My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 498: General Su Dingfang

Chapter 498: General Su Dingfang

Although he dares to speak out, it does not mean that he is stupid.

In this situation, if I raise any objections again, I may be waiting for what kind of punishment I will decide.

"Well, let's discuss the selection and scale of the troops now!"

Seeing that Ren Yaxiang didn't say anything else, Li Zhi nodded with satisfaction.

This is not about Li Yanran, but about the future of the Tang Dynasty. If the other party can't even see this point clearly, he is not the prime minister.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Yaojin invites you to fight!"

"Your Majesty, Yuchi Jingde invites you to fight."

"Your Majesty, Li Ji invites you to fight."

"Your Majesty, Su Dingfang invites you to fight."

Cheng Yaojin and the four others also saluted Li Zhi together and asked for a battle one after another, wanting to lead troops to fight against Tubo.

Looking at the four big men standing up, Li Zhi was also in a trance.

Everyone was so excited when they heard about the war, which really made him depressed.

"Your Majesty, I haven't been on an expedition for a while, and my hands have been itchy for a long time. Just let me go!"

Cheng Yaojin glanced at the three people in front of him, his eyes full of displeasure.

He has been idle at home for more than a year. During this time, other than beating his son, he had no chance to do anything.

No, luckily he beat up the bandit in the middle, otherwise he would have faded away long ago.

"Cheng Yaojin, just forget it."

"Your Majesty, let me lead the troops to go out. As long as [-], no, [-] troops and horses, I will completely drive the Tubo out of the Tuhun Valley."

Yuchi Jingde looked at Cheng Yaojin with contempt, and hurriedly spoke to Li Zhi.

"Twenty thousand!"

Li Ji looked at Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde with cold eyes, and slowly spit out the number of [-].

"Li Ji, you are robbing business, right?"

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were instantly angry, their eyes widening even more than a bull's eye.

"Ten thousand!"


Hearing this, the three of them focused their attention on Su Dingfang.

Li Ji's 2 people are already quite the limit. After all, Tubo is no better than those small countries in the Western Regions.

Regardless of the quality of the soldiers or the equipment and supplies, they are very strong, not much weaker than the elites of the Tang Dynasty.

The opponent now has at least [-] soldiers in Tuhun Valley. Are you so crazy to raise [-] troops?
I remember that I didn't dare to do this at first.

"Eight thousand!"

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and shouted out the bottom line of Eight Thousand Soldiers.

"Six thousand!"

Yuchi Jingde also frowned, but his words were not at all negative.

Li Ji's brows were furrowed. You are all crazy, right?
Thousands of soldiers dare to go there?

Do you really think those Tibetan soldiers are cabbage?

Even if there are [-] pigs, thousands of people may not be able to kill them all!

"one thousand!"


Cheng Yaojin just wanted to draw his sword and chop Su Dingfang in front of him. This guy was a joke sent by the monkey!
What was the use of 1000 people in the past?

Stuffing gaps between Tibetan people's teeth?
You're such a meow, you're so bragging!


Li Zhi slapped Long An with a cold look in his eyes.

I ask you seriously, but you are making fun of me here?
Do you think this is a vegetable market?
Chirping, gibbering.

Those who know you are the current princes and generals, but those who don’t know think you are just a bunch of old men bragging.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

A group of people were instantly frightened and hurriedly saluted Li Zhi.

"Prime Minister Renya, which prince do you think is suitable to lead the army in battle? How many troops are most suitable to send now?"

Li Zhi decided to ignore those living treasures and directly focused on Ren Yaxiang.

Although this old man is stubborn and stubborn, and often contradicts himself, his military qualities are still very good, and I believe he will not make mistakes.

"Your Majesty, from what I can see, Lu Guogong and E Guogong are a bit old after all.

If you want to choose between Duke Ying and Duke Xing, it would be safer to choose between Duke Ying and Duke Xing. If you want to send troops, it would be most suitable for you to choose Wan Yu. "

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Cheng Yaojin and directly punched him with age, which made the two of them dizzy.

"Your Majesty, Lian Po can still lead troops to fight in his [-]s. Why can't I lead an army to conquer Tibet?"

"Yes, Ren Yaxiang is discriminating against us, so what if we are older?

I can eat ten kilograms of meat, wear armor and ride horses unrivaled, so why can't I go to conquer Tibet? "

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde defended Li Zhi together, what the hell?

Old boy, you are very old, so why can you still be the prime minister now? Wouldn't it be better to go back and take care of yourself as soon as possible?

"Okay, don't argue about this anymore. Duke Xing, Duke Ying, do you have a strategy to defeat the enemy with an army of [-] people?"

Li Zhi also didn't want to let the two of them lead the troops. One of them was 69 and the other was 73, although their bodies looked very tough.

But after all, we have to travel a long way south, nearly a thousand miles along the way.

Normal people can't bear it, let alone elderly people like them.

Therefore, if you want to send troops to Tuhun Valley, the most suitable candidates are Li Ji and Su Dingfang.

Especially Su Dingfang, who was highly recommended by Li Yanran.

"Your Majesty, I will not fight an uncertain battle."

“It’s unclear how many Tibetan soldiers and horses there are now, and what the terrain is like.

The 2 people I mentioned just now are already the minimum. With 1 people, I am not sure of victory. I hope your Majesty will see clearly. "

Li Ji glanced at Li Zhi and frowned.He is not a reckless man. Facing the tens of thousands of Tibetan troops, 1 people are really not enough.

