just a long history, so what right do you have to be sarcastic here.

"Hehe, I'm not mocking, I'm just talking about the facts!"

Looking at Xun Chi's cold face, Li Hui is completely worthy of the other party, we are both long history, I can still be afraid of you?

"Do you have the ability to try again?"

Xun Chi directly pulled out the steel knife from his waist, his eyes widened.

"Do you still dare to kill me?"

Who knew that Li Hui was going forward one step at a time, not afraid at all.

The long history who killed Jing Zhaoyin in the street, let alone your little Zuo Jinwuwei long history, even if he brought out the great general Zuojinwuwei, he would not dare.

You don't want to scare people here, I don't want to scare people too much.

"Damn meow, do you want to die?"

Xun Chi took a step forward and directly bumped into Li Hui's body.

"Jing Zhaoyin belongs, but if Xun Chi dares to make any changes, take it down immediately!"

Li Hui took a step back and gave Xun Chi another provocative look. If you dare to touch me, I will send someone to capture you.


Jing Zhaoyin's people immediately waited in full force, staring at Xun Chi in front of them, as long as Li Hui gave an order, they would definitely take him without hesitation.

Without him.

Because Jing Zhaoyin has the power to enforce the law.

"I left the Jinwu Guard to show off your power? Do you really think you are a dish? Come on."

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