My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 472 Shangdatian listens, 3 divisions join trial

Chapter 472 Shangdatian listens, the three divisions will interrogate

Li Zhi couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

My daughter sent the briquettes to the palace first. If there is a problem, it will kill people.

And he didn't believe it in his heart, if his daughter made the honeycomb coal, she would use it herself?

She would give this to herself as a father.

"I've only heard rumors about these things, and I haven't given an accurate answer to the specifics."

Ryan saluted Li Zhi. He had heard the news, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

"Send someone over immediately to investigate. I want to receive the information as soon as possible."


Ryan backed out directly.

Yanran, Yanran, you really found a good job for dad.

Li Zhi also shook his head helplessly, now he can only hope that there will be no problems.

"Your Majesty, this servant has just heard a rumor about Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan."

"what happened?"

Wu Zetian was also reviewing the memorial, and raised his head when he heard this.

The chamberlain quickly told Wu Zetian what he had heard.

"There is such a thing? Did Your Majesty know about it?"

Hearing that the briquettes had caused such a big mess, the imperial pen in Wu Zetian's hand also fell on the table.

"Your Majesty should know, and it seems that he sent someone to ask about it."

"I see, pass on my will, let Xu Jingzong pay close attention to this matter, but don't express it."


After hearing this, the chamberlain also slowly withdrew.

Wu Zetian looked at the servant's back, and then at the memorial in front of him, feeling extremely irritable.

Now the situation is unclear, she is not suitable and can't make a move, she can only sit on the sidelines and wait for the changes.

If there is a serious problem, she, a mother, will help a bunch of people no matter what.

After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body, and she would never allow her daughter to bear the infamy of being rich and unkind because of this incident.

Who would have thought that a small piece of briquettes could cause a storm in the city. Not only did the people pay attention, but even the emperor and queen of the dynasty paid full attention to it.

If these were known by Lin Jiuge and others, they would regret doing these things.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Xu asks to see you."

Ruian entered the room, glanced at Li Zhi, and said slowly.

"Xiao'er? Why is he here?"

"Let him see you!"


Ruian retreated and Li Xiao was brought in.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

Li Xiao entered the room and directly knelt down to salute.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Father."

Li Xiao got up slowly, and stood aside cautiously.

"Did you come to see me for something?"

Looking at Li Xiao on the side, Li Zhi was also full of questions.

What's the matter with this son coming here now? You must know that they are usually afraid of coming to the palace to find themselves.

"Father, my son has something to report here."

Li Xiao glanced at his father and hesitated a little. After all, this time he came to accuse his imperial sister of being cunning.

"Tell me, what's the matter!"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was even more puzzled, his son was very strange today.

Could it be that he also came here for the briquettes?

"Father, there were two fires in Chang'an last night, a total of three innocent people died tragically in the fire, but after the people from the Chang'an County Yamen passed by, they were made things difficult by Zuo Jinwuwei.
They never handed over the fire case at all, and even Jing Zhaoyin used to be an important person, and Chang Shi Li Hui was beaten up by Zheng Xuanfeng.
Such a bad act is really outrageous.

I also hope that the father will be severely punished, and he will order Zuo Jinwuwei to hand over the matter to Jing Zhaoyin for review immediately. "

Li Xiao hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said what he came for.

"Do you know who is behind the briquettes?"

Li Zhi grasped the brush with his right hand, looking at Li Xiao, there was anger in his eyes.

Do you know who you are suing?
That is your dearest imperial sister, the flesh and blood of my heart.

Flesh and blood, you are really brave!
"Of course I know that behind the briquettes is my imperial sister, but this is not the reason for Zuo Jinwuwei to do this.
Everyone knows that Zheng Xuanfeng of the Zuo Jinwu Guard has something to do with my imperial sister, the more he defends her, the harder he hits her reputation,

Whether it is for the sake of the people, the imperial sister, or the court, this case cannot be left to Zuo Jinwuwei and we hope that our father will learn from it. "

Li Xiao already felt Li Zhi's anger, but he didn't turn back when he opened his bow. Now that he had spoken, there was no room for hesitation or retreat.

"Father, I think the words of the second emperor brother are very correct. This case cannot be handled by Zuo Jinwuwei due to reason and reason."

Just when Li Zhi hesitated, a voice slowly sounded from outside.

Li Yanran had already brought her younger brother into the imperial study.



Li Zhi and Li Xiao were both dumbfounded when they saw Li Yanran appearing in front of them.

Li Xiao felt as if he had eaten a dead fly in his heart, and his response was incomparable.

After all, he was talking bad about Li Yanran just now, but he appeared in front of him alive, no one could calm down.


Li Yanran smiled sweetly, bringing Li Zhi back to reality.

Why is my daughter back?
"Why did you come back?"

"Didn't I miss my father?"

