My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 483 I want you to see what oolong tea is

Li Zhi raised his hand and slapped Li Hong with small eyes and tears.

Didn't I just ask you how you plan to deal with the second emperor brother, why do you say that about me?

"Father, if it's all right, I'll go find my mother, she's still waiting for me."

Seeing Li Zhi teaching Li Hong, Li Yanran also shook her head.

Little brother, little brother, I told you that misfortune comes from your mouth, but you don't believe it.

Well now, get slapped!

I really don't cry without seeing the coffin.

"Sister, help me!"

Li Hong went crazy when he heard that Li Yanran was leaving.

Sister, you can't treat me like this, I'm with you.

Have you forgotten our previous cooperation?
Now I'm in trouble, just pat your ass and leave.

Do you understand what it's put me in?

will die.

"Father, although brother Hong has a bad mouth, his heart is not bad. A few hits will do, but don't beat him to death!"

Li Yanran can't go to Li Hong, this kid doesn't have a good mouth, if he implicates himself in a while, he will lose his money.

Now the 36 plan is still the best plan.



Looking at Li Yanran's back, the two also looked at each other in blank dismay.

This this.

Killing and killing one's heart is nothing more than that!
"Your sister also said, let me take care of you, wake up, Hong'er."

"No! Sister, you killed me."

"Father! Be gentle!"

Hearing Li Hong's screams behind him, Li Yanran also shrank her neck.

Brother Hong, brother Hong, don't blame sister.

This is also to let you grow up, to see if you dare to talk more next time.

"Aniang, Yanran has come to see you."

Arriving at Wu Zetian's bedroom, Li Yanran threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms.

"The good thing you did today is to instigate Di Renjie to lead people to fight Xu Wang at the gate of the city. Are you dying?"

Seeing Li Yanran throw herself into the trap, Wu Zetian didn't hesitate, and directly hit her on the head.


Facing Wu Zetian, Li Yanran really had nothing to say.

For her old mother, she was afraid from the bottom of her heart.

After all, the other party is an eternal queen, and it is impossible to say that she is not afraid.

"What about you, A Niang knows that even your father's Imperial Army of Hundred Horsemen has been mobilized, so what else can you say?"

Wu Zetian said and knocked Li Yanran again.

My daughter is good at everything, but she is too smart.

It's not that being smart is bad, but that she's too smart.

She was misunderstood by her cleverness, and she didn't want her daughter to suffer any big losses in the future.

"Ke Ke is a daughter for a reason, Second Brother, he wants to take the arson suspect out of the city.

If these people leave, the arson case will become an unsolved case. "

Li Yanran was so depressed, why didn't she ask what was wrong, and just hit herself when she came up.

She didn't do anything wrong, why did she treat herself like this.

"You also said that you are a suspect, what if the other party is not a suspect?

What if he wasn't in King Xu's carriage?
What if you didn't stop it?Have you ever considered the consequences. "

Seeing that Li Yanran dared to talk back, Wu Zetian raised her eyebrows and slapped Li Yanran on the head again.


"Stop talking, remember, no matter when and where, don't take risks, don't put yourself in danger, understand?"

Wu Zetian glared at Li Yanran, your numbness is teaching you the principles of life.

Even if you get away with it this time, what about next time?
How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? There are always times when you are not sure.

"My daughter knows! I won't do it next time."

Li Yanran knew that it was useless to say anything now, and she would only get slapped if she talked back.

"Aniang is also doing it for your own good, so it hurts!"

Seeing Li Yanran subdued, Wu Zetian also touched her daughter's head.

"Aniang, it hurts! Hit it softly next time!"

Li Yanran also sniffled and squeezed out a few tears.

"Ma'am, let me blow it up for you."

Seeing Li Yanran's aggrieved appearance, Wu Zetian felt distressed for a while.

After all, it was a piece of flesh that fell from his body.

"Aniang is the best! Hee hee."

Li Yanran nestled in Wu Zetian's arms, looking comfortable.

"Where's Hong'er? Didn't he come back with you? Why is he missing?"

Wu Zetian caressed Li Yanran in his arms, and suddenly found that there was someone missing.

"Brother Hong is having a cordial exchange with his father, so he can't come here for the time being."

When Li Hong was mentioned, Li Yanran also sneered.

He might not know what his father had beaten him up to now.


Hearing this, Wu Zetian was also taken aback, what is cordial communication?
She really didn't understand.

Just as the two were talking, a small figure limped in.

"Li Yan. Ran."

Li Hong's face was full of anger, and he yelled at Li Yanran who was in Wu Zetian's arms.

Seeing Li Hong with a miserable expression, Li Yanran also froze.

Why did he come back so soon, and the cordial communication ended like this?
Father is too merciful.

"Aniang, look at brother Hong, he doesn't even call sister, it's just a little rude."

"Hong'er, that's your sister, how can you call her by her first name, please apologize to your sister."


Hearing what Wu Zetian said, Li Hong was really wronged.

Why do I call her by her first name?Why don't you ask her what she did.

It's fine to leave me and go, but I still said those words before I left.

If it weren't for my rough skin and thick flesh, I might be beaten to death by my father.

