Seeing that Jing Zhaoyin's men dared to find trouble in Zuo Jinwuwei's yamen, Xun Chi couldn't help it immediately.

With a shout, countless Zuojinwu Guard soldiers jumped out, each wearing armor and holding a spear.

There was an angry look on his face.

This is their base camp, if they are slapped in the face here, then they will not even think about living in Chang'an.

"Li Hui, get the hell out of here now, otherwise I will have to take you all down for disturbing the Jinwu Yamen."

He scolded with a contemptuous smile, "You guys dare to attack the uncle here, you really don't know how much you have."

"Li Changshi, forget it!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Bufan was also depressed for a while, how could he become like this so well.

It really made him a little confused.

Li Hui rolled his eyes at Qiu Bufan, then spat on the ground.

"Damn meow, spit everywhere, beat him up!"

Seeing this mouthful of thick phlegm, Xun Chi couldn't help it anymore. He waved his hand and ordered Zuo Jinwu's soldiers to beat him.

Hearing this order, the Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers rushed over without saying a word.

"Call me."

Li Hui also gave the order and punched Xun Chi in the eye.

Xun Chi didn't expect that this old boy would dare to treat him like this, and he got a black eye when he didn't pay attention.

But he reacted quickly, and immediately threw his fist, hitting Li Hui's eyes as well.

For a moment, the two sides were fighting each other, and the situation instantly became out of control.

"General, it's not good!"

A soldier rushed in and saluted Zheng Xuanfeng directly.

"what happened?"

Zheng Xuanfeng was depressed, and when he heard that it was bad, he also frowned.

"Xun Changshi led people to fight Jing Zhaoyin's people!"


Hearing this, Zheng Xuanfeng stood up suddenly.

"General, go and have a look!"

The soldier looked depressed. Who knows why Li Hui was so crazy that he came to Jinwu Guard Yamen to show off his power.

Zuo Jinwuwei would really lose face if he didn't beat the opponent up.

"Take someone right away, follow me to see!"

Zheng Xuanfeng rushed out in big strides and came to the door. Looking at the melee scene of dozens of people, his face had turned the color of the bottom of a pot.

The long history of Zuo Jinwuwei led troops and the long history of Jing Zhaoyin fought in Jinwuwei's yamen. If it spread, how would I explain it.

"Stop it all!"

Zheng Xuanfeng's anger sank to his dantian, and he shouted loudly, which exploded in everyone's hearts like thunder.

Hearing this shout, the soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu Guard immediately stopped, and the people from Jing Zhaoyin on the opposite side also stopped and stepped aside.

"Jing Zhao Yin's Chief Shi Li Hui brought the Fu Yin's handwriting to ask to see General Zheng!"

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng standing among the crowd, Li Hui breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted him.


After hearing Li Hui's words, Xun Chi felt bad.

Only then did he realize that he had fallen for the opponent's trick to lure the snake out of the hole.

What Te Miao did just now was to lure Zheng Xuanfeng out.

Really insidious.

Zheng Xuanfeng was also taken aback, and glared at Xun Chi, I have been hurt by you this time.

"Well, this general has just returned, come in and talk with me!"

Now that he has met him now, he has no reason to keep him out.

"Magistrate Qiu, let's go!"

Li Hui covered his black eyes and glanced at Qiu Bufan.

I got this beating all because of you, you damn girl, don’t let me off the hook!
"Oh oh oh."

Qiu Bufan also had black eyes, but he also understood what Qiu Bufan meant just now.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid this time it will really return without success.

After all, he is Fu Yin's subordinate Chang Shi, and he is very powerful.

"Okay, I saw Jing Zhaoyin's handwriting, you can go back."

Entering the yamen, Zheng Xuanfeng also took Li Hui's handwriting, and let them leave immediately after reading it.

"General Zheng, when are you going to hand over these two cases to the Chang'an County Government?"

Hearing Zheng Xuanfeng's words, Qiu Bufan couldn't hold back anymore.

I don't know how many times I've been beaten just to see you, so tell me to go back now!

I'll give you back a watermelon rind.

"The general will send someone to investigate this matter in detail. If the matter that endangers the safety of Chang'an is ruled out, I will naturally hand over the two cases to the Chang'an county government.

If something goes wrong, I, Zuo Jinwuwei, will bear it together. "

Zheng Xuanfeng is depressed, isn't what I said obvious enough?
When I think it's time to hand it over to you, I will naturally give it to you.

Do you insist on telling me that I am waiting for His Highness's will?

It's really awesome.

And this matter is very involved, you better not get involved.

"General Zheng, people in Chang'an have already spread the word that the two fires were caused by poisoning of briquettes. Are you covering up for Princess Lishan?"

Qiu Bufan's petty temper immediately flared up, and the county government office over there was almost overwhelmed by the people.

You are procrastinating, do you really think that Chang'an City was opened by your master?
"Do you want to die?"

