My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 493: How about the 3-year period?

Changsun Yan was stunned for a moment, marrying the princess?

please forgive me.

I don’t want to live with tracheitis.

Some of the princesses of the Tang Dynasty were easy to deal with.

What I want to marry is a wife, not to invite an ancestor back.

Besides, there are only a few people who actually marry princesses who are truly happy, except of course my brother.

He didn't want to be shrouded in the shadow of the princess for the rest of his life.

Isn't that something that only a mentally retarded person would do?

"Marry a princess? You think about it. Do you think His Majesty will marry a princess from the Tang Dynasty to you?"

Changsun Wuji is depressed. I'm just telling you, do you still take it seriously?
Is it true that a princess is just a cabbage?
Can any pig do it?

If you don't want to do anything anymore, let's see what you can do.

"Not the best!"

Changsun Yan curled his mouth and muttered softly.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, father is right, Yan'er is just wishful thinking."

Changsun Yan hurriedly replied to his father to avoid being dealt with by the other party again.

"You just need to know yourself."

Changsun Wuji rolled his eyes at Changsun Yan, "You know how much you weigh."

"Yan'er, it's good that you are a good match. Your sister-in-law and Wan Ru have also found two marriages for you."

Changsun Yan is not feeling well!But Changsun ignored him and continued to speak.

"One is the legitimate daughter of the Xue family, who is twenty years old and has a beautiful face.

The other is Wanru's cousin, who is also generous and well-educated. "

Changsun smiled slightly, and then handed the two portraits to Changsun Yan's hands.

Looking at the person in the portrait, Chang Sun Yan also frowned.

These two portraits look good, but who knows what they will look like when they meet.

As for the so-called photos, he was afraid of being cheated.

Besides, there is nothing good about women from aristocratic families. Those who have too many things to do all day long are not as good as the lady from the Sun family who sells tofu.

Gentle, graceful, and generous.

"Auntie, here."

"What is this? It's up to you to choose one."

Changsun Wuji slapped the table, glared at Changsun Yan and shouted angrily.

"I do not want!"

Changsun Yan also stood up suddenly, even though marriage is a matter of parents' orders and matchmaker's words.

But he was deeply taught by Li Yanran, a new generation of young people, so how could he be shackled by these old customs?

"It's against you!"

Changsun Wuji's beard is about to fly. This son really has strong wings and wants to fly solo.

How dare you confront yourself in front of so many people.

"Father, can you please stop interfering with me? Now I just want to work hard with Brother Li, make good money, and provide for you and my mother-in-law until the end of their lives."

Courage is like a spring. When you are weak, it becomes strong. Changsun Wuji was so violent that Changsun Yan gave up on the spot.

"I'm going to use you to support you until the end of your life?"

"I have a son and grandson, and I'm afraid that you will end up alone like this, and no one will care for you until you die."

Changsun Wuji really wants to strangle Changsun Yan to death now. Do I need you to support him until the end of his life?
I have children, a daughter and grandchildren, do I need you?
If you were not my son, I would have nothing to do with you.

I really don't know.

"I don't want these two young ladies anyway, you can make up your own mind!"

Changsun Yan was depressed. Anyway, he would not agree to just choose one person to be his wife.

"I'll take care of it? Do you believe that I tied you up and threw you into the bridal chamber?"


Seeing Changsun Wuji being so domineering, Changsun Yan was also dumbfounded.

I've heard of people forcing cows to drink water, but I've never heard of people being tied up and sent to the bridal chamber.

What the hell is this?

"Father, if you do this, the child will have no choice but to run away from the marriage. Anyway, if the girl is left alone in the empty room, you will be embarrassed if she makes a joke."

You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

If you dare to tie me up and take me to the bridal chamber, I will leave the bride alone in the empty chamber.

If you can't have a child in a year or two, it will still be your eldest grandson Wuji who will be left behind.

"you dare?"

Changsun Wuji was also confused, this guy was really a bastard.

I have tried so hard to get you a wife, but you are so desperate to escape from the marriage?

You are really right to follow the teachings of the Changsun family.

If you are a hundred years from now, the ancestors of the Changsun family will strangle you to death.

"If you don't believe it, let's try it!"

Changsun Yan also looked at Changsun Wuji unwilling to admit defeat, "How dare you do this? How dare I show you infertility."


"Okay, stop talking."

Changsun also looked at the two people who were facing each other and shouted in a low voice with a straight face.

"Auntie, my son has his own ideas. Please advise my father not to force me."

Changsun Yan's face was full of grievances. His father was really too domineering and didn't care about his own feelings at all.

"Stop talking, one year, I'll give you one year.

If you can find a wife within a year, give up. If you can't find a wife, you must follow the arrangements of your family. How about that? "

Changsun looked at his son and expressed his thoughts.

"Three years! How about three years?"

When he heard that his mother only gave him one year, Changsun Yan also looked pitifully and shook his mother's arm.

