My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 488 One more stroke

Chapter 488

Looking at the old lady who was the only one, Li Hong pouted and pounced on her again.

The arson case approved by Li Zhiyu the next day was also officially closed.

The chief villain Liu Yiye and his subordinates were all beheaded for public display. As for the accomplice Lin Jiuge, Ye Huosheng and others were also confiscated of their wealth and exiled to Lingnan.

The real man behind the scenes, Li Xiao, was also accused of not being able to distinguish between loyalties and traitors. He was deceived by the gangsters and was dismissed from his post as the governor of Bingzhou. He was banned for three months and fined for half a year.

The people of Chang'an looked at the notices all over the street and immediately rushed to tell each other that these firewood merchants were so shameful.

In order to bring down the briquettes, they came up with such low-handed means.

Fortunately, they didn't listen to the rumors, otherwise, if they smashed those briquettes, wouldn't they be dead.

Those smaller firms were also very lucky. Fortunately, they could not participate in the actions of those big firms.

Otherwise, he will definitely be implicated now, and he will be exiled and beheaded, and he will lose all his money.

At the same time, the people of Chang'an also flocked to the sales location of briquettes. They were now completely disappointed with the firewood.

First, there was the deceptive behavior of reducing prices and not having goods, and now there is the murder of people.

Anyone who still buys that firewood is the emperor’s biggest fool.

Di Renjie had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and all the places selling briquettes had sufficient supplies.

And whenever someone comes to buy a stove, they will carefully warn them to use a chimney.

"Sister, sister, there is something you will definitely find funny when you hear it."

Li Hong jumped to Li Yanran's side, his little eyes full of excitement.

"what happened?"

Looking at the excited little Li Hong, Li Yanran also tilted her head, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Sister, Second Emperor Brother, I don't know what's going on. Now he's selling antique utensils in the mansion and shops in Chang'an. I heard that there are also perfumes and jade liquid wine for sale."

Li Hong immediately told what he had just heard.

When the prince of the dynasty sells antique utensils in his own mansion and shops in Chang'an, this is no longer a shame, but his face has been stripped.

"Really? Then why don't you help our second emperor brother?"

Li Yanran naturally knew why Li Xiao did this. It was to pay for her mental damage.

Twenty thousand guan is not a small number for a businessman, let alone Li Xiao who spends money lavishly.

It seems that his father's deterrence is really great, otherwise he would not do it to kill Li Xiao.

After all, people need face and trees need bark. If this face is lost, it will be difficult to pick it up again.

"Help Second Emperor Brother? Sister, are you okay?"

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Li Hong was stunned.

When did you have such a good relationship with this second emperor brother?

He encouraged Lin Jiuge and the others to fight against you, why should you help him?

"As the saying goes, it is better to make things easier for others than for yourself."

“Brother Er Huang must be in a hurry for money now, so naturally the price of this shop cannot be too high.

Let's buy it, the second emperor brother gets the money, and we get the stuff. This is called a win-win situation, do you understand? "

Li Yanran smiled slightly. Now that Li Xiao is selling a shop, he definitely can't sell it at the market price. He has to give a discount.

Anyway, the money will end up in his and his father's pockets in the end.

"I understand. Brother Huang loses money and we make money. This is a win-win situation, right?"

Li Hong's little eyes were full of pride.

Second Emperor Brother, Second Emperor Brother, you are so brave.

How dare you confront us and stop getting some oil and water out of you? How can you deserve this?

"Well, you can go and tell Di Renjie right away and let him haggle over the price. If it's suitable, we can win them all.

But one thing is, I only want the shop, not the antique utensils.

As for perfume, you can’t even accept a bottle of Yuye wine. Do you understand? "

Li Yanran glanced at the sky above her head. The day was gloomy, wasn't it going to snow again?
She is not a charcoal seller. She is worried about the price of charcoal and wishes it would be cold.

If this snow continues, it’s unclear how many more people will die.


An inexplicable light flashed in Li Hong's eyes, he left Li Yan and went out of the palace with Li Zhi's gold medal.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

Di Renjie was warming himself by the fire in the house. When he saw Li Hong, he hurried over to salute.

"Di Renjie, come with me to Prince Xu's Mansion."

Looking at Di Renjie in front of him, Li Hong also put his hands in his pockets and asked him to go with him to see his second brother.

"Going to Prince Xu's Mansion? What's the matter?"

Di Renjie was stunned, wondering what the little prince wanted to do?
Now King Xu is like a rat crossing the street. What are your plans for going to see him now?

"What's the matter? Sister's order."

Li Hong didn't say anything, just turned around and walked out.


Di Renjie was really confused this time, but since it was Li Yanran's order, what could he do.

Following Li Hong, they got on the carriage and ran towards Prince Xu's Mansion.

"Who is it? No parking is allowed in front of Prince Xu's Mansion."

Seeing the carriage parked at the gate, Prince Xu's soldiers shouted to drive them away.

