My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 475 How difficult is it to let the corpse tell the story!

Li Hong smiled slightly, are you the only one who wants to fight with me?
I really don't know how you grow so big.

"Sister, I took it out on you!"

Looking at Li Xiao's back, Li Hong also moved closer to Li Yanran.

"Hehe, not bad, I have improved a lot!"

As Li Yanran said that, she slapped her across the face.


Li Hong was really confused at this time. I helped you vent your anger against the second emperor brother, and you still hit me?

This... Who can I ask for reasoning?

"I hit you to make you remember. If you dare to plot against me like this in the future, I promise to break your leg."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, she was getting a vaccination.

With Li Hong's sixth child attribute, if he grows up a little bit, he might not know how he will count against him.

If you don't change the opponent now, you will suffer in the future.

"How dare I plot against Sister, besides, I'm not as good as you, Brother Second Emperor, that's a fool, otherwise how could there be such accusations?"

Li Hong was very depressed, how dare I fight with you.

As a calculating person, you are an ancestor-level figure.

Now that I think about it, this second brother is really stupid, and his brain is not as good as Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan's two idiots.

This is still a royal nobleman, bah.

Looking at the scene just now, everyone was depressed, and Di Renjie slowly came to the side of the corpse.

"What are you going to do?"

Wu Zuo and the officials were also depressed when they saw Di Renjie.

How come someone will do something to the corpse at random, this is so special that the three divisions will interrogate, if the corpse is destroyed.

Not only themselves, but also their bosses will be harshly criticized.

"I am the Chang'an judicial officer specially appointed by His Majesty to join the army, and I am in charge of this fire."


Hearing Di Renjie's words, everyone looked at the person in the field, and that person was Chen Jie, the current Chang'an judicial officer who joined the army.

"You joined the army as Chang'an Justice, so who am I?"

Chen Jie looked at Di Renjie depressedly, his eyes were full of depression.

I don't understand how there are two Chang'an justices joining the army.

"I'm just assisting in the investigation of this case, and I'm not a genuine one. I hope that the judiciary will join the army so don't take offense."

Di Renjie also smiled slightly, he was only part-time, and he didn't want to steal your business.


For a while, Chen Jie was also a little depressed, what is this special meow called concurrently.

You haven't died yet, so what are you doing concurrently?
Could it be that His Majesty is looking down on me?
"Okay, let's examine the body first!"

Di Renjie smiled slightly and knelt directly next to the corpse.

"This is simply unreasonable."

Looking at Di Renjie, Chen Jie felt that he was not well.

"Wu Zuo, what's the result of the autopsy?"


Hearing Di Renjie's question, Wu Zuo was also puzzled for a while, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

"Let's go! He is now an imperially approved judicial officer to join the army."

Chen Jie also hugged his arms, since you have obtained the emperor's will, then you come.

I want to see what you can do.

"The age of this old man is unknown, and the cause of death is unknown, but he should have died before the fire broke out, so the rumors in the market should have some truth."

Wu Zuo nodded, and hurriedly stated the results of his autopsy.

"The cause of death is unknown? How could the cause of death be unknown."

Di Renjie frowned, what kind of trick is this.

After searching for so long, you provided such a little thing?

"That's all the old man can detect. If the judiciary is not satisfied with joining the army, he can call in a more professional officer.

But as far as I know, no one seems to be able to detect the cause of his previous death from a charred corpse. "

Wu Zuo frowned, you layman, don't come here to talk nonsense.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

You just got the favor of the princess, otherwise, would you be able to join the army as a judge?

"Need not."

Turning a blind eye, Di Renjie also rolled up his sleeves and moved to the side of the corpse.

"What do you want to do?"

Wu Zuo frowned when he saw Di Renjie's actions, wondering what the other party wanted to do?

"Didn't you say that you only have this ability? Since you can't make this corpse talk, let me do it!"

Di Renjie frowned, he was incompetent, and was still occupying the latrine without shitting.

"Let the corpse speak? Are you a fairy?"

Wu Zuo was also dumbfounded, you can do what I can't do?
Do you really think you are a god by letting the corpse speak?
See if you can?
"Hehe, just wait and see!"

"Chen Canjun?"

Although he didn't believe that Di Renjie could do it, he didn't seem to be in charge of this matter, so he had to ask Chen Jie for his opinion.

"Let him do it, I also want to see what it means to let the corpse speak."

Chen Jie also responded with a sneer, he wanted to see how capable Di Renjie was.


Di Renjie knew that Chen Jie looked down on him, so let's show you what ability is.