"Three years? How about giving you 30 years?"

Changsun Wuji slapped the table and glared at Changsun Yan.


Changsun Yan was speechless for a while, he might be dead in 30 years.

"Okay, it's only for one year. If you don't agree, then just tie her up. It's embarrassing. Anyway, the task of marrying you is completed.

As for the shame you mentioned, it is your father who is being shamed, so what does it have to do with me? "

Changsun shook her head. She didn't care at all about Changsun Yan's threats.

It's embarrassing and also disgraceful to the eldest son's family. I'm just an outsider and it won't affect my mother's family.



Changsun Wuji and Changsun Yan were both speechless. It was the Changsun family who was lost.

Auntie, you know the art of speaking.

"Okay, then one year, but you can't mention it again within this year."

Changsun Yan was like a deflated rubber ball. He had no room to resist against his mother's decisive attack.

I can only raise my hands and surrender.

If you can put it off for a day, count it as a day. If you really wait until one year, then let’s talk about it.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Changsun nodded, as long as his son agreed.

At least there is hope now, and I will be able to persevere in a year.


Changsun Yan said that he started to sweep away the wind and residual clouds again. Before anyone could react, he had already put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.

Wiping his mouth, he said to his parents with satisfaction: "Father, mother, the child has eaten. If everything is okay, I will go back to Lishan."


Seeing Changsun Yan, everyone was stunned, even Changsun Yuanji's eyes widened, full of shock.

His little brain couldn't figure out why someone would eat so fast.

It simply refreshed his world view.

"Are you... full?"

Changsun looked at his son and sighed.

Son, son, you really opened my eyes.

From now on, in the eldest grandson's family, you will definitely be the king of breadwinners.

"I am full!"

Changsun Yan patted his belly and burped again.

"Get out of here when you're full. I'll get upset just looking at you."

Changsun Wuji felt depressed for a while. This child was hopeless and he had really lost his own.

If I take him to a banquet again in the future, I will be an absolute fool.


Changsun Yan saluted the two of them, then walked around the table, then ran away.

Looking at Changsun Yan's back, Changsun Wuji could only vaguely hear the words "The wind is blowing tightly."

"Madam, this...hey!"

Changsun Wuji sighed and left with a puff of sleeves.

Changsun Yan left the Changsun Mansion like a flying goose, and the wheels of the carriage almost ran out of sparks along the way.

It wasn't until he left Chang'an City that the speed of the carriage slowed down, and he glanced at Chang'an behind him with lingering fear.

Changsun Yan also made up his mind that he would never come back again if nothing happened.

It's so dangerous.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Si rode his horse to Changsun Yan's side, wondering what happened to Changsun Yan.

"It's okay, hurry back to Lishan."


Lishan is still the same, and it has not changed because of the loss of a few people.

Dark clouds emerged from nothing, then became denser, and finally enveloped Lishan Mountain like a top.

White snow fell from the sky, turning Lishan Mountain into a blanket of white within two days.

"It's snowing again!"

Li Yanran stretched out her hands and caught the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Isn't it bad when it snows? The colder the weather, the better the sales of honeycomb briquettes."

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran, isn't the current situation just right?

The colder the weather, the greater the amount of briquettes used, and the more money you can make.

After glancing at Changsun Yan, Li Yanran had nothing to say.

Make money, don't be ashamed.

But she didn't want to make this kind of money.

Worrying about the cold weather and wishing the weather would be cold, she would not have such thoughts anyway.

"what happened?"

Changsun Yan was stunned, wondering what happened to be so disliked by Li Yanran.


Li Yanran shook her head and left directly.

Everyone also followed Li Yanran and left, leaving only Changsun Yan messy in the snow.

Chang'an is still prosperous and briquettes are still popular, but those poor families can only persevere in the wind and snow.

I hope that after this snow, the weather will be warmer, otherwise this winter will be a bit unbearable.

Just when the Tang Dynasty was wrapped in silver, Tubo was also ready to make a move.

Dayan Mangbuzhi led nearly [-] Tibetan troops to fight the Tuhun Valley, and at the same time marched into Wuhai, hoping to completely capture the Tuhun Valley.

At the same time, Tubo Prime Minister Lu Dongzan also led the Tubo envoys to Chang'an through the wind and snow.

"Your Highnesses, Your Majesty wants you to return to Chang'an immediately."

The servant came to the fief and told Li Zhi's will.

Li Yanran and Li Hong looked at each other, also confused.

He just came back from Chang'an, why should he be asked to go back again.

"Why does the emperor want us to go back to Chang'an?"

"Your Highness, when the Tubo envoys arrived in Chang'an, His Majesty ordered all the ministers that the princes and nobles must be present, that's why the slaves and servants were sent to invite the two to return."

The chamberlain saluted Li Yanran and told all the reasons.

"Tubo envoy?"

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