My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 489 Lucky price!

Li Xiao was dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that his butler would threaten him.

Could it be that I found a foreign thief?

"Your Highness, how dare I threaten you? This is a fact. I hope Your Highness will consider it carefully."

Zhang Jia shuddered again. He could already feel the chill on Li Xiao's body, but it was basically impossible to make money while standing.

At this moment, Li Hong was the life-saving straw. If he couldn't grasp it, he really didn't know how he could get the [-] yuan.


Seeing Zhang Jia's attitude of disregarding life and death, Li Xiao also had nothing to say, got up and went towards the layman.

"Brother Hong, you said you were coming to my residence and you didn't tell me in advance, leaving the emperor unprepared at all."

Li Xiao came outside the house, looked at Li Hong's carriage, changed his face, and walked directly towards it.

"Brother Second Emperor, if you come out a little later, Brother Hong will leave."

Hearing Li Xiao's voice, Li Hong also got out of the car.

"Brother Hong, let's go. Brother Huang, I have arranged a banquet. Let's chat while eating!"

With that said, Li Xiao grabbed Li Hong's arm and walked towards the house.

"Brother Hong, tell me, why are you here?"

Everyone sat down, and Li Xiao also smiled at Li Hong.

"It's okay. I just heard that the Second Emperor Brother has encountered some problems in the past two days. Come over and see if I can help you."

Li Hong rolled his eyes at Li Xiao, "You have to sell your property to survive, and you still pretend to be a wolf. You really don't know what it means to be embarrassed."

"Is there any problem? Brother Huang, I am very good!"

Seeing that Li Hong was so disrespectful to him, Li Xiao also smiled awkwardly.

"Oh? That's because I remembered it wrong. Di Renjie, let's go!"

Seeing that Li Xiao was still so stubborn, Li Hong couldn't bear it anymore and got up and left directly.

"wait wait wait."

Li Xiao was completely panicked now. He had lowered his head just now, so how could he be so reserved now?

Now the whole of Chang'an knows about his situation, so why are you pretending?

"Brother Hong, to tell you the truth, Brother Huang is really in trouble this time.

I am in urgent need of [-] guan, if you are willing to lend it to Brother Huang, I will be grateful. "

Li Hong was about to sit down, but when he heard the word "borrow", he slapped his butt and left again.

Joke, I'm here to make money and laugh at your jokes. Can you lend me a favor?
Do you really think that I am Guanyin who rescues those who are suffering?

What do you think.

“Brother Hong, don’t leave, don’t leave!”

Li Xiao hurried over and took Li Hong's arm.

"Second Emperor Brother, although we are brothers, we are brothers who have settled accounts.

I'm here to do business, not charity.

If you mention borrowing this word again, don't blame Brother Hong for not showing respect. "

Li Hong rolled his eyes at Li Xiao, and he would be merciless if he dared to say anything offensive again.

It's so difficult.

"Okay, okay, I won't borrow it, let's talk about the business, that's it!"

Li Xiao also scratched his head and welcomed Li Hong to his seat.

"That's pretty much it. Brother Huang, I don't know how many stores you have in Chang'an for sale!"

Li Hong crossed his legs, looked at Li Xiao in front of him, and directly asked him about his assets.

"Zhang Jia, quickly bring us the land deed and show it to my brother Hong."

Hearing Li Xiao's call, Zhang Jia quickly placed all the land deeds he had prepared in front of Li Hong.

Li Hong didn't even look at it and pushed Di Renjie aside.

It's not that he doesn't want to read it, it's that he doesn't understand it at all, otherwise he wouldn't have brought Di Renjie here.

Di Renjie looked at the stack of land deeds carefully.

“Brother Hong, to tell you the truth, these shops cost me a lot of money, not just these.

There are also antique utensils in my house, and even perfume and jade liquor.

If you have any ideas about these good things, how about I give them to you? "

Seeing Di Renjie calculating the value of the store, Li Xiao also approached Li Hong and began to sell the good things bought at high prices in the house.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. Besides, I also have a lot of antique utensils in my house. If you want them, I can sell them to you."

Li Hong kept in mind Li Yanran's teachings, only shops and manors, not antique utensils, especially perfume and jade liquor.

It's easy for someone to take advantage of someone who bought it, and then take it back. Isn't that just a disease of pure innocence?
"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Li Xiao moved aside with an embarrassed look on his face, his eyes filled with disappointment.

Di Renjie looked at it for a while and finished all the calculations, then whispered quietly into Li Hong's ear.

Hearing that these shops were worth more than [-] yuan, Li Hong also had a flash of joy in his eyes.

Brother Emperor, Brother Emperor, it’s time for you to bleed.

If I don't let you suffer a loss, you won't be able to remember it next time.

"Brother Huang, these shops are very valuable. Are you really going to sell them?"

"If you want to go out, just tell me how much you want to pay!"

Li Xiao looked depressed. If I don't leave these shops, I can collect some money for our father.

"Since Brother Huang is so open-minded, Brother Hong has nothing to say. Six thousand six hundred and sixty six strings, this number must be auspicious."


Li Xiao looked at Li Hong and felt bad.

Those shops of mine were worth a lot when I bought them. According to the market price, they are worth at least [-] guan.

