My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 500: You don’t understand the power of technology!

Chapter 500: You don’t understand the power of technology!

There was a soft sound, and a puff of white smoke suddenly appeared along with the light of the fire. The iron beads inside also hit the big tree with the explosive thrust.

Li Hong covered his ears, but there was no explosion as expected, and he was also stunned.

Why is this voice so small?Did it fail?
After waiting for a while, Li Yanran also rushed to Li Hong angrily, raised her hand and slapped him.

"Sister, why did you hit me again?"

Looking at the angry sister, Li Hong felt a little aggrieved and didn't understand why she was so angry.

"Why did I hit you? Come here!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything more and directly pulled Li Hong to the side of the big tree.


Li Yanran pointed with her hand, and Li Hong looked around and saw that the tree trunk was in a mess, full of craters made by iron beads.


Li Hong also took a breath of air when he touched the craters with his hand.

He really didn't expect the power of this sudden musket to be so terrifying. If it hit someone, he could already imagine the consequences.

So scary, so scary!

"Now you know why I hit you. If you had run to the other side just now, you know what would have happened!"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong another try, now you know how powerful it is!

Why did I hit you?
If I don't hit you, can you have a long memory?

"Sister, are these all made of bamboo?"

Li Hong still didn't believe it. He couldn't imagine that a piece of bamboo could cause such horrific damage.

"Nonsense, this is the power of technology, you know nothing!"

Li Yanran also touched the crater on the tree trunk with her hand. She did not expect that she would be able to successfully create this musket the first time.

And this power also made her speechless, it was too terrifying.

"Technology? What is technology? And what is this weapon called?"

Li Hong felt that his little brain was not enough.

What is technology?

"I can't explain to you what technology is, but I'm going to name this weapon a musket."

Li Yanran also had a headache. How can I explain to you the meaning of technology?
science and technology?
I'm afraid you don't understand either.

"Firegun? That's a bad name. It's not domineering enough!"

Li Hong shook his head, this name was too vulgar, how could it be worthy of his power.

"Not domineering enough? What do you want to call it?"

Li Yanran was also stunned when she heard that Li Hong actually criticized Tu Huo Gun's name.

This name is indeed a bit too popular, and I don’t know how people in the Song Dynasty came up with the name.

"From what I've seen, it's called the Fire Dragon Spear. It spits out fire like fire, attacks like a dragon, and kills the enemy invisible."

Li Hong thought for a moment and gave a name that was incomparable to the second grade.

"Fuck off."

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong on the butt.

Return the fire dragon?
Why don't you call me Vulcan?
How can we easily use the word dragon?
If dad finds out about this, he won't skin you.

"Ouch, you hit me again, what do you want me to be called, sister?"

Li Hong covered his head in depression.

"I don't know, let's just call the gunfire first!"

Li Yanran had nothing to say and asked Li Feng to pack them up. He also removed all the projectiles in the trunk one by one, leaving absolutely no chance for others to investigate.

"Brother Hong, what do you think the Tubo people would think if this sudden musket was used against them?"

After finishing cleaning up, Li Yanran and Li Hong sat on the steps.

"Why don't you scare them to death? I'm afraid only you, sister, can create such a magical weapon."

Li Hong's eyes were full of excitement. This sudden musket was simply too powerful. He was almost frightened to death anyway, let alone the Tubo people.

"Hey, let's teach the Tubo people a lesson tonight and let them see how powerful I am in the Tang Dynasty."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she felt relieved when Li Hong said that.

"Sister, do you want to be more shocked?"

Li Hong rolled his eyes and slowly spoke to Li Yanran.

"How to say?"

Li Yanran was stunned for a moment, wondering what other whims his silly brother had in mind.

"If there really is a fight, let me take this musket to fight with them in the ring, and then kill the Tubo generals at once. How about that?"

Li Hong's eyes were full of eagerness to try. Just imagine that a child of just a few years old could defeat the generals of Tibet.

What will the other party think?
It's possible to scare people to death.

Li Yanran raised her hand and slapped her little brother directly on the head.


Li Hong was really stupid now. Why did he suddenly slap himself again?

He really didn't understand.

"Remember, the black powder or the musket are all uncontrollable.

In the event of an accident, his hands may be blown up, or he may die on the spot.

It is said that the son of a rich man will not sit in the imperial palace. As the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, you must not get close to these things.

If I find out that you dare to mess with this, I will skin you. "

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong with wide eyes. She often walked by the river without getting her shoes wet.

Firecrackers can kill people, let alone gunpowder. If something goes wrong with him, he will become a sinner through the ages.


Li Hong still didn't want to give up. What a great opportunity this was.

If he could kill the Tubo people with one shot, how famous would he be?

Not only his father would be shocked, but even the Tubo people would know his name.

As for danger?

Wasn't there a problem just now?

"But what? Don't turn a deaf ear to my warning, otherwise you know the consequences!"

Seeing that Li Hong still didn't want to give up, Li Yanran immediately twisted his ears, her eyes full of warning.

"Sister, it hurts." "I know I was wrong, sister."

"Relax your hands, your ears are going to fall off."

