Those businessmen may not want to escape now, but his second brother will definitely force them to leave.

After all, their existence has seriously threatened the safety of the other party, and if they were replaced by themselves, they would make the other party hurry up and leave.

This is the reason why she said that today, only by making her second brother nervous, he will show his feet.

"I finally understand that the reason why His Highness said those words is for this reason.

But if His Royal Highness Xu Wang would arrange for these people to leave, I am afraid that the city gate would not dare to check the soldiers at all.

If the other party runs away, the case may not be solved, and they must not be allowed to run away. "

Di Renjie's whole body is not well, if he is really run away by the other party, it will be difficult.

At the same time, he also had a deeper understanding of Li Yanran.

This is simply too powerful, not only predicting the enemy first, but also leading Xu Wang's nose in circles.

"That's exactly what worries me."

"Your Highness, now we need to send people to the Sifang City Gate to check the carriages leaving the city, especially the carriages of His Highness King Xu. We must not let them escape."

Di Renjie knelt directly on the ground. Only Li Yanran could do this now.

If someone ran away, not to mention what would happen to the briquettes, at least the old couple who were burned alive would die with their eyes open.

"Well, take my handwritten letter and go to the dukes to borrow troops, and you must not let them run away."


Di Renjie nodded and took Li Yanran's handwriting directly to the residences of several princes to borrow troops.

Cheng Yaojin and the others were also very helpful, and immediately borrowed some of Di Renjie's parts to Di Renjie, and asked them to follow each other to the gate of Chang'an.

Just as Li Yanran was laying out his net, those merchants also began to collect gold and silver, set up shop affairs, and prepare to run away.

"Zhang Jia, immediately arrange for me to take the carriage to pick up Lin Jiuge and the others. I will personally send them off to leave Chang'an."


Zhang Jia also knew that the situation was urgent and immediately sent someone to arrange a carriage to prepare for Jiuge and others to leave.

When the evening approached, Lin Jiuge and the others were also ready. After changing to Xu Wang's carriage at the designated place, they also headed towards the north gate.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Watching Di Renjie lead the people from the Duke's Mansion to check the carriage going out, the guards at the city gate rushed over.

After all, only he has the right to inspect the carriages at the city gate, so why should they rob him of his work.

"We are part of the British Government. The British Government's palace was stolen, and we were ordered to inspect the vehicles passing by here.

I advise you not to meddle in your own business, just do your job well. "

Di Renjie didn't say a word. It's not appropriate for him to reveal his identity now, so he can only let the British public act in his own identity.

"The part of the British government?"

The team leader was stunned when he heard what the other party said, a piece of work from the British government?
I couldn't afford to offend this special meow, so I didn't dare to care about him after I saluted him, and let him do whatever he wanted.

Di Renjie inspected the passing vehicles, but found nothing at all. Just when he thought he had made a mistake in his judgment, three carriages with King Xu's flags came slowly over.

"Commander Di, look."

Seeing the carriage, Yingyinggong's trilogy also lit up, and he immediately said to Di Renjie.

"It's them who are waiting."

Di Renjie nodded. It seems that His Highness guessed correctly, the other party is coming.

When King Xu's carriage arrived at the city gate, Di Renjie waved his hand, and dozens of tribesmen immediately surrounded them.

"Blind your dog eyes, don't you see whose carriage it is? Hurry up and get out of the way."

The driver on the carriage looked at the people around him and immediately frowned and shouted angrily.

"His Royal Highness Xu's carriage, right!"

Di Renjie walked out slowly and sneered at the man.

"Since you know it, don't hurry up, or you will run into His Highness Xu Wang, can you bear it?"

Hearing that the other party knew his identity, the driver frowned even tighter.

What do these people want?
"What I took was King Xu's carriage. The carriage stopped moving forward, and all the people inside got out of the carriage."

Di Renjie also yelled at that person and asked them to get out of the car.

"Who are you? Do you know what you're doing? Get His Highness Xu Wang out of the car? You have enough heads to chop off."

The driver was furious, he dared to let His Royal Highness Xu get off the car, it was really enough.

"Hehe, I'm afraid His Royal Highness Xu Wang is not in the carriage! Get out of the carriage!"

Di Renjie didn't care so much, he didn't believe that Xu Wang would be here, so what if he was here?
Doesn't that just happen to be caught by him?
"What a loud tone! I want to see who is so powerful that he dares to let me get off the bus!"

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Li Xiao slowly opened the curtain on one side.

Seeing Di Renjie's figure, Li Xiao couldn't help being startled.

Could it be that the other party had already guessed that he would bring those businessmen out of Chang'an?

If that's the case, it's a big deal.

"Di Renjie pays his respects to His Royal Highness Xu Wang."

Seeing Li Xiao, Di Renjie was also taken aback, and hurriedly saluted Li Xiao.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also saluted one after another. After all, this is the prince of Datang, who dares to neglect.

"Di Renjie, who gave you the courage to inspect this king's carriage? Why don't you get out of the way?"

