Chapter 496: One person can carry [-] soldiers
Li Yanran also sighed, as the saying goes, you can live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do evil on your own.

This time, my sister didn’t ask you to take the blame, you jumped out of it yourself.

"Father, father, emperor, son"

"If you don't learn well at a young age, what have you been doing all day long?"

Li Zhi didn't give Li Hong a chance to explain, and slapped him on the head.

"Father, my son is wrong!"

Li Hong cried immediately after being beaten. This slap was indeed a heavy blow that he could not bear.

"Cry, just cry. How many times have I told you that if a man bleeds, he will not shed tears. Just hold them back!"

Li Hong cried when he saw the slap, and Li Zhi was also angry for a while.

I am annoyed right now. You are still here crying and moaning. I am not dead yet.

There is no need for you to mourn for me here.

"Mother, help me!"

Seeing Li Zhi's arm raised again, Li Hong also hid behind Wu Zetian like a rabbit.

"Your Majesty, forget it. Hong'er is young after all, and it is his nature to be naughty."

Wu Zetian protected Li Hong behind her and glanced at Li Zhi faintly.

"Mei Niang, just protect him! Humph!"

Wu Zetian had already spoken, but Li Zhi could do nothing but glare at Li Hong.

That seems to mean that you boy will wait for me.

"Hong'er, this time your father is a small punishment but a big warning. He will not be spared lightly next time."

Seeing Li Zhi give up, Wu Zetian also dragged Li Hong to her and said to him seriously.

But after all, Wu Zetian's bare hands inadvertently rubbed Li Hong's ears.


Li Hong shuddered and almost cried again.

Mother, don’t do this, your son is scared!

"Yanran, tell me, what do you think about the Tubo incident?"

Li Zhi was too lazy to pay attention to his silly son and directly focused on his precious daughter.

After all, Li Yanran's mind is far beyond that of ordinary people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she has a graceful appearance.

Now he wanted to hear what his daughter had to say.

"Father, if you are not in the position, you will not seek other government affairs. Yan Ran is just a child, so don't make things difficult for me!"

Li Yanran looked at her expectant father and shook her head.


Li Zhi was dumbfounded. I am asking you something. Can you tell me this?
What is this!
"Xiao Yanran, what you said is wrong.

You are the princess of the Tang Dynasty, and the country of the Tang Dynasty is closely related to you.

The Tang Dynasty has given you supreme rights, and you have the obligation to overcome all obstacles for the Tang Dynasty.

If you don't tell me that you are ugly and ugly today, don't go to the fiefdom and stay in the palace. "

Wu Zetian was also depressed. She was the one who knew her daughter's abilities best.

Although he is small, he can't stand up to his big brain!
Just that Naoren, if you dig it out, is at least two pounds heavier than Li Hong's stupid son.


Li Yanran also had a headache after hearing what A Niang said.

This lady is really scratching her own sore foot and preventing her from going to the fiefdom, so it would be better to kill her.

She really didn't want to stay in the palace for a moment longer.

"Xiao Yanran, your mother is right, if you don't reveal your identity, the fiefdom will be under Di Renjie's jurisdiction.

You stay in the palace obediently, learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and be a qualified princess. "

Li Zhi also nodded, Mei Niang understood this little devil.

Why didn't you think of it yourself?
It must have been infected by Li Hong.

After speaking, Li Zhi glared at Li Hong again, which made Li Hong shiver and confused.

He didn't say anything, so why did he glare at himself again.

Shouldn't you be glaring at your precious daughter?
It's her who has nothing to do with her, and it's not me. .
Li Yanran looked at her father depressedly, and there was nothing she could do.

This mixed doubles game feels so good, it's better to find a way out quickly.

Recalling the historical records of later generations in my mind, the Tang Dynasty and Tubo fought for at least 300 years, and there were many wars recorded for later generations during this period.

The most famous one is naturally the defeat of the famous general Xue Rengui in Dafeichuan, in which the [-]-strong army was almost annihilated.

Of course, there is also Xue Rengui's son, Xue Ne, who avenged his father and defeated Tubo in a row.

There are also black teeth who are often ordered to attack, and Yeliang Feichuan has won eight battles and eight victories.

But the most talked about among them is the battle between the country-destroying god general Su Dingfang and Tubo.

First there was the Battle of Wuhai, where Su Dingfang's [-] defeated [-], and then Su Dingfang's [-] defeated [-].

There are even rumors that Su Dingfang went all the way to the capital of Tubo and burned down the Hongshan Palace. Of course, these are just legends and there are no historical records.

The Battle of Wuhai seems to have happened in 659, which is next year.

This means that no matter what the reason was, Datang finally sent troops to go to war with Tubo.

Now that the war has begun, it's easy to say.

"Father, my humble opinion is that you should just listen to it for fun. Don't be angry if what I say is not good."

"Well, tell me, father, I promise you won't be angry."

Li Zhi pulled Li Hong aside and sat next to Wu Zetian.

"The strength of Tubo should not be underestimated. Although the Tang Dynasty was not ready to go to war with Tubo, Tubo must not have been so prepared either, otherwise they would not have sent envoy Lu." "Tubo Prime Minister Lu Dongzang!"

“Yes, otherwise Lu Dongzan would not have been sent to negotiate, so my daughter thought they might be bluffing.

Tubo must have guessed that we are unprepared and dare not start a war. What would the other side think if we really sent troops to support Tuhun Valley? "

Li Zhi was also stunned for a moment.