I practice law in Bingzhou. I have never seen any cases or touched any corpses.

It's just a small charred corpse. What kind of problem has it really become?

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, you will know if there is any.

As soon as Di Renjie made a move, he was stunned.

This special meow is not a stranger at all, judging by his posture, he is more professional than himself.

Is this judicial joining the army?I'm afraid he wasn't an old man hired from somewhere!

After some things were done, everyone stared at Di Renjie, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"This person was not poisoned to death, but died of illness, and he died for at least three days."

Di Renjie looked up at the people in front of him, and expressed his judgment.

"Died of illness? He was dead for at least three days?"

Wu Zuo was stunned, and Chen Jie was also stunned.

Hearing this statement really made them dumbfounded.

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

Chen Jie frowned. If what Di Renjie said was true, the current situation would not be caused by the briquette poisoning, but someone deliberately trying to set the blame.

What is the intention and purpose of taking out a dead body?

"It's all told, the corpse told me.

Although the outside has been scorched, his internal organs have already failed, especially the lungs, which obviously don't look like a person who just died.

That's why I concluded that this person died of illness, and he died for at least three days. "

Di Renjie took another look at a few people, and then began to search around the room.

After looking around, Di Renjie returned to the side of the bed.

"What are you looking for? And what you said just now belong to your own judgment, you can't count it at all!"

Chen Jie looked at Di Renjie and was stunned, not knowing what the other person was doing now.

“It’s up to someone else to find out whether it’s my judgment or not.

Immediately send someone to Chang'an to find out if there are any elderly people who just passed away due to illness in the past few days, especially lung disease.

And immediately check if anyone in Chang'an has reported a missing body recently. If the person is found, the truth will be revealed.

And what do you think I'm looking for?Come and see. "

Di Renjie frowned, and led Chen Jie directly to the place where the briquette stove was.

"This briquette stove is here. If the fire point is really here, why is it burning like a mess over there but only so much here."

Di Renjie looked at Chen Jie. After all, he was just an agent of the judiciary to join the army, and he belonged to Li Yanran.

If he has the final say in everything, then once this incident is spread, it will be very detrimental to Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"I see, the fire is so light here, but the fire over the bed is a mess.

This proved that the fire was not here, but on the other side of the bed.

So it must have been intentional arson, not briquettes. "

Chen Jie is not stupid, he also guessed the other party's meaning in an instant with Di Renjie's guidance.

"That's right. So, are you still thinking that the body was really poisoned by briquettes?"

Di Renjie smiled slightly, this is what he wanted.

I don't get involved, I'm only responsible for providing opinions, the specific result is up to you.

"It's definitely not. I'll arrange someone to look for what you said right away."

Chen Jie also smiled, he knew what to do now, finding someone is the most important thing.

"Well, then you have someone look for it right away, and let's go to another fire scene."

Di Renjie nodded, now as long as he finds that person, he can completely overturn the judgment of the fire situation in front of him.


Looking at the calm Di Renjie, Chen Jie couldn't help but choose to obey orders.

After all, in his opinion, the other party's move was absolutely perfect. With such a person, this case might not be so difficult.

"Come out, come out!"

Seeing Di Renjie coming, Li Hong also jumped up.

Although he didn't dare to go in, he was still very concerned about the case.

"How about it?"

Li Yanran was also concerned and asked Di Renjie.

After all, this is related to his own reputation and the sales of briquettes, and any problems are absolutely not allowed.

"Your Highness, fortunately, I have fulfilled my duty. The situation here has been thoroughly investigated.

The deceased was not poisoned by briquettes, but died of disease.

Moreover, the cause of the fire was not because of burning briquettes, but because someone deliberately set the fire. "

Di Renjie smiled slightly, and told the results of his investigation.

"Someone set fire on purpose, it's really good!
One thing now is that we must find the family members of the deceased.

It's not that I don't believe in your autopsy skills, but that we have to make people speechless and irrefutable. "

A trace of coldness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, it really was like this, the trouble was found on her own head.

Really good skill!
I really don't know how the word "death" is written.

"I've arranged for someone to do it."

Di Renjie nodded, he naturally knew what to do.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Di Renjie smiled slightly. He was a smart man after all, so he didn't need to say anything.

The other party is professional in these things, and I can be considered a master of what I am doing.

"Preparing to go to the second fire site. If the situation is the same there, then this matter will be interesting."

Di Renjie also felt cold for a while, the conspiracy here has been seen in his eyes, and it will be the same if there is a second fire.

It's time to make these people pay the price.

"Then what are you waiting for, go to the second fire scene immediately."

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