My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 482: After five years, you are considered the only one

Chapter 482 For 5000 years, you are the only one
Hearing this, Li Yanran was in a bad mood.

You said that there are so many and some are not just for more money?
As for this?My dear daddy.

You are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, do you care about this little money?
Besides, after waiting for your old man for a hundred years, the money should be kept for yourself.

Is there any difference between sharing later or giving now?

"What? You don't want to? Then I'll have Di Renjie chopped off right away. This guy really went too far today."

Seeing that Li Yanran didn't reply to him, Li Zhi had a arrogant face and immediately moved Di Renjie out.

If you disagree, I will kill Di Renjie.

Anyway, I am also famous as a teacher, so I ask you if you are afraid.

"My dear father, I naturally know that you have paid a lot, so I will give you a little more money, it's okay!"

Li Yanran curled her lips, she has never seen such a shameless father like you before.

Not only did he want to deduct money from his daughter, but he also threatened himself with his status as emperor.

In the past 5000 years, an emperor and me as weird as you can be considered unique.

"That's about the same. So, what are you going to do with your brother?"

Now that the conditions were met, it was time to deal with his son.

"Father, please let me go.

If I'm not in my position, I don't want to manage my own affairs. I'm tired enough to take the crouching dragons and phoenix chicks in the fief and manage the property.

Don't add any more problems to me, do you really want your daughter to age prematurely? "

Li Yanran is depressed, this is your son, my brother, you ask me how to deal with him now?
Isn't this offending me?

Besides, it is the fault of a son not to teach his father, and the fault of a teacher who is not strict in teaching.

Your own son made a mistake, how to punish it is what you should think about as an old man, it is a bit too much for you to let your daughter do it for you.

"Di Renjie."

Hearing that Li Zhi was making trouble with Di Renjie again, Li Yanran was filled with anger and glared at her father with big eyes.

"Father, since you asked me, then push the second brother out of the Meridian Gate and behead him for public display. Only in this way can we make an example."


Now Li Zhi is not feeling well. He is your brother and my biological son, so it would be bad to chop him off.

"Isn't this a bit too much!"

"Anyway, if such villains appear in my fief, it will not be as simple as beheading."

Li Yanran put her hands in her pockets and just looked at Li Zhi.

Don't you want to listen to my opinion?This is my idea.

"Forget it, I'll think about it myself!"

Li Zhi was also puzzled, it seemed that his daughter really didn't want to talk about it, so he could only think for himself.

"Ruian, King Xuanxu will see you."

After thinking for a while, Li Zhi also had an idea and asked Ruian to bring Li Xiao to the audience.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

When Li Xiao entered the imperial study room, he directly participated in the ceremony.

"Kneel down!"


Hearing this, Li Xiao felt bad all over.

"Xiao'er, tell me why you escorted those businessmen out of the city today, don't tell me that you don't know the mistakes these businessmen have made."

Looking at his son kneeling on the ground, Li Zhi was also furious.

In any case, the other party is also his own son, a child of the royal family.

"Father, my son-in-law is just about to leave the city, and those businessmen are just taking a ride, that's all.

I really don't know that they are related to the arson case in Chang'an, I hope my father will find out. "

Li Xiao also shuddered when he heard Li Zhi's words. Even if he were to kill him, he would not admit that he was related to those businessmen.

Otherwise, no need for others to say anything, the old man might screw himself up.

"Father, let me testify that sister really didn't tell the second brother about the businessmen at the scene of the crime."



Both of them were stunned, these words clearly meant Sang scolding Huai, you will be a hermaphrodite at such a young age?

"Father, emperor, you see Hongdi has already said it, but the imperial sister did not tell me about the situation, so I don't know about it, I don't know about it at all."

Li Xiao glanced at Li Hong depressedly, and then smiled awkwardly at his father.

Li Zhi really wants to cry now, what the hell is in his life.

One is a hermaphrodite at a young age, and the other is a fool.

If this happened to others, he would definitely laugh for three days and three nights, but if it happened to him, he would feel like crying.

"Xiaoer, come here."

Li Zhi beckoned to Li Xiao, and the other party also looked happy, and hurriedly stood up and moved to his father's side.

"Father, what's the matter?"


Li Zhi raised his hand and whipped out a big-eared melon seed. Li Xiao's eyes were filled with stars and his head was buzzing.

"Father, why did you hit me?"

Li Xiao shook his head, forcing himself to wake up from the stupefied state.

"Hit you? I wish I could kill you now.

Do you think I'm as stupid as you?