Li Yanran threw herself directly into Li Zhi's arms, her eyes full of smiles.

"Stop talking nonsense, what do you mean by what you just said? Did you hear what your second emperor brother said?"

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's small head, his eyes were full of doubts.

I don't understand what he meant by that.

Li Xiao glanced at Li Zhi, feeling a little depressed.

As for us, would you tell my imperial sister this?

Isn’t this trying to sow discord between me and the imperial sister?
You are not something that I can say.

"Prince, don't think too much.

What I mean is that the current situation cannot be concealed, and Jin Wuwei was asked to hand over the case to avoid suspicion, and it was all for your own good. "

Li Xiao also smiled and explained to Li Yanran.

"Royal father, I think brother [-]nd brother is right!"

Li Yanran smiled slightly at Li Xiao, showing ten teeth.

Seeing Li Yanran's smile, Li Hong shivered.

Others don't know the meaning of this smile, but he understands it very well.

My second brother is going to be unlucky.



Li Zhi and Li Xiao were both stunned. What did the second emperor brother mean?

Don't you know that such words are not good for you?

No one knew what kind of medicine Li Yanran sold in the gourd.

"Yanran, are you serious?"

Li Zhi frowned and looked at his daughter in his arms, and asked slowly.

"Of course I am serious. Now everyone knows that this briquette is my property, and Zheng Xuanfeng has some relationship with me. It is indeed not suitable for Zuo Jinwuwei to handle it."

Li Yanran nodded heavily.

"Father and Imperial Sister have already said that you should immediately order Zheng Xuanfeng to hand over the case to Jing Zhaoyin!"

Although Li Xiao doesn't know what Li Yanran wants to do, but since she agrees, isn't that what he came here for?
"If that's the case, then"

Before Li Zhi finished speaking, Li Yanran grabbed her father's beard.

Glaring at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also stopped speaking.

"Father, the Jinwu Guard can't take the responsibility, and I'm afraid Jing Zhaoyin can't take the responsibility either.

Now that this matter has become the focus of attention of the whole Chang'an, it is advisable to submit it to the joint trial of the third department, and Jing Zhaoyin will listen.

Only by paying enough attention can justice be given to the people of Chang'an to the greatest extent possible. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, I told the Jinwu Guard to hand it over, but didn't tell Jing Zhaoyin.

This matter has become a hot topic now. How can a Jing Zhaoyin calm the public dissatisfaction? Only a joint trial by the three departments can we get justice for ourselves and the coal briquettes.

"Three-judicial trial? Do you know what three-judicial trial means?"

Li Zhi now doesn't understand his daughter's thoughts even more. If it were just Jing Zhaoyin, he might still care about your identity and make a judgment in your favor.

But now that you have submitted it to the three-party joint trial, you know that it is not something you can control.

The joint trial of the three divisions represents the final judgment of Datang, and once it is decided, even if it is myself, there is no way to change it.

Is she really confused, or is she pretending to be smart?
"Father, I naturally know the significance of the three divisions' joint trial. Now the only way to quell public grievances is to hope that Father will agree."

Li Yanran smiled sweetly, she was looking forward to the interrogation of the three divisions.

"Here, Xiaoer, what do you think?"

Li Zhi felt a little numb, glanced at Li Xiao on the side, and asked his opinion.

"Father, father, the joint trial of the three divisions cannot be used easily. I think it is enough for Jing Zhaoyin to be in charge."

Li Xiao felt that he was not well, just as Li Zhi thought, Jing Zhaoyin's words might be able to influence him with his own identity.

But he was really good at the Tribunal Tribunal, and he knew there was something fishy about it.

If it is really found out, not only those businessmen will be finished, but they will also be charged with abetting.

Thinking about his father's love for Li Yanran, if he knew that he had instigated those businessmen to target his sweetheart, then his fate would definitely be miserable.


Li Zhi didn't understand, just now you were gnashing your teeth to seek justice for your imperial sister.

Zuo Jinwuwei insisted on transferring the case to Jing Zhaoyin, and now it requires a joint trial by the three departments, but you are dragging your feet again.

Could it be that his son has some connection with this case?
Otherwise, why would he never do this.

"Hong'er, you are the crown prince, what do you think?"

Li Zhi ignored Li Xiao, but focused his eyes on Li Hong's head, wanting to hear what his six-year-old son had to say.

"Father, the joint trial of the three divisions is feasible, but Jing Zhaoyin's words will be restricted too much, and it is difficult to handle the case wholeheartedly."

Although Li Hong didn't talk much, he supported his elder sister.

Although he doesn't understand what the old sister means now, but since she said so, the younger brother should stand behind her no matter what.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, Ryan, immediately pass the decree that this case will be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple, and Yushitai to preside over the joint trial.

No matter who is involved in this, they are all responsible to me, and what I want is the truth. "

(End of this chapter)

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