"Blind your dog eyes, this is His Highness the Crown Prince."

Hearing the scolding from Prince Xu's soldiers, Li Hong's guards also glared at them and shouted angrily at them.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty?"

The soldiers were dumbfounded. Chang'an was really small, so why did the prince suddenly come?

"I don't know what your Highness is here for?"

"You can ask His Highness the purpose of his visit? Hurry up and inform His Highness King Xu to come and greet you."

The imperial guard grimaced and spat at the other party.How dare a little ambusher talk like this?Do you really think you are a person?


The government soldiers did not dare to say anything and hurried into the government to report.

"Your Highness, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is outside the mansion and said that he wants you to go over and greet him."

The soldiers rushed to Li Xiao's side and tremblingly told the situation outside the house.

"What? How dare he?"

Hearing this, Li Xiao was about to explode, how dare he let himself go out to greet him?

who gave him confidence.

"Go out and tell the prince, he can come in if he wants, and if he wants me to go out to meet him, there is no door."


Looking at the angry Li Xiao, the Fubing also ran out in a panic.

He was really afraid that the angry Li Xiao would take out his anger on him.

He can't take it.

"What? Won't you come out to greet me?"

Li Hong immediately became angry after hearing what Fu Bing said.

He opened the curtain and stared hard into his little eyes.

"Tell Brother Second Emperor that I am here to help him solve his dilemma, and I will only wait for him for a quarter of an hour.

If he doesn't come out and I'll leave immediately, I'd like to see how long it takes for his shops to be sold. "

The mansion soldiers did not dare to neglect, and rushed into Xu Wang's mansion again.

"Your Highness, what did you say you were here to do? Buy a shop?"

Now Di Renjie finally understood what Li Honglai meant, but why did he come to buy a shop?

Wouldn't it be nice if His Royal Highness, King Xu, appears more often?
"Yes, this is what my sister means.

Now, for some unknown reason, my second emperor brother has started selling off his properties to raise money. My sister wants to take advantage of this opportunity to lower the price and make another profit from his shop. "

Now that it's all said and done, Li Hong has nothing to hide.

He told all the reasons for his visit, but he didn't say the most important thing.

Li Yanran wanted Di Renjie to be in charge, but he wanted to be the talker himself.

After all, such an exciting thing, how could he be missing.

"I see, Di Renjie understands."

Di Renjie glanced at Li Hong again. He always felt that this kid was hiding something from him today, but he couldn't think of anything.

"What? He's here to help me solve my dilemma?
Is this king using him?
Let him spend it outside!Who are you scaring? "

After hearing what Fu Bing said, Li Xiao immediately became angry.

It's only [-] yuan. Not to mention the antiques and utensils I own, the shops alone are worth a lot of money.

Do I need to beg you a little Li Hong?

It's really the biggest joke in the world.

"Zhang Jia, how is the money raised? How are the antiques and shops in this palace?"

Glancing at Zhang Jia on the side, Li Xiao directly asked about the money.

"Your Highness, we have raised more than 2000 coins now."

Zhang Jia looked at Li Xiao tremblingly and told him the progress of raising money.

"How much? Two thousand strings? You must be joking with me, right?"

Hearing this number, Li Xiao's face immediately turned black.

Two thousand strings?
Are you kidding me?
"Your Highness, I really only raised two thousand coins."

Zhang Jia is about to cry. How dare I joke with you now?
I said more than two thousand guan.

"Do you want to die? With two thousand strings, do you really think that I dare not chop off your head?"

Li Xiao slapped Zhang Jia on the head, and the anger in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Your Highness, unless Zhang Jia doesn't want to help you deal with it, no one will take over our shop even if the price is reduced.

After all, these are your properties, and those merchants are afraid that you will go back later.

Those dignitaries did not want to offend Princess Lishan and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince because of this matter. "

Zhang Jia directly knelt on the ground and explained the whole story.

It’s not because I don’t work hard, it’s because the market doesn’t support it.

Even though I have lowered the price a lot, no one is interested.

He can't do anything either!

"Then what do you think this king should do now? If I can't get the [-] guan, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Li Xiaoke, no matter what your reasons are, if the money is gone from your hands, you have to find a way for me to get it back.

Otherwise, if I get scolded by dad, I will chop off your head.

"How about, Your Highness, listen to what His Highness the Crown Prince has to say?"

Zhang Jia is also depressed, you asked me to find a way, then I can only sacrifice you.

Now it seems that except for His Royal Highness, no one will take over this thing from you.

"You want me to beg Brother Hong in such a low voice? Do you want to die?"

Hearing that Zhang Jia wanted to find Li Hong by himself, Li Xiao kicked him again.

If you want this king to beg Li Hong, you are really deceived by lard.

"Your Highness, now is not the time to care about personal gains and losses, think about the [-] guan."

Zhang Jia had no choice but to bring up the matter of the [-] yuan.

"Are you threatening me?"

(End of this chapter)

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