Li Xiao glared at Di Renjie, how dare you stop me?
Do you really think that your identity is a display?
"Your Highness, please calm down. Di Renjie has been ordered by His Majesty to search for the real culprit of the arson case. All vehicles leaving the city must be investigated, so Your Highness please get out of the car."

Although it was beyond his imagination for Li Xiao to come out in person, the more the other party behaved like this, the more it showed that there was something tricky in it.

Those log merchants must be in the carriage.

"What if I don't?"

Li Xiao's complexion gradually turned cold, it seemed that the other party had identified the person and got in his car.

"Then His Highness may not be able to leave the city today."

Di Renjie also stretched out his hands to stop Li Xiao's carriage.

"Di Renjie, do you really think that this king dare not kill people? Just because you want to stop me? Dreaming."

"The carriage is moving forward. Anyone who dares to stop me wants to assassinate this king. He will be killed."


Hearing Li Xiao's order, the surrounding guards drew out the steel knives around their waists, looking at the person in front of them, their eyes were full of fierceness.


Seeing the scene in front of him, the Duke of England also hesitated.

They came to inspect the vehicle. To put it bluntly, they came to do Li Yanran a small favor.

If they really clashed with Xu Wang's people, the consequences would be unpredictable.

After all, one side is the Duke of the country and the other side is the prince of the Tang Dynasty. If this is brought to the emperor's side.

Just think about it.

"Stop, I will take care of what happened! In addition, I will send someone to inform His Highness immediately, so that he can come over immediately."

Di Renjie gritted his teeth, if the other party ran away now, all previous efforts would be wasted.

Even if this matter would really be brought to the emperor, he must stop the other party.

"The formation."

Now that Di Renjie said so, Li Ji's trilogy also gritted their teeth and formed a battle.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to do it?"

Seeing the current situation, Zhang Jia also frowned.

After all, fighting with weapons at the gate of Chang'an City, if it spreads, it will be punished.

"Chuang, I want to see if they dare to attack me."

Li Xiao also knew the current situation and the consequences of this attack, but if the people behind him were caught, the matter would only become more serious.



The driver also waved his whip, and the steed under his seat also neighed and rushed forward.

"Kill the horse."

Di Renjie knew that the other party was determined to break through, so he directly ordered Li Ji's troops to kill the horse.

Hearing this command to Li Ji's trilogy, he didn't hesitate, and swung his knife directly on the horse's head.

In an instant, the horse wailed, blood flowed profusely, and fell directly into a pool of blood.

"Protect Your Highness, someone is assassinating."

Seeing that the opponent really dared to attack, Xu Wang's guards were not just for nothing, so they killed him directly.

Neither side was good at fighting, and the fight was inextricable for a while. The soldiers at the city gate were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

"What. What should I do?"

A fire chief was trembling, looking at the team, he didn't know what to do.

"What should I do? How do I know what to do? One side is His Royal Highness Xu, and the other side is the part of the Duke of England. There is no one in this group."

Dui Zheng can write with a frown, he is just a little Dui Zheng.

His duty is to keep an eye on the city gate, and the gods fight, and he, a kid, can't bear it.

"But if you have to blame it, I'm afraid we will suffer as well."

Huo Chang is depressed, people are fighting right under your nose, if you don't care, it's not right.

"I'm blind, I didn't see it."

After Captain Zheng said this, he immediately covered his eyes and stepped aside.

The rest of the soldiers followed the team and fled to the side.

"Your Highness, what's wrong, Commander Di and the British Duke's troops fought with His Royal Highness King Xu's men at the North Gate, and there was blood."


Hearing this, Li Yanran immediately stood up, eyes full of surprise.

She really didn't expect her second brother to be so brave, dare to fight at the city gate, really think that he is a prince, if he is a prince, he is invincible?
Li Hong said nothing and ran out.

"What are you going for?"

Seeing Li Hong's appearance, Li Yanran hurriedly shouted at him.

"I'm going to help out. I can't let Di Renjie suffer the consequences of the second emperor brother."

Li Hong stopped and replied to Li Yanran.

"What kind of occasion are you helping, I have to deal with it."

Li Yanran slapped himself on the forehead, no matter how you are everywhere, with your small body, you will be beaten if you pass by.

"I want to go with you. I'm afraid you don't know. I'm in the fiefdom now but I'm known as the champion of boxing. Two people won't be able to get into me at all."

Li Hong felt bad after hearing Li Yanran's words.

For such a big matter, do you want to take me with you?
What if you are being bullied?
Besides, it's so interesting, how could it be without me.

"You have more important things. Now go to the palace immediately, tell your father about this, and ask him to send the imperial army over. The sooner the better."

Li Yanran ran out and said to Li Hong.

"Oh, I'll be right there."

Hearing that he wanted to go to the palace by himself, Li Hong was depressed for a while, but he still followed Li Yanran out.

"Go to the north gate, hurry up."

"Go to the palace, quickly."

The two of them got into the carriage and rushed towards their respective directions.

"Li Feng, don't go with me. Go to Zheng Xuanfeng immediately and ask him to send two groups of Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers to support him."

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