My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 486 anticlimactic

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was also taken aback.

What a great opportunity, why did Sister give this to their father.

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, and told you to watch more and listen more, and talk less.

Why are you so disobedient?

After being stared at, Li Hong immediately closed his mouth, not daring to say any more.

Otherwise, you will have to suffer another fat beating.

This is in front of the officials of the third department, he doesn't want to lose face.

"Your Highness, do you really want to report everything to His Majesty?"

Chen Peng was also taken aback, why did Her Royal Highness give up such a good opportunity.

Shouldn't we seize the opportunity and beat the opponent to the bottom?
"That's right!"

Li Yanran didn't say much, and went directly to the layman.

Li Hong glanced at Chen Peng, also sighed, and left with Li Yanran.

"Chen Shilang? What should I do?"

"What should I do? Act according to His Highness's wishes and report to His Majesty."

Chen Peng was also a little speechless. The other party didn't want to say anything, and he didn't need to worry about it.

"All right!"

Soon the officials of the third division concluded the case and sealed the case files and sent them to the Imperial City.

"Sister, what happened to you today? What a great opportunity!"

Sitting in the carriage, Li Hong couldn't hold back anymore, and asked directly.

"Why were you beaten at Father's Palace yesterday?"

Looking at her little brother, Li Yanran also frowned and replied.

"It's not my sister who framed me!"

Speaking of what happened in the imperial study yesterday, Li Hong was also depressed.

Sister, you still have the face to say that it was not because of you that I was beaten yesterday.

If it wasn't for you abandoning me and making things worse, would I be like that?
"I framed you? You're not blaming yourself, you insisted on touching Father's nerves.

What my father hates most is fighting against each other and framing each other.

If I really seize this so-called opportunity now to investigate the gold enshrined by those merchants, what do you think the emperor will think? "

Li Yanran directly picked up Li Hong's little ears, it's been so long since I taught you.

Are you still out of your mind?
Remember to eat but not to fight, right?
Why are you like those idiots?

Is this the so-called pig who is close to the pig?

"Sister, let go, it hurts."

"The ears are going to fall off!"

Hearing Li Hong begging for mercy, Li Yanran let go of his right hand to spare his life.

"Sister, can you stop pulling my ears at all times in the future, I feel that your ears have been stretched a lot by you."

Li Hong rubbed his ears feeling depressed for a while, sister was really terrified, she would pull her ears every now and then.

"Then you will make fewer mistakes in the future, and you will prevent me from being that villain. You haven't told me what you think just now."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, if you want me not to pull your ears, you don't give me a chance.

Does it make me look like a shrew?
Am I like that?
It's not all because of your brat.

"Sister, are you afraid that even if you get the so-called evidence, the emperor will turn a blind eye?
Because he didn't want to see his brother leaning over the wall?In this way, it will help the second brother? "

Li Hong deserved to be the son of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, and he was born with a sense of politics.

Immediately understood what Li Yanran was worried about.

"I didn't think too much about it, I just didn't want to disappoint my father.

Now I just want to find justice for the old couple who were innocently burned to death, and to clear up the reputation of briquettes. It doesn't matter what happens to the other emperors who follow my father. "

Li Yanran shook her head slightly, she really didn't want her father to be angry again.

Besides, even if he could get Li Xiao's evidence, so what?

My own father can still kill Li Xiao, but he can't.


Li Hong rolled his eyes at Li Yanran. You said it nicely, but you are not afraid that your father will deal with you.

"Why, do you have any ideas?"

"No no."

"It's best not to, remember, you don't talk much when you see the father, and you save yourself another beating!"


The carriage returned directly to the palace, and at the same time the report of the joint trial of the three divisions was also sent to Li Zhi's case.

After reading the file in front of him, Li Zhi also fell into deep thought.

The current case is basically clear, and his son really lied.

He said how could those businessmen openly go against Li Yanran? It turned out that his good son was behind the scenes, which really chilled him.

"Ruian, go and declare the king to enter the palace."

After thinking for a while, Li Zhi also swiped his brush and annotated his holy will on the dossier.


Rui'an left, and immediately went to Xu Wang's mansion to deliver the decree.

After receiving Li Zhi's order, Li Xiao also felt a little nervous.

The scene from yesterday was still replaying in his mind, so maybe there is something waiting for him when he goes to the palace this time.

He was afraid of returning, but he still had to go. After all, it was an oracle, and he did not dare to disobey it.

Soon Li Xiao came to the palace, entered the imperial study and saluted Li Zhi.

"My son sees my father."

"Your Majesty!"

Looking at Li Xiao, Li Zhi was also angry from the heart, and shouted angrily at the dragon case.


Li Xiao's legs softened, and he knelt down in front of Li Zhi.

"Father, please appease your anger!"

"Calm down your anger? Can I calm down my anger? Look at the good things you have done!"

Li Zhi directly threw the dossier in front of Li Xiao.

Li Xiao shivered, grabbed the file on the ground and hurriedly read it.

"Father, this is slander, those merchants slander your ministers."

After reading it, Li Xiao also turned blue, and hurriedly explained to Li Zhi.