Such a vicious thief, you still want him to apologize?

He's about to go berserk now.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Wu Zetian frowned, and glared at Li Hong.

The world has the greatest etiquette, no matter what, Li Yanran is your sister. "Aniang, if Brother Hong doesn't want to apologize, forget it.

After all, he is just a child, and he should be ignorant of etiquette. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly at Wu Zetian.

Little Li Hong, don't you like tea?
Miss Ben will show you what oolong tea is.


Li Hong felt like he was about to explode.

Sister, do you hear what you are speaking in human language?

Don't you feel sad when you say this?
What do you mean I don't know etiquette, why don't you frame me for this?
"Hong'er, why don't you hurry up and apologize to your sister?"

Sure enough, hearing what Li Yanran said, Wu Zetian also slapped the table in front of him and shouted angrily at his son.


Li Hong was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he knelt directly on the ground.


"Sister, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Li Hong was so wronged that he was about to cry, his mother was simply too terrifying.

"Okay, little Li Hong, my sister forgives you, be good!"

Li Yanran jumped out of Wu Zetian's arms, came to Li Hong, and touched his little head.

"That's right!"

"Remember, Hong'er, your elder sister is the closest person you have in this world, no matter what time you can't feel resentment towards your elder sister,

Otherwise don't say that your elder sister disagrees, the mother will discount your legs first. "

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong who was kneeling on the ground with a cold face, and slowly rebuked him.

"Hong Hong'er understands."


While Li Hong replied, he began to cry again.

He felt that he was too wronged. He was tricked by Li Yanran and now he was taught a lesson by his mother.

Is there anyone in this world worse than him?

It is really a blessing in his life to have such a sister at the booth.

God really treated him well!

"Don't cry, sister, give me a hug."

"You woo woo."

"Chen Jie joined the army, I brought these people here for you, hurry up and interrogate them."

Di Renjie brought Liu Yiye and others captured from Xu Wang's side to Chen Jie's judicial and military yamen.

"This is this?"

Looking at the person behind Di Renjie, Chen Jie was dumbfounded.

He knew these people very well, and they were all the biggest suspects in the arson case, but why did they fall into Di Renjie's hands?
Could it be that?
"They wanted to escape from Chang'an, but I intercepted them at the city gate."

Di Renjie immediately told the situation of these people.

"The dog thief actually wants to abscond in fear of crime, come here."

Hearing this, Chen Jie became angry on the spot. They were just suspicious of each other before, but now they want to run away.

Nine out of ten of these two arson cases were because they didn't run away.

After all, if it had nothing to do with them, why would these people run away.


A group of soldiers who joined the judicial army drank together.

"Put all relevant people in prison."


A group of people rushed over and took all the businessmen into prison.

"Commander Didi, how about you interrogate with me?"

Chen Jie glanced at Di Renjie in front of him, and hesitated for a while.

"Forget it, I'm not suitable to participate, just leave it to you."

Di Renjie shook his head, since he sent people over, he didn't think about getting involved.

He has a special status and wants to avoid suspicion.

Otherwise, don't make it to the end, but lose your credibility because of your own participation.

"Okay! Then leave it to me. I will definitely return justice to the world. I will definitely not wrong a good person or let a bad person go."

Chen Jie nodded, he was just giving way just now.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see the credit. If Di Renjie is really involved, who will get the credit in the end?
He is just a rootless duckweed, it is impossible to compete with Di Renjie who has a princess background.

So what he can do now is to exclude Di Renjie as much as possible.

"Well, then Lao Chen will join the army."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess, the Chief of the Third Division and the people of Chang'an are all watching you. Don't let them down."


Chen Jie saluted Di Renjie, and Di Renjie also left with someone.

"Chen Canjun, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? See what they say, if you still want to resist, you will be punished.

There is no justice for these scumbags, and they will be punished with great punishment. "

A coldness flashed in Chen Jie's eyes, what should we do?
Now he can't wait to swallow these people alive so that he can comfort the souls of those who died in vain.


Chen Jie led people to the cell.

"Chen Shenjun, I wonder what your purpose is in arresting us?"

Lin Jiuge looked at Chen Jie in front of him, and asked directly.

"Lin Jiuge, it's all over now, you still want to give me a sloppy eye?
I advise you to do it honestly, so as not to suffer from that flesh and blood. "

Hearing Lin Jiuge's words, Chen Jie also sneered.

This is the situation, and you still want to get away with it?

Do you really think that the official is a dry meal?

"I don't know what Chen Canjun means by that?"

Lin Jiuge glanced at the people around him, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"What do you mean? You know it yourself!"

"Chen Canjun, I don't know if I can abandon the left and right. There are some things I can only tell you."

Ye Huosheng smiled slightly and said to Chen Jie.

"Speak up if you have something to say, there is nothing you cannot say to others."

Chen Jie frowned, wondering what these businessmen wanted to do.

"Chen Canjun, this matter is of great importance. If it were not for you, we would not dare to speak."

Ye Huosheng shook his head, there were some things he could only chat with Chen Jie alone.

"You go out first."

Chen Jie waved his hand, and all the soldiers and horses around him left in response.

"Go on, I'd like to see what you have to say."

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