My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 490 Bringing You a Sentence

Chapter 490: A message for you

Seeing Li Hong's appearance, Li Xiao couldn't hold himself any longer.

How did this go away?
"Your Highness, we are leaving!"

Zhang Jiaren almost jumped up and shouted at Li Xiao.

"I saw."

Li Xiao also took a deep breath and trotted after him.

"Your Highness, King Xu is catching up!"

Di Renjie glanced at Li Xiao who was running towards him, and smiled at Li Hong.

"Let me just say I know what I know!"

Li Hong also turned around and spoke to Li Xiao.

"Brother Emperor, please don't send me away. Brother Hong is gone."

As he said this, Li Hong turned around and was about to get in the car, but Li Xiao grabbed his arm.

"Brother Hong, wait, brother Huang has something else to say."

Li Xiao's face is full of depression, it's fine if you win.

I can't afford to mess with you.

"Brother Imperial, there is nothing more to say between us. Ten thousand guan is my bottom line."

"Can't there be more?"

Li Xiao's whole body collapsed, he was really manipulated.

"Brother Imperial, don't try to raise the price any more, I gave you a lot."

Li Hong shook his head. You didn't set the price when you were in the house. Now that it's like this, don't think about it.

You are at a complete disadvantage.

"Zhang Jia!"

Now that he has chased him out, he is ready for bloodletting.


"Bring me the title deed!"

Zhang Jia directly handed over the prepared land deed.

"Brother Hong, take it!"

Li Xiao sighed and handed the land deed to Li Hong's hand.

"That's pretty much it. Di Renjie will go and arrange the transfer right away."


Di Renjie also smiled slightly when he took the land deed, but he didn't expect Li Hong to pretend to be it.

The shop that bought more than 2 yuan from [-] yuan is somewhat like Li Yanran.

"Brother Emperor, do you have anything else in your house? For example, a farm or something like that. I can also buy it for you."

After taking over these shops, Li Hong was still not satisfied and continued to ask Li Xiao if he had any other properties.

Zhang Jia glanced at Li Xiao tremblingly. He wanted to say that this was usually the case and he could sell everything to Li Hong.

It also saves you the worry of having to find a buyer again.

"Yes, Zhang Jia, take the title deed to my manor outside the city."


In the end, Li Hong left Xu Wang's mansion contentedly. This time he paid a total of 3 guan, and got a shop and manor worth [-] guan.

The most important thing is that he also put on his own brother, seeing him making a fool of himself really made him extremely happy.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

Looking at Li Xiao's dark face, Zhang Jia also shuddered.

With Li Hong's [-] guan, now there are almost [-] guan in the mansion.

There are two thousand strings left, so I can make it up no matter what.

"Am I okay? Hahahaha, I'm okay!"

Li Xiao suddenly laughed wildly, turned around and left.


Zhang Jia shuddered in his heart, Your Highness must have gone crazy because of the loss.

"Sister, sister, I'm back!"

Li Hong returned to the palace and rushed into Li Yanran's arms excitedly.

"What's the matter, so happy?"

Looking at Li Hong in his arms, Li Yanran was also confused.

I don’t know what he was doing for half a day, and why he came back like this.

"Sister, I spent [-] yuan for you today."


Hearing this, Li Yanran's heart immediately rose.

You spent [-] yuan on me, what the hell?

In the fiefdom, everyone spends a penny in half, so why is this happening all of a sudden?

"Tell me, what did you do with my money?"

Grasping Li Hong's collar, Li Yanran's eyes were full of threats.

"Sister, I advise you to be more respectful to me, otherwise!"

"Otherwise! I let you do otherwise!"

Li Yanran took action immediately, slapping Li Hong's head one after another.


"Sister, don't hit me!"

"Be gentle, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Li Hong was beaten violently, but he was still as proud as before. He covered his little head and ran around.

"Why don't you tell me, where did you spend my money?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong angrily, her eyes full of ferocity.


Li Hong didn't dare to hide it anymore. If he kept pretending, there would be no other outcome except being beaten.

"So you spent 3 guan on something worth [-] guan?"

Li Yanran also frowned when she heard Li Hong's words. If this was really the case, wouldn't she have wrongly blamed her younger brother.

After all, he earned more than 1 guan for himself.

"That's right, sister, you saw the emperor's expression, and his face became like this."

Li Hong was making faces as he spoke, and Li Yanran couldn't stop laughing when she saw it.

It's really reckless for him not to go to the circus to be a clown.


"Of course it's true. That face was dark and distorted. I almost couldn't hold back."

"Then it's a real loss that I didn't see this scene."

"That is required!"

Li Xiao tried his best and finally collected [-] yuan.

Looking at the money on the carriage, Li Xiao also sighed.What looks like his money now actually belongs to someone else.