"Slander? Do you want me to send someone to search your mansion to see if there is any gold with these marks?"

Hearing that Li Xiao was still arguing, Li Zhi was about to explode.

You really don’t shed tears when you see the coffin, and you don’t look back until you bump into the south wall!

Do you really have to send someone to your house to search for criminal evidence before you give up? "This this."

Now Li Xiao was really scared, if Li Zhi really sent someone to check on the house, he would be completely exposed.

"What is this? Why don't you tell me the truth?"

"Father, my son knows his mistake, really, I know my mistake."

Li Xiao knocked his head to the ground, he really has nothing to justify now.

The testimony of these merchants is the best evidence, and he is powerless to refute.

"I know I was wrong, immediately hand over all the stolen money you received to your imperial sister, and treat it as your compensation for calculating her this time.

Next time, I will send you directly to Lingnan to guard the border for me. "

Li Zhi also hates iron but not steel. You said that you are not a good brother, so you insisted on making your sister feel uncomfortable.

If he didn't let Li Xiao know the pain, something might happen next time.


Li Xiao was very depressed, he only collected a total amount of money, and now you want me to hand it all over again.

Doesn't this mean that if you go around in circles, you don't get a penny of benefit, but instead you get a whole lot of trouble.

What a loss.

"What? You don't want to?"

"My son obeys the order."

Faced with Li Zhi's strong pressure, Li Xiao could only surrender and accept Li Zhi's will.

"Go back to your own mansion and think about your mistakes behind closed doors."


Li Xiao saluted in frustration, then got on the carriage and hurried back to his mansion.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Zhang Jia looked at Li Xiao who had returned and hurriedly greeted him.

"Take out all the gold that those merchants contributed."


Hearing Li Xiao's words, Zhang Jia was also taken aback, not understanding what His Highness wanted to do.

"Your Highness, why do you need so much money?"

"What? Is this king still going to report to you?
Prepare if you want, why so much nonsense? "

Li Xiao kicked Zhang Jia somersault with one kick, his eyes were full of sternness.

"Your Highness, the money donated by those merchants has already been spent, and now the family really can't afford such money!"

Zhang Jia knelt down in front of Li Xiao, not because he didn't want to spend the money, but because the money was spent.

Where will he go to collect money for you?

"What? You spent all 2000 taels of gold? What did you eat?"

Hearing that the mansion ran out of money, Li Xiao was stunned.

With so much money, how could it be possible to spend all of it? This guy must have filled his own pockets in such a short amount of time.

“Your Highness, you have spent a lot of money these two days.

You bought more than 20 bottles of Guanglan Kwai Fong’s perfume, and you also bought more than a dozen bottles of Yuye wine.

In addition to the jewelry you bought for the concubines in the mansion, the money will be spent in sevens and eights. "

Zhang Jia was aggrieved for a while, you spent all this money, now you tell me what am I doing for food?
I would like to fill my pocket, but I need you to give me a chance.

"I don't care, it doesn't matter if you sell the shop or the antique utensils at home.

Gather me 2000 taels of gold immediately, or I will screw your head off. "

Li Xiao was also very embarrassed. After leaving a few words, he threw away his hands and walked towards the mansion.

Zhang Jia knelt on the ground and felt bad. The gold was 2000 taels, but that was 2000 taels.

As far as the things in your home are concerned, they may be very expensive when you buy them, but they will not be the same price when you sell them.

Him. He is really difficult.

It is said that being a man is difficult, and I am no longer a man, so why torture myself.

God, how unfair you are.

"Rian, where is Yanran? Go and call me."

After dealing with Li Xiao's matter, Li Zhi also thought of the victim Li Yanran.


Li Yanran and Li Hong were playing with Wu Zetian, Wu Zetian frowned when he saw Rui'an coming.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?"

Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Ruian also smiled slyly, and hurriedly saluted.

"Empress, Your Majesty invites Princess Lishan to go to the Imperial Study Room to discuss matters."

"Your Majesty wants to find Yanran? Did you make another mistake?"

Wu Zetian raised his brows, and his pretty face immediately became serious.


Li Yanran was very depressed, why did I make a mistake again.

Do you really think that I am a fool like Li Hong?

"Mom, I didn't do anything!"

"You didn't do anything, why didn't your father call Hong'er, and just told you to go there alone!"

Wu Zetian also put on a tiger's face. As a troublemaker like you, is it possible to say that you are fine?

"Queen, I'm good."

Hearing Wu Zetian talking about himself, Li Hong also hurriedly spoke up.

You are very good, so don't get involved with me.

"Empress, Your Majesty is still waiting."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ryan quickly saluted.

After all, the emperor is still waiting there. If you have anything to say, it's not too late to say it when you get back.

"Go, come back and settle accounts with you."

Wu Zetian glared at Rui'an, then knocked on Li Yanran's head.

I'll take care of you when you come back.


Li Yanran was so depressed, what the hell!

What happened to me, come back and settle accounts with me.

Where is this going?!

"Your Highness, please!"

"Humph! Let's go!"

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