My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 484 The fox versus the hunter

Glancing at the few people in front of him, Chen Jie also wanted to hear what they had to say.

"Chen Canjun, I wonder how much your salary is now?"

Seeing that everyone had left, Ye Huosheng also asked Chen Jie.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Chen Jie was also taken aback, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Presumably Chen Canjun's salary is only so small, if you let us go this time, we will give you [-] guan, how about it?"

Ye Huosheng directly resorted to the gold yuan tactics, opening his mouth was the temptation of [-] guan.

"[-] guan, you really are a big hand!"

Chen Jie glanced at Ye Huosheng. To be honest, with his salary, let alone [-] guan, he would not be able to earn [-] guan in his entire life.

These businessmen are really willing to spend money.

"How? If it's not enough, we can discuss it. As long as you make a little flexibility, not only you, but also your descendants will not have to worry about expenses."

Ye Huosheng nodded. With so much money, let alone joining the army for a small judiciary.

Even those senior members of the Ministry of Criminal Justice cannot resist the temptation.

As long as the money is in place, Hades will come to pay for it.

"Can we still discuss?"

Chen Jie's eyes were full of coldness. He wanted the money very much, but what he wanted more was his own life.

Now the case has been heard by Datian, and His Majesty has personally intervened.

If I took this money, I'm afraid it would be money for my life.

Not to mention himself, even his whole family would not be spared.

"That's right, to put it bluntly, it's nothing more than burning two people to death, it's not a big deal,
To tell you the truth, the reason why this happened is that we also obeyed the order of His Highness King Xu,
If you agree to help out, you will not only get the money we offer, but also the favor of King Xu.

At that time, it will only be a matter of a word from the other party. "

Liu Yiye looked at Chen Jie and seized the opportunity to reveal King Xu's identity.

"This, it turned out to be His Highness Xu Wang's instruction?"

Chen Jie was really shocked now, no wonder the other party was so attentive at the scene of the crime.

It turned out that the other party turned out to be the person behind these businessmen. If this is the case, this matter will be difficult.

"That's right, otherwise you think how could we dare to confront Her Royal Highness the Princess, so don't make the mistake of yourself.

To help us is to help His Royal Highness Xu Wang. If this matter breaks out, it will not be a good thing for us or His Highness, this kindness is very great. "

Lin Jiuge glanced at Liu Yiye beside him, and it was only you with the big mouth.

Before people start asking questions, you have left out your own details, you really are a bastard.

But now that he has said it, he also needs to exert his strength again.

"If I want to help you, how should I help you? Someone must be responsible for the two couples who were burned to death!
This matter has been handed over to the three divisions for a joint trial, and it is not something that I, a small judicial officer, can close the case by joining the army. "

Chen Jie was neither happy nor sad, he naturally knew the importance of this kindness, but he remembered Di Renjie's words when he left.

These two arson cases have become the focus of attention in Chang'an. There are three yamen in the middle, and hundreds of thousands of people below.

Even Xu Wang would have to shed a layer of skin if he was stained, let alone himself.

"It's simple, as long as you find the person who set the fire. If you are really willing to help us, I will help you find this person. I will definitely not embarrass you."

Liu Yiye glanced at several people, smiled slightly, and replied to him.

Hearing Liu Yiye's words, not only Chen Jie was stunned, but the others were also stunned.

"Liu Yiye, you... you actually!"

Didn't you say that you have already dealt with the arsonist?
Didn't expect you to keep someone else?
This guy is really a ghost.

"What are you looking at? You always have to leave a way out for yourself, don't you? Don't you use it now?"

Liu Yiye's face was full of disdain, I call it "planning for a rainy day".

If the murderer hadn't been kept by me, maybe you guys would push Lao Tzu out just to protect yourself.

Although I am reckless, I am not a vegetarian to be able to get to this position.

"If the real culprit can be captured, your charges will be lightened, and at most it will be considered an abetment, which should not be punishable by death.

Tell me where that man is, and I'll send someone to catch him right away. "

Looking at the few people in front of him, Chen Jie was also excited.

If the real culprit of the arson can be caught, then the truth of the arson case will be revealed.

When he finally submitted all these files, whether he killed or cut him was none of his business.

He also took this credit in his arms.

As for what they said about King Xu's gratitude and the [-] yuan of money, he didn't have the guts to cling to it.

I still want to live two more years.

"Only I know where the person is, but I can't give it to you. After all, I don't know if you will kill the donkey after arresting the person."

Liu Yiye shook his head, only he knew where this person was, it could be said to be his amulet.

How could he be so stupid as to hand the person over directly.

"But if you don't hand over the person to me, how should I proceed? Could it be that you really want me to be tortured and serve you?"

Chen Jie also frowned, these guys are not stupid.


Hearing what Chen Jie said, several people also shivered.

Didn't you say it well just now?

Why did he suddenly have to be tortured again?

If you don't want money, you still don't want to get along with Xu Wang.

"Don't hesitate anymore. Fifty thousand guns is enough for me to live freely for the rest of my life. If I can really win the real culprit, I will definitely help you get away with it."

