My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 476 At the late party, the murderer was caught!

Chapter 476 At the late party, the murderer was caught!
After speaking, Li Yanran took Li Hong directly onto the carriage and ran towards the second fire.

"Commander Di, no, it's you who joins the army, Di!"

When we arrived at the second fire scene, everyone was waiting for his arrival.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Di Renjie nodded, and immediately started the autopsy.

Seeing the appearance of the two corpses, Di Renjie frowned directly.

You don't need to look at it, it wasn't poisoned to death at all, but burned to death by fire.

And the fire point was the same as last time, right next to the bed.

These people are simply too cruel, are they not human at all?


Seeing Di Renjie's appearance, everyone twisted up.

"The body was twisted, and the mouth and nose were filled with soot. It was obvious that he was tied up and then set on fire, and the fire started here."

Di Renjie sighed and told the results of his autopsy.

Hearing this, Wu Zuo hurriedly came over and nodded after inspecting the body.

Chen Jie frowned after reading it. If this was really the case, then this case would be ten thousand times more vicious than the previous one.

The process of tying up two people and then burning them alive is simply heinous.

"Any other clues?"

"Other clues need to be found."

Di Renjie frowned, and began to search around.

After searching around for a while, Di Renjie turned back and gently opened the corpse, revealing a bunch of rope remnants underneath.

"It's him."

Di Renjie smiled slightly, and picked up the rope.

"This should be the rope that binds them!"

Chen Jie nodded, but what can be seen from this?

"Look at the lock style of this rope. It is not an ordinary lock at all. The knotting method of this rope lock is specially used to bind wood."

Di Renjie looked at the rope in front of him and slowly expressed his understanding.

"You mean the ghosts of those log merchants in the city?"

Chen Jie was also a little dazed when he picked up the rope. Everyone knows the situation in the city now.

The log merchants and briquettes have become life-and-death enemies. If what Di Renjie said is true, then the motives of these log merchants have been clearly revealed.

"I can't say for sure, I can only say it's possible."

Di Renjie didn't affirm or deny, he was only responsible for providing information, and the other party had to comprehend the rest.

"Come on, immediately search the surrounding neighborhood to see if any suspicious persons appeared last night.

In addition, closely monitor all the log merchants in the city. If those log merchants have any changes and want to escape, they will be arrested directly. "

Chen Jie knew that Di Renjie said this to avoid suspicion, but the situation was already obvious.

If the briquettes were not the cause of these two cases, the most likely ones were the log dealers.

"But there's one more thing that's wrong."

Although Di Renjie did not deny that the biggest suspects were the log traders, there were still contradictions here.

"How to say?"

Chen Jie was taken aback for a moment, wondering what Di Renjie had discovered.

"Although the two cases happened at the same time, the methods were somewhat similar.

But one is a stolen corpse, and the other is a living person who was directly burned to death.

So there are still some differences. I suspect there are two groups of people operating here. "

Di Renjie still expressed his thoughts.

"You mean that these log merchants may not be an iron plate, and there are cracks between them. We can seize this opportunity and break them one by one."

Now Chen Jie had already decided that those log merchants were causing trouble, so he instantly understood that there might be a gap between them, and this was his opportunity.


Di Renjie was taken aback, did he mean that?

It seems not!
I just said that there may be two groups of people, but I didn't say that there were differences among the log merchants.

What kind of god-level understanding is this!

Is this the only skill Chang'an's judiciary joined the army?

Or is that just the way it is, and you’re overthinking it?

"I see, you don't need to say it, these are my thoughts and have nothing to do with you."

Chen Jie glanced at Di Renjie again, he knew that the other party wanted to avoid suspicion, so wouldn't he be able to take the credit for this time alone?
Her Royal Highness the Princess is really a good person!

"Alright, arrange it yourself!"

Di Renjie shook his head. If he misunderstood, he misunderstood. It shouldn't be too much difference. Maybe he really thought too much.

There are so many people who want to target briquettes. There seems to be no one except these log merchants.


Chen Jie smiled slightly, he already knew the general idea of ​​solving the case.

If you don't know how to find a needle in a haystack, this case is difficult to solve, but now that you have a target, it will be much easier to do.

"Your Highness!"

Di Renjie came out and hurriedly saluted the two of them.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Hong was a little over excited, he pulled Di Renjie's arm and asked.

"Compared to the last fire scene, this place is simply outrageous."

