My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 492 I don’t want to be a consort!

Chapter 492 I don’t want to be a consort!

Hearing Changsun rushing towards him, Changsun Yan suddenly had a bad premonition.

Today's family dinner may not be as simple as you think.


"Take it, this is a gift for your family."

As an elder, Zhang Sunyan naturally couldn't lose face, so he directly brought a box from the back. It was the perfume set he had just taken from Lan Kwai Fong.

"Uncle, it's a waste."

Changsun Yan's eyes lit up when he looked at the mark on the box.

Although he is also a Zhongding family, he dare not buy more luxury goods like perfume.

It's usually good to buy a bottle for my wife.

I didn't expect that this young uncle was so generous, and he only used a box set.

This time seems to be happy for a long time.

"Yan'er, you can't take this perfume for free. Tell your uncle, what are you doing here this time?"

Changsun Yan pulled Changsun Yan aside and began to spy on the news.

"This, my nephew doesn't know!"

Changsun Yan looked at the box set in his hand and felt depressed.

How do I know why I was called this time?
After receiving the message from their grandfather, the whole family rushed over.

"I don't know."

Changsun Yan shook his head, left his nephew and went straight to the backyard.

After entering the backyard, the place was bustling with people. Not only Chang Sun Chong's family came, but also the family members of his cousin Chang Sun Xiang.

Seeing this scene, Changsun Yan also shuddered and wanted to escape.

"Yan'er is back, come here quickly."

Changsun saw Changsun Yan standing blankly at the door and immediately waved him over.


Changsun Yan sighed and moved closer to Changsun.

"This is a gift prepared by my son for my mother-in-law."

Changsun Yan waved his hand, and Zhang Si also handed over several boxes.

"Sister-in-law, this is yours."

"and this."

During this period, Sun Yan also acted as a money-distributing boy and divided the gifts prepared for his mother into good portions, giving them to Chang Sunxiang's wife and Chang Sun Chong's wife respectively.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, otherwise, he would have been embarrassed.

"Yan'er, how many times have I told you not to spend money on my mother-in-law's sake."

Changsun looked at the box set in his hand and felt happy.

But what needs to be said still needs to be said.

Only my son can make a little money, so he only spends so much money, so it’s considered a waste.

"It's okay. Your son is now rich. These are just trivial matters. Where is my tea?"

Changsun Wuji didn't care at all.

Not to mention whether his son has a future with Princess Lishan, at least he is not short of money.

It's just a little perfume, just a sprinkle of water to him.

Besides, he has no place to spend money now. Isn't it a natural thing to buy something to honor his mother?

"Changsun Wuji, how can you talk like this? How can a father ask for a gift from his son?"

Hearing Changsun Wuji's words, Changsun also rolled his eyes at him.

You are such a shameless old man, you know how to exploit your own son all day long.

How difficult it must be for Yan'er to have a father like you.

"He doesn't have a family now, and he has no place to spend the money. If the father doesn't help him spend some of it, will it just sit in the bank and gather dust?"

Changsun Wuji smiled slightly and gave Changsun Yan a look.

You should hurry up and bring me my tea.

Hiding and tucking is nothing.


Changsun was depressed, and directly stretched out his hand to touch Changsun Wuji's waist, and then moved 360 degrees clockwise.


Changsun Wuji took a deep breath, this moment would cost him his life.

There are so many people, can’t you save some face for me?

And it's been so many years, and you're so old, why are your hands still so strong?

"Zhao Wu!"

Seeing Changsun Wuji deflated, Changsun Yan also smiled and immediately asked General Zhao to bring over the tea box.

"Father, the Shuren Teahouse doesn't have enough top-quality tea now. There's only this much. You can make do with it for now!"

Changsun Wuji took the tea box from Zhao Wu and laughed.

There are at least three kilograms of tea in it, which is enough for me to drink for a long time.

It is indeed good to have a good son.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's have a banquet!"

The Changsun family has nothing to do with Changsun Wuji.

Now that your son has finally come back, you can work hard to get rid of him.

Just do it. When the time comes that your son is too scared to go home, the old woman will only ask you.

It's true that as long as there is a father, there is also a son. Both of them are equally unreliable.

"That's right, let's have a party!"

Changsun Wuji put the tea aside and quickly ordered the butler to start a banquet.

Everyone sat down, and delicacies were served one after another in front of everyone.

Chang Sun Yan felt strange for some reason while sitting among the crowd.

It has been a long time since he followed Li Yanran to such a family banquet.Seeing the delicacies being served, Changsun Yan put aside everything else and brought into full play the invincible grabbing method he had practiced in the fiefdom.

Li Yanran's words are also widely circulated in the fiefdom.

Heaven and Earth eat the biggest meal.

