My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 497 War with Tubo

At this moment, a term popped into Li Yanran's mind: altitude sickness.

After all, the terrain of Tubo is too high. According to this, Tubo is really easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is inherently invincible.


Li Zhi was also stunned when he heard this term.

What is altitude sickness?
He had never heard of it.

"Father, the so-called altitude sickness is that the terrain in Tubo is too high. The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will not be able to adapt to it, and they will develop the symptoms you just mentioned."

Li Yanran originally wanted to say that it was caused by lack of oxygen, but she didn't know if Datang had oxygen, so she was vague about it.

"So, this is the passive point of my Datang Dynasty. I can't let 10,000+ troops train with Tubo every day just to win over Tubo!"

Li Zhi sighed. He also knew that this was difficult to do, but he had no choice.

"Father, in ancient times, King Gou Jian of Yue lived for ten years and finally destroyed Wu. Why couldn't the Tang Dynasty show such courage?

If Tubo can really be captured, then the southwest and western regions of the Tang Dynasty will be stable and safe within a hundred years.

This is beneficial to Datang, and there is no harm. Besides, altitude sickness is not real. "

Li Yanran frowned, maybe her father and mother hadn't expected how much pain the growing Tubo would bring to Datang.

If we don't suppress the opponent now before it reaches its peak, it will be too difficult when Tubo grows stronger by absorbing the blood of Tang Dynasty.

"What you said is simple. I also know that King Gou Jian of Yue was lying on his back to eat his courage, but if you want to train troops, do you know how much food and grass the country will consume? How much wealth will it consume?

Moreover, although Tubo has a vast terrain, it is a barren land. Even if we can destroy them, the gain will not be worth the loss. "

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, do you really think that military training and preparations are just a joke?
If you want to attack Tubo, it will take at least one or two years to train the soldiers and let them adapt to the plateau climate in advance.

Moreover, at least [-] soldiers and horses must be prepared this time. The Tang Dynasty is currently fighting on all sides and really does not have the energy to fight Tubo.

Tubo is just a piece of chicken ribs. It is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless and gives people a headache.

"Father, how much does it cost to train soldiers and horses?"

Li Yanran still didn't want to give up and asked herself directly about my consumption.

You have a lot of money anyway, little Tubo. At worst, I will spend my own money to kill you.


Li Zhi was stunned immediately, he didn't understand.

Why is his daughter so persistent? To him, Tubo is just a minor problem, and it is really not serious enough to go to war and destroy the country.

"What do you mean?"

"Father, you also said that my daughter is the princess of the Tang Dynasty, so naturally she should solve problems for the Tang Dynasty.

I think Tubo must be contained. If the court has no money to train troops, I will pay for the training myself.

Father, just tell me how much it costs to train troops. "

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi, she was not joking, money earned must be spent.

The province, the flower.

In the fight against Tubo, she, Li Yanran, had to help.


Li Zhi became angry in an instant, do you really think this is a play?

You spend your own money to train soldiers, so will the trained soldiers be loyal to you or to Datang?

It's really whimsical and I don't know what to say.

If anyone with money could train troops, wouldn't the Tang Dynasty be in chaos?
"Father, me."


"Yanran, why don't you quickly admit your mistake to your father!"

Wu Zetian slapped Li Yanran directly on the head, her eyes full of threats.

Looking at the angry father and the cold-faced mother, Li Yanran really couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that it was a mistake for me to spend money to help Datang raise troops?


Li Yanran's eyes were full of grievances, but the light in Wu Zetian's eyes became colder.

"Aniang wants you to admit your mistake to father!"

Looking at Wu Zetian in front of her, Li Yanran also shuddered.

cold, too cold.

Aniang's eyes were like ice knives, making her whole body shiver.

"Father, Emperor Yanran is wrong."

Li Yanran could not resist the pressure from her mother, so she also whispered to Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, Yanran is young, and she has good intentions. Please spare her this time!"

Wu Zetian also saluted Li Zhi politely, lowering her head and not daring to look into Li Zhi's eyes.

"Humph, I don't know what to say. Take good care of her!"

Li Zhi also snorted coldly and left with a puff of sleeves.

"Queen Mother? What's going on, Father?"

Li Hong looked at Li Zhi's back and was frightened.

He has never seen his father with such a stinky face since he can remember, but Sister A didn’t say anything!

She spent money to help the Tang Dynasty raise troops without asking for anything in return. Why did her father not only refuse to agree but was also so angry?

"Hong'er, you have to know that military power is always the most important matter for a person in power. Military power must not fall into the hands of others at any time.

This is like what Yan Ran said, A Niang knows what you mean, and your father also understands what you think.

But military power is always a counter scale, and if you touch it, you will die, no matter what method you use to implicate it, it will be the same.

So you must not make the same mistake in the future, do you understand? "

Wu Zetian looked at the aggrieved Li Yanran and sighed. This time it really touched Li Zhi's inverse scale.

