She got into the fight angrily. She wanted to see what her father wanted to do.

If she couldn't tell why, she would have to pluck Li Zhi's beard.

"Your Majesty, bring Princess Lishan here."

Looking at Li Yanran who was covered in chills, Ruian also shuddered and hurriedly retreated.

But he saw that Li Yanran was wronged by the queen, and he didn't know what would happen next.


Li Yanran walked towards Li Zhixing step by step. Li Zhi was stunned looking at his precious daughter.

What's going on here?
Who provoked it?
"Yanran, whoever provoked you, tell father, I promise to beat him until he finds his teeth all over the place."

"Who provoked me? You are the only one in this palace."

Li Yanran replied angrily to Li Zhi.

In this palace, except you, the king of heaven, who else can mess with this girl.

"Me? What happened to me?"

Li Zhi was even more confused when he heard this. He didn't do anything, so why did he provoke you, the devil?

"Father, why did you ask me to come here?
If you don't give me a reason, my daughter will fight with you today. "

Li Yanran embraced her father with her arms around her.

Although he was the current emperor, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, she was not afraid.

Who said you are my father?

Li Zhi is depressed. Why did I ask you to come over?
Are you Lord Ma?Still can’t touch it?
"That's right, Royal Father, what on earth did you ask me to come here for?

A Niang thought I made a mistake again, and she was waiting to clean me up! "

Li Yanran's face was full of coldness. If everyone said it, she really wouldn't be able to deal with my mother when she got back, and she would have to be beaten a few times.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing that this was the reason, Li Zhi couldn't help laughing loudly.

This Li Yanran is not only smart but also very adaptable. Even she often feels embarrassed by her daughter.

But if you add tofu in brine, one thing will be reduced. Probably the only person in the world who can cure Li Yanran is her own queen.

"Father, are you still laughing? I will fight you."

Li Yanran immediately ran away and rushed over with a single stride.

"Ouch, stop it."

Seeing Li Yanran grabbing his beard, Li Zhi quickly asked her to stop.

This is my face. If you pluck out my beard, how can I see anyone?

"Father, you were smiling so happily just now!"

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi with a cold face and dared to laugh at me.

This is what happens.

"Xiao Yanran, let go quickly, I have a great thing to tell you."

Faced with Li Yanran's threat, Li Zhi also quickly surrendered.

If it had been anyone else, he would have passed it over long ago, but who calls her his precious daughter?

"What a great thing? Father, don't fool me!"

Li Yanran was also stunned when she heard that there was something great going on.

"Of course I won't fool you, let me go first."

Li Zhi nodded quickly.

"Father, you speak first, otherwise how would I know if you were deceiving me and trying to excuse yourself."

Li Yanran is unwilling to give up. You really think I am that little fool like Li Hong.

We are the ones who don't let go of the eagle when we see the rabbit.

"If you are scratching my beard, I won't give you the [-] yuan."


Hearing this, Li Yanran was completely stunned.

What [-] guan, there is no [-] guan.

"Father, what's [-] yuan?"

"I want to know! Then don't let me go!"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes at Li Yanran, wondering if he should let go of your father's precious beard quickly.

"Father, tell me, where did these two thousand guan come from?"

Li Yanran slowly let go of Li Zhi's beard, looking at her father expectantly.

Twenty thousand yuan is not a small amount of money.

She was really curious about how her father could conjure it up.

"First explain to my father, why did you say that at the Tribunal Tribunal today?

Why don't you want Chen Peng to take people to thoroughly investigate the residence of your second emperor brother and look for evidence? "

Li Zhi quickly protected his beard with his hands, glanced at his daughter with lingering fear, and asked her slowly.

"That! I'm not interested in whether the Second Emperor Brother is the mastermind behind this."

"I only know that if I really refuse to let him go and ask the Sansi Yamen to investigate and deal with the Second Emperor Brother, it will be a public slap in his face.

In the end, it was the royal family's face that was lost. How could I do something that would embarrass my father? "

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at her father. Can't you see such a simple truth?
"Haha, my little Yanran is better, your second emperor brother really did something outrageous this time.

So my father asked him to give you [-] yuan as compensation for you. Do you think this is a good thing? "

Li Zhi stroked his beard and smiled. It was his daughter who knew the overall situation and knew how to think about herself as a father.

Comparing this to his incompetent sons, he really wanted to slap them all to death.

"Yanran doesn't want it!"

Li Yanran frowned when she heard that it was Li Xiao who compensated her.


Li Zhi was taken aback, when did his daughter change sex?

No more money for door-to-door delivery?
what's going on.

"Aren't you sick?"

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's forehead with concern. Is this child probably sick?

"I'm fine, father. The second emperor brother really went too far this time. If he only pays this amount of money but is not punished, what if he does it again next time?