Hearing Qiu Bufan's words, Zheng Xuanfeng immediately jumped up, his eyes full of cruelty.

What others say is what others say, but you are the county magistrate of Chang'an. If you say so, aren't you afraid of death?
You are really brave to openly criticize Her Highness the Princess!
"Don't be angry, General, Magistrate Qiu didn't mean that! Right, Magistrate Qiu."

Li Hui felt like his head was getting bigger. He knew that you, Qiu Bufan, couldn't speak, but he didn't know you were so incapable of speaking.

It's enough for everyone to know about this special thing, do you need to clarify it?
And everyone has promised, so what can you do if you are dumb?

Really drunk.

"General Zheng, I have only one thing to say. This matter cannot be concealed. It will be reported to the emperor tomorrow.

If you are really doing it for the good of Her Royal Highness, Zuo Jinwu Guard had better not bother with this matter.

What you should do now is to give everything to me, and I promise to give justice to the common people. "

Qiu Bufan gave Li Hui a blank look, and he didn't mean that, that's what I meant.

This matter has now attracted Chang'an's attention, and the people are waiting for the result.

If you, Zuo Jinwuwei, were to investigate the matter, no matter whether it was true or false, the people would not believe it.

Now only leave it to me, I have nothing to do with Princess Lishan, only my conclusion can be believed by the people.

"Xun Chi, see off the guests!"

Zheng Xuanfeng was going to be pissed off by Qiu Bufan. Is it your justice that I am missing?
If your justice is beneficial to Her Royal Highness, it's okay, but if you do this, even the gods and Buddhas of the heavens will not be able to change it.

Damn, don't I know Zuo Jinwuwei is not suitable for participation?
That's not impossible!
"You two, please!"

Xun Chi glared at Li Hui, old boy, I remember you.

Not only did you sneak attack me, but you also tricked me.

Be careful not to walk alone at night, or you will be hit by me, and your dog legs will not be discounted.

Lao Tzu took off the official clothes by himself.

"General Zheng, don't make mistakes, otherwise it will be a disaster for you and Princess Lishan."

Looking at Zheng Xuanfeng's back, Qiu Bufan shouted at him again.

"Fuck off!"

Zheng Xuanfeng's voice came from inside, which made Qiu Bufan feel depressed.

I'm all for your own good, why should I do this.

Could it be that partisanship is really more important than justice that costs people their lives?

"The general told you to get out. If you dare to stay again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


"Stop it and leave quickly."

Looking at Xun Chi with his eyes wide open, Li Hui also shuddered.

This guy's eyes are going to kill, if he doesn't leave, he will be beaten in vain.

Li Hui pulled Qiu Bufan out of Zuo Jinwuwei's yamen, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

I was afraid that the stupid Xun Chi would seize the opportunity to deal with him again.

"Li Changshi, why don't you let me say a few more words to General Zheng, maybe he will agree."

Qiu Bufan looked at Li Hui next to him depressedly, not understanding why the other party was like this.

"If you're talking a few words, we have to be beaten again and again. The first beating is meaningful, but if you have to get another beating, it will be a loss."

Li Hui was very depressed, and said meowingly, what he said just now was so obvious.

So what if you can name the flowers?

Can you endure the fact that the other bastard is determined to take over the matter?

It's pretty good now. With a promise from others, even if something goes wrong, you won't be implicated.

"Then what should we do now?"

Qiu Bufan also shivered. The beating just now hurt so much.

"Let's go back to Jingzhao Yin's yamen first, and see what Fu Yin has to say!"

Li Hui sighed, he didn't know what to do now.

Zuo Jinwuwei's yamen is so tough, it's really beyond his imagination.


Qiu Bufan also sighed, the situation is stronger than others, who can't afford to offend others.

Now he can only hope that his immediate boss, Wei Rumin, will be able to do more.

"Let's go!"


Li Hui felt a pain in the corner of his eye and hurried towards Jingzhao Yinxing.

"Your Highness, there is news from Jing Zhaoyin that Li Hui took Wei Rumin's handwriting to Zuo Jin Wuwei's yamen, but was beaten up and returned."

Zhang Jia came directly and told the news he had just received.

"Zheng Xuanfeng, it seems that this is all about being a dog for my imperial sister!"

Hearing that Zheng Xuanfeng was so tough, Li Xiao's eyes also flashed a gleam.

It's not right to be a good person, but if you want to be a dog, then don't blame me for taking your dog.

"Zhang Jia, prepare the car, I want to enter the palace."


Soon a chariot and horse also headed for the palace.

"Your Majesty, something happened!"

Just when Chang'an was experiencing ups and downs, Rui'an also came to Li Zhi's side.

"what happened?"

Li Zhi looked up at Ryan, wondering why this old guy was going crazy.

"There are some rumors in Chang'an that the honeycomb briquettes of Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan are poisonous, not only poisoning three people to death, but also sparking two fires."

"Is there such a thing?"

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