It must be her, Li Yanran. If it had been someone else, even Li Hong, she might have been beaten into something horrible by now.

"Yanran understands!"

Li Yanran finally understood what Wu Zetian meant.

No matter when and where, this thing is a high-voltage electricity. If you think of reaching out, you will definitely be electrocuted.

I really took it for granted this time.

I must take this as a warning next time, but I won’t dare to mess with it again.

"It's good that you understand, Aniang also thinks that Tubo will definitely become my biggest enemy in the Tang Dynasty, so don't worry, Aniang will talk to your father!" Wu Zetian nodded, this daughter is good.

Be able to listen and know what to do and what not to do.

Unlike the silly son around him, who refuses to change after repeated admonitions, it can be said that Yumu's head just doesn't understand.

Li Yanran didn't speak, just nodded.

"Okay, don't be angry, does it hurt when Auntie hit you just now?"

Wu Zetian felt very distressed as she pulled Li Yanran into her arms.

After all, she is her own daughter, so if she hits her son, it will hurt her mother's body.


"Then Auntie will show you."

Li Zhi walked out of Wu Zetian's palace and looked at the sky above his head, feeling melancholy.

As Wu Zetian said, he understood that Li Yanran did it unintentionally and had good intentions, but some things are not right just because you have good intentions.

There are so many good intentions leading to bad things.

Military power is his last bottom line, no one can get involved, not even a little bit.

But thinking of Li Yanran's aggrieved appearance, Li Zhi also felt a little regretful.

Are you being a little too harsh?
"Your Majesty, where are we going now?"

Ruian glanced at Li Zhi, who looked depressed, and asked slowly.

"Where to go? Where do you think I should go?"


Looking at Li Zhi with a livid face, Ruian was stunned.

What's the situation?
No matter who you provoke, you will make trouble with yourself.

"Your Majesty, calm down, this servant deserves to die!"

With a pop, Ruian knelt in front of Li Zhi.

"Hmph! Let's go to the imperial study and let Prime Minister Renya, Xu Jingzong, Cui Xiuye, Cheng Yaojin, Li Ji, and Yuchi Jingde come to see us."

Looking at Ruian kneeling in front of him, Li Zhi had nothing to say and went directly to Long Chu.


Ryan saluted the dragon with both hands, his face was full of horror.

"And Xing Guogong Su Dingfang, let him also come to the imperial study room."

Li Zhi's voice slowly floated from a distance, since my daughter strongly recommends this person, let's see what he can do.

After hearing this, Ruian also saluted again and immediately arranged for someone to convey Li Zhi's will.

After receiving the emperor's order, several people did not dare to neglect and came directly to the palace in a carriage.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Ren Yaxiang in front of him and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The other generals also had the same expression. In their opinion, Ren Yaxiang was simply a traitor, and they naturally had no good feelings towards him.

Seeing the faces of the generals, Prime Minister Renya frowned, but he still didn't think he was wrong.

A group of reckless marchers who only know how to fight all day long and don't care about the national economy and people's livelihood at all.

"Your Majesty has a decree, all ministers will see you."

Hearing Ryan's call, everyone stepped into the imperial study side by side.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

Looking at Li Zhi sitting on the dragon chair, several people also saluted together.

"Be flat."

Li Zhi glanced at the people in front of him and waved his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Several people stood up and focused their attention on Li Zhi.

They all knew what Li Zhi meant by calling them over, and they must have made a decision.

Whether it's war or peace, it all depends on the meaning of the No.1 of the Tang Dynasty.

"I am not prepared to compromise on the Tubo matter."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Yaojin and others' eyes lit up.

Your Majesty is still not afraid, this is how you should face Tibet.

If those Tubo people don't know how powerful they are, I don't know how arrogant they will be in the future.

"Your Majesty, think twice!"

Different from the excitement of Cheng Yaojin and other generals, Ren Yaxiang frowned and spoke directly to Li Zhi.

It's not that he loves Tubo, it's just that now is really not the time to start a war.

Even if you want to fight, you must at least stabilize the Tibetan envoy first, and then attack with all your troops and horses ready.

Doing this now will only make the battle situation in the southwest more corrupt.

It is conceivable that after Tubo got the news that Tang Dynasty would send troops, it would definitely attack even more crazily.

"You don't need to think twice. Tuhun Valley is the territory conquered by the late emperor. Although it is a vassal state, it is actually the territory of Tang Dynasty.

I will not allow the Tang Dynasty's territory to be cut off by me, even if it is just a false promise.

I don’t want to face the late emperor in a hundred years. "

Li Zhi glared at Ren Yaxiang. He had decided to go to war with Tubo, and then the entire Tang Dynasty could only have one voice.

That is war.

He did not allow opinions that were contrary to the war.

Even the current prime minister is no exception.

"Xiang Renya understands!"

Seeing Li Zhi carrying the late emperor out, Ren Yaxiang also understood that the other party was really determined.

We want to support Tuhun Valley and start a war with Tubo.

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