My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 494: The Tibetan envoys are coming fiercely

Chapter 494: The Tibetan envoys are coming fiercely
Hearing this, Li Yanran was completely stunned.

Tubo envoy?Could it be Songtsen Gampo?

No, Songtsan Gampo was a character from his grandfather's time, so he should be a man by now.

So why are the Tibetan envoys coming to Chang'an now?
"Yes, I hope that your two highnesses will seize the time and return to Chang'an, so as not to make your majesty angry."

The chamberlain also nodded and asked them to pack up quickly.

"You go down!"


Watching the eunuch leave, Li Yanran also glanced at the people around her.

"What else is there to see? Everyone, please pack up and return to Chang'an together!"


Changsun Yan and others were also stunned, wondering what Li Yanran meant.

"Didn't you hear? All the children of princes and nobles must be on the list. Do you think you can't go back?"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Changsun Yan, are your ears used to vent your anger?

What I just said is so clear. Do your ears have built-in filtering properties?

"Oh oh oh."

"Oh what, why don't you hurry up and get ready."

Changsun Yan and others also left together to prepare their luggage.

A dozen carriages left the fiefdom and headed toward Chang'an under the escort of five hundred imperial troops.

Chang'an was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, creating a prosperous scene like the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Tubo envoy finally entered Chang'an. Looking at the prosperity in front of them, the eyes of the Tubo people were full of envy and jealousy.

When will Tubo become like Chang'an?

"Prime Minister, Chang'an is really great!"

Wing Commander Zanben spoke to the Prime Minister in the carriage, his eyes full of anger.

He was already imagining the beautiful scenery of Tibetan soldiers and horses coming to Chang'an and taking it as his own.

"That's it, it would be great if Chang'an belonged to Tubo."

Another Tibetan official whispered to the carriage.

"Don't talk nonsense."

The voice of Prime Minister Lu Dongzan floated out.



The two of them also saluted the carriage together.

Lu Dongzan sat in the carriage, his eyes were cold.

He also had a mission when he came here this time. Now Tubo was fighting with Tuhun Valley, and Tuhun Valley was being defeated by him.

The biggest variable in this meeting is Datang. If Datang sends troops to rescue, it will be too difficult for him to fulfill his strategic intentions.

After all, the Tang Dynasty is now like a behemoth hanging over all countries, and they only send out envoys as a last resort.

Now it depends on what Datang thinks. I hope that my mission will be successful.

"Your Majesty, the Tibetan envoys are already waiting outside the imperial city."

Prime Minister Renya saluted Li Zhi directly and told the story of the Tibetan envoys' arrival in the imperial city.

"Xuan Tubo envoys have an audience."

Li Zhi nodded and directly motioned for the Tibetan envoys to meet him.

"Your Majesty has an order to announce the visit of Tubo envoys!"

"Your Majesty has an order to announce the visit of Tubo envoys!"

"Your Majesty has an order to announce the visit of Tubo envoys!"

The decree was conveyed layer by layer, and finally reached outside the imperial city.

Tubo Prime Minister Lu Dongzan tidied his clothes, led his servants and guards through the gate of the imperial city, and headed towards the Golden Palace.

Seeing the heavily armored and majestic Imperial Guards on both sides, the entourage who followed Lu Dongzan all shuddered.

Tubo also had heavy armored soldiers, but compared with the Tang Dynasty, they were far from the same in terms of workmanship and everything else.

Is this the strength of an overlord? It is really frightening.

"Calm down and keep silent."

Lu Dongzan glanced at the people around him and spoke slowly.


"The Tubo envoy Lu Dongzan paid a visit to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Along the way, Lu Dongzan finally arrived at the Jinluan Palace. He looked at Li Zhi on the dragon throne and bowed slowly.

"No gift, flat body."

Li Zhi waved his hand, motioning for Lu Dongzan to flatten himself.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Lu Dongzan also straightened up and looked at Li Zhi on the dragon throne.

"Lu Dongzan, why did you come to our Tang Dynasty?"

"Back to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Lu Dongzan came here as a gift."

Lu Dongzan smiled slightly, then clapped his hands behind him.

Countless Tubo envoys carried boxes one by one to the Jinluan Hall.

"This is a gift from Tubo Zanpu to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Jin Ang and Jin Polo are the national treasures of Tubo. I hope your Majesty will accept them." Lu Dongzan smiled slightly and opened the contents of the box.

"Ryan, take it!"

Li Zhi also heard that the treasures of Tubo had these two things, and now that they came here to present, they would definitely not return empty-handed.

Now that Tubo and Tuhun Valley are fighting, I support Tuhun Valley and cannot allow Tubo to grow bigger.

Presumably that's why they came here.

"Lu Dongzan, I accept this gift, now tell me your purpose of coming!"

Looking at Lu Dongzan, Li Zhi also frowned.

"Your Majesty, the Tuhun Valley is unjust and has been invading our Tibetan territory for many years. Tibet couldn't bear it anymore and only then fought back.

However, the Heavenly Army of the Tang Dynasty had already begun to support the war in Tuhun Valley, which hindered the friendship between the two countries.

I also hope that your majesty can order the Tang army to return. After defeating the Tuhun Valley, we, Tubo, will still bow our heads and regard the Tang Dynasty as our suzerain, and will never betray us forever. "

After Lu Dongzan organized his words, he directly spoke about the current war, and still put himself in the perspective of the victim.

