My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 485 Division 3 Convicted

Seeing the soldiers rushing towards them, everyone also shouted at Chen Jie's back.

The soldiers didn't care who you were, they brought them out separately, tied them to racks and began to torture them.


"Chen Jie, let me go, let me go."

"You can't do this to me."

The screams of a group of people sounded from the prison, and the team next to Chen Jie frowned after hearing it.

"Joining the army, if you do this, you will be beaten into a trick. If you are impeached, I am afraid that you have done nothing!"

Hearing what the team said, Chen Jie shook his head.

They are not scholar-bureaucrats, nor are they from the privileged class, so why can't they fight.

Besides, if these people want to spit out what they want to know as quickly as possible, the only way is to put them to death.

He didn't have time to play house games with these businessmen.

"Chen Canjun, recruited."

After a while, two soldiers came out with the crimes confessed by those people.

"What about Liu Yiye? Has he found out where the murderer is?"

Looking at the accusations in front of him, Chen Jie also sneered.

If you don't eat the toast, you can only eat fine wine, and if you don't listen to you if you talk to you well, you have to be beaten before you explain.

What is the picture?

"No, his teeth are tight."

The soldier shook his head. Among these people, Liu Yiye was the most steadfast.

"It's good that the teeth are tight. Let's prepare it well. I want to see how much criminal law he can withstand."


The soldiers entered, and screams rang out again in the prison.

"Chen Canjun, recruited, he is in a farmhouse in the eastern suburbs."

"Then why are you still standing there? Get someone."


Led by Chen Jie, dozens of soldiers from the judicial army left Chang'an directly and went to the farmhouse that Liu Yiye had mentioned.

After a lot of tossing, all the criminals were arrested, and Chen Jie also reported the evidence to the third division after sorting out the evidence.

At the same time, he also ordered someone to transcribe a copy and sent it to the Lan Kwai Fong main store.

"Commander Di, someone sent this."

Di Renjie frowned. He didn't know the place where he lived in Chang'an, so why would someone send him a letter.

Opening the letter, it turned out to be the report of the case.

After reading it, Di Renjie also smiled slightly.

This Chen Jie is a wonderful person, he knew that he might offend Xu Wang and Li Xiao this time, so he came here in advance to show his favor.

The only one who can deal with Li Xiao is Li Yanran, this guy is not stupid.

Looking at this case now, it doesn't have much of a way out from what I guessed.

Sure enough, it was Xu Wang who was the mastermind, these people planned.

Killing people at random over a dispute over briquettes and firewood, these people really deserve to be killed.

"Come on, report this letter to His Highness immediately."


A servant took the gold medal from Di Renjie and walked towards the palace with the letter.

The Sansi Yamen received Chen Jie's case report at the same time, and after reading it, the Sansi Yamen immediately got together.

After deliberating for a while, they also decided to hold a trial to confirm the authenticity of the case file submitted by Chen Jie.

"Miss, someone sent this."

Holding the letter sent by the imperial army just now, Li Feng slowly came to Li Yanran.

After receiving the letter, Li Yanran opened it on the spot, and after reading it, she let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, the truth came to light, but why would there be a case report here?

Could it be that Di Renjie participated in the trial work?

Arguably it shouldn't!
"Sister, what's the matter? Show me."

Li Hong limped to Li Yanran's side.

Although Li Yanran framed him before, there is no such thing as an overnight feud between siblings.

He has forgiven his sister.

After all, how old is she, some children's behavior is understandable.

Unlike this king, who is so magnanimous.

"The arson trial is almost over."

Li Yanran directly folded the report and put it in the charcoal fire beside her.


Looking at the burning letter, Li Hong was in a bad mood.

Did I just say let me see?
If you treat me like nothing, aren't you afraid that my little brother will get mad?

"What are you looking at? It's as if you can understand it!"

"Sister, you,"

Li Hong was even more depressed, so what if I don't understand?

Even if it’s just a pretense for me!

If you are like this, this king will lose face very much.

"What are you, pack up.

The joint trial of the three divisions will start soon, and we all have to observe it.

When the time comes, talk less, understand? "

As Li Yanran said, she turned and left, leaving Li Hong alone in the wind.

Sure enough, as Li Yanran expected, someone came over soon and invited the two of them to attend the trial of the third department.

After receiving the invitation, Li Yanran and Li Hong also boarded the carriage and headed to the Penal Department Yamen.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Li Yanran and Li Hong approaching, the officials of the third department also came to salute.

After all, one of these two is the prince of the dynasty, and the other is the emperor's favorite princess.No one dares to neglect.

"Where is my second brother? Why didn't you come?"

Li Hong glanced at the yamen, but did not see Li Xiao's figure.

"Back to His Royal Highness, we sent someone to invite His Royal Highness Xu Wang, but His Royal Highness Xu suddenly caught wind and cold, and said that he could not come."

Chen Peng, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, saluted Li Hong and told about Li Xiao's situation.

"Suddenly caught wind and cold? I think he has no face to come here!"

Li Hong curled his lips disdainfully, he was too embarrassed to come here, and he suddenly got cold.


"Your Highness, if there is nothing else, let's start!"

Chen Peng smiled awkwardly at Li Hong and asked if it would start.

