My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 495 Whoever commits crimes against me in the Tang Dynasty will be punished even if they are

Chapter 495 Whoever commits crimes against me in the Tang Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away!

After looking at Lu Dongzan, Li Zhi temporarily put down his anger and waited to hear what he had to say.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I, Tubo, have now taken over a lot of land. As long as the Tang Dynasty admits that it is wrong, the land south of Wenbo and the meander of the river will all belong to me, Tubo.

I, Tubo, agreed to cease fighting with Tuhun Valley and reconcile. "

Lu Dongzan saluted again and told Tubo's backup strategy.

Cuowenbo is actually the Tibetan name for Qinghai Lake, which means "blue sea".

Although Tubo has not yet been killed, as long as the follow-up troops are deployed, the place he mentioned will definitely be captured by himself.

It will be more beneficial for Tubo if it can pass through the Tang Dynasty and allow Tuhun Valley to cede these places to itself.

As long as the vast land of Qinghai Lake and the Yellow River can be won, the strength of Tubo will inevitably rise to a higher level.

After they have completely digested it, they can continue eastward and annex the Tuhun Valley in one fell swoop.

At that time, even if Datang really wants to fight with itself, it will still have to weigh its losses.

"Wrong Wenbo and the meander of the Yellow River? You have a pretty good idea. Why don't you just let the Shanyu of the Tuhun Valley completely merge into your Tubo!"

When Cheng Yaojin heard this, he also frowned coldly. You Tubo people really want to eat swan meat.

I really don’t know how many pounds I have.

"If this is the case, I, Tubo, will definitely abide by the Tang Dynasty as our suzerain and will never betray him forever. I just don't know if His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty agrees?"

Looking at Cheng Yaojin, who had white eyebrows and beard, Lu Dongzan also sneered and continued following Cheng Yaojin's words.


Seeing that Lu Dongzan climbed up smoothly, Cheng Yaojin felt as sick as if he had eaten a dead fly.

If he hadn't been in the Jinluan Palace, if he hadn't been the Prime Minister of Tubo, he would have crushed the old man's head.


"Gong Lu, don't be angry."

"Lu Dongzan, you must be tired after coming from Tubo. I have prepared a banquet for you to rest temporarily.

As for these military and national affairs, let’s wait until you have a good rest. "

Li Zhi glanced at the aggrieved Cheng Yaojin and slowly praised Lu Dong.

"In that case, Lu Dongzan would like to thank His Majesty the Emperor."

Lu Dongzan smiled slightly, and Li Zhi did not refuse at the court, which proved that there was still room for relaxation in this matter.

If he can really achieve his purpose, Tubo will definitely prosper.

"Your Majesty, you must not agree to Tubo. Now Tubo has become the biggest enemy of the Tang Dynasty in the southwest.

Tuhun Valley is the front line against Tibet, if Tibet is really allowed to succeed.

They have digested the place just mentioned, and they will definitely press forward step by step in the next step.

When the Tuhun Valley is completely annexed, the Tang Dynasty will be in danger. "

Cheng Yaojin couldn't hold it in any longer and saluted directly to Li Zhi.

The places Lu Dongzan mentioned are the most fertile places in the southwest. Although Tubo is not a small place, it lacks these good places.

If these places were really handed over to Tibet, the consequences would be endless.

"Your Majesty, I also think that what Lu Guogong said is very true, Tuhun Valley cannot be lost, nor can it be allowed.

Any doubt we have now will only fuel Tubo's arrogance.
Therefore, I suggested sending troops immediately to fully support Tuhun Valley.

Only by giving Tubo a severe blow can we curb the opponent's arrogance and ensure the safety of the southwest of the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Ji also stood up, frowning and admonishing Li Zhi.

"Xiang Renya, what do you think?"

Li Zhi looked at Ren Yaxiang and asked for his opinion.

"The Tubo are like hungry wolves to our Tang Dynasty, but our army is currently short of food and grass, and the main force is in the north. If we start a war rashly, it will be detrimental to me."

Ren Yaxiang frowned. He actually supported the war, but now they were unprepared in the southwest, and most of the main force was in the north.

Su Dingfang wiped out the Turks, and Xue Rengui also led the army to attack Goguryeo.

It's not easy to mobilize troops and horses, and after years of fighting, they don't have much food storage now.

If we really want to go to war with Tubo, it will take a long time to prepare.

"Ren Yaxiang, what do you mean? Do you agree with Nalu Dongzan's request?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at Ren Yaxiang and immediately ran away.

When Lu Dongzan said this, he just felt angry, but if Renya agreed, he would be angry.

How can someone turn their elbows outward?
You are still not a human being.

"Gong Lu? Be careful what you say!"

Li Zhi glared at Cheng Yaojin, knowing that you have a bad temper, but you can't just blow up.

This is my Jinluan Palace, not your Duke Lu's Mansion.

No wonder that idiot Cheng Chubi always gets into trouble. It turns out he inherited it from you.

“Your Majesty, I think what Mr. Lu Guo said is extremely true and cannot encourage Tubo’s arrogance.

Didn’t Ren Xiang say that the troops and horses were unprepared and the food and grass were insufficient?