Is the Chang'an arson case a good thing done by those businessmen, and how much benefit have you received from them, and how deeply involved? "

As Li Zhi said that, he slapped him again, and Li Xiao's eyeballs almost popped out of the slap.

"Father, listen to my explanation, son. Erchen."

"Explain, what are you explaining? I want to listen to the truth!"

Li Zhi slapped Li Xiao generously again, what I need is an explanation?
What I want is the truth, not your sophistry to justify yourself.

"Father, emperor."


"If you have something to say, don't pretend to be stuttering. The most annoying thing is stuttering."


Li Xiao is really going to cry now, am I pretending to stutter?
I'm obviously nervous, can't you, a father, see it?


"That's right! Don't think you can get away by pretending to be mute!"

Seeing Li Xiao stunned and silent, Li Zhi slapped him again.

Li Xiao really won't do it now, how can I pretend to be dumb, didn't I just be stupefied by you just now?
Father, I am your son, is this really okay for you?

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing Li Xiao's look, Li Hong was so happy that he started laughing wildly, holding his stomach.

In the words of my sister, this second brother is a wonderful flower, and I really want to die of joy.

"Be quiet!"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, and then slapped Li Hong.


Li Hong clutched his head and was instantly stunned.

Sister, are you crazy?

You even hit me on the head in front of the second emperor brother, have you forgotten that we have worked together before?

Now that he is like this, I laugh and wonder what happened to him?
"Have you forgotten what I taught you earlier? Don't say the wrong thing on the wrong occasion.

Just watch the show with peace of mind now, so as not to get burned. "

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, "I hit you to save you, otherwise it would be very difficult for you if my father tried to kill the chicken and monkey again."


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong also took a deep breath, and those unpleasant experiences before came to his mind.

After looking at his father who was glaring at him, Li Hong quickly shut up and stood aside.

"Father, those businessmen do have some relationship with me, but I just accepted some money and promised to protect them, that's all.
I want to know that they can do such a thing, even if I am killed, I will not get involved with them. "

With Li Hong interrupting, Li Xiao finally thought of an excuse in his mind and hurriedly explained to his father.

"Xiao'er, now it's a trial of three divisions, and those businessmen can't handle it.

If you tell Father the truth now, I can still find a way to excuse you.

If you still resist, I will not care about you when the case is closed by the third division.

This matter must have a result, and you have to think clearly about the pros and cons. "

Li Zhihu looked at Li Xiao with a straight face, he couldn't believe that the other party's job was as simple as just collecting money for protection.

If it was really for a little money, would you risk everything in the world to fight the trilogy of the Duke's Mansion?

Do you really think that your father is a fool who knows nothing?

Hearing what Li Zhi said, Li Xiao was also silent.

He doesn't dare and doesn't want to tell the whole story now, but it's just like what his father said.

The interrogation by the three divisions is no child's play. It is impossible for those businessmen to resist. What should he do if he confesses himself when the time comes.

"Father, I still have a certain relationship with those businessmen, and I also know that they want to trap the briquettes.

But Erchen really didn't know that they would go out of their way to use living people to do this.

When Erchen knew about it and was afraid of being implicated by them, he decided to send them out of Chang'an.

Royal father, son-in-law knows that he is wrong, you have to save me, you have to save me! "

Li Xiao knelt directly on the ground and cried to Li Zhi.

"You really are!"

Li Zhi slapped him with a slap, and now he really wanted to slash this traitor.

Sure enough, it's you, you bastard, you don't learn if you're good, and you learn about those chicken and dog robbers all day long.

A prince who got mixed up with those merchants really lost his royal family.

"Father, don't fight any more, I really know I made a mistake."

Li Xiao burst into tears, I am your biological son!
Call me again, do you really want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person away?

"Hey you."

Looking at Li Xiao with tears in his eyes, Li Zhi also let out a long sigh.

After all, he is his own son, no matter how angry he is, he can't really kill him.

"You go back to the house first and wait until the three divisions will conclude the case."

After waving his hand, Li Xiao quickly saluted and left.

Although he didn't know what would happen next, he felt relieved with his father's words.

"Father, how are you going to punish Second Brother?"

Looking at Li Xiao's back, Li Hong also moved to Li Zhi's side, his eyes full of desire for knowledge.

"Do you really want your second emperor brother to be punished?"

Li Zhi frowned, and gently pulled Li Hong to his side.


Seeing Li Zhi's big black face, Li Hong also shuddered.

For some reason, he always had a feeling that a storm was coming.

"I am me."

"What are you, you just watch the fun all day long, it's fun to watch others make a fool of yourself, right?
That's your own brother, you want to put him to death so much? "

(End of this chapter)

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