He didn't want to take risks because of a small Tubo, and then ruin his reputation for victory.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to send [-] troops to the south to support Tuhun Valley. This will surely defeat the Tubo people's plot."

Su Dingfang was gearing up, his eyes full of excitement.

In the previous battle with the Turks, he had always won with a small number, but now it was just a different enemy. In his opinion, they were all the same.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are bound to be invincible.

"Okay, I am very pleased that Duke Xing is so brave. I will take you as the general and lead [-] troops to go south to support the Tuhun Valley."

Li Zhi nodded. Su Dingfang was indeed a God of War figure. Although Li Ji's record was equally good, it seemed that he was not as enterprising as Su Dingfang.

This is the person Li Zhi needs, brave, fearless, and forward.

As expected, her daughter was right about the person. This guy is really brave, let's see if he can make the same contribution this time.

Of course, although he had just said that he would have [-] troops, it was impossible for him to actually do so. He could not make fun of the soldiers in Tuhun Valley and Datang.

"Su Dingfang takes the order!"

Su Dingfang knelt directly in front of Li Zhi and took the order to go south to Tubo and support Tuhun Valley.

"Your Majesty, thirty thousand soldiers, I'm afraid."

Su Dingfang was excited, but Ren Yaxiang was depressed.

Why did the 3 soldiers we just promised become [-]?
Didn’t they say that a gentleman’s words are hard to follow?
Is it such a joke for you to be an emperor?

"What's the matter? I still don't believe it, my Huanghuang Tang Dynasty can't even mobilize [-] soldiers and horses.

If there is one less person, let the people from the Ministry of War take over. If there are not enough people in the Ministry of War, you will go up.

No matter what, not one of these [-] soldiers and horses can be missing. This is the imperial decree. "

Li Zhi glared at Ren Yaxiang, if you old man dare to say anything again, I will have to throw you to the front line.


Ren Yaxiang sighed and saluted directly to receive the order.

The [-]-strong army is not just a matter of comparing soldiers, but also the most difficult thing is to arrange food and supplies.

Although it seems to have only increased by 2 people, it is several times more difficult for logistics.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are truly my dear Majesty.

"Okay, this matter is settled. Su Dingfang stays, and the rest of the people leave!"



Everyone saluted together and then left in turn.

"His Majesty?"

Su Dingfang looked at Li Zhi with confusion in his eyes.

I don’t know what the other party wants to do if he leaves me here?
"Xing Guogong, do you know why I chose you to be the marching general this time?"

Li Zhi waved his hand at Su Dingfang and motioned for him to sit down and talk.

"Su Dingfang doesn't know."

Su Dingfang was stunned. Wasn't it because I said I could defeat Tubo with ten thousand soldiers that he sent me there?

Is there anything else I don't know about this?

"My daughter, Princess Lishan, you must have heard about it too!"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and directly took Li Yanran out.

"Princess Lishan, I don't know much about her. I only heard that she is talented and intelligent, and is different from ordinary people."

Su Dingfang was stunned again. Could it be that his expedition had something to do with Princess Lishan?

"My daughter admires you very much. She even made a bet with me that as long as you lead the army to fight, you will be able to defeat Tubo and exalt the power of the Tang Dynasty."

Looking at the confused Su Dingfang, Li Zhi also recounted his conversation with Li Yanran.


Su Dingfang was really not calm now.

He really didn't expect that he would get the opportunity to send troops to Tibet this time, not because of his own bravery, but because of the words of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

This is too ridiculous!
But this also shows from the side how much His Majesty the Emperor loves Princess Lishan.

But I don't seem to have anything to do with that princess, why does she trust herself so much, and is willing to speak for herself in front of the emperor?
"So Su Dingfang, you must not let me and Princess Lishan down. This battle must be as powerful as the Tang Dynasty. Do you understand?"

Li Zhi knew what Su Dingfang was thinking, but since it was him who made the decision, he couldn't live up to his and Datang's expectations.

He was only allowed to win this battle, not lose.

Otherwise, not only will Tuhun Valley be in danger, but Longyou Dao will also be in crisis.

"I will definitely live up to the high expectations of Your Majesty and Princess Lishan and unleash the glorious power of the Tang Dynasty."

Su Dingfang got up directly and saluted Li Zhi.

"Okay, let's get ready. This trip is a long way, so you must protect yourself, understand!"


Su Dingfang left, and Li Zhi slowly walked out of the imperial study, looking at the sky above his head, wondering what he was thinking.

After Li Zhi left, Li Yanran was also bored. Thinking about the banquet in the evening, she glanced at Li Hong beside her.

"Brother Hong, do you think there will be any disputes at this banquet?"

Li Hong was also stunned when he heard Li Yanran's words, and nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Of course it won't happen if it is those small countries in the Western Regions, but Tubo has always believed that it is no worse than the Tang Dynasty.

Last time their envoys came over, there seemed to be a civil and military competition held during the state banquet, and they were all defeated in the end. It should be the same this time. "

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Since you want Tubo to know how powerful it is, let’s start from this banquet!


Thinking of this, Li Yanran ran away.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong was a little confused, so Sayazi followed him.

"Li Feng, go and prepare charcoal, saltpeter and sulfur right away, as well as find some bamboo and iron beads."

(End of this chapter)

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