As the saying goes, teachers are famous, Tubo has been influenced by the culture of the Tang Dynasty, and this hand of confusing right and wrong is quite good.

"Your Majesty, I have the original performance!"

Hearing Lu Dongzan's words, before Li Zhi opened his mouth, he saw Ren Yaxiang stepping forward and saluting him.

"Prime Minister Ren, if you have anything to say, just say it."

“Your Majesty, what I heard about the war between Tubo and Tuhun Valley is not what Lu Dongzan said.

The Tuhun Valley country was small and weak, so how could it dare to invade Tubo? However, Tubo had been eyeing Tuhun Valley for many years and often caused friction.

And now the battle between the two countries was also provoked by Tubo, so the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty supported Tuhun Valley. I don’t know how Lu Dongzan explained it? "

The Tang Dynasty had already heard about the arrival of the Tubo envoys, and Prime Minister Renya had made many preparations for this war.

Now that he heard that Lu Dongzan was confusing right and wrong and the evildoer complained first, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

"This should be Prime Minister Ren. The battle between Tubo and Tuhun Valley has been going on for a long time.

The Tuhun Valley was originally our Tubo territory, and it is natural for us to take it back.

This is like the fact that Datang defeated the Turks and conquered the Western Regions.

I, Tubo, am a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. This war is to save my Tubo people from fire and water. Is it not possible to save my own people? "

Lu Dongzan glanced at Prime Minister Ren Ya. Since he was on an envoy, he naturally knew something about the court of the Tang Dynasty. This Prime Minister Ren Ya made great contributions in the Western Regions in his early years.

So he also directly brought up the war in the Western Regions, hoping to arouse the resonance of the other party.

"How can the Tang Dynasty's conquest of the Western Regions be compared to the war between Tubo and the Tuhun Valley? Prime Minister, you really have changed your mind.

Besides, it has been hundreds of years since the Murong clan migrated to Tuhun Valley. It is a bit unreasonable to say that Tuhun Valley is the old land of Tibet. "

Renya looks older than her, but her sharp tongue is unrivaled.

He directly overturned everything Lu Dongzan said just now.

You are wolves with ambition, and now you want to annex Tuhun Valley in the name of orthodoxy, how can it be such a good thing.

Tubo is now very powerful and can be called the overlord in the southwest. The Lingnan Road of the Tang Dynasty is also radiated by it and is often harassed by soldiers and horses.

If Tuhun Valley was annexed by Tubo again, it would eventually become a powerful enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, Tubo was different from those nomadic peoples. Their administrative system was complete. If it continued for a long time, problems would inevitably arise in the southern part of the Tang Dynasty.

So no matter what, Tuhun Valley must not be taken by Tubo.

This is Datang's bottom line.

"What Prime Minister Ren said is really ridiculous. I, the Tubo clan, have been living on that land for thousands of years. The Tuhun Valley was also taken away from me by the Tubo clan when the Murong clan migrated here.

In the past, I, Tubo, had no ability and could only let my ancestral land fall into the hands of outsiders.
Now that our Tubo army is strong, we should naturally take back our ancestral land.
I also hope that the Tang Dynasty will not help Zhou to do evil, lest the two sides meet at war and damage the harmony between the two countries. "

Lu Dongzan also didn't expect Ren Yaxiang to speak so sharply. He frowned and slowly replied.

"Are you threatening me, Datang?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi also raised his eyebrows and shouted at Lu Dongzan.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Lu Dongzan didn't mean that. The Tang Dynasty has always been my friend of Tubo, and now Princess Wencheng is also the mother of our country.

I also hope that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty can sympathize with Tubo, and don't let Princess Wencheng sit and watch the battle between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo because of a small Tuhun Valley. "

Lu Dongzan looked at Li Zhi and immediately carried Princess Wencheng out.

Although Princess Wencheng is not Li Shimin's biological daughter, she is still considered Li Zhi's cousin.

Do you really want to see Princess Wencheng trapped between Tubo and Tang Dynasty, in a dilemma?

"You still dare to mention Princess Wencheng?"

When he heard that the other party was talking about Princess Wencheng, Li Zhi immediately stopped.

When Tubo became more and more powerful, it wanted to get Princess Wencheng from the Tang Dynasty, but his father had no choice but to let Princess Wencheng enter Tibet.

This was not a glorious history for the Tang Dynasty, but now you dare to talk about it.

It's really revealing. If the Tang Dynasty had been as strong as it was during my father's time, it would have sent troops to destroy Tubo at that time.

Even if this is the case, they have won several battles, otherwise it is not certain what the situation between the two sides will be now.

Li Zhi was like this, and so were the civil and military officials in the palace, especially the generals, who all looked at Lu Dongzan with their eyes wide open.

If looks could kill, Lu Dongzan would have been cut into pieces by now.

"Your Majesty, if you have to send troops because of the face of the Tuhun Valley suzerainty, Tubo has another alternative."

Feeling the malice in the palace, Lu Dongzan also frowned.

He simply couldn't figure out what was going on. Princess Wencheng entered Tibet and had a high status. She was regarded as the mother of Tubo.

Why do these Tang people seem to explode when I mention it?

"Then I'd like to hear your so-called workaround."

(End of this chapter)

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