Coupled with his current [-] guan, it is just enough to make up [-] guan, and he can give my father a job.

You're half right and half right, you're chopped right down to the waist.

Return six thousand six hundred and sixty six strings, your number is really auspicious.

"What? Brother Huang is not satisfied? Is it too little?"

Li Hong looked at Li Xiao's face and just wanted to laugh.

What a genius I am, I can think of such an auspicious number as six thousand six hundred and sixty six strings.

"Brother Hong, don't joke with me. I'm really in need of money now."

Li Xiao frowned. Now that his butt was on fire, he was not in the mood to joke with Li Hong.

"How about eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty eight strings? This number is more auspicious." Li Hong smiled again and gave another more auspicious number.

8888 kaka is hair.

“Brother Hong, I said I don’t want to joke, the current market price of my shop is at least [-] yuan.

If you give me six thousand strings or eight thousand strings, is that a little too much? "

Li Xiao bared his teeth and looked at his little brother, his eyes filled with anger.

"What price does the emperor want?"

Li Hong clasped his little hands on his chest and just looked at his brother.

He would like to hear how much the other party wants to sell it for.

"Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty guan, Hongdi, you still have a profit of more than 880 guan, how about that?"

Li Xiao thought for a moment and added ten thousand guan to Li Hong's price. This was the price in his mind.

"Brother Imperial, take your leave."

Hearing the price, Li Hong frowned and stood up to leave.

“Brother Hong, Brother Hong, don’t be angry, it’s easy to discuss things!”

Li Xiao quickly grabbed Li Hong's arm.

This kid was sure that he was at the end of his rope, and he was really in trouble.

"Brother Emperor, I won't bargain with you anymore. Ten thousand yuan is my bottom line.

If you agree, I'll take the money right away, and if you don't agree, you don't have to keep me.

I just don’t know who would dare to pick up this mess like you. "

Li Hong didn't talk nonsense with Li Xiao, he also watched the excitement that should be watched, and now it's time to get to the point.


Looking at Li Xiao, Di Renjie felt bad.

Are you here to kidnap someone or to rob someone?

Cut it in half when you meet, you know the price.

I just don’t know how much of Li Xiao’s psychological shadow is now.

After all, this is just free money. If you just talk, people will break your bones?

He would never agree to it anyway.

"Brother Hong, don't bully others too much!"

Li Xiao clenched his fists and looked at his little brother. If he hadn't been his father's favorite son, he might have let him try the evils of society at this moment.

"There is no way to deceive others too much. There is no righteousness in business. Brother Huang, I will leave."

Li Hong said and took Di Renjie outside.

"No delivery."

Li Xiao frowned, Li Hong was just here to see his joke, but no serious person could offer such a price.

For a shop that costs more than 2 guan, you are asking for [-] guan. Do you really think that I am being taken advantage of?

"Your Highness?"

Di Renjie followed behind Li Hong, somewhat hesitant.

After all, this is the task assigned by Li Yanran. If it cannot be completed, it will be in vain.

Could it be that Li Hong came here just to see King Xu's jokes?
"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Li Hong sneered. He still didn't believe it and couldn't control his imperial brother.


Di Renjie sighed and could only follow Li Hong away step by step.

"Your Highness, if the crown prince leaves now, where will the money come from?"

Zhang Jia looked at Li Hong's back and hurriedly spoke to Li Xiao.

The other party is now his life-saving straw. If the deal cannot be negotiated, then the [-] yuan will really be impossible to get together.

"You mean that I am going to suffer the loss of being dumb? I will lose [-] yuan?

Besides, I’m not selling to anyone at this price, so why do I have to sell it to Li Hong? "

Li Xiao glared at Zhang Jia, he still didn't believe it, no one except Li Hong dared to take over his situation.

"Your Highness, think twice! It's just a loss of [-] yuan now, you can always make it back.

If you don't raise enough money and offend His Majesty, you will inevitably be reprimanded again. "

Zhang Jia is depressed. If you don't sell it now, then what will happen if you really can't find a buyer?
At that time, you will still have to bear this matter on yourself, he does not have that much ability.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back if he really wants it."

Li Xiao frowned, now he was also betting with Li Hong.

Bet that the other person will come back.

"Your Highness, it's almost time to go out."

Di Renjie is about to cry now. How do you know what's going on?

Why didn't he see what you were thinking.

"Don't worry, the emperor will definitely stop me."

Although Li Hong was a little panicked, he couldn't pretend that he was not like this.

"Your Highness, they are leaving the mansion soon."

Looking at the backs of Li Hong and Di Renjie, Zhang Jia felt that his heart had reached its limit. If he took this step forward, there would be no room for change.

"It's not that I haven't left the house yet!"

Li Xiao was also sweating in his heart.

Could it be that Li Hong really came to laugh at himself?

If that were the case, wouldn't he have lost all his money?

Finally Li Hong stepped onto the doorstep of Prince Xu's Mansion and stopped there.

Seeing this, Li Xiao was relieved.

After all, you have never defeated me, little Li Hong, you are too young to fight with me.

"Brother Hong, have you changed your mind?"

Li Xiao sneered at Li Hong and asked slowly.

"Brother, take care, I hope your shop can be sold as soon as possible!"

Li Hong also smiled coldly, bowed slightly and left without looking back.


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