For these 5000 guan, he paid at least more than [-] guan, which was really a loss to his grandma's family.

"Send it to the Lishan fiefdom!"

After patting the box on the carriage, Li Xiao turned his head and left.


Zhang Jia saluted and immediately ordered the soldiers to escort the carriage containing the money to leave Prince Xu's Mansion and head towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"Aniang, don't give it away, we will come back to see you."

Li Yanran looked at Wu Zetian reluctantly, and stood up on her toes to kiss her on the forehead.

"I only care about your mother, where is mine?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Yanran from the side and curled his lips.

"Father, Hong'er likes you!"

As Li Hong said that, he also threw himself into Li Zhi's arms, trying to imitate Li Yanran and give his father a bite.

Unfortunately, I was too short, so even if I jumped up, I couldn't reach Li Zhi's cheek.

"If anyone wants you, go ahead."

Li Zhi pushed Li Hong aside in disgust, "Who cares about you? What I want is your sister."


After hearing this, Li Hong really couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Li Hong crying after being punished by Li Zhi, Wu Zetian also rolled his eyes at Li Zhi.

You know how to bully your own son all day long. You, as an old man, have had enough.

"Haha, don't cry, Hong'er. Father still likes you very much."

Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian, smiled coquettishly, and took Li Hong into his arms.

"I don't want it, my father is bad!"

Li Hong was tossing for a while. I used to be indifferent to you, but now I want you to know what it means to be too high.

Is this king the one who comes and goes when you call him?

Not even if you are the emperor.

"Meiniang, it's not my fault!"

Seeing Li Hong's resistance, Li Zhi pushed his son out again.


Li Hong is depressed again. If you say something soft, I will obey you.

I didn't expect you to be such a father.

I have seen it myself.

"Yanran, come here quickly and give your father a hug."

Li Zhi pushed Li Hong away, and hugged Li Yanran into his arms.

After some parting, Li Yanran and Li Hong also got on the carriage and embarked on the journey back to the fiefdom.

"Brother Li, you are back."

"Miss me!"

"That's right, if I had known Chang'an was so fun, we would have gone along."

Changsun Yan and others came close to Li Yanran, their eyes full of excitement.

They all got the news about the arson case in Chang'an this time, and now they all regret not following it.

"You guys are the ones who are afraid of the world being in chaos. Now that Chang'an's honeycomb briquettes are selling like hotcakes, is the fief's storage sufficient?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Changsun Yan, "You're the only one who talks a lot all day long. You're everywhere, right?"

"Don't worry, we haven't put down production during this period. The briquettes in the fiefdom are enough for Chang'an's needs."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, "If I can't do this little thing well, I will have been with you for so long."

"That's good, prepare the banquet, and start the hot pot."


Li Hong jumped up when he heard that there was hot pot again.

He had been thinking about this for several days, and now he finally got it.

Soon the two sheep were slaughtered, and then a huge hot pot was arranged.

While everyone was feasting, a guard also ran over.

"Your Highness, there are people from outside the fiefdom, saying that they have come to give you money according to the decree of His Highness King Xu!"


Li Hong was stunned when he heard the forbidden army's words.

Li Xiao was so anxious to sell his property just to give money to his sister?

This. This is too much!
No wonder Li Xiao's face looked like that at that time. It turned out to be this reason.

Sister, you are really good enough.

Forget about gathering wool, you can't do it with a sheep.

Second Emperor Brother has already been bald by you.

"Sister, you are so tall!"

Thinking of this, Li Hong couldn't help but give Li Yanran a thumbs up.

You can play with people's mentality.

"No matter how high you are, just eat your food."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head, and you still can't control your mouth while eating.

You think I am making money, but in fact it is my father who is really making money.

He didn't have to do anything, he just talked and made ten thousand dollars.

How can there be such a profitable business in this world.

"Sister, why did you hit me? I told the truth!"

Li Hong covered his head in depression. At this age, he couldn't even tell the truth.

"Have a meal!"

Li Yanran said and slapped her again, and Li Hong became honest on the spot.

With tears in his eyes, he began to grill the mutton in the bowl at full speed.

The others did not dare to speak when they saw this scene and concentrated on eating meat.

They also didn't understand why Li Yanran looked unhappy when the money was delivered to their doorstep.

"Go and collect the money, and then bring a message to my second emperor brother."

"Just say thank you for his money and let him decide whether to cooperate or not based on the right person next time.

In case the fire at the city gate affects Chiyu, I will not help him raise money to tide over the difficulties. "


The imperial army left, put all [-] guan in the account room, and brought Li Yanran's words with them at the same time.

"Your Highness, Princess Lishan has collected the money, and she also has something to say to you."

(End of this chapter)

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