Di Renjie also told the results of his investigation.

"There is such a person? It's simply too hateful."

Li Hong was stunned after hearing this.

Two living people were burned to death like this?

It was really hard for him to believe that there was such a heinous murderer in Langlang Qiankun.

It simply shattered his three views.

"Do you have any ideas for solving the case?"

Li Yanran also frowned, it was hard for her to imagine such a person.

"I can't directly participate in this thing, but I have told Chen Jie all my ideas, and he has arranged for people to start marching."

Di Renjie nodded and expressed his difficulties.

"That's exactly what it should be. Next, let's see what Chen Jie does."

Li Yanran nodded. Di Renjie did the right thing. He was only involved temporarily, so he couldn't point fingers too much.

"How, how."

Li Xiao also changed his clothes and rushed to the scene. His first sentence was to ask about the progress of the case.

"It's all over. If Second Emperor Brother comes later, the murderer should be brought to justice."

Li Hong gave Li Xiao a look, the matter is almost over, how about you come to ask now?

Is it a bit late.


Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Xiao was stunned.

It's just time for me to change clothes and it's all over?

Are you kidding me?

Or is this matter really that simple and done in the blink of an eye?
"How is it possible? Brother Hong, don't be kidding, aren't those accidents? How could there be a murderer?"

Li Xiao's complexion darkened, and he said slightly to Li Hong.

"Really? Then let's wait and see. I hope that the second brother, the murderer, will not cry when he really catches the murderer."

Li Hong sneered for a while, there is no murderer?

I'm afraid the murderer is you!
Otherwise why do you care so much.

At that time, if it is really found out that you are causing trouble, if the father does not beat you to death, I will take your surname.

"Look what you said, why would I cry? It has nothing to do with me."

Li Xiao felt that he was trembling when he spoke, but he still had to say what he had to say.

This is not the time to give in.


Li Yanran looked at Li Xiao, an inexplicable light flashed in her eyes.

"A little bit."

Li Hong gave Li Xiao a grimace, and stuck it beside Ah Jie.

"Brother and sister, please tell us what important clues you have discovered?"

Li Xiao looked at the house in the distance with lingering fear.

Even if I beat him to death, he wouldn't dare to go there.

"Why am I telling you? If you want to know, you can check it yourself!"

Li Hong looked at his imperial brother with disdain, why should I tell you.


Who knew Li Hong had just finished speaking, Li Yanran slapped him across the face.


Li Hong clutched his head, feeling bad all over.

He didn't understand why Sister A suddenly went crazy. She was fine just now, so why did she suddenly slap her pussy?

"Brother Erhuang is asking, how can you say that? Brother Erhuang, let me tell you."

Li Yanran came close to Li Xiao and slowly told Di Renjie all his opinions and thoughts.

"In my opinion, as long as the businessmen are captured and tortured, they will definitely confess."

"Sister, you?"

Li Hong's eyes were about to pop out, he really didn't understand now, why his elder sister suddenly wanted to tell him these things.

It's obvious that the second brother has a relationship with those businessmen. Wouldn't what you do now reveal the facts of the case?

Wouldn't it be over if the other party prepared a countermeasure in advance?

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, and he also turned his head angrily, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

On the other side, Di Renjie's eyes were full of thoughts.

Li Xiao was really shocked now.

He really didn't expect that Di Renjie was so powerful and could detect so many things from the corpse.

If this is the case, those log traders may be showing their feet.

No, you must not let those people have an accident, otherwise you may be finished.

But these are Li Yanran's one-sided words, and he also knows that this imperial girl is not a flower in a greenhouse.

But she still thought there was no need to lie to herself!

"Are these real?"

Li Xiao's eyes are about to be twisted together, this information is too important.

Can't help but he is not serious.

"There are so many people, the second emperor brother can ask casually."


Li Yanran smiled, took the lead and walked out.

"Sister, wait for me!"

Li Hong also left with Li Yanran unsteadily.

"Chen Jie, where is Chen Jie?"

Li Xiao also suddenly realized that there were so many people here, couldn't he ask for confirmation?

I'm so smart.

"Chang'an Judicial Service Officer Chen Jie pays homage to His Highness King Xu."

Chen Jie hurried over to salute Li Xiao.

"How is the investigation of these two fires?"

To confirm Li Yanran's news, this Chen Jie is the best candidate.

"Your Highness, this... this is not good."

Chen Jie was also a little depressed. What should he say?what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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