My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 499 Let the lead fly for a while longer

Li Yanran said to Li Feng while walking.

That's right, you are right, Li Yanran is going to be the gunpowder of China's four great inventions.

It's just that it's not certain whether black powder is available now. Even if it is, it's the most primitive one. The explosion power is too small and it's not taken seriously.

What she had to do was to put the gunpowder in front of everyone in advance and give those Tibetan people a lot of insight.


Li Feng nodded and immediately went to find what Li Yanran wanted.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, not knowing what his elder sister wanted to do?
Why do I suddenly feel like having convulsions and want these things?

"You'll find out later!"

There was a hint of coldness on Li Yanran's face. If you want to increase the power of black gunpowder, there are two simple steps.

One is purification, and the other is the ratio of the three materials.

She couldn't purify it for the time being, but there was no problem in changing the ratio.

She still knows the folk formula of one nitrate, two sulfonates, three charcoal, and a little sugar.

But this is not the best ratio. Later generations recognized it as fifteen parts saltpeter, three parts charcoal and two parts sulfur.

As long as you adjust it a little, it depends on how your Tubo people die.


Li Hong's face was full of questions. He didn't know what kind of medicine his sister was selling in her gourd.

It didn't take long for Li Feng to return with the things Li Yanran needed.

Looking at the objects wrapped in paper, Li Yanran also felt excited.

I've seen this kind of gunpowder on TV a lot, so if I do it myself, it's like a big girl getting on the sedan chair.

Instruct Li Feng to divide these things and place them one by one in front of him.

"Put it into the stone mortar according to the ratio of fifteen parts saltpeter, three parts charcoal and two parts sulfur."


Li Feng moved quickly and quickly put the saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur into the stone mortar according to Li Yanran's ratio.

Then he picked up a stone pestle and started pounding it vigorously.

After a while, everything in the stone mortar turned into powder.

"Sister, what on earth is this?"

Seeing Li Feng's movements, Li Hong's curiosity could no longer be suppressed. He tilted his head and asked his sister.

"This is called black powder, and it's delicious."

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong and said that you would know later. Why do you keep asking?
Are you one hundred thousand why?

Didn’t you know curiosity can kill a cat?
"Delicious? I don't believe it!"

With his eyes filled with suspicion, Li Hong picked up a little gunpowder with his hand and put it into his mouth.

"Bah bah bah."

When the gunpowder entered Li Hong's body, he felt bad.

There was a strange bitter taste in his mouth, and there was a burning sensation on his tongue, which almost made him spit it out.


Seeing Li Hong's actions, Li Yanran was stunned.

What the hell are you doing? That's gunpowder, not powdered sugar. Are you crazy?
"Li Feng, get some water quickly!"

Li Yanran grabbed Li Hong and put her fingers on his throat while asking Li Feng to get some water.


Li Hong couldn't hold back any longer after being pressed by Li Yanran's fingers, and started to vomit.

Li Yanran felt relieved after Li Feng brought some water and rinsed Li Hong's mouth.

"Sister, you are lying, this is so unpalatable!"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran in front of him aggrievedly, his little eyes filled with tears.

Sister is really bad. She actually deceived me into eating something so disgusting.

Won't your conscience hurt?

Li Yanran raised her hand and slapped Li Hong on the head. She looked at her little brother with a dark face, her eyes full of anger.

"You don't want your life? Where's your brain? Did you throw it into the fief? Is this something edible?"

You still dare to complain to me, Li Yanran really wants to kill him now.

Do you dare to taste gunpowder?Do you really think you are Shennong?

Even Shennong would die without a burial if he ate too much of this stuff.

"Sister, you said it was delicious, and now you blame me?"

After receiving this slap, Li Hong frowned and glared at Li Yanran.

It's not that I want to taste it, but that I trust you too much.

Sister, you have thrown away my trust.

"Did I say it tastes delicious? Don't you think it's your own judgment?"

"I also said cow dung is delicious. Will you eat it?"

"When will you grow up? Let me worry less?"

Seeing that Li Hong dared to talk back, Li Yanran also turned on the combo mode and blasted at her little brother.

"Stop scolding, stop scolding, little brother, I know I was wrong!"

Facing Li Yanran with full firepower, Li Hong was completely helpless and could only cover his ears in vain and beg for mercy.

"It really pisses me off. If you are so stupid next time, don't say you are my brother."

Li Yanran turned her head away angrily, not wanting to look at her stupid brother.

"Miss, what should I do next?"

Li Feng shook his head. His Highness the Crown Prince's brain was indeed a little lacking.