Chen Jie smiled at several people, trying to put on a harmless appearance.

"How to do?"

Liu Yiye couldn't do it either. What Chen Jie said made sense, but it was a bit difficult for him to hand over someone.

"Chen Canjun, why don't you go out and discuss with me first?"

Lin Jiuge glanced at Chen Jie, he was not sure now.After all, Chen Jie is now indistinguishable from the enemy, and he is not sure what the other party is thinking.

"Okay, then I'll come back later!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Jie turned around and left.

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiuge looked at the few people in front of him, and asked slowly.

"The key now is whether Chen Jie is trying to solve the case or help us get rid of the crime. This cannot be determined!"

Ye Huosheng's brows were already furrowed together, now they can be said to be on the line of life and death, one wrong decision, everyone will be ruined.

"He can't make much money in his life by joining the army as a judicial officer, so [-] yuan is definitely a great temptation?
And there is also His Royal Highness Xu Wang, I think it is a gamble! "

"I also think it's okay. Who would think that he has little money? He just needs to open up for us a little bit when submitting the case, and the matter will be settled."

"I agree."

The group also expressed their thoughts in a hurry.

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiuge looked at the thoughtful Ye Huosheng and asked his opinion.

"If you want to confirm Chen Jie's mind, there is actually a way."

Ye Huosheng touched the wooden barrier in front of him, his eyes were full of disappointment.

"How to say?"

"Call that Chen Jie to come in and tell him that as long as he brings His Royal Highness Xu to meet us, or bring one of us to meet His Highness Xu Wang."


After hearing Ye Huosheng's words, everyone was stunned.

I don't understand what the other party means.

Now that His Royal Highness King Xu has been taken to the palace, how is it possible to see him like this?

Even if he could see him, King Xu was eager to cut off the relationship with him now, so how could he possibly see him.

"What I mean is to let His Royal Highness Xu know about Chen Jie's intentions. If he really dares to harm us, His Royal Highness Xu will be the first to bypass him.
If he is not willing, we can only fight to the end. "

Ye Huosheng deserved to be the cleverest of them all, as soon as he made this move, he immediately put Chen Jie on the bright side.

It would be fine if Chen Jie really excused himself, but if he really dared to murder himself, then King Xu would not make it easy for him.

"Okay, this plan is amazing! Now let's see how Chen Jie chooses."

Lin Jiuge's eyes lit up, if this is the case, it depends on Chen Jie's choice.

"Well, let's call Chen Jie in!"

"it is good."

Hearing the call, Chen Jie also walked in alone.

"Have you figured it out? Where is that man?"

Looking at the people in front of him, Chen Jie also hurriedly asked.

"Chen Canjun, we can hand over that person to you, but you have to promise us a small request before that."

Lin Jiuge smiled at Chen Jie and asked slowly.

"any request."

"I also hope that Chen Canjun can bring Prince Xu to meet us, or bring me to see His Highness. We must let His Highness know who is helping His Highness."

After speaking, Lin Jiuge just looked at Chen Jie, hoping to get the answer he wanted from the other party.

"Let His Royal Highness Xu go to prison? What do you think?

Also, you are serious offenders in the imperial court now, if I take you there, what if someone sees you?
Don't talk about saving you at that time, I will be impeached myself, and then you will be finished. "

Chen Jie was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect these people to say such a thing, he really didn't know what to say.

If His Royal Highness Xu Wang knew that he was obstructing it, then he would really be finished.

"If Chen Canjun doesn't even agree to this small request, I'm afraid the real culprit of the arson case will never be found.

Only I know the man's hiding place, and he hadn't eaten for two days before I left, and in a day or two, he might starve to death. "

Liu Yiye sneered, if you disagree, then you will never find the real culprit in your life.

"Do you threaten me?"

Hearing this, Chen Jie stared at Liu Yiye with eyes full of anger.

"I didn't mean to threaten Chen Canjun, I just told the current situation.

How to choose is your business, and has nothing to do with us. Anyway, we are just pawns and can only be manipulated by others. "

Lin Jiuge slowly buffered Chen Jie to speak, now it's up to you to make a choice.

"Hey, don't you think it's not good for you to confess honestly? Why do you have to do this?
If I can excuse you, I can let you die without a place to bury you.

I advise you to think carefully, otherwise I am afraid that you will die in this prison. "

After Chen Jie finished speaking, he talked directly, that is, some people are willing to toast instead of fine wine.

Isn’t it good to live intact?You have to be whipped before crossing the river.

"What does Chen Canjun mean?"

"Means nothing."

Chen Jie clapped his hands directly, and countless soldiers rushed in.

"join the army!"

Everyone saluted together.

"Separate them and serve them with great torture."


After Chen Jie finished speaking, he got up and left.

"Chen Canjun, you can't treat us like this, we belong to King Xu."

"How can you tell the world about it when you beat yourself up like this? What will His Majesty think of you?"

"Chen Jie, His Royal Highness Xu Wang will not let you go like this."

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