Chapter 480
Looking at the Hundred Cavalry Forbidden Army wearing bright light armor, Li Xiao knew that this was really the end.

These are their father's personal guards. They don't care about other people's opinions at all, even if they are the princes of the empire.

"Your Highness, do you want to continue?"

The driver looked at Li Xiao who was behind him, the emperor's imperial army had already been killed, should he run away?

"Crack your head, stop quickly."

Li Xiao slapped the driver on the head.

If you still try to break into this meeting, you may not die, but you will definitely be shot on the spot.


The driver hurriedly reined in the reins with his hands, and the horse pulling the cart also snorted and stopped slowly.

"Return to Chang'an!"

Seeing Li Xiao stop, the imperial army Baiqi also escorted them back to Chang'an.


In less than three seconds, Li Hong threw himself into Li Yanran's arms.

"Brother Hong, you did a good job this time."

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head, and had to say that Li Hong, a child who often loses his temper, did a good job this time.

Otherwise, his imperial brother would be really difficult to deal with. At least Li Feng and Zheng Xuanfeng would not be able to offend each other.

"Don't worry, this time I have asked the emperor's will. If the second emperor brother dares to provoke any moth, I will definitely clean up the father for him."

A coldness flashed in Li Hong's eyes. This time he was working hard.

If Li Xiao really dared to be a demon, he would have to let the other party know what is evil in society and what is not ancient.

"Don't talk about that, let's see who is in this carriage first."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head, you are the only one who is the best.

Do you really think you are touching the sky after requesting Father's will this time?

Take what you can.

"Oh oh oh, my sister taught me right."

Li Hong knew that he couldn't offend his elder sister, even though he took his father's order, he was just a younger brother in front of Li Yanran.

"Isn't this Sun Dong's family, Liu Dong's family, and Zhao Dong's family?"

Open the curtain of the car, the three owners of Qihuo Log Co., Jiushan Log Co., and Shanxing Log Co. appear in front of everyone.

Several people were already a little speechless, what they experienced at this moment was far more exciting than their entire life.

Escape, fight, and then break into the city, these are things they could never imagine.

If they had known this, they would not have followed Li Xiao to escape.

It wasn't a big crime at first, these were all done by Liu Yiye, at most they were accused of stealing corpses and blaming others.

It's all right now, the city gate is making a big fuss, His Royal Highness Xu's government soldiers are fighting against the Duke of the Kingdom, and even the emperor's forbidden army will come.

Maybe if King Xu just locked them up and kicked them a few times, they would die.

"Why are you staring blankly? Didn't you see His Royal Highness the Prince and Princess in front of you?"

The soldiers of Zuo Jinwu Guard glared at the three of them, you are just ghost merchants, you dare to disrespect His Highness.

Several people trembled after hearing this, and they all knelt down in front of Li Yanran and Li Hong.

"Your Highness."

The forbidden army was slowly approaching with the carriage of King Xu just now.

"Li Hong, how can you mobilize the Imperial Father's Hundred Horsemen?"

The carriage paused, and Li Xiao got out of the carriage, looking at Li Hong in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned.

He really couldn't understand why Li Hong was able to mobilize his father's imperial army.

This is simply counterintuitive.

Absolutely impossible.

"Second Imperial Brother, I am now passing on the oral instructions from my father, asking you to return to the palace immediately.

If there is resistance, I can dispose of it myself.

This is the royal charter. "

Li Hong sneered at Li Xiao, I was able to mobilize my father's Hundred Horsemen, it was thanks to you.

I'm going to kill first and play later, the imperial power franchise, this is me, a different kind of fireworks.


Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Xiao was even more depressed.

What the hell is this special meow? It's still a royal charter?

Do you really think you are the father?

"What's wrong? Just say you can't come back, right?"

Li Hong looked at Li Xiao, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Now he wished that the other party would say no, so that he could justifiably beat up the other party and give him stares.

"Go back, why don't you go back!"

Li Xiao also knew that now was not the time to be the best, looking at his brother's little eyes, he was waiting for himself to say no.

He will definitely not give the other party this opportunity to avenge his personal revenge.

"and many more."

Seeing that Li Xiao was about to leave, Di Renjie stood up with dark eyes.

"what happened?"

Li Hong was taken aback, not knowing what Di Renjie meant.

"His Royal Highness King Xu can go to the palace, but the people in his carriage cannot.

They have a lot to do with the Chang'an arson case, and now His Majesty has handed over this matter to the third division for interrogation, so they will be brought back to the third division for interrogation. "

Di Renjie has not forgotten his case now, and he must take down the people in this car.

Otherwise, once you enter the palace, if your majesty really wants to protect King Xu and maintain the dignity of the Tang royal family.

If everyone is beheaded, the Chang'an arson case will really become an unsolved case.


