My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 479 If you don’t give in, I will die in front of you!

On the way of the carriage, Li Yanran also gave orders to Li Feng who was next to him, telling him to go to Zheng Xuanfeng immediately.

Now her emperor brother is going crazy, if she doesn't bring more people over, she can't control him.


Li Feng knew that it was not the time for ink marks, so he rode his horse and galloped straight to Zuo Jin Wuwei's yamen.

When Li Yanran arrived at the city gate, the place was already in a mess, so the two sides still restrained themselves and did not really use the knife.

Otherwise, the place would have been filled with blood.

"Stop me all."

Li Yanran stood on the carriage, shouting loudly to the chaotic crowd in front of her.


Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Yanran's words.

"Girl, don't talk, this is a fight between gods and gods, we can't afford to provoke you."

An old woman looked at Li Yanran standing on the carriage, her eyes were full of worry.

Everyone can't avoid the current situation. How dare this little girl go over and cause trouble?

"Thank you, Mama."

Li Yanran smiled at the old woman, and then shouted at everyone.

"I am Li Yanran, Princess Lishan. Everyone stop me, or you will bear the consequences."

When he shouted these words, the people around him all looked at him with side eyes.

No one would have guessed that this little girl is actually Princess Lishan, and the wind today is really evil.

First, the Duke's Mansion came, then a prince came, and now Princess Lishan came out.

This scene is getting better and better.

Finally someone noticed Li Yanran, and the British Duke's trilogy also let go of their opponents and began to move closer to Li Yanran.

"Your Highness."

Seeing Di Renjie's dark eyes, Li Yanran suddenly wanted to laugh for some reason.

The dignified Di Renjie, Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, and Mr. Di Ge are now like this.

"Your Highness, Princess Lishan is here."

Zhang Jia also came to Li Xiao's side.

"Imperial sister, you came just in time. Your subordinates are really powerful. They dared to assassinate the king in the street. Are you instigated by you?"

Li Xiao walked out from among the guards and shouted at Li Yanran.

"Second brother, don't put a big hat on me, I can't afford it,

Also, Di Renjie did not intend to assassinate you, but was following his father's order to investigate the two fire cases.

He has the right to inspect any carriage going out of town, even you,
After all, if the real murderer behind the scenes took the opportunity to escape and the father blamed him, I am afraid that the second brother would also be involved. "

Li Yanran frowned, your words will kill Di Renjie.

If you really have a red mouth and white teeth, you can just say whatever you want?
"Then why do I have to go?"

As Li Xiao said, he got into the second carriage directly, and he was about to lead people to continue to pass through the barrier.

"Where is the team, stop His Royal Highness Xu's carriage for me, if you let him leave, I will cut off all your heads."

When Li Yanran came, she naturally couldn't be like Di Renjie.

Di Renjie has no official position and can't control those soldiers, but she is different.

She was a princess of the Tang Dynasty, and the soldiers guarding the gate had to give her a little less.


The captain was dumbfounded, why did Her Royal Highness throw the blame on herself when she came here.

"How to do?"

Huo Chang looked depressed, Her Royal Highness has ordered, what should they do?
"What to do? Stop it."

The team was glaring at the chief fire officer, and directly ordered the soldiers to stop him.

Just now Li Xiao's people and Li Ji's trilogy were private fights, but if they collided with the soldiers guarding the gate, the nature would be different.

Not even Li Xiao could bear to attack the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

"Do you think my imperial sister can chop off your head, but I can't? Get out of my way, otherwise it will be an assassination attempt and kill your whole family."

Li Xiao frowned, and shouted angrily at the soldiers standing in front of him.


Team Zheng was dumbfounded, why are all of them like this?

Her Royal Highness said stop it, but you want me to let go, and you want to chop off my head, what should he do?
Who can tell him what should he do?
"Captain, what should we do?"

The fire chief came closer again, his scalp was numb now.

Both sides are dead, how to choose?

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Just as the gatekeepers were struggling, a shout suddenly sounded from behind, and then Zheng Xuanfeng rushed to the front immediately.

Behind him are two groups of Zuo Jinwuwei soldiers in armor and holding guns and knives.

"It's over, let's go."

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng brought someone here, Li Xiao knew something bad was going to happen.

Directly urge the driver to run away quickly.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Li Xiao's sudden activation really caught everyone off guard, and they were rushed out by him if they didn't check for a moment.

"Follow him and don't let him get away."

Seeing Li Xiao running away, Li Yanran was also stunned, the current situation, you still want to run?
"and me!"

Li Feng shouted loudly, rode out on his horse, and killed Xu Li Xiao.

"Zheng Xuanfeng, hurry up and catch up. If there is something wrong with Li Feng, I will ask you."

Seeing Li Feng chasing after him, Li Yanran also yelled at Zheng Xuanfeng.

What the hell is it, at this critical moment, what do you want to let Li Feng, a young man, go out?
Where is your face?

Zheng Xuanfeng was also depressed for a while. If you are great, your Li Feng is also great.