Su Dingfang was willing to send [-] troops south to drive the Tubo people out of the Tuhun Valley. "

Su Dingfang, who had just defeated the Turks and was named the Duke of Xing, also stood up with a tiger's face and challenged Li Zhi to fight.

"Your Majesty, think twice! Once troops are sent out, the war between the two countries will not be settled in a moment.

Now that the Western Region has just been pacified, what should we do if there is a problem there?

In the light of benevolence and elegance, there is no harm in temporarily acknowledging the ownership of those places.

It is only right to wait until the Western Region is completely digested before raising troops to help Tuhun Valley regain the lost territory. "

Prime Minister Renya shook his head again. Sacrificing a Tuhun Valley was nothing to the Tang Dynasty, but if it really had to confront Tubo, it would be a national war.

Trading space for time is not unacceptable to him.

At the very least, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages for Datang. After all, its speed of digesting the Western Regions was better than that of Tubo's digestion of Hequ and Cuowenbo. "Your Majesty, Cheng Yaojin invites you to fight."

"Your Majesty, Yuchi Jingde invites you to fight."

"Your Majesty, Li Ji invites you to fight."

All the generals looked at each other, and saluted Li Zhi together to ask for a fight.

They ask themselves that they can't be polite, but express themselves in the simplest way.

Please fight.

"Think twice, Your Majesty."

"Think twice, Your Majesty."

"Think twice, Your Majesty."

However, a group of civil servants chose to support Prime Minister Renya. They had the same idea as Prime Minister Renya, and it was not appropriate to engage in a full-scale war with Tubo now.

"Enough, retreat!"

Li Zhi was so noisy by the two waves of people that he shouted angrily and walked away.


Ruian quickly shouted and left after Li Zhi.


Cheng Yaojin glanced at Ren Yaxiang, breathed out of his nostrils, and turned around to leave.

All the generals also sneered and left the Jinluan Hall.

Li Zhi left the Jinluan Palace and went directly to Wu Zetian's palace. On such military and state affairs, he still had to listen to his wife's opinion.

"Mei Xiaoyanran and Hong'er are here too!"

Li Zhi also stared at Li Yanran and Li Hong who were acting like a baby in Wu Zetian's arms.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly?"

Wu Zetian frowned, wondering what was wrong with Li Zhi.

"Mei Niang, the people coming from Tibet this time are not good!"

Li Zhi sat directly next to Wu Zetian and slowly told the purpose of the Tibetan people's visit and the disputes in the court.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

After listening to Li Zhi's words, Wu Zetian also frowned.

"Of course I don't want to sit back and watch Tubo grow stronger, but as Prime Minister Ren Ya said.

Now the best soldiers and generals of the Tang Dynasty are all in the north, and our food and grass reserves need to be replenished for successive battles.

If we really want to go to war with Tubo, I'm afraid I'll lose! "

Li Zhi sighed. His father married Princess Wencheng to Tubo because he wanted to appease Tubo.

Now Datang is much stronger than his father back then. If he still has to be coerced by the other party, he will feel sad about this in his heart.

It's okay for me to be bullied and threatened. If I, as a son, are bullied like this, then he, as an emperor, has failed too much.

But the situation is stronger than the people. Even if he really wants to fight Tubo, he still needs to mobilize his troops and generals, which cannot be in place in a short while.

This is the original intention of Prime Minister Ren Ya, to trade space for time and accumulate strength to win the battle.

"Mei Niang, do you mean war or peace?"

After finishing speaking, Li Zhi looked at Wu Zetian again. When heaven and man were fighting, he really needed someone to help him make a decision.

Wu Zetian is the most appropriate person.

Wu Zetian naturally knew Li Zhi's inner struggle. As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, every decision affected tens of millions of people.

Glancing at Li Hong and Li Yanran who were listening with open ears, Wu Zetian also smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you listen to what our Hong'er and Yanran think?"

Li Zhi was also stunned when he heard Wu Zetian's words, but then he thought that this was the time to train his children. After all, Li Hong was the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

Exposing him to these military and national events early will also be beneficial to his future growth.

"Hong'er, Yanran, do you have any ideas?"

"Father, beat him."

Li Hong looked at Li Zhi excitedly, jumped up and said.

This is the first time that his father has asked him about military affairs. It is impossible to say that he is unhappy.

Although his ideas may not be adopted, he is willing to take them seriously.


Li Zhi was stunned. I asked you what you think, but you just wanted to beat him up?

After all, I still looked up to this stupid son.

"Hong'er, your father asked you what you think. If you said you'd beat him, there must be a reason!"

Wu Zetian also slapped himself on the forehead. This child was really a child, and she looked up to him.

"Father, I have no idea, but my sister once said that those who offend our Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away they are.

I don’t know how strong Tubo is, I just know that when I fight someone in the fiefdom, it doesn’t matter how strong the opponent is.

I always take the lead and build up my momentum first. "

Li Hong frowned and expressed all his thoughts during the fight.

"Fighting in the fiefdom? Do you dare to fight with others in the fiefdom?"

He didn't hear clearly what Li Hong said. Li Zhi only heard that he often fought with people in the fiefdom.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, how could he fight with people all day long?

Hearing this, Li Hong quickly covered his mouth.

Damn it, why did you say this?


(End of this chapter)

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