Eating is not active, thinking has problems.

Only love and delicious food can't be let down, he doesn't have the so-called love now, if he eats, he will let it go.

Then this life would be too boring.

Everyone stared at the eldest grandson Yan Feng Jun Can Yun sweeping the delicacies on the table.

Even the eldest grandson Yuanji in the arms of the eldest grandson stared at his uncle's performance.

"Changsun Yan, what are you doing? Are you reincarnated as a starving ghost?"

Finally, Changsun Wuji couldn't bear it anymore. This was a family banquet, not a fiefdom. In front of the whole family, it would be really embarrassing for you to do this.


After hearing Changsun Wuji's words, Changsun Yan finally reacted.

Fuck it, it's over.

Get used to it.

Looking at the stunned people, he also blushed and felt a little ashamed.

This time it was really embarrassing.

"Uncle, have you not eaten for a few days? Or you can eat faster than all of us!"

Just when Changsun Yan was ashamed, Changsun Yuanji made him break his guard with one sentence.

Looking at his grandnephew in his mother's arms, Zhang Sunyan really wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.


Changsun Yan now just wants to sew up Changsun Yuanji's mouth, his mouth is so poisonous at a young age.

He specializes in poking people's feet and talking, and he doesn't know who this kid is following.

"Yuanji, don't talk nonsense. This is your uncle. This is."

Changsun looked at her great-grandson in her arms and wanted to explain to Changsun Yan, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say.

Seeing the embarrassment of Chang Sun and Chang Sun Yan, Chang Sun Yan also gave his wife Pei Wanru a look.

"Yuanji, come to Aniang. Your great-grandmother is tired from holding you."

Pei Wanru nodded, went directly to the Changsun family, and held the eldest Sun Yuanji in her arms.

"Okay, let's eat, Yan'er, sit with your mother, she has something to tell you."

Changsun Wuji coughed twice and motioned to Changsun Yan to sit over quickly.


Changsun Yan's face was red, and he sat down next to his mother with a small bowl that he had stacked like an Arhat.

"Yan'er, if you're not doing well in the fief, come back. Although the family doesn't claim to be rich, it can still keep you well-fed, right?"

Mrs. Changsun felt a little distressed when she looked at Changsun Yan's bowl. It seemed that she was really suffering in the fiefdom.

I guess I don’t even have enough to eat every day, otherwise how could I be like this?

"Aniang, I'm fine in the fief, these are just for the pleasure of eating.

Besides, I have gained a lot of weight now, so I can't be hungry. "

Changsun Yan also scratched his head, blaming those fools in the fiefdom.

If they didn't fight him for food all day long, would he be ashamed in front of so many people?
No, you must take good care of them when you return to the fiefdom.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart.

As he spoke, he patted his beer belly and showed it to his wife.

After all, the mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles. Although he hasn't traveled that far, he doesn't want his mother to worry.

"Yan'er, you are old and not young, you have to learn to take care of yourself outside, understand?"

After looking at Changsun Yan's belly, Changsun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Changsun Yan has been naughty and mischievous since she was a child, so she doesn't have high hopes for her son.

As long as her son can live in peace and happiness until death, the mother will be satisfied.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will take care of myself!

Didn't you say something happened?What's the matter! "

Changsun Yan was very depressed and quickly asked his mother what happened.

If he asked further, he was really afraid that his mother would tie him up at home and not let him leave.

"Yan'er, you are quite old now. Your father already had your brother at your age.

Your elder brother also has Yan'er, and now even Yuan Ji is so old, are you not in a hurry? "

Changsun also realized that this family dinner today was not just to reminisce about old times.

She is going to be forced into marriage.

"Auntie, I'm still young, don't be in a hurry."

After hearing this, Chang Sun Yan finally understood the meaning of today's family dinner. It turned out that it was to force a marriage!
"Why are you so young? I and your mother are already over seventy years old. Our only wish now is to see you get married, start a business, and flourish.

It would be better for you to pretend to be an iron tree for me, right? It takes 60 years to bloom? "

Changsun Wuji's eyes widened instantly. Are you still young?

Your nephews already have sons, so as an uncle, don’t you know what shame is?

It's so awesome, do you really think of yourself as an iron tree?
"Father, father, son, aren't you obsessed with your career and can't find the right one?"

Changsun Yan is depressed. I didn't say that I have to get married when I am 60 years old, but I really haven't met the right one now.

When I meet the right person, you don't need to tell me, I will naturally think about getting married.

"Suitable? What do you want? How about I go to His Majesty and ask you for a princess?"

When he heard that there was no suitable one, Changsun Wuji also gave Changsun Yan a sideways glance.

Not suitable yet?Just like this, what kind of thing are you looking for?

I really don't know what to say.

"I don't want to be a son-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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