He has no fear in intercepting King Xu, but I can't!

But the current situation is like this. You have to take advantage of both ends. Since you want to get into Li Yanran's car, you have to risk everything.

Zheng Xuanfeng also followed closely behind Li Feng and rushed out of the city.

Looking at Li Feng and Zheng Xuanfeng walking around in front of the horse, Li Xiao also stood up.

"Zheng Xuanfeng, get out of the way for this king, otherwise I will sue your father for assassinating this king. Even if my imperial sister can protect you, you will die."

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Zheng Xuanfeng frowned.

What Li Xiao said was right, if this accusation is really confirmed, then he will die without a place to bury him.

"Your Highness King Xu, you can't leave as long as I'm here."

Li Feng gave Zheng Xuanfeng a blank look, and you are the only one who claims to be a hawk and a dog for my lady.

His Royal Highness Xu Wang frightened you, it was more than success than failure.

"His Royal Highness Xu Wang, you'd better not move now, otherwise if you do something unfavorable to you, don't blame me."

Feeling Li Feng's contempt, Zheng Xuanfeng also gritted his teeth and pulled out the steel knife from his waist.

Li Xiao frowned when he saw that Zheng Xuanfeng would actually draw a knife on him.

"If you don't let the passage open now, I will die in front of you. Don't say that you will die at that time. Even my imperial sister will not be able to bear the consequences."

Li Xiao had no other choice now, he directly pulled out a golden knife and compared it to his neck.

One Li Feng is fine, but with Zheng Xuanfeng added, he might really not be able to get out.



Seeing that Li Xiao actually used such a ruthless move as burning jade and stone together, both of them were stunned.

They had thought of a million escape methods that Li Hong could use, but they hadn't guessed that the other party would threaten them with their own lives.

Moreover, the other party's move was really a slap in the face, if Li Xiao really went all out, then Li Yanran might be harmed.

Even if His Majesty the Emperor likes our Princess Lishan no matter how much he likes us, he cannot allow her to force her own son to death.

Besides, even if Li Xiao was at fault, his crime would not lead to death. What if he really wanted to kill someone?
Although they also knew that Li Xiao might be lying to themselves, what if Li Xiao was Kublai Khan?

Just wipe his neck with the knife, and everything will be over.

"Step aside."

Seeing the two people hesitating, Li Xiao sneered.

Fighting with this king, you are still a little tender.

"How to do?"

Zheng Xuanfeng really didn't know what to do now, he was really numb.

It's not that he didn't dare to stop Li Xiao, but he was really afraid of hurting Li Yanran.


Li Feng was also dumbfounded. He was indeed not stupid, but he didn't know what to do now.

The death of a prince is an earth-shattering event, and no one can bear the responsibility.

"Get out of the way."

Li Xiaoyi was so excited that the golden knife in his hand directly cut a gash on his neck.


After trembling for a moment, Li Xiao shouted loudly at the two of them: "Get out of my way, my king."

"Step aside!"


Seeing that Li Xiao was playing for real, Li Feng and Zheng Xuanfeng couldn't afford to provoke them, so they hurriedly stepped aside.

Seeing the two get out of the way, Li Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered the driver to leave quickly.

"General Zheng, you follow His Royal Highness Xu, and I will report to His Highness."

This time, he really couldn't stop him, so Li Feng gave the order and rode towards the city.

"Miss, it's bad, I can't stop it!"

Li Feng got off his horse and saluted Li Yanran anxiously.

"What do you mean you can't stop it? How can you not stop it?"

Li Yanran was taken aback, relying on Li Feng and Zheng Xuanfeng, how could she not stop her second idiot brother?
What a joke.

"Miss, he...he is threatening to die, we have no choice but to get out of the way."

Li Feng was depressed, and he didn't want to let the other party go, but there was nothing he could do about the other party's despicable method of suicide to survive.

"Stupid, why did he force him to die? It's not because he was afraid that those people in the carriage would be caught by him. It's strange that he was willing to die."

Li Yanran is really dumbfounded, you actually believe that your second emperor brother will commit suicide.

So naive, two super big mallets.

"I also know that he is not willing to die, but if anything happens, I don't dare to take the risk."

Li Feng shook his head, he didn't know about this kind of thing, but he was afraid.

What if this idiot is a stunned young man?
"Nonsense, he won't die even if you die. Hurry up and chase me. I won't let him escape."

Li Yanran kicked Li Feng on the butt.

Stick, why are you still standing there?

Hurry up and chase someone!

"Oh oh oh."

Before Li Feng had time to leave, a group of hundred cavalry guards came out suddenly.

The imperial army stepped aside, and Li Hong appeared in front of everyone like stars over the moon.

"One team holds these carriages and controls all relevant people, etc., and the other team goes out of the city to get people."


All the forbidden troops said in unison, and immediately divided the troops into two groups, taking the carriage and the British public part directly along the way, Xu Wang's soldiers.

The other way is to leave the city directly to chase Li Xiao's carriage.

"His Royal Highness, stop immediately."

"It's over."

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