To be honest, Li Yanran didn't know what to do next.

The ratio of gunpowder is simple, but how to apply it?
Can't be a bomb!
In this way, not only the Tubo envoys will die, but also the officials in the banquet hall will not be spared.

If he blows up his father all at once, this would be a big joke.

But what to do with the musket?
She only knew that it was made of bamboo, but she really didn't know how to make it. "Try the power of this black powder first."

After thinking for a while, Li Yanran directly asked Li Feng to split a bamboo, fill it with black gunpowder, twist a fuse with paper and insert it into the master's opening.


Everything was ready, Li Yanran lit the long fuse, and then ran away.

When the two saw Li Yanran running wildly, they also followed closely behind her, and ran to a distance with her.

The three of them hid behind a big tree and watched the fuse slowly burn.

"Sister, what's going on?"

Li Hong looked at his sister with a depressed face, wondering what she meant?
"Don't worry, let the lead fly for a while!"

Li Yanran was lying when she said she wasn't worried. After all, this was her first time doing this, and she didn't know the specific effects.

"Let the lead fly for a while?"

Li Hong was even more confused now, Sister, can you please stop playing riddles?
If this continues, I will die of anxiety!

A puff of white smoke was accompanied by a thunderous noise, and the bamboo tube was blown to pieces.


The sudden explosion scared Li Hong to his knees.

He stared at the land that had been bombed into a mess, his eyes full of horror.

"what sound?"

"It seems to be a place in the imperial garden."

"Go and see!"

The nearby chamberlains all heard the explosion and ran over without daring to stop.


Everyone was stunned when they looked at what was in front of them.

What just happened here?Why are your two highnesses here?

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

A chamberlain quickly saluted Li Yanran and Li Hong and asked if they were okay.

"If anything happens to me, get out of here. No one can come near this place!"

Seeing the person who suddenly rushed out, Li Yanran's brows knitted together.

This is his secret weapon. If the news leaks out, it may be a disaster for Datang.


Waiters, you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know what to do for a moment.

"Didn't you hear what my sister said? Get out of here now. If you stay here any longer, I will dig out your eyes."

Seeing that they didn't listen to his sister's words, Li Hong also turned cold and shouted angrily.




After looking at the angry Li Hong, the servants were also horrified and ran away.

The shadow of the human life tree, Li Hong's reputation is well known in the palace.

If the other party really cares about you, you may not know what will happen.

Looking at the servants who disappeared in an instant, Li Yanran also gave the younger brother a look of approval.

After all, he is the little bully of the palace, and he is really powerful.

"Sister, this... this thing is really scary!"

When Li Hong came to the place where the explosion occurred, his heart was already in turmoil and he could not calm down for a long time.

If sister hadn't taken him away in advance, he might not know what he would be like now.

"So now you know the danger you just faced!"

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, now you know how powerful it is!
Not only can this gunpowder explode, but if you take too much of it, it will be a poison that penetrates your intestines, making it difficult for gods to save you.


Li Hong nodded with lingering fear. If these things really got into his stomach, he would be shocked.

Otherwise, he would be blown to pieces.

Feeling the power of gunpowder, Li Yanran also began to think about how to get the sudden musket that was only available in the Song Dynasty.

Ask Li Feng to open up the inside of the bamboo, then carefully fill the gunpowder into the bamboo tube and compact it.

Then he found a wooden stick and put it against the back of the bamboo tube.

Finally, the iron ball was pressed into the main tube, and a small hole was drilled out at the bottom of the bamboo tube to leave it for the lead wire.

After everything was done, Li Yanran discovered another big problem.

How should I experiment with this thing?

Will it explode if someone holds it?
If this thing explodes, your hand will be gone.

"Miss, let me try it!"

Li Feng saw Li Yanran's hesitation, and directly took the bamboo in his hand, his eyes were full of determination.

"No, go get a bench."

Li Yanran shook her head. Naturally, she would not let Li Feng take risks.

This is his absolute confidant, no matter how senior he is, he can't defeat him.


Li Feng put down the bamboo and immediately moved out a bench.

Seeing the bench, Li Yanran directly ordered Li Feng to tie the newly made musket to the bench, and then pointed the muzzle of the gun at a big tree.

Li Yanran lit the fuse with a fire stick, then ran away.

Li Hong and Li Feng knew how powerful he was, so they immediately ran after Li Yanran.

"You idiot, run in the opposite direction of the bamboo!"

Seeing Li Hong running towards the front of the gun, Li Yanran was also taken aback, and hurriedly shouted at him.

Hearing this, Li Hong also trembled and quickly turned around and ran.


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