Therefore, my daughter would rather not give up the [-] yuan, but also let the Second Emperor Brother suffer some losses and make his memory long.

Otherwise, next time he does something outrageous, why don't he ask you, Father, to help him settle it? "

Although Li Yanran didn't care what kind of punishment Li Xiao received, she was not willing to spend just a little money.

Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

Although she likes money, these [-] yuan are nothing more than that to her.

"Don't worry, your second emperor brother will definitely be punished.

I asked him to pay this money separately, which is regarded as spiritual compensation for you.

If you don't want it, I will take it back to Neinu. "

Li Zhi nodded to Li Yanran, this child is good, and he, as his father, will take care of everything.

If all his princes were as sensible as Li Yanran, he might actually live a long life.

"Yes, why not, I deserve it!"

How could Li Yanran let it go when she heard that it was her own mental damages.

It's my turn and I can't lose even a cent of it, even if I, the King of Heaven, come.

"Okay, then I will ask your imperial brother to give you [-] guan directly. Remember to share [-] guan with me."


Li Yanran is feeling bad now. It was agreed that it would be my mental compensation. Why did I lose [-] yuan from you?

"What? If you don't have my help, let alone [-] guan, you won't even get one."

Looking at Li Yanran's dark face, Li Zhi also became serious.

No matter what people say, it's like tearing down the mill and killing the donkey, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

You haven't crossed this bridge yet, and you want to throw me into the water?

"Father, you have said that this is my mental damage fee, but now you have to pay for it. My daughter feels very uncomfortable."

Li Yanran curled up her face. If I had known you were going to deduct my mental damages, how could I have saved you any dignity?

Just ask Chen Peng to check on the second emperor brother on the spot.

"It's hard to bear, and you can't lose even one of the ten thousand strings, otherwise you know the methods of the emperor!"

Li Zhi stared at the daughter in front of him, his eyes full of threats.

"Daughter knows!"

Li Yanran also sighed, ten thousand guan is just [-] guan.

It’s better than nothing!
Looking at Li Yanran's back, Li Zhi also smiled happily.

My dear, if I can't control you, how can I lead the vast country of the Tang Dynasty?

"Sister, are you back?"

As Li Hong spoke, he walked around behind Li Yanran, looking up and down with his little eyes.

"what are you doing?"

Looking at Li Hong who was circling around him, Li Yanran also felt a little confused.

"Sister, weren't you beaten by Father?"

Li Hong tilted his head and asked with a curious look on his face.

Li Yanran raised her hand and gave Li Hong a slap in the face, letting Li Hong taste the consequences of his words.

"Mother, sister is beating someone!"

Li Hong covered his head, looked at the livid-faced sister, and ran away.

"Li Hong, stop!"

Seeing that Li Hong dared to go to my mother to complain, Li Yanran chased after her.

"Mother, help me!"

"Sister is going to kill someone!"

Li Yanran chased from behind, and Li Hong was frightened and trembled, and he plunged into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Yanran, why did you bully Hong'er as soon as you came back?"

Wu Zetian held Li Hong in her arms and rolled her eyes at Li Yanran who was chasing him.


Seeing Li Hong being protected by his mother, Li Yanran also gave him a glare.

You boy, please wait for me.

Grandma can protect you for a while, but can she protect you for the rest of your life?
We have a long time to come, and we will settle accounts with you when we return to our fiefdom.

"What did your father teach you about the past?"

Wu Zetian patted the chair next to her and motioned for her to sit down and talk.

"It's not because of the two arson cases in Chang'an. The three-department trial has reached a conclusion. I am more or less a spectator. Father, let me know."

Of course, it was impossible for Li Yanran to say that I asked her to go there for a fee.

If my mother knew about this money, she might not know her last name.

"So that's how it is. The third division will close the case. Are you going to return to the fief?"

Wu Zetian was not suspicious after hearing this explanation. After all, Li Yanran was also one of the victims. If the case was really going to be closed, she really needed to be notified.

"Well, there are still a lot of things going on over there in the fiefdom. If I don't go back, I'm really afraid that all those idiots from Changsun Yan will be ruined by me."

Li Yanran nodded. Now that the case has basically come to light, it's really time for her to go back.

Although the palace is good, it does not belong to her after all. No matter how simple Lishan is, it is still her nest.

"Okay, grandma won't stop you anymore."

"Remember, come back to see me more often. Don't stay in your place all day."

Wu Zetian had nothing to say. Her daughter was now a grown-up child.

She is not just herself, but also has several noble sons of the Duke behind her, as well as the people of Lishan and Xinfeng.

"Well, my daughter knows."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms.

With a squeeze and a twist of his butt, Li Hong was shaved off perfectly.


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