Li Hong was a little hesitant. He understood what his father meant. Now that this matter has become a mess, if the royal family is really involved.

This matter was a bit too much, so even if the other party didn't say anything, he, as a son, knew that his father regretted it.

The joint trial of the three divisions was a bit sloppy.

"Sister, what do you say?"

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Hong also wanted to hear what his elder sister meant.

"Did the emperor call the names and want these businessmen to go to the palace with them?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong, she didn't know what her father thought, she only knew that now she wanted to rectify the name of the briquette, and to give an explanation to the old couple who died innocently.

"That's not it."

Li Hong shook his head.

"Is that serious? Brother Second Emperor, you take it back and report back. These people will be handed over to the Third Division for interrogation."

Li Yanran felt a sense of loss, since her father didn't name her, then she should be ignorant of this matter.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty asked us to investigate the brawl and arrest all relevant persons.

Whether it's His Royal Highness Xu or your commander in chief, or even those soldiers of the government and the soldiers guarding the gate, they all have to be taken back to the palace.

Let us take these merchants away together! "

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xu Zheng, who joined the imperial army, came in front of them.

Li Yanran hadn't spoken yet, but Li Hong glared at Xu Zheng.

"If the king doesn't talk to my elder sister, how can I allow you to interrupt, go away!"

Being scolded by Li Hong, Xu Zheng also tightened his expression and stepped aside dejectedly.

"Sister, you heard it too, the current situation is like this, you decide for yourself!"

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran again, you can only decide this matter yourself.

"Of course Di Renjie can't go to the palace, let him bring these merchants to the trial, I will go back to the palace with you personally, and see Father."

Li Yanran shook her head, now that this matter has become more and more serious, she wants to make a final decision on this matter of mahjong, otherwise something may be involved.

Besides, what if there is a joint trial among the three departments?
In the end, I still have to admit my father's decision.

"Your Highness, this? This Di Renjie is the main person involved in this fight. If he doesn't take it back, His Majesty may be angry!"

After hearing that the two men not only refused to take away the businessmen, they even wanted to let go of Di Renjie, the main culprit.

Xu Zheng couldn't bear it anymore, he took another step forward and moved closer.

After all, if you can't get it back, Li Hong may be fine, but it's hard to say if you can't.

"Ben Gong said, don't talk too much if you have something to do, get the hell out of here, I'll be responsible for what happens!"

Li Hong stared and kicked him, Xu Zheng was honest on the spot.

"Di Renjie, I leave it to you, don't let my sister down!"

Looking at Di Renjie with black eyes, Li Hong also gritted his teeth.

Now Li Yanran is going to the palace under tremendous pressure.

If they can't get rid of these people and find out the truth about the arson case, then they will live up to Li Yanran's high expectations.

"Di Renjie will definitely live up to His Highness's trust and investigate this arson case to the bottom of it."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong and saluted directly with his hands clasped in fists.

"Let's go!"

Li Yanran believed Di Renjie, jumped onto the carriage, and followed Li Hong's carriage towards the palace.

"Father, your son is back!"

Li Hong trotted all the way, looked at the right direction, and plunged into Li Zhi's arms.

"Where's your second brother?"

What Li Zhi is most concerned about now is Li Xiao's situation. Although he doesn't like this son, the prince's soldiers are fighting with the Duke's troops in the street.

This is simply an ancient anecdote.

The royal family would lose all face, if Li Hong hadn't come to report the news, it wouldn't be a moth.

"Waiting outside for Father's summons."

"Then don't let that traitor get out of here for me."



Looking at Li Yanran in front of him, Li Zhi was completely stunned.

What I was looking for was that bastard Li Xiao, why did Li Yanran come first.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

Li Yanran also gave her father a warm hug.

"Wait! What are you doing in the palace? Where's your second brother?"

Pushing Li Yanran away, Li Zhi's eyes were full of vigilance.

My daughter doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything, so there must be something going on when she comes here now.

"Second Emperor Brother is still waiting outside. I'll come and talk to Father first!"

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Li Yanran pouted and said, "What? Father is not willing?"

Seeing Li Yanran's acting like a baby, Li Hong shuddered, and retreated to the side without a trace.

He had already foreseen what might happen next that would harm Chi Yu.

"I still have something to say, I will talk about it later."

Li Zhi frowned, now he is waiting to deal with Li Xiao's affairs, and has no time to spend time with her.

"Father, I'm here to solve your problem!"

Li Yanran naturally knew that Li Zhi had something to do, and she came here to solve it.

"I know you want to save Di Renjie, but he went too far this time.

You dared to use your name to lead the princes of the country to fight against the prince of the Tang Dynasty, making the whole Chang'an people laugh.

I will definitely punish this Di Renjie. "

(End of this chapter)

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