In the evening, there was a grand banquet in the palace, and all the officials, princes and nobles were present. It was considered that Tubo was given the highest treatment.

Seeing all the officials, the princes were all ready, and Li Zhi nodded to Ruian beside him.

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the Tibetan envoys are attending the banquet."

Ruian understood, stood beside Li Zhi, and shouted loudly outside.

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the Tibetan envoys are attending the banquet."

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the Tibetan envoys are attending the banquet."

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the Tibetan envoys are attending the banquet."

As the sound was passed on, Prime Minister Lu Dongzan, who had been waiting outside for a long time, also put on his clothes and nodded to the people around him.

Then, headed by him, a dozen Tubo envoys also lined up and walked into the banquet hall.

"The Prime Minister of Tubo, Lu Dongzan, pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

Lu Dongzan waved his clothes and showed Li Zhi a standard Tubo etiquette.

"Okay, Lu Dongzan, please take your seat at the banquet!"

Li Zhi nodded and motioned for him to sit down at the banquet.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Tang Emperor!"

Lu Dongzan sat directly in the assigned seat.

Li Zhi glanced at Ruian, and Ruian stood up after saluting Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty has an order to start the banquet."

Following Ruian's call, countless slaves poured into the hall carrying gold plates.

Seeing the delicacies served like flowing water, the Tibetan envoy was also moved with his index fingers.

Although they are also a privileged class in Tubo, what they eat and use is not much different from ordinary wealthy people.

But the delicacies of the Tang Dynasty really opened their eyes.

Such exquisite delicacies and these utensils are truly beautiful things that have never been seen in Tibet.

Datang is really a good place, but these are all belonging to Datang.

It would be great if it could belong to Tubo.

Lu Dongzan looked at the things in front of him with a hint of greed in his eyes.

After all, the Tang Dynasty was so beautiful.

Compared with the Tang Dynasty, Tubo was far behind.

After the delicious food, 120 dancers wearing armor and holding halberds poured into the banquet hall, and a chilling atmosphere swept out instantly.

"This is this?"

Tubo Yi Dawamu looked at these dancers with a hint of panic in his eyes.

They came here for the banquet, and all their weapons were confiscated. If the other party really wanted to attack them, they would definitely die in the Tang Dynasty.

"Don't panic, this is the Tang Dynasty's Qin King's Formation Breaking Music."

Lu Dongzan glanced at Dawamu and signaled him to be calm.

As the Prime Minister of Tubo, he was well versed in the culture of the Tang Dynasty. He had also seen the Qin King's Po Zhen music in the Tang Dynasty. He knew that this was a standard part of the Tang Dynasty's state banquet, so there was nothing to be alarmed about.


Hearing what Lu Dongzan said, Dawamu also calmed down.

He wanted to see how powerful the world-famous King Qin's Formation Breaking Music was.

As the syllables beat, the 120 dancers also began to slow down their formation in response to the drum beats.

To say it is a dance, it is better to say it is a drill of the Tang Dynasty military formation.

After the song ended, the dancers saluted together and slowly exited the banquet hall.

Although the dance is over, the hearts of the Tubo people are surging like a stormy sea, especially the piece of Dawamu.

He saw many things from this dance, no matter the evolution of the battle formation or anything else, he did not have it in Tubo.

This is the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, which is unmatched by Tubo.

It seems that Tubo still has a lot to learn. It is not as easy to take over the Tang Dynasty as I thought.

"Lu Dongzan, how do you feel about this dance?"

Li Zhi looked at the stunned Tubo people and smiled.

This song was specially composed for my father. You Tubo people have never even thought about it, let alone seeing it!

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, this dance really makes Lu Dongzan sigh in his heart. The power of the Tang Dynasty is like thunder in the sky, which makes me feel ashamed."

Lu Dongzan quickly stood up, saluted Li Zhi, and then flattered him wildly.

No one wants to listen to someone who is obedient, and this emperor is no exception.

"As long as you like it, come and drink together."

Li Zhi nodded, and he still accepted Lu Dongzan's words.

A song that shocked foreign countries must be the power of the Tang Dynasty, and it was also his power.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Tang Emperor!"

Lu Dongzan also picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank the wine in one gulp.

As the banquet progressed, everyone was changing glasses and enjoying the meal.

The officials of the Tang Dynasty were fine, but the Tubo people devoured it because they had never eaten such delicacies.

The most popular of these was the Yuye wine, a specialty of Lan Kwai Fong, and these Tubo people were captured instantly.

Such a mellow and rich taste is completely different from the wine they drink.

"Your Majesty, Lu Dongzan has something that I don't know whether to ask or not."

After Lu Dongzan drank all the wine in the cup, he also saluted Li Zhi.

"you say!"

Looking at Lu Dongzan, Li Zhi was also confused and didn't know what he wanted to ask.

"Your Majesty, I don't know where this wine is brewed. Can you tell me the brewing method? Tubo would be very grateful."

Lu Dongzan smiled slightly and expressed his thoughts.

How could such a fine wine not bring back the gift of Tubo?


(End of this chapter)

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