Li Yanran is right!

The Tang Dynasty was not ready for war with Tibet, and Tibet was certainly not ready for such a war either.

Otherwise, why would Lu Dongzan come all the way to Chang'an.

Damn it, I was almost fooled by this old boy.

"Those are just your guesses. What if Tubo is ready to go to war with the Tang Dynasty?"

Wu Zetian naturally thought of Li Yanran's intention, but military and national affairs are not trivial matters, and cannot be decided by just guessing.

“Aniang, in fact, no matter whether Tubo is prepared or not, this battle must be fought.

The Tuhun Valley lies between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo. The reason why the emperor allowed the Tuhun Valley to exist was not to create a buffer zone between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo.

Once the Tuhun Valley is gone, Tubo's next target will definitely be the Tang Dynasty.

When friends come, they have wine, and when wolves come, they have swords and guns.

From what my daughter saw, this battle was not only going to be fought, but it would also make Tubo miserable. Only in this way could he be frightened.

After all, not only Tuhun Valley was under the threat of Tubo, but also the entire Western Region.

Once the Western Region is in emergency and we want to rescue, it is not as convenient as Tuhun Valley.

Let's talk about Tubo. My daughter recommends a general, who can carry [-] soldiers. "

Thinking about the historical content, Tubo began to cause trouble in Qinghai Road after annexing the Tuhun Valley. At the same time, it also extended its claws to the four towns of Anxi in the Western Regions.

If my mother hadn't abandoned her until her death, there is no doubt that the Western Regions would have been captured by Tubo.

Moreover, after the Anshi Rebellion, Tubo was also an uneasy master. He even joined forces with Tuhungu, Dangxiang, Qiang, Di and other Hu tribes to organize more than 20 coalition forces to enter Chang'an.

Therefore, she would definitely not allow such a thing to happen. If she wanted to fight, Tubo would not be able to make a comeback for decades.

Moreover, there was Su Dingfang, the god of destruction in the Tang Dynasty, who was the biggest sufferer of Tubo.

If this matter was really left to Su Dingfang, he believed that it would be difficult for Tubo.

Li Zhi was stunned. He really didn't expect Li Yanran to have such insight.

What Li Yanran said was not alarmist, on the contrary, it was extremely accurate.

Relying on the natural moat of the plateau, Tubo felt confident in dealing with the Tang Dynasty.

They could send troops to attack the Tuhun Valley and attack the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty could not send troops to attack Tubo.

Because they couldn't adapt to the plateau climate there at all, the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty would lose their combat effectiveness in all likelihood when they entered Tubo.

These are simply unsolvable problems.

If you really want to capture Tubo, you must first overcome this problem.

"One person can carry [-] soldiers? Who is it? I would like to see it."

Li Zhi frowned and looked at his daughter. He wanted to hear who in the Tang Dynasty could be so highly praised by Li Yanran.

"Of course it is Su Dingfang, the Duke of Xing who has just defeated the Turks. He is brave and good at fighting and is good at defeating many with less. He is naturally the best candidate to go to fight against Tibet."

Li Yanran smiled slightly and said Su Dingfang's name.

She believed that if this god of war made a move, wouldn't the little Tubo be able to pinch him with his hands?

"Xing Guogong is a suitable candidate, but if you say that he can carry [-] soldiers by himself, you may be overstating it!"

After looking at Li Yanran, Li Zhi also nodded, but Li Zhi didn't believe that he could fight one against a hundred thousand.

"Father, why don't you make a bet? If Su Dingfang is really allowed to lead the troops into battle, he will definitely be able to perform extraordinary feats and defeat the Tibetan people with fear."

Seeing her father's disbelief, Li Yanran's eyes lit up.

Dad, Dad, as long as you dare to bet with me, your daughter will definitely teach you a lesson.

I want you to know the horror of the unpredictable.


Li Zhi didn't speak, it's not that he didn't dare to bet, it's just that he hasn't made up his mind to go to war with Tubo.

"Your Majesty, I believe that we cannot let this battle go. Once we succumb to Tibet this time, the country that belongs to me, the Tang Dynasty, will definitely turn against us.

Even if we prepare enough troops and horses to start a war with Tubo in the Tuhun Valley, we will not be able to hide our weakness. It will be difficult for those kingdoms to come back. "

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Yanran, this daughter is really amazing.

Compared with his sister, Li Hong is not even a bit inferior!

"Well, I understand what you mean, but it is not easy to win this battle. As for what Yanran said, it is too difficult to fight the Tubo people who know the pain."

Li Zhi nodded, now he had made a decision in his heart.

The fight was over. He still didn't believe that his great Tang Dynasty would still be afraid of people from other countries?
"Father, what does this mean?"

Li Yanran was stunned. She understood the first half of the sentence, but she didn't understand the second half.

What does it mean to beat a Tibetan person who knows the pain is too hard?
"Yanran, do you know that there is a natural chasm in Tubo."

“When soldiers from the Tang Dynasty entered Tubo, they would feel dizzy, nauseated, vomited, and even numb in their limbs, basically losing their combat effectiveness.

This is why they send troops to harass our border with the Tang Dynasty, but it is difficult for us to fight back. "

"If you don't want to, you can't."

Li Zhi sighed after speaking, but the fact is that it is too difficult for him to invade Tubo territory.

Not just Li Zhi, but throughout the entire Han Dynasty, there was basically no one who could really control Tubo.

"Altitude sickness?"

(End of this chapter)

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