"let's start!"

"Take the prisoner."

Hearing this, Chen Peng also slapped the gavel in front of him, and ordered Lin Jiuge and others to be brought into the hall.

A group of prisoners were escorted to the court, and the officials of the third department were not surprised when they saw the merchants who were beaten so badly.

Isn't that just torture?It doesn't matter.

It is enough to get what you want.


Li Yanran frowned, things have become like this, is there still a need for torture?

How did Chen Jie do things?
What she watched on TV, those who solve crimes like gods, all speak with evidence, and rarely use punishment.

"My official is Chen Peng, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment. One of these two is the Deputy Minister of Dali Temple, and the other is Zhongcheng Yushi."

"Now that the three divisions are interrogating, you must know everything and say everything, and if you dare to conceal anything, you will be punished severely."

"Lin Jiuge, Ye Huosheng, Liu Yiye. The previous report said that you planned two arson cases and burned Zhang Ming and Zhang Sun to death. Can you plead guilty?"

Chen Peng slapped the gavel and asked questions directly according to the content of the crime.

"We pleaded guilty, but we are not the mastermind, we also accepted the will of His Highness King Xu,

Moreover, the burning of both Zhang Ming and Zhang Sun was done by Liu Yiye, and it has nothing to do with us. "

"That's right, at most we just stole the corpse, and didn't kill anyone."

"It's all done by Liu Yiye, it has nothing to do with us!"

Now that they had nothing to argue with, they hurriedly began to defend themselves.

Now it's a deadlock where the dead friends don't die poor daoists. It's really wrong for them to steal the corpses and blame the briquettes, but they are not guilty of death.

This is all due to Liu Yiye's idiot criticism, if it wasn't for him, how could he end up in such a situation.

"Nonsense, it's clear that you and I planned this matter together. It's not like you didn't know about those two people who were burned to death. Is it possible to separate the relationship now?"

Hearing everyone's words, Liu Yiye's face instantly turned white.

You didn't say anything before, but now you want to throw Lao Tzu out, there is no way.

Even if I die, don't expect to survive.

"Liu Yiye, you are talking nonsense. It is clear that you acted alone. Now you want to drag us into the water. Wouldn't your heart ache?"

"Liu Yiye, don't quibble, you'd better plead guilty obediently!"

"That's right, you are from a reckless background, so don't implicate us."

Several people also retorted together. After all, it is a matter of life and death now. If they are really dragged into the water by that Liu Yiye, they will all die without a place to bury them.


As soon as Chen Peng sounded the alarm, several people became honest immediately, knelt on the ground obediently and did not dare to speak.

"What you have done is on the case. Now I am asking you, is this matter really ordered by His Royal Highness Xu Wang?"

After speaking, Chen Peng glanced at Li Yanran and Li Hong beside him.

He knows what the two want to hear, not your dog eats the dog, but the people behind the scenes.

"Yes! It was indeed His Royal Highness Xu Wang who ordered it, but we also gave His Royal Highness Xu [-] guan as a deposit."

Lin Jiuge also shrank his neck, and told all about how he sent money to Li Xiao.

"Do you have evidence? You must know that slandering the prince of the dynasty is a crime that should be punished. Don't make mistakes."

Chen Peng frowned and continued to ask them questions.

"Yes, what we sent was all gold. We have marked the gold cakes. As long as you find out the gold, you will know what we said is true or not."

Lin Jiuge can't care about anything now, and has said everything that needs to be said.

Now he can only hope that the prince will be involved in this matter, and the other party will make a fuss.

"Come here, send me pen and ink, and draw the mark."

Soon someone sent a pen and ink, and Lin Jiuge also hurriedly drew the mark he made.

"Okay, do you have anything else to say?"

The yamen servant handed the mark to Chen Peng, who also nodded and asked again.

"Chen Shilang, I hope you will learn from me that we really have nothing to do with that Liu Yiye."

"Yes, such a villain, we are ashamed to be with him."

"I still hope to see clearly."

A group of people began to tell their innocence again, only Liu Yiye knelt there, looking at everyone with a mocking face.

"Enough, come and take them into custody."

After Lin Jiuge and others were taken away, Chen Peng obediently sent the mark to Li Yanran and Li Hong.

"Your Highness, now you only need to take this pattern to the mansion of His Royal Highness Xu Wang to compare it, and you will know what they said is true or false.

What do you think His Highness should do now?To go or not to go? "

After Li Yanran grabbed the mark and looked at it, she also understood what Chen Peng meant.

This is the certificate he gave himself, as long as he can really find out the truth according to the picture, then Li Xiao will inevitably be involved.

"Okay, let's report these to the emperor together!
In addition, no one should leak the news about this matter, otherwise the father will blame you, and you will know the consequences. "

Li Yanran shook her head, although she is cruel to Li Xiao, this is really not what she should do.

What her father hates the most is fratricide, if she really wants someone to lead someone to raid Li Xiao's palace now.

I have to be beaten by my father again.

Instead of scratching your head, you might as well give these to your father and let him be upset.

Anyway, my current goal has been achieved, as long as there is no problem with the briquettes, and those who should be punished get the punishment they deserve, these are enough.

"Sister, this."

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