Although the other party is a prince and has the right to observe, this time it is a joint trial of three divisions.

The case is currently in the detection stage, and it has not yet come to trial. If the case is leaked now, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

"Princess Lishan told me just now that these two fires were caused by man-made arson, and the perpetrators were most likely those log merchants in Chang'an, right?"

This king is just asking you for proof.

What kind of person do you really think you are?

Don't say I don't know, even if I don't know, I can't get the answer I want from you, a judicial soldier?

Seeing Li Xiao getting angry, Chen Jie also shuddered.

The other party was a serious prince, the prince of the Tang Dynasty. If the other party wanted to crush him to death, it would be no more difficult than crushing an ant to death.

And now that people already know it clearly, there is no need for him to hide it anymore.

He nodded immediately, confirming what Li Xiao just said.

Hearing that this information was true, Li Xiao's face darkened again.

"It's okay, just do whatever you want!"

After Li Xiao left a sentence, he also hurriedly boarded the carriage and left.

"Zhang Jia, Zhang Jia."

Back in the palace, Li Xiao hurriedly called Zhang Jia.

"Your Highness, are you back?"

Zhang Jia leaned over to Li Xiao's side, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"You go find Lin Jiuge right away and ask him to take his friends to Tianyu Restaurant.

I'll wait for them in Tianzi No. [-] room over there. Be quick and discuss something important. "

Li Xiao frowned, and directly sent Zhang Jia to find Lin Jiuge and those idiots to discuss matters.

"Your Highness, what's the matter? Why do you want to meet Lin Jiuge now?"

Zhang Jia was taken aback, not knowing what Li Xiao was going through.

"Don't ask, they may be exposed, let them come to see me immediately."

Li Xiao shook his head. The situation was critical now and he had to hurry up and think of a countermeasure.

"I'm going right now!"

Hearing that the situation was urgent, Zhang Jia didn't dare to hesitate, and turned around and left.

"and many more."

"Your Highness?"

Zhang Jia turned around and asked with a frown.

"Remember, you must be careful to hide, they are being targeted now, they must not leave any trace behind!"


Zhang Jia nodded and left quickly.

Soon Li Xiao's people quietly came to Linjiuge's log business, and after leaving a letter, the shopkeeper in it also hurriedly delivered it to Linjiuge.

Lin Jiuge opened the letter and was stunned after reading it.

You found it on your head so quickly?
Isn't that a little too fast.

It was simply beyond his imagination.

"Come on, send me a message right away, let Ye Huosheng and the others meet at Tianyu Restaurant.

Remember, there must be no tails. This matter is related to our life and death, so we must be cautious. "


Soon Lin Jiuge's message spread among several families. Everyone tensed up when they heard the news, and then they started to go to Tianyu Restaurant in disguise.

Chen Jie's people were confused by the other party's carriage, and they were all taken to other places. No one chased Tianyu Restaurant at all.

In Tianyu Restaurant Tianzi No. [-] room, Li Xiao had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

A group of people entered the house, looked at Li Xiao who was looking for him back and forth, and hurriedly saluted.

"Stop messing around with those nonsense, the king is here to ask you, is it you who did the burning to death of the old couple?"

Li Xiao glanced at a few people and asked directly with his eyes wide open.


After hearing this, several people hesitated and looked at Liu Yiye together.

"You did it, right! Who told you to use such cruel means?"

Li Xiao stepped forward and kicked Liu Yiye's body.

"Your Highness forgive me."

Being kicked, Liu Yiye didn't dare to say anything, and quickly knelt on the ground.

"Forgive me? How can I forgive you? Your actions have been detected, and now Chen Jie is also suspicious of you. Think about what to do next!"

Li Xiaozhen wants to give this fat man in front of him to Karma, he will really find trouble for himself.

"Your Highness, don't worry, those who did things have already been dealt with by me, and will not leave any lies.

Even if they find out that it has something to do with us, they can't find out about us. "

Liu Yiye frowned, he thought he did it fairly swiftly, without leaving any flaws.

"Before you thought your work was flawless, but now someone has found a flaw, so what you said won't show your feet, it's just farting."

Li Xiao glared at the other party, if you didn't do such a thing, would this king be so nervous?

Now you say that you will not show your feet, I believe you, I am a big fool.

"What does your Highness mean?"

Lin Jiuge looked at the angry Li Xiao, but also didn't know what to do.

"You should immediately find a way to leave Chang'an and go outside to avoid the limelight.

Now this matter is too big, and it has alarmed the emperor, and the three divisions will interrogate you, and it will be difficult for you to escape. "

Li Xiao frowned. The only thing he could think of now was to ask them to leave Chang'an quickly.

It's easy to talk about anything if you're not here, but if you're caught doing something, it's really going to be over.


Looking at Li Xiao in front of them, several people were all stunned.

What the hell?

Let yourself leave Chang'an, how can this be possible?

If you leave by yourself, what will happen to these industries?
And now is the critical juncture, if you let us run away, isn't that self-reporting?
"Your Highness, we can't leave right now. If we leave, everything will be over."

Ye Huosheng frowned, and directly suggested to Li Xiao.

"Your Highness, we must be under surveillance now, if we are caught at the city gate, then it will really be over.

Besides, they are only doing preliminary investigations now, and they haven't found any connection with us, so there's no need to be so flustered. "

Lin Jiuge also saluted Li Xiao, and he didn't agree to run away now.

"You don't know that Di Renjie is so powerful, he can make them talk in corpses, and your thinking is too simple.

Within three days, you will all be sought for questioning. Can you guarantee that everyone will keep their mouths shut?

As for the fear of being stopped when you go out of Chang'an, I will arrange for you to take my carriage out of the city, and I will definitely not let you have such a crisis. "

Li Xiao shook his head. He was already a little afraid of Di Renjie.

A person can actually detect so much useful information from corpses, and even he believes that he can reach straight into the underworld.

Facing such a person, he didn't believe that the other party would be able to stand firm until the end.

36 It is the best plan to go, and the only way to solve this problem is to arrange them to go out of the city.

He still didn't believe it. He had released all these people, and what else could the other party find out.


Everyone frowned after hearing Li Xiao's words.

What is Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the most prosperous place in the world.

They worked hard to gain a firm foothold in Chang'an, and now you want them to give up Chang'an, who would be willing.

"Stop talking about this, and leave right away."

Li Xiao said nothing, this is his order, whoever dares to resist, he will never show mercy.

If you are a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist, you cannot blame yourself.

Looking at Li Xiao's black face, several people could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Sister, what do you mean today? If you don't tell me, I'll be really angry. "

Back at Li Yanran's house in Chang'an, Li Hong, who had been holding back all the way, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted at Ajie.

He has been thinking about this all the time, his little head is about to explode, and he still doesn't understand what his sister means.

"Di Renjie, what do you think?"

Li Yanran ignored Li Hong, but looked at Di Renjie who was on the side.

"Your Highness, do you want to ask?"

Di Renjie was a little puzzled, wondering why Li Yanran asked?
"Do you think those businessmen have gotten the news now?"

"Probably. Now that His Royal Highness Xu knows, they should know that they are showing their feet by now."

Di Renjie thought for a while, and according to previous intelligence, there was a great connection between King Xu and those businessmen.

Now that Li Yanran personally told the news to King Xu, those businessmen must know about it.

"So, what do you think?"

Li Yanran nodded, looking at Di Renjie with a pair of big eyes.

"His Highness deliberately told King Xu today just to make them get into trouble?"

"That's right, if we want to hold them, we have to think about what they think and predict the enemy first.

I take the initiative to tell Brother Huang now, just to let him be led by the nose by me.

Only in this way can we catch their loopholes and not let them escape. "

Li Yanran glanced at the sky above her head. Not only her own briquettes, but the two old couples who were burned alive, she couldn't get around these murderers.

"Your Highness, their current countermeasure is nothing more than cutting off the tail without leaving any traces.

But some things can't be covered up as long as they exist, the truth is always there.

If that doesn't work, as long as Chen Jie arrests all the people from the log trading company and interrogates them one by one, the result will definitely come out. "

Di Renjie also had a cold look in his eyes, he had no pity for such villains.

Although it is said that torture may not obtain the truth, it does not mean that torture cannot be used.

As long as you achieve what you want, nothing else matters.

"What if you can't catch anyone?"

Li Yanran looked at Di Renjie, you said so much on the premise of catching the other party, what if you can't catch him?

Di Renjie was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

"Your Highness means they might run away?"


"If they dare to run now, they will be guilty of guilt. Chen Jie has a reason to take it down. Isn't this right? But they don't seem to have reached that point yet!"

Di Renjie looked at the frowning Li Yanran, somewhat confused as to why he had such an expression.

If they dare to run now, they will definitely be caught. After they are caught, it is impossible for them not to recruit.

And this is just the beginning, there is no need for them to run away now!
Isn't this pure Dasha Bo?
"You think they wouldn't run away now, but there are people who won't allow the other person to threaten their safety."

"This is called throwing